Update translations

This commit is contained in:
tobspr 2020-10-09 08:21:37 +02:00
parent d83c19434a
commit c1381f66d0
30 changed files with 1364 additions and 440 deletions

View File

@ -196,6 +196,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Move
@ -304,6 +312,30 @@ ingame:
and belts to finish the goal quicker.<br><br>Tip: Hold
<strong>SHIFT</strong> to place multiple extractors, and use
<strong>R</strong> to rotate them."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -694,7 +726,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ mainMenu:
discordLink: Servidor Discord oficial
helpTranslate: Ajuda a traduir-lo!
madeBy: Creat per <author-link>
browserWarning: >-
Disculpa, però el joc funcionarà lent al teu navegador! Aconsegueix el joc complet o descarrega't chrome per una millor experiència.
browserWarning: Disculpa, però el joc funcionarà lent al teu navegador!
Aconsegueix el joc complet o descarrega't chrome per una millor
savegameLevel: Nivell <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nivell desconegut
savegameUnnamed: Unnamed
@ -204,6 +205,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Canviar el nom.
desc: Canviar el nom de la partida guardada.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Moure
@ -314,6 +323,30 @@ ingame:
ràpidament.<br><br>Pista: Manté pressionat
<strong>SHIFT</strong> per a col·locar més extractors, i
utilitza <strong>R</strong> per a rotar-los."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -711,12 +744,13 @@ storyRewards:
passar-ho bé!
title: Cables i Pintador Quàdruple
desc: "\"Has desbloquejat la <strong>Capa de Cables</strong>: És una capa
separada damunt la capa normal i introdueix moltes mecàniques
noves!<br><br> Per començar t'he desbloquejat el <strong>Pintador
Quàdruple</strong>. Conecta les ranures que vols pintar a la capa de
Cables!<br><br> Per canviar a la capa de Cables, prem
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtre d'Ítems
desc: Has desbloquejat el <strong>Filtre d'Ítems</strong>! Filtrarà els ítems a

View File

@ -1,32 +1,7 @@
# Přispívání:
# Pokud chceš přispět, prosím udělej pull request na tento repozitář
# a já se na to podívám.
# Zástupné symboly:
# *Nepřekládej* zástupné symboly! Zástupné symboly mají speciální syntaxi jako
# `Hotkey: <key>`. Jsou ohraničeny pomocí špičatých závorek. Správný překlad
# tohoto v Němčině by bylo například: `Taste: <key>` (všimni si jak zástupný znak
# zůstal '<key>' a nebyl přeložen!)
# Pravidla překladu:
# - Udržuj stejné formátování a pořadí jako ve zdrojové angličtině.
# - Používej druhou osobu množného čísla (vykání).
# Toto je krátký text zobrazený na steam stránce
shortText: shapez.io je hra o stavbě továren na automatizaci výroby a kombinování čím dál složitějších tvarů na nekonečné mapě.
# Toto je text zobrazený nad odkazem na Discord
shortText: shapez.io je hra o stavbě továren na automatizaci výroby a
kombinování čím dál složitějších tvarů na nekonečné mapě.
discordLinkShort: Oficiální Discord
intro: >-
Máte rádi automatizaci? Tak to jste na správném místě!
@ -35,7 +10,6 @@ steamPage:
A jako by to nestačilo, musíte také produkovat exponenciálně více, abyste uspokojili požadavky - jediná věc, která pomáhá, je škálování! Zatímco na začátku tvary pouze zpracováváte, později je musíte obarvit - těžbou a mícháním barev!
Koupením hry na platformě Steam získáte přístup k plné verzi hry, ale také můžete nejdříve hrát demo verzi na shapez.io a až potom se rozhodnout!
title_advantages: Výhody samostatné verze hry
- <b>12 Nových úrovní</b> z celkových 26 úrovní
@ -46,7 +20,6 @@ steamPage:
- Neomezený počet uložených her
- Neomezené značky
- Podpořte mě! ❤️
title_future: Plánovaný obsah
- Blueprintová knihovna
@ -56,44 +29,32 @@ steamPage:
- Módy
- Sandbox mód
- ... a mnohem víc!
title_open_source: Tato hra je open source!
text_open_source: >-
Kdokoli může přispět, jsem aktivně zapojený do komunity, pokouším se zkontrolovat všechny návrhy a vzít v úvahu zpětnou vazbu všude, kde je to možné.
Kdokoli může přispět, jsem aktivně zapojený do komunity, pokouším se
zkontrolovat všechny návrhy a vzít v úvahu zpětnou vazbu všude, kde je
to možné.
Nezapomeňte se podívat na můj trello board pro kompletní plán!
title_links: Odkazy
discord: Oficiální Discord
roadmap: Roadmap
subreddit: Subreddit
source_code: Zdrojový kód (GitHub)
translate: Pomozte přeložit hru!
loading: Načítání
error: Chyba
# Jak jsou zobrazena velká čísla, např. "10 000"
thousandsDivider: " "
# Jaký symbol použít pro oddělené celých čísel od desetinných, např: "0,4"
decimalSeparator: ","
# Přípona pro velká čísla, např: 1.3k, 400.2M, atd.
thousands: k
millions: M
billions: B
trillions: T
# Zobrazeno pro nekonečně velká čísla
infinite: nekonečno
# Použito pro formátování minulých časů
oneSecondAgo: před sekundou
xSecondsAgo: před <x> sekundami
oneMinuteAgo: před minutou
@ -102,14 +63,10 @@ global:
xHoursAgo: před <x> hodinami
oneDayAgo: včera
xDaysAgo: před <x> dny
# Krátké formáty pro časy, např. '5h 23m'
secondsShort: <seconds>s
minutesAndSecondsShort: <minutes>m <seconds>s
hoursAndMinutesShort: <hours>h <minutes>m
xMinutes: <x> minut
tab: TAB
control: CTRL
@ -117,13 +74,9 @@ global:
escape: ESC
shift: SHIFT
space: SPACE
# Toto je "reklama" zobrazená v hlavním menu a na dalších místech
title: Demo verze
intro: >-
Získejte plnou verzi pro odemknutí všech funkcí a obsahu!
intro: Získejte plnou verzi pro odemknutí všech funkcí a obsahu!
play: Hrát
continue: Pokračovat
@ -135,15 +88,12 @@ mainMenu:
discordLink: Oficiální Discord Server
helpTranslate: Pomozte přeložit hru!
madeBy: Vytvořil <author-link>
# Toto je zobrazeno při použití Firefox a dalších nepodporovaných prohlížečů
browserWarning: >-
Promiňte, ale víme, že hra poběží pomalu ve vašem prohlížeči! Pořiďte si samostatnou verzi nebo si stíhněte Google Chrome pro plnohodnotný zážitek.
browserWarning: Promiňte, ale víme, že hra poběží pomalu ve vašem prohlížeči!
Pořiďte si samostatnou verzi nebo si stíhněte Google Chrome pro
plnohodnotný zážitek.
savegameLevel: Úroveň <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Neznámá úroveň
savegameUnnamed: Nepojmenovaný
ok: OK
@ -157,121 +107,103 @@ dialogs:
viewUpdate: Zobrazit aktualizaci
showUpgrades: Zobrazit vylepšení
showKeybindings: Zobrazit klávesové zkratky
title: Chyba Importu
text: >-
Nepovedlo se importovat vaši uloženou hru:
text: "Nepovedlo se importovat vaši uloženou hru:"
title: Uložená hra importována
text: >-
Vaše uložená hra byla úspěšně importována.
text: Vaše uložená hra byla úspěšně importována.
title: Uložená hra je poškozená
text: >-
Nepovedlo se načíst vaši uloženou hru:
text: "Nepovedlo se načíst vaši uloženou hru:"
title: Potvrdit smazání
text: >-
Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat tuto uloženou hru?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' s úrovní <savegameLevel><br><br>
Tato akce je nevratná!
text: Jste si jisti, že chcete smazat tuto uloženou hru?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' s úrovní <savegameLevel><br><br> Tato akce je
title: Chyba mazání
text: >-
Nepovedlo se smazat vaši uloženou hru:
text: "Nepovedlo se smazat vaši uloženou hru:"
title: Vyžadován restart
text: >-
Pro aplikování nastavení musíte restartovat hru.
text: Pro aplikování nastavení musíte restartovat hru.
title: Změna klávesové zkratky
desc: Zmáčkněte klávesu nebo tlačítko myši pro přiřazení nebo Escape pro zrušení.
desc: Zmáčkněte klávesu nebo tlačítko myši pro přiřazení nebo Escape pro
title: Reset klávesových zkratek
desc: Toto vrátí všechny klávesové zkratky do původního nastavení. Prosím potvrďte.
desc: Toto vrátí všechny klávesové zkratky do původního nastavení. Prosím
title: Reset klávesových zkratek
desc: Všechny klávesové zkratky byly vráceny do původního nastavení!
title: Demo verze
desc: Zkoušíte použít funkci (<feature>), která není v demo verzi. Zvažte pořízení plné verze pro kompletní zážitek!
desc: Zkoušíte použít funkci (<feature>), která není v demo verzi. Zvažte
pořízení plné verze pro kompletní zážitek!
title: Omezené ukládání
desc: Ve demo verzi můžete mít pouze jednu uloženou hru. Odstraňte stávající uloženou hru nebo si pořiďte plnou verzi!
desc: Ve demo verzi můžete mít pouze jednu uloženou hru. Odstraňte stávající
uloženou hru nebo si pořiďte plnou verzi!
title: Nová aktualizace!
desc: >-
Tady jsou změny od posledního hraní:
desc: "Tady jsou změny od posledního hraní:"
title: Odemknout vylepšení
desc: >-
Všechny tvary, které vytvoříte, lze použít k odemčení vylepšení - <strong>Neničte své staré továrny!</strong>
Kartu vylepšení lze najít v pravém horním rohu obrazovky.
desc: Všechny tvary, které vytvoříte, lze použít k odemčení vylepšení -
<strong>Neničte své staré továrny!</strong> Kartu vylepšení lze
najít v pravém horním rohu obrazovky.
title: Potvrdit smazání
desc: >-
Odstraňujete spoustu budov (přesněji <count>)! Opravdu je chcete smazat?
desc: Odstraňujete spoustu budov (přesněji <count>)! Opravdu je chcete smazat?
title: Potvrdit vyjmutí
desc: >-
Vyjímáte spoustu budov (přesněji <count>)! Opravdu je chcete vyjmout?
desc: Vyjímáte spoustu budov (přesněji <count>)! Opravdu je chcete vyjmout?
title: Potvrdit vyjmutí
desc: >-
Nemůžete si dovolit vložení této oblasti! Opravdu ji chcete vyjmout?
desc: Nemůžete si dovolit vložení této oblasti! Opravdu ji chcete vyjmout?
title: Zatím neodemčeno
desc: >-
Dokončete úroveň 12 pro odemčení Plánů!
desc: Dokončete úroveň 12 pro odemčení Plánů!
title: Užitečné klávesové zkratky
desc: >-
Tato hra má spoustu klávesových zkratek, které usnadňují stavbu velkých továren.
Zde jsou některé, ale nezapomeňte se podívat i na <strong>ostatní klávesové zkratky</strong>!<br><br>
<code class='keybinding'>CTRL</code> + Táhnout: Vybrání oblasti.<br>
<code class='keybinding'>SHIFT</code>: Podržením můžete umístit více budov za sebout.<br>
<code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Změnit orientaci umístěných pásů.<br>
desc: "Tato hra má spoustu klávesových zkratek, které usnadňují stavbu velkých
továren. Zde jsou některé, ale nezapomeňte se podívat i na
<strong>ostatní klávesové zkratky</strong>!<br><br> <code
class='keybinding'>CTRL</code> + Táhnout: Vybrání oblasti.<br> <code
class='keybinding'>SHIFT</code>: Podržením můžete umístit více budov
za sebout.<br> <code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Změnit orientaci
umístěných pásů.<br>"
title: Nová značka
titleEdit: Upravit značku
desc: Použijte smysluplný název, můžete také zahrnout <strong>krátký klíč</strong> tvaru (Ten můžete vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
desc: Použijte smysluplný název, můžete také zahrnout <strong>krátký
klíč</strong> tvaru (Ten můžete vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
title: Nastavte signál
descItems: >-
Vyberte předdefinovanou položku:
descShortKey: ... nebo zadejte <strong>krátký klíč</strong> tvaru (Ten můžete vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
descItems: "Vyberte předdefinovanou položku:"
descShortKey: ... nebo zadejte <strong>krátký klíč</strong> tvaru (Ten můžete
vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
desc: V demo verzi můžete vytvořit pouze dvě značky. Pořiďte si plnou verzi pro neomezený počet značek!
desc: V demo verzi můžete vytvořit pouze dvě značky. Pořiďte si plnou verzi pro
neomezený počet značek!
title: Exportuj snímek obrazovky
desc: Chcete exportovat svou základnu jako snímek obrazovky. Mějte prosím na paměti, že to bude docela pomalé u větších základen a může dokonce dojít k pádu hry!
desc: Chcete exportovat svou základnu jako snímek obrazovky. Mějte prosím na
paměti, že to bude docela pomalé u větších základen a může dokonce
dojít k pádu hry!
title: Přejmenovat uloženou hru
desc: Zde můžete přejmenovat svoji uloženou hru.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Posun mapy
@ -366,6 +298,30 @@ ingame:
a pásy, abyste dosáhli cíle rychleji.<br><br>Tip: Chcete-li
umístit více extraktorů, podržte <strong>SHIFT</strong>. Pomocí
<strong>R</strong> je můžete otočit."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Červená
green: Zelená
@ -755,12 +711,13 @@ storyRewards:
na tvou volbu, nezapomeň si svou hru užít!
title: Kabely a čtyřnásobný barvič
desc: "Právě jste odemkli <strong>vrstvu kabelů</strong>: Je to samostatná
vrstva navíc oproti běžné vrstvě a představuje spoustu nových
možností!<br><br> Do začátku jsem zpřístupnil <strong>čtyřnásobný
barvič</strong> - Připojte vstupy, které byste chtěli obarvit na
vrstvě kabelů!<br><br> Pro přepnutí mezi vrstvami stiskněte klávesu
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtr předmětů
desc: Právě jste odemkli <strong>filtr předmětů</strong>! Nasměruje předměty buď

View File

@ -201,6 +201,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Bevæg dig
@ -309,6 +317,30 @@ ingame:
bælter for at færdiggøre målet hurtigere.<br><br>Tip: Hold
<strong>SKIFT</strong> for at sætte flere udvindere, og tryk
<strong>R</strong> for at rotere dem."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -699,7 +731,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ steamPage:
intro: >-
Du magst Automatisierungsspiele? Dann bist du hier genau richtig!
shapez.io ist ein entspanntes Spiel, in dem du Fabriken zur
automatisierten Produktion von geometrischen Formen bauen musst.
shapez.io ist ein entspanntes Spiel, in dem du Fabriken zur automatisierten Produktion von geometrischen Formen bauen musst.
Mit steigendem Level werden die Formen immer komplexer, und du musst dich auf der unendlich großen Karte ausbreiten. Das ist noch nicht alles, denn du musst exponentiell mehr produzieren, um die Anforderungen zu erfüllen - Da hilft nur skalieren!
@ -197,6 +196,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Speicherstand umbenennen
desc: Hier kannst du deinen Speicherstand umbenennen.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Bewegen
@ -304,6 +311,30 @@ ingame:
Fließbänder, um das Ziel schneller zu erreichen.<br><br>Tipp:
Halte <strong>UMSCH</strong>, um mehrere Gebäude zu platzieren
und nutze <strong>R</strong>, um sie zu rotieren."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: Ein Extrahierer
n_miners: <amount> Extrahierer
@ -588,8 +619,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Verteiler
desc: Der multifunktionale <strong>Verteiler</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Er kann
benutzt werden, um größere Fabriken zu bauen, indem Fließbänder <strong>aufgeteilt oder zusammengelegt</strong> werden!
desc: Der multifunktionale <strong>Verteiler</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Er
kann benutzt werden, um größere Fabriken zu bauen, indem Fließbänder
<strong>aufgeteilt oder zusammengelegt</strong> werden!
title: Tunnel
desc: Der <strong>Tunnel</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Du kannst Items nun
@ -658,13 +690,14 @@ storyRewards:
(Überraschung! :D).
title: Wires-Ebene & vierfacher Färber
desc: Du hast soeben die <strong>Wires-Ebene</strong> freigeschaltet! Diese
desc: >-
Du hast soeben die <strong>Wires-Ebene</strong> freigeschaltet! Diese
separate Ebene befindet sich unter deinen Gebäuden und gibt dir
viele neue Möglichkeiten.<br><br> Für den Anfang bekommst du einen
<strong>vierfachen Färber</strong>. Schließe die Eingänge, mit denen
du die Quadranten färben möchtest, an ein Signalkabel auf der
Wires-Ebene an!<br><br> Mit <strong>E</strong> wechselst du zwischen
den Ebenen.
den Ebenen. PS: <strong>Aktiviere Hinweise</strong> in den Einstellungen um das Tutorial anzuzeigen!
title: Itemfilter
desc: Du hast den <strong>Itemfilter</strong> freigeschaltet! Items, die dem
@ -687,12 +720,13 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>Wahrheitswerte</strong> (1 oder 0) zur Verfügung stellen.
title: Logikgatter
desc: >-
Du hast nun eine Reihe an <strong>Logikgattern</strong> freigeschaltet! Das muss dich jetzt nicht
nervös machen, die Funktionsweise ist simpel und ziemlich cool.<br><br>
Mit Logikgattern kannst du UND-, ODER-, XODER- und NICHT-Operationen ausführen.<br><br>
Als Sahnehäubchen obendrauf stelle ich dir noch einen <strong>Transistor</strong> zur Verfügung.
Houston, wir sind Turing-vollständig!
desc: Du hast nun eine Reihe an <strong>Logikgattern</strong> freigeschaltet!
Das muss dich jetzt nicht nervös machen, die Funktionsweise ist
simpel und ziemlich cool.<br><br> Mit Logikgattern kannst du UND-,
ODER-, XODER- und NICHT-Operationen ausführen.<br><br> Als
Sahnehäubchen obendrauf stelle ich dir noch einen
<strong>Transistor</strong> zur Verfügung. Houston, wir sind
title: Virtuelle Verarbeitung
desc: "Du hast gerade eine Menge neue Gebäude freigeschaltet! Mit ihnen kannst

View File

@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Κίνηση
@ -306,6 +314,30 @@ ingame:
<strong>SHIFT</strong> για να τοποθετήσεις πολλούς αποσπαστές
και χρησιμοποιήστε το <strong>R</strong> για να τους
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Κόκκινο
green: Πράσινο
@ -721,7 +753,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Mover
@ -314,6 +322,30 @@ ingame:
más rápido.<br><br> Pista: Mantén pulsado <strong>SHIFT</strong>
para colocar varios extractores y usa <strong>R</strong> para
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -711,7 +743,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -201,6 +201,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Liiku
@ -310,6 +318,30 @@ ingame:
valmiiksi.<br><br>Vihje: Pidä pohjassa <strong>VAIHTO</strong>
laittaaksesi useampia kaivajia ja käytä <strong>R</strong>
kääntääksesi niitä."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -703,7 +735,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -201,6 +201,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Renommer la sauvegarde
desc: Vous pouvez renommer la sauvegarde ici.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Déplacer
@ -310,6 +318,30 @@ ingame:
plus vite votre but.<br><br> Astuce : Gardez
<strong>MAJ</strong> enfoncé pour placer plusieurs extracteurs,
et utilisez <strong>R</strong> pour les faire pivoter."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 extracteur
n_miners: <amount>extracteurs
@ -667,12 +699,13 @@ storyRewards:
pivoter une forme de 180 degrés (Surprise! :D)
title: Câbles & quadruple peintre
desc: "Vous avez débloqué le <strong>calque de câblage</strong> : Cest un
calque au-dessus du calque normal, qui introduit beaucoup de
nouvelles mécaniques de jeu!<br><br> Pour commencer, je vous
débloque le <strong>quadruple peintre</strong>. Connectez les
entrées à peindre sur le calque de câblage.<br><br> Pour voir le
calque de câblage, appuyez sur <strong>E</strong>."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtre à objets
desc: Vous avez débloqué le <strong>filtre à objets</strong>! Il dirige les

View File

@ -198,6 +198,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Kretanje
@ -306,6 +314,30 @@ ingame:
traka će ubrzati napredak do cilja.<br><br>Savjet: Drži
<strong>SHIFT</strong> za postavljanje više rudara istovremeno,
a pritisni <strong>R</strong> za rotaciju."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -691,7 +723,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Mozgatás
@ -312,6 +320,30 @@ ingame:
futószalagot, hogy hamarabb elérd a célt.<br><br>Tipp: Tartsd
lenyomva a <strong>SHIFT</strong>-et, hogy egyszerre több bányát
helyezz le, és nyomj <strong>R</strong>-t a forgatáshoz."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -705,7 +737,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ steamPage:
translate: Bantu menterjemahkan
text_open_source: >-
Semua orang bisa berpartisipasi, saya aktif terlibat dalam komunitas dan
mencoba untuk meninjau semua saran dan mempertimbangkan segala umpan balik
jika memungkinkan.
mencoba untuk meninjau semua saran dan mempertimbangkan segala umpan
balik jika memungkinkan.
Pastikan untuk memeriksa papan trello saya untuk peta jalan lengkapnya!
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ mainMenu:
helpTranslate: Bantu Terjemahkan!
madeBy: Dibuat oleh <author-link>
browserWarning: Maaf, tetapi permainan ini biasanya lambat pada perambah
(browser) Anda! Dapatkan versi lengkap atau unduh Chrome untuk pengalaman
(browser) Anda! Dapatkan versi lengkap atau unduh Chrome untuk
pengalaman sepenuhnya.
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Level tidak diketahui
savegameUnnamed: Unnamed
@ -119,9 +119,8 @@ dialogs:
text: "Gagal memuat data simpanan Anda:"
title: Konfirmasi Penghapusan
text: Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus game berikut?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' pada level <savegameLevel><br><br>
Hal ini tak dapat diulang!
text: Apakah anda yakin ingin menghapus game berikut?<br><br> '<savegameName>'
pada level <savegameLevel><br><br> Hal ini tak dapat diulang!
title: Gagal Menghapus
text: "Gagal untuk menghapus data simpanan:"
@ -186,10 +185,11 @@ dialogs:
title: Penanda Baru
titleEdit: Sunting Penanda
desc: Berikan nama yang berguna, anda juga bisa memasukkan <strong>kunci
pintas</strong> dari sebuah bentuk (Yang bisa anda buat sendiri <link>disini</link>)
pintas</strong> dari sebuah bentuk (Yang bisa anda buat sendiri
desc: Anda hanya dapat memuat dua penanda pada versi demo. Dapatkan versi lengkap
untuk penanda-penanda tak terhingga!
desc: Anda hanya dapat memuat dua penanda pada versi demo. Dapatkan versi
lengkap untuk penanda-penanda tak terhingga!
title: Ekspor Tangkapan Layar
desc: Anda meminta untuk mengekspor pangkalan pusat Anda sebagai tangkapan
@ -198,14 +198,19 @@ dialogs:
title: Atur Tanda
descItems: "Pilih item yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya:"
descShortKey: ... atau masukkan <strong>kunci pintas</strong> dari bentuk (Yang bisa anda buat sendiri <link>disini</link>)
descShortKey: ... atau masukkan <strong>kunci pintas</strong> dari bentuk (Yang
bisa anda buat sendiri <link>disini</link>)
title: Ganti Nama Data Simpanan
desc: Anda bisa mengganti nama data simpanan di sini.
title: Peringatan Kapasitas
desc: Anda telah membangun banyak bangunan, ini hanya sebuah peringatan kecil bahwa
game ini tidak dapat menangani jumlah bangunan yang tak terbatas - Jadi cobalah untuk membangun pabrik yang rapat.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Pindahkan
@ -261,27 +266,6 @@ ingame:
title: Tingkatan-tingkatan
buttonUnlock: Tingkatkan
tier: Tingkat <x>
- I
- II
- IV
- V
- VI
- IX
- X
- XI
- XV
- XX
maximumLevel: LEVEL MAKSIMUM (Kecepatan x<currentMult>)
title: Statistika
@ -307,10 +291,6 @@ ingame:
playtime: Waktu bermain
buildingsPlaced: Bangunan
beltsPlaced: Sabuk konveyor
continue: Lanjutkan
settings: Pengaturan
menu: Kembali ke menu
title: Butuh bantuan?
showHint: Tampilkan petunjuk
@ -320,9 +300,9 @@ ingame:
waypoints: Penanda
hub: PUSAT
description: Klik tombol kiri mouse pada penanda untuk melompat kepadanya,
klik tombol kanan untuk menghapusnya. <br><br>Tekan <keybinding>
untuk membuat penanda dari sudut pandang saat ini, atau <strong>klik
description: Klik tombol kiri mouse pada penanda untuk melompat kepadanya, klik
tombol kanan untuk menghapusnya. <br><br>Tekan <keybinding> untuk
membuat penanda dari sudut pandang saat ini, atau <strong>klik
tombol kanan</strong> untuk membuat penanda pada lokasi yang
creationSuccessNotification: Penanda telah dibuat.
@ -340,10 +320,33 @@ ingame:
seret</strong> sabuk konveyor dengan mouse!"
1_3_expand: "Ini <strong>BUKAN</strong> permainan menganggur! Bangun lebih
banyak ekstraktor dan sabuk konveyor untuk menyelesaikan
obyektif dengan lebih cepat. <br><br>Kiat: Tahan
tombol <strong>SHIFT</strong> untuk meletakkan beberapa
ekstraktor, dan gunakan tombol <strong>R</strong> untuk
obyektif dengan lebih cepat. <br><br>Kiat: Tahan tombol
<strong>SHIFT</strong> untuk meletakkan beberapa ekstraktor, dan
gunakan tombol <strong>R</strong> untuk memutar."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Ekstraktor
n_miners: <amount> Ekstraktor
@ -402,16 +405,15 @@ buildings:
name: Sabuk Konveyor
description: Mengangkut sumber daya, tahan dan seret untuk meletakkan
description: Mengangkut sumber daya, tahan dan seret untuk meletakkan beberapa.
name: Kabel
description: Memungkinkan anda untuk mengangkut Energi.
name: Kabel
description: Mentransfer sinyal, dapat berupa bentuk, warna, atau boolean (1 atau 0).
Kabel dengan warna berbeda tidak akan menyambung.
description: Mentransfer sinyal, dapat berupa bentuk, warna, atau boolean (1
atau 0). Kabel dengan warna berbeda tidak akan menyambung.
name: Ekstraktor
@ -455,8 +457,8 @@ buildings:
name: Penumpuk
description: Menumpukkan kedua bentuk. Apabila mereka tidak dapat
digabungkan, bentuk kanan akan diletakkan diatas bentuk kiri.
description: Menumpukkan kedua bentuk. Apabila mereka tidak dapat digabungkan,
bentuk kanan akan diletakkan diatas bentuk kiri.
name: Pencampur Warna
@ -472,11 +474,13 @@ buildings:
name: Pengecat (Ganda)
description: Mengecat bentuk-bentuk dari input kiri dengan warna dari input atas.
description: Mengecat bentuk-bentuk dari input kiri dengan warna dari input
name: Pengecat (Empat Bagian)
description: Memungkinkan anda untuk mengecat tiap kuadrannya masing - masing pada bentuk. Hanya menyambung dengan
<strong>sinyal yang benar</strong> pada lapisan kabel yang akan dicat!
description: Memungkinkan anda untuk mengecat tiap kuadrannya masing - masing
pada bentuk. Hanya menyambung dengan <strong>sinyal yang
benar</strong> pada lapisan kabel yang akan dicat!
name: Tong Sampah
@ -484,7 +488,8 @@ buildings:
name: Penyeimbang
description: Multifungsional - Mendistribusikan seluruh input secara merata ke seluruh output.
description: Multifungsional - Mendistribusikan seluruh input secara merata ke
seluruh output.
name: Penggabung Sederhana
description: Menggabungkan dua sabuk konveyor menjadi satu.
@ -500,7 +505,8 @@ buildings:
name: Tempat Penyimpanan
description: Menyumpan bentuk yang berlebihan, hingga kapasitas yang tertentu. Memprioritaskan output dari kiri
description: Menyumpan bentuk yang berlebihan, hingga kapasitas yang tertentu.
Memprioritaskan output dari kiri
name: Penyebrangan Kabel
@ -508,53 +514,57 @@ buildings:
name: Sinyal Konstan
description: Mengeluarkan sinyal yang konstan, dapat berupa bentuk, warna atau boolean (1 atau 0).
description: Mengeluarkan sinyal yang konstan, dapat berupa bentuk, warna atau
boolean (1 atau 0).
name: Saklar
description: Dapat diubah untuk mengeluarkan sinyal boolean (1 atau 0) pada lapisan kabel,
yang bisa digunakan untuk mengontrol seperti penyaring.
description: Dapat diubah untuk mengeluarkan sinyal boolean (1 atau 0) pada
lapisan kabel, yang bisa digunakan untuk mengontrol seperti
name: Gerbang AND
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua input adalah benar. (Benar berarti sebuah bentuk,
warna atau boolean "1")
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua input adalah benar. (Benar
berarti sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Gerbang NOT
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika input adalah tidak benar. (Benar berarti sebuah bentuk,
warna atau boolean "1")
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika input adalah tidak benar. (Benar
berarti sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Gerbang XOR
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua input adalah benar, namun bukan keduanya.
(Benar berarti sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua input adalah benar, namun bukan
keduanya. (Benar berarti sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Gerbang OR
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika satu input adalah benar. (Benar berarti sebuah bentuk,
warna atau boolean "1")
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika satu input adalah benar. (Benar
berarti sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Transistor
description: Melanjutkan sinyal dari input bawah jika input samping adalah benar (sebuah bentuk,
warna atau boolean "1")
description: Melanjutkan sinyal dari input bawah jika input samping adalah benar
(sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Transistor
description: Melanjutkan sinyal dari input bawah jika input samping adalah benar (sebuah bentuk,
warna atau boolean "1")
description: Melanjutkan sinyal dari input bawah jika input samping adalah benar
(sebuah bentuk, warna atau boolean "1")
name: Filter
description: Hubungkan sebuah sinyal untuk merutekan semua benda yang cocok ke atas dan
sisanya ke kanan. Dapat juga dikontrol dengan sinyal boolean
description: Hubungkan sebuah sinyal untuk merutekan semua benda yang cocok ke
atas dan sisanya ke kanan. Dapat juga dikontrol dengan sinyal
name: Layar
description: Hubungkan dengan sebuah sinyal untuk ditunjukkan pada layar - Dapat berupa bentuk,
warna atau boolean.
description: Hubungkan dengan sebuah sinyal untuk ditunjukkan pada layar - Dapat
berupa bentuk, warna atau boolean.
name: Pembaca Sabuk Konveyor
description: Memungkinkan untuk mengukur rata-rata benda yang melewati sabuk konveyor. Mengeluarkan output benda terakhir
yang dilewati pada lapisan kabel (Setelah terbuka).
description: Memungkinkan untuk mengukur rata-rata benda yang melewati sabuk
konveyor. Mengeluarkan output benda terakhir yang dilewati pada
lapisan kabel (Setelah terbuka).
name: Penganalisa bentuk
@ -563,15 +573,16 @@ buildings:
name: Pembanding
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua sinya adalah sama. Dapat membandingkan
Bentuk, warna dan boolean.
description: Mengeluarkan boolean "1" jika kedua sinya adalah sama. Dapat
membandingkan Bentuk, warna dan boolean.
name: Pemotong Virtual
description: Memotong bentuk secara virtual menjadi dua bagian.
name: Pemutar Virtual
description: Memutar bentuk secara virtual, searah jarum jam dan tidak searah jarum jam.
description: Memutar bentuk secara virtual, searah jarum jam dan tidak searah
jarum jam.
name: Pemisah Tumpukan Virtual
description: Memisahkan lapisan teratas secara virtual ke output kanan dan
@ -581,31 +592,32 @@ buildings:
description: Menumpuk bentuk kanan ke bentuk kiri secara virtual.
name: Pengecat Virtual
description: Mengecat bentuk dari input bawah dengan warna
dari input kanan.
description: Mengecat bentuk dari input bawah dengan warna dari input kanan.
name: Pembuat Bentuk
description: Hanya tersedia di dalam mode sandbox , Mengeluarkan sinyal yang diberikan dari
lapisan kabel ke lapisan biasa.
description: Hanya tersedia di dalam mode sandbox , Mengeluarkan sinyal yang
diberikan dari lapisan kabel ke lapisan biasa.
title: Memotong Bentuk
desc: <strong>Pemotong</strong> telah dibuka, yang dapat memotong bentuk menjadi dua
secara vertikal <strong>apapun
desc: <strong>Pemotong</strong> telah dibuka, yang dapat memotong bentuk menjadi
dua secara vertikal <strong>apapun
orientasinya</strong>!<br><br>Pastikan untuk membuang sisanya, jika
tidak <strong>ini dapat menghambat dan memperlambat</strong> - karena ini
anda diberikan <strong>Tong sampah</strong>, yang menghapus
semua yang anda masukkan!
tidak <strong>ini dapat menghambat dan memperlambat</strong> -
karena ini anda diberikan <strong>Tong sampah</strong>, yang
menghapus semua yang anda masukkan!
title: Memutar
desc: <strong>Pemutar</strong> telah dibuka! Ia memutar bentuk-bentuk searah
jarum jam sebesar 90 derajat.
title: Mengecat
desc: "<strong>Pengecat</strong> telah dibuka Ekstraksi beberapa warna (seperti yang Anda lakukan dengan bentuk) dan kemudian kombinasikan dengan bentuk di dalam pengecat untuk mewarnai mereka!<br><br> Catatan:
Apabila Anda buta warna, terdapat <strong>mode buta warna</strong>
di dalam pengaturan!"
desc: "<strong>Pengecat</strong> telah dibuka Ekstraksi beberapa warna
(seperti yang Anda lakukan dengan bentuk) dan kemudian kombinasikan
dengan bentuk di dalam pengecat untuk mewarnai mereka!<br><br>
Catatan: Apabila Anda buta warna, terdapat <strong>mode buta
warna</strong> di dalam pengaturan!"
title: Mencampur Warna
desc: <strong>Pencampur</strong> telah dibuka Kombinasikan dua warna
@ -620,7 +632,8 @@ storyRewards:
title: Membagi
desc: Anda telah membuka varian <strong>pembagi</strong> dari
<strong>penyeimbang</strong> - Menerima satu input dan membaginya menjadi 2!
<strong>penyeimbang</strong> - Menerima satu input dan membaginya
menjadi 2!
title: Terowongan
desc: <strong>Terowongan</strong> telah dibuka Sekarang Anda dapat memindahkan
@ -634,7 +647,11 @@ storyRewards:
title: Ekstraktor Merantai
desc: "Anda telah membuka <strong>Ekstraktor (Berantai)</strong>! Ia dapat <strong>mengoper sumber daya</strong> ke ekstraktor depannya sehingga anda dapat mengekstrak sumber daya denga lebih efisien!<br><br> NB: Ekstraktor yang lama sudah diganti pada toolbar anda sekarang!"
desc: "Anda telah membuka <strong>Ekstraktor (Berantai)</strong>! Ia dapat
<strong>mengoper sumber daya</strong> ke ekstraktor depannya
sehingga anda dapat mengekstrak sumber daya denga lebih
efisien!<br><br> NB: Ekstraktor yang lama sudah diganti pada toolbar
anda sekarang!"
title: Terowongan Tingkat II
desc: Anda telah membuka varian baru <strong>terowongan</strong> - Ia memiliki
@ -652,17 +669,20 @@ storyRewards:
sekaligus</strong> mengonsumsi hanya satu warna daripada dua!
title: Tempat Penyimpanan
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>Tempat Penyimpanan</strong> - Ia memungkinkan anda untuk
menyimpan item hingga kapasitas tertentu!<br><br> Ia mengutamakan output kiri, sehingga anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai <strong>gerbang luapan</strong>!
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>Tempat Penyimpanan</strong> - Ia memungkinkan
anda untuk menyimpan item hingga kapasitas tertentu!<br><br> Ia
mengutamakan output kiri, sehingga anda dapat menggunakannya sebagai
<strong>gerbang luapan</strong>!
title: Permainan Bebas
desc: Anda berhasil! Anda telah membuka <strong>mode permainan bebas</strong>! Ini artinya
bentuk-bentuk akan dibuat secara <strong>acak</strong>!<br><br>
Karena pusat pangkalan akan membutuhkan <strong>penghasilan</strong> dari sekarang,
Saya sangat menyarankan untuk membangun mesin yang secara otomatis
mengirim bentuk yang diminta!<br><br> Pusat pangkalan mengeluarkan bentuk
yang diminta pada lapisan kabel, jadi yang harus anda lakukan adalah menganalisa dan
membangun pabrik secara otomatis berdasarkan itu.
desc: Anda berhasil! Anda telah membuka <strong>mode permainan bebas</strong>!
Ini artinya bentuk-bentuk akan dibuat secara
<strong>acak</strong>!<br><br> Karena pusat pangkalan akan
membutuhkan <strong>penghasilan</strong> dari sekarang, Saya sangat
menyarankan untuk membangun mesin yang secara otomatis mengirim
bentuk yang diminta!<br><br> Pusat pangkalan mengeluarkan bentuk
yang diminta pada lapisan kabel, jadi yang harus anda lakukan adalah
menganalisa dan membangun pabrik secara otomatis berdasarkan itu.
title: Cetak Biru
desc: Anda sekarang dapat <strong>menyalin dan meletakkan</strong> bagian dari
@ -684,25 +704,31 @@ storyRewards:
title: Penyeimbang
desc: <strong>Penyeimbang</strong> yang multifungsional telah terbuka - Ia dapat
digunakan untuk membuat pabrik yang lebih besar dengan cara
<strong>memisahkan atau menggabungkan item</strong> ke beberapa sabuk konveyor!<br><br>
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!
title: Penggabung Sederhana
desc: Anda telah membuka varian<strong>penggabung</strong> dari
<strong>penyeimbang</strong> - Ia menerima dua input dan menggabungkannya dalam satu sabuk konveyor!
<strong>penyeimbang</strong> - Ia menerima dua input dan
menggabungkannya dalam satu sabuk konveyor!
title: Pembaca Sabuk Konveyor
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>pembaca sabuk konveyor</strong>! Ini memungkinkan anda untuk
mengukur penghasilan dalam sebuah sabuk konveyor.<br><br> Dan tunggu sampai anda membuka
kabel - maka ini akan sangat berguna!
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>pembaca sabuk konveyor</strong>! Ini
memungkinkan anda untuk mengukur penghasilan dalam sebuah sabuk
konveyor.<br><br> Dan tunggu sampai anda membuka kabel - maka ini
akan sangat berguna!
title: Pemutar (180 derajat)
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>pemutar</strong> 180 derajat! - Ini memungkinkan
anda untuk memutar bentuk dalam 180 derajat (Kejutan! :D)
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>pemutar</strong> 180 derajat! - Ini
memungkinkan anda untuk memutar bentuk dalam 180 derajat (Kejutan!
title: Layar
desc: "Anda baru saja membuka <strong>Layar</strong> - Hubungkan sebuah sinyal dalam lapisan kabel untuk memvisualisasikannya!<br><br> NB: Apakah anda memperhatikan pembaca sabuk dan penyimpanan mengeluarkan item bacaan terakhir? Coba tampilkan pada layar!"
desc: "Anda baru saja membuka <strong>Layar</strong> - Hubungkan sebuah sinyal
dalam lapisan kabel untuk memvisualisasikannya!<br><br> NB: Apakah
anda memperhatikan pembaca sabuk dan penyimpanan mengeluarkan item
bacaan terakhir? Coba tampilkan pada layar!"
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
@ -733,7 +759,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either
@ -906,6 +933,14 @@ settings:
title: Enable Mouse Pan
description: Allows to move the map by moving the cursor to the edges of the
screen. The speed depends on the Movement Speed setting.
title: Zoom towards Cursor
description: If activated the zoom will happen in the direction of your mouse
position, otherwise in the middle of the screen.
title: Map Resources Size
description: Controls the size of the shapes on the map overview (when zooming
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
title: Tombol pintas

View File

@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Conferma eliminazione
text: Sei sicuro di voler eliminare la partita seguente?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' al livello <savegameLevel><br><br> Da qui in poi non si può più tornare indietro!
'<savegameName>' al livello <savegameLevel><br><br> Da qui in poi
non si può più tornare indietro!
title: Impossibile eliminare
text: "Impossibile eliminare il salvataggio:"
@ -177,8 +178,9 @@ dialogs:
title: Nuova etichetta
desc: Dagli un nome significativo, puoi anche inserire un <strong>codice</strong>
di una forma (Che puoi generare <link>qui</link>)
desc: Dagli un nome significativo, puoi anche inserire un
<strong>codice</strong> di una forma (Che puoi generare
titleEdit: Modifica etichetta
desc: Puoi creare solo due etichette personalizzate nella Demo. Ottieni la
@ -204,6 +206,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rinomina salvataggio.
desc: Qui puoi cambiare il nome del salvataggio.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Sposta
@ -299,6 +309,30 @@ ingame:
velocemente.<br><br>Suggerimento: Tieni premuto
<strong>MAIUSC</strong> per piazzare estrattori multipli, e usa
<strong>R</strong> per ruotarli."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Rosso
green: Verde
@ -373,27 +407,27 @@ buildings:
description: Posizionalo sopra una forma o un colore per estrarlo.
name: Estrattore (Catena)
description: Posizionalo sopra una forma o un colore per estrarlo. Puoi combinarlo
con altri estrattori.
description: Posizionalo sopra una forma o un colore per estrarlo. Puoi
combinarlo con altri estrattori.
name: Tunnel
description: Permette di far passare le risorse sotto alle costruzioni e ai nastri
description: Permette di far passare le risorse sotto alle costruzioni e ai
nastri trasportatori.
name: Tunnel Grado II
description: Permette di far passare le risorse sotto alle costruzioni e ai nastri
description: Permette di far passare le risorse sotto alle costruzioni e ai
nastri trasportatori.
name: Taglierino
description: Taglia le forme verticalmente e restituisce le due metà a destra e a
sinistra. <strong>Se usi solo una parte, distruggi l'altra o la
macchina si fermerà!</strong>
description: Taglia le forme verticalmente e restituisce le due metà a destra e
a sinistra. <strong>Se usi solo una parte, distruggi l'altra o
la macchina si fermerà!</strong>
name: Taglierino (4x)
description: Taglia le forme in quattro parti. <strong>Se usi meno di quattro parti,
distruggi le altre o la macchina si fermerà!</strong>
description: Taglia le forme in quattro parti. <strong>Se usi meno di quattro
parti, distruggi le altre o la macchina si fermerà!</strong>
name: Ruotatore
@ -424,8 +458,9 @@ buildings:
name: Verniciatore (4x)
description: Ti permette di colorare ogni quadrante della forma individualmente. Solo gli spazi con un
<strong>Vero</strong> sul livello elettrico saranno colorati!
description: Ti permette di colorare ogni quadrante della forma individualmente.
Solo gli spazi con un <strong>Vero</strong> sul livello
elettrico saranno colorati!
name: Verniciatore
description: Colora l'intera forma dall'ingresso sinistro con il colore
@ -564,9 +599,12 @@ buildings:
title: Taglio forme
desc: Il <strong>taglierino</strong> è stato bloccato! Taglia le forme a metà da sopra a sotto
<strong>indipendentemente dal suo orientamento</strong>!<br><br> Assicurati di buttare via lo scarto, sennò <strong>si intaserà e andrà in stallo </strong>
- Per questo ti ho dato il <strong>certino</strong>, che distrugge tutto quello che riceve!
desc: Il <strong>taglierino</strong> è stato bloccato! Taglia le forme a metà da
sopra a sotto <strong>indipendentemente dal suo
orientamento</strong>!<br><br> Assicurati di buttare via lo scarto,
sennò <strong>si intaserà e andrà in stallo </strong> - Per questo
ti ho dato il <strong>certino</strong>, che distrugge tutto quello
che riceve!
title: Rotazione
desc: Il <strong>ruotatore</strong> è stato sbloccato! Ruota le forme di 90
@ -580,8 +618,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Mix colori
desc: Il <strong>miscelatore</strong> è stato sbloccato! Con questo edificio, puoi
combinare due colori mediante la <strong>sintesi additiva</strong>!
desc: Il <strong>miscelatore</strong> è stato sbloccato! Con questo edificio,
puoi combinare due colori mediante la <strong>sintesi
title: Separatore/Agrregatore
desc: Il <strong>separatore</strong> è stato sbloccato! è una variante del
@ -598,9 +637,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Estrattore a catena
desc: "L'<strong>estrattore a catena</strong> è stato sbloccato! Può
<strong>passare le sue risorse</strong> agli altri estrattori, così tu
puoi estrarre le risorse in modo più efficiente!<br><br> PS: Il primo
estrattore è stato rimpiazzato nel tuo inventario!"
<strong>passare le sue risorse</strong> agli altri estrattori, così
tu puoi estrarre le risorse in modo più efficiente!<br><br> PS: Il
primo estrattore è stato rimpiazzato nel tuo inventario!"
title: Tunnel grado II
desc: Hai sbloccato una variante del <strong>tunnel</strong>! Ha un
@ -608,8 +647,8 @@ storyRewards:
varianti ora!
title: Taglio quadruplo
desc: Hai sbloccato una variante del <strong>taglierino</strong>! Consente
di tagliare le forme in <strong>quattro parti</strong> invece che in
desc: Hai sbloccato una variante del <strong>taglierino</strong>! Consente di
tagliare le forme in <strong>quattro parti</strong> invece che in
title: Verniciatura doppia
@ -618,23 +657,25 @@ storyRewards:
volta</strong> consumando solo un'unità di colore invece che due!
title: Unità di stoccaggio
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>magazzino</strong>! Ti permette di immagazzinare le forme fino a un certo
limite!<br><br> Dà priorità all'uscita a sinistra,
puoi quindi usarlo per gestire le <strong>eccedenze</strong>!
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>magazzino</strong>! Ti permette di immagazzinare
le forme fino a un certo limite!<br><br> Dà priorità all'uscita a
sinistra, puoi quindi usarlo per gestire le
title: Modalità libera
desc: Ce l'hai fatta! Hai sbloccato la <strong>modalità libera</strong>! Questo significa
che le forme da adesso in poi sono generate <strong>casualmente</strong>!<br><br>
Visto che la HUB avrà bisogno di una <strong>portata maggiore</strong>
Ti consiglio vivamente di costruire un macchinario che consegna automaticamente
la forma richiesta!<br><br> La HUB da come output la forma richiesta
sul livello elettrico, quindi ti basta solo analizzarla e configurare
desc: Ce l'hai fatta! Hai sbloccato la <strong>modalità libera</strong>! Questo
significa che le forme da adesso in poi sono generate
<strong>casualmente</strong>!<br><br> Visto che la HUB avrà bisogno
di una <strong>portata maggiore</strong> Ti consiglio vivamente di
costruire un macchinario che consegna automaticamente la forma
richiesta!<br><br> La HUB da come output la forma richiesta sul
livello elettrico, quindi ti basta solo analizzarla e configurare
automaticamente la tua fabbrica in base a quei dati.
title: Progetti
desc: Ora puoi <strong>copiare ed incollare</strong> componenti della tua fabbrica!
Seleziona un'area (Tieni premuto CTRL e trascina con il mouse) e
premi 'C' per copiarla.<br><br>Incollarla <strong>non è
desc: Ora puoi <strong>copiare ed incollare</strong> componenti della tua
fabbrica! Seleziona un'area (Tieni premuto CTRL e trascina con il
mouse) e premi 'C' per copiarla.<br><br>Incollarla <strong>non è
gratis</strong>, devi produrre <strong>forme progetto</strong> per
potertelo permettere! (Quelle che hai appena consegnato).
@ -655,9 +696,9 @@ storyRewards:
destro è <strong>impilato sopra</strong> il sinistro!
title: Bilanciatore
desc: Il <strong>bilanciatore</strong> multifunzione è stato sbloccato! Puoi usarlo
per costruire fabbriche più grandi <strong>unendo e dividendo
gli oggetti</strong> su diversi nastri trasportatori!<br><br>
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!
title: Aggregatore compatto
desc: Hai sbloccato un <strong>aggregatore</strong>, variante del
@ -675,14 +716,14 @@ storyRewards:
title: Display
desc: "Hai sbloccato il <strong>Display</strong>! Connetti un segnale sul
livello elettrico per visualizzarlo!<br><br> PS: Hai notato che il lettore di nastri
e il magazzino mostrano l'ultimo oggetto da loro letto? Prova a mostrarlo su di un
livello elettrico per visualizzarlo!<br><br> PS: Hai notato che il
lettore di nastri e il magazzino mostrano l'ultimo oggetto da loro
letto? Prova a mostrarlo su di un display!"
title: Sengale costante
desc: Hai sblocatto l'edificio <strong>segnale costante</strong> sul livello elettrico!
È utile collegarlo ai <strong>filtri di oggetti</strong> per
esempio.<br><br> Il segnale costante può emettere una
desc: Hai sblocatto l'edificio <strong>segnale costante</strong> sul livello
elettrico! È utile collegarlo ai <strong>filtri di oggetti</strong>
per esempio.<br><br> Il segnale costante può emettere una
<strong>forma</strong>, un <strong>colore</strong> o un
<strong>booleano</strong> (1 / 0).
@ -696,8 +737,8 @@ storyRewards:
title: Lavorazione virtuale
desc: Ti ho appena dato un bel po' di nuovi edifici che ti consentono di
<strong>simulare la lavorazione delle forme</strong>!<br><br> Ora
puoi simulare un taglierino, un ruotatore, un'impilatrice e
molto altro sul livello elettrico! In questo modo hai tre opzioni per
puoi simulare un taglierino, un ruotatore, un'impilatrice e molto
altro sul livello elettrico! In questo modo hai tre opzioni per
continuare il gioco:<br><br> -Costruisci una <strong>macchina
automatica</strong> per creare ogni possibile forma richiesta
dall'HUB (ti consiglio di provarci!).<br><br> - Costruisci qualcosa
@ -706,18 +747,19 @@ storyRewards:
title: Cavi e Verniciatrice quadrupla
desc: "Hai appena sbloccato il <strong>livello elettrico</strong>: È un livello
separato al di sopra di quello normale e introduce un sacco di nuove
meccaniche!<br><br> Per il momento ti ho sbloccato il
<strong>Verniciatore quadruplo</strong>. Collega gli ingressi con i
quali vuoi dipingere nel livello elettrico!<br><br> Per passare al
livello elettrico, premi <strong>E</strong>."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtro oggetti
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>filtro oggetti</strong>! Smisterà gli oggetti
verso l'alto o verso destra a seconda del segnale
dal livello elettrico o meno.<br><br> Puoi anche mandargli un segnale
booleano (1 / 0) per attivarlo o disattivarlo completamente.
verso l'alto o verso destra a seconda del segnale dal livello
elettrico o meno.<br><br> Puoi anche mandargli un segnale booleano
(1 / 0) per attivarlo o disattivarlo completamente.
title: Fine della demo
desc: Hai raggiunto la fine della demo!
@ -979,8 +1021,7 @@ about:
La colonna sonora è stata composta da<a href="https://soundcloud.com/pettersumelius" target="_blank">Peppsen</a> - È un grande.<br><br>
Per finire, grazie di cuore al mio migliore amico <a href="https://github.com/niklas-dahl" target="_blank">Niklas</a> -
Senza le nostre sessioni su factorio questo gioco non sarebbe mai esistito.
Per finire, grazie di cuore al mio migliore amico <a href="https://github.com/niklas-dahl" target="_blank">Niklas</a> - Senza le nostre sessioni su factorio questo gioco non sarebbe mai esistito.
title: Registro modifiche
@ -1007,8 +1048,7 @@ tips:
- La simmetria è la chiave!
- Puoi intrecciare gradi diversi del tunnel.
- Cerca di costruire fabbriche compatte, sarai ricompensato!
- Il verniciatore ha una variante speculare che puoi selezionare con
- Il verniciatore ha una variante speculare che puoi selezionare con <b>T</b>
- Avere i giusti rapporti tra gli edifici massimizzerà l'efficienza.
- Al massimo livello, 5 estrattori saturano un singolo nastro.
- Non dimenticare i tunnel!
@ -1045,7 +1085,8 @@ tips:
- Costruisci una fabbrica dedicata per i progetti. Sono importanti per i
- Guarda da vicino il miscelatore di colori, e le tue domande avranno risposta.
- Guarda da vicino il miscelatore di colori, e le tue domande avranno
- Usa <b>CTRL</b> + Clic per selezionare un'area.
- Costruire troppo vicino all'hub potrebbe intralciare progetti futuri.
- Premere la puntina vicino a ogni forma nel menù miglioramenti la farà

View File

@ -176,6 +176,14 @@ dialogs:
title: セーブデータの名前を変更
desc: セーブデータの名前を変更することができます
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: マップ移動
@ -279,6 +287,30 @@ ingame:
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1個の抽出機
n_miners: <amount>個の抽出機
@ -568,10 +600,13 @@ storyRewards:
desc: <strong>回転機</strong>のバリエーションが利用可能になりました! 180度の回転ができるようになります(サプライズ! :D)
title: ワイヤ&着色機(四分割)
desc: "<strong>ワイヤレイヤ</strong>が利用可能になりました!:
r> ワイヤレイヤに切り替えるには、<strong>E</strong>を押します。"
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: アイテムフィルタ
desc: <strong>アイテムフィルタ</strong>が利用可能になりました! ワイヤレイヤの信号と一致するかどうかに応じて、

View File

@ -181,6 +181,14 @@ dialogs:
title: 세이브 파일 이름 설정
desc: 여기에서 세이브 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: 이동
@ -266,12 +274,35 @@ ingame:
1_1_extractor: <strong>원형 도형</strong>을 추출하기 위해 그 위에 <strong>추출기</strong>를 선택한 뒤
배치하여 추출하세요!
1_2_conveyor: "이제 <strong>컨베이어 벨트</strong>를 추출기와 허브를 서로 연결하세요!<br><br>
: 벨트를 마우스로 <strong>클릭한 뒤 드래그</strong>하세요!"
1_3_expand: "이 게임은 방치형 게임이 <strong>아닙니다</strong>! 더 많은 추출기와
벨트를 만들어 지정된 목표를 빨리 달성하세요.<br><br>
: <strong>SHIFT</strong> 키를 누른 상태에서는 빠르게
배치할 수 있고, <strong>R</strong> 키를 눌러 회전할 수 있습니다."
1_2_conveyor: "이제 <strong>컨베이어 벨트</strong>를 추출기와 허브를 서로 연결하세요!<br><br> 팁: 벨트를
마우스로 <strong>클릭한 뒤 드래그</strong>하세요!"
1_3_expand: "이 게임은 방치형 게임이 <strong>아닙니다</strong>! 더 많은 추출기와 벨트를 만들어 지정된 목표를 빨리
달성하세요.<br><br> 팁: <strong>SHIFT</strong> 키를 누른 상태에서는 빠르게 배치할 수
있고, <strong>R</strong> 키를 눌러 회전할 수 있습니다."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: 빨간색
green: 초록색
@ -509,12 +540,10 @@ buildings:
title: 절단기
desc: <strong>절단기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 절단기는 들어오는 도형이
어떤 모양을 하고 있던 수직으로 잘라
<strong>반으로 나눕니다</strong>!<br><br> 쓰지 않는 도형은 쓰레기로 처리하세요,
그렇지 않으면 <strong>작동을 멈출 것입니다</strong>! 이러한 목적을 위해
<strong>휴지통</strong>도 함께 지급되었습니다.
휴지통에 들어간 것은 모두 파괴됩니다!
desc: <strong>절단기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 절단기는 들어오는 도형이 어떤 모양을 하고 있던 수직으로 잘라
<strong>반으로 나눕니다</strong>!<br><br> 쓰지 않는 도형은 쓰레기로 처리하세요, 그렇지 않으면
<strong>작동을 멈출 것입니다</strong>! 이러한 목적을 위해 <strong>휴지통</strong>도 함께
지급되었습니다. 휴지통에 들어간 것은 모두 파괴됩니다!
title: 회전기
desc: <strong>회전기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 회전기는 들어오는 도형을 시계 방향으로 90도 회전시켜줍니다.
@ -579,9 +608,8 @@ storyRewards:
기능을 사용할 수 있습니다! (방금 당신이 만든 것입니다.)
title: 다음 레벨
desc: "이번 레벨의 보상은 없네요. 대신 다음 레벨에서 줄겁니다!<br><br> 추신:
기존 공장을 파괴하지는 마세요. 후에 <strong>업그레이드 잠금 해제</strong>되면
<strong>기존의 모든</strong> 도형이 필요합니다!"
desc: "이번 레벨의 보상은 없네요. 대신 다음 레벨에서 줄겁니다!<br><br> 추신: 기존 공장을 파괴하지는 마세요. 후에
<strong>업그레이드 잠금 해제</strong>되면 <strong>기존의 모든</strong> 도형이 필요합니다!"
title: 다음 레벨
desc: 축하드립니다!
@ -624,11 +652,13 @@ storyRewards:
- 평소처럼 게임을 진행합니다.<br><br> 어떤 방식으로든, 재미있게 게임을 플레이해주시길 바랍니다!
title: 전선과 4단 색칠기
desc: "<strong>전선 레이어</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 전선 레이어는
일반 레이어 위에 존재하는 별도의 레이어로, 이를 통한 다양하고 새로운
메커니즘을 소개하겠습니다!<br><br> 우선 <strong>4단 색칠기</strong>가
잠금 해제되었습니다. 전선 레이어에서 색칠하고 싶은 슬롯에 전선을 연결하세요!
전선 레이어로 전환하려면 <strong>E</strong> 키를 누르세요."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: 아이템 선별기
desc: <strong>아이템 선별기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 전선 레이어의 신호와 일치하는지에 대한 여부로 아이템을 위쪽
@ -772,16 +802,14 @@ settings:
description: 커서를 화면 가장자리로 옮기면 스크롤되어 지도를 이동할 수 있습니다. 스크롤 속도는 이동 속도 설정에 따릅니다.
title: 커서를 기준으로 줌
description: 활성화할 경우 화면 줌 인 아웃이 마우스 커서가 있는 지점을 기준이 되며,
아닐 경우 화면 중앙이 기준이 됩니다.
description: 활성화할 경우 화면 줌 인 아웃이 마우스 커서가 있는 지점을 기준이 되며, 아닐 경우 화면 중앙이 기준이 됩니다.
title: 지도 자원 크기
description: 지도를 축소할 때 나타나는 도형의 크기를 제어합니다.
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
title: 조작법
hint: "팁: CTRL, SHIFT, ALT를 적절히 사용하세요!
건물을 배치할 때 유용합니다."
hint: "팁: CTRL, SHIFT, ALT를 적절히 사용하세요! 건물을 배치할 때 유용합니다."
resetKeybindings: 초기화
general: 애플리케이션
@ -893,8 +921,7 @@ tips:
- 최대 레벨에서, 한 줄의 벨트를 채우기 위해 다섯 개의 추출기가 필요합니다.
- 터널을 잊지 마세요!
- 완벽한 효율성을 위해 굳이 아이템을 균등하게 배분할 필요는 없습니다.
- <b>SHIFT</b>키를 누르면 벨트 계획기가 활성화되어
긴 길이의 벨트 한 줄을 쉽게 배치할 수 있습니다.
- <b>SHIFT</b>키를 누르면 벨트 계획기가 활성화되어 긴 길이의 벨트 한 줄을 쉽게 배치할 수 있습니다.
- 절단기는 들어오는 도형과 배치된 절단기의 방향에 관계 없이, 언제나 수직으로 자릅니다.
- 흰색은 세 가지의 색소를 혼합해야 합니다.
- 저장고의 양쪽 출력 중 왼쪽 출력이 가장 우선됩니다.

View File

@ -197,6 +197,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Move
@ -291,6 +299,30 @@ ingame:
and belts to finish the goal quicker.<br><br>Tip: Hold
<strong>SHIFT</strong> to place multiple extractors, and use
<strong>R</strong> to rotate them."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Red
green: Green
@ -694,7 +726,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Hernoem opgeslagen spel
desc: Geef je opgeslagen spel een nieuwe naam.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Beweeg speelveld
@ -299,6 +307,30 @@ ingame:
en lopende banden om het doel sneller te behalen.<br><br>Tip:
Houd <strong>SHIFT</strong> ingedrukt om meerdere ontginners te
plaatsen en gebruik <strong>R</strong> om ze te draaien."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Rood
green: Groen
@ -707,7 +739,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: Je hebt de <strong>Item Filter</strong> vrijgespeeld! Items worden naar

View File

@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Beveg
@ -297,6 +305,30 @@ ingame:
og belter for å nå målet raskere.<br><br>Tips: Hold
<strong>SHIFT</strong> for å plassere flere utdragere, og bruk
<strong>R</strong> for å rotere dem."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Rød
green: Grønn
@ -708,7 +740,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -206,6 +206,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Zmień nazwę zapisu gry
desc: Tutaj możesz zmienić nazwę zapisu gry.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Ruch
@ -315,6 +323,30 @@ ingame:
szybciej.<br><br>Porada: Przytrzymaj <strong>SHIFT</strong>, by
postawić wiele ekstraktorów. Naciśnij <strong>R</strong>, by je
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 ekstraktor
n_miners: <amount> ekstraktorów
@ -717,12 +749,13 @@ storyRewards:
title: Przewody i poczwórny malarz
desc: "Właśnie odblokowałeś <strong>Warstwę przewodów</strong>: Jest to osobna
warstwa położnoa na istniejącej, która wprowadza wiele nowych
mechanik! <br><br> Na początek dałem ci <strong>Poczwórnego
Malarza</strong> - Podłącz ćwiartki, które chcesz pomalować na
warstwie przewodów!<br><br> By przełączyć się na warstwę przewodów,
wciśnij <strong>E</strong>."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtr przedmiotów
desc: Właśnie odblokowałeś <strong>Filtr Przedmiotów</strong>! Będzie on

View File

@ -198,6 +198,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Renomear Save
desc: Você pode renomear seu save aqui.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Mover
@ -307,6 +315,30 @@ ingame:
esteiras para concluir o objetivo mais rapidamente.<br><br>Dica,
segure <strong>SHIFT</strong> para colocar vários extratores e
use <strong>R</strong> para girá-los.
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Extrator
n_miners: <amount> Extratores
@ -707,12 +739,13 @@ storyRewards:
lembre de se divertir!
title: Fios e Pintor Quádruplo
desc: "Você acabou de desbloquear o <strong>Plano de Fiação</strong>: Ele é um
plano separado no topo do plano comum e introduz um monte de novas
mecânicas!<br><br> Para começar eu te dou o <strong>Pintor
Quádruplo</strong> - Conecte a entrada que você quer que seja
colorida com o plano da fiação!<br><br> Para mudar de plano, aperte
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtro de Itens
desc: Você desbloqueou o <strong>Filtro de Itens</strong>! Ele irá rotear os

View File

@ -206,6 +206,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Renomear Savegame
desc: Podes renomear o teu savegame aqui.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Mover
@ -300,6 +308,30 @@ ingame:
e tapetes para atingir o objetivo mais rapidamente.<br><br>Dica:
Pressiona <strong>SHIFT</strong> para colocar vários extratores,
e usa <strong>R</strong> para os rodar."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Vermelho
green: Verde
@ -716,12 +748,13 @@ storyRewards:
Independentemente da tua escolha, lembra-te de te divertires!
title: Fios & Pintor Quádruplo
desc: "Desbloquaste a <strong>Camada de Fios</strong>: É uma camada separada no
topo da camada normal e introduz um monte de novas
mecânicas!<br><br> Para o inicio eu dei-te o <strong>Pintor
Quádruplo</strong> - Conecta as entradasque queres pintar na camada
de fios!<br><br> Para trocares para a camada de fios, pressiona a
tecla <strong>E</strong>."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Filtro de Itens
desc: Desbloquaste o <strong>Filtro de Itens</strong>! Vai mandar itens ou para

View File

@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Move
@ -299,6 +307,30 @@ ingame:
rapid.<br><br>Sfat: Ține apăsat <strong>SHIFT</strong> pentru a
plasa mai multe extractoare, și flosește <strong>R</strong>
pentru a le roti."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Roșu
green: Verde
@ -710,7 +742,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -204,6 +204,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Переименовать Сохранение
desc: Здесь вы можете изменить название своего сохранения.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Передвижение
@ -298,6 +306,30 @@ ingame:
конвейеров, чтобы достичь цели быстрее.<br><br>Подсказка:
Удерживайте <strong>SHIFT</strong> чтобы разместить несколько
экстракторов, а <strong>R</strong> чтобы вращать их."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Красный
green: Зеленый
@ -705,12 +737,13 @@ storyRewards:
выбрали, не забывайте хорошо проводить время!
title: Провода & Покрасчик (4 входа)
desc: Разблокирован <strong>Слой с Проводами</strong>. Это отдельный слой поверх
обычного слоя, добавляющий множество новых механик!<br><br> Для
начала я разблокировал <strong>Покрасчик на четыре входа</strong> -
соедините ячейки, которые вы бы хотели окрасить на слое с
проводами!<br><br> Чтобы переключиться на слой слой с проводами,
нажмите <strong>E</strong>.
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Фильтр
desc: Разблокирован <strong>Фильтр</strong>! Он направит ресурсы наверх или

View File

@ -199,6 +199,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Move
@ -307,6 +315,30 @@ ingame:
and belts to finish the goal quicker.<br><br>Tip: Hold
<strong>SHIFT</strong> to place multiple extractors, and use
<strong>R</strong> to rotate them."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -697,7 +729,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -199,6 +199,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Kretanje
@ -307,6 +315,30 @@ ingame:
pokretnih traka će ubrzati napredak do cilja.<br><br>Savet: Drži
<strong>SHIFT</strong> za postavljanje više rudara istovremeno,
a pritisni <strong>R</strong> za okretanje."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -695,7 +727,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Byt namn på sparfil
desc: Du kan byta namn på din sparfil här.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Flytta
@ -297,6 +305,30 @@ ingame:
för att klara målet snabbare.<br><br>Tips: Håll
<strong>SKIFT</strong> för att placera flera extraktörer, och
använd <strong>R</strong> för att rotera dem."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Röd
green: Grön
@ -706,7 +738,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -201,6 +201,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Oyun Kaydının Yeniden Adlandır
desc: Oyun kaydını buradan adlandırabilirsiniz.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Hareket Et
@ -294,6 +302,30 @@ ingame:
yerleştir.<br><br>İpucu: Birden fazla üretici yerleştirmek için
<strong>SHIFT</strong> tuşuna basılı tut, ve <strong>R</strong>
tuşuyla taşıma bandının yönünü döndür."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: Kırmızı
green: Yeşil
@ -653,9 +685,9 @@ storyRewards:
desc: Deneme sürümünün sonuna geldin!
title: Dengeleyici
desc: Çok fonksiyonlu <strong>dengeleyici</strong> açıldı. - Eşyaları
bantlara ayırarak ve bantları birleştirerek daha büyük
fabrikalar kurmak için kullanılabilir!
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!
title: Tekil Birleştirici
desc: <strong>Birleştiriciyi</strong> açtın ! <strong>dengeleyecinin</strong>
@ -671,17 +703,17 @@ storyRewards:
döndürür (Süpriz! :D)
title: Ekran
desc: "<strong>Ekranı</strong> açtın. - Kablo katmanında bir sinyal
bağla ve onu ekranda göster! <br><br> Not: Bant okuyucunun ve
deponun son okudukları eşyayı çıkardığını fark ettin mi?
Bunu ekranda göstermeyi dene!"
desc: "<strong>Ekranı</strong> açtın. - Kablo katmanında bir sinyal bağla ve onu
ekranda göster! <br><br> Not: Bant okuyucunun ve deponun son
okudukları eşyayı çıkardığını fark ettin mi? Bunu ekranda göstermeyi
title: Sabit Sinyal
desc: Kablo katmanında inşa edilebilen <strong>sabit sinyal</strong>'i açtın!
Bu yapı <strong>eşya filtrelerine</strong> bağlanabilir.
Sabit sinyal <strong>şekil</strong>,
<strong>renk</strong> veya <strong>ikili değer</strong> (1 veya 0)
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
layer! This is useful to connect it to <strong>item filters</strong>
for example.<br><br> The constant signal can emit a
<strong>shape</strong>, <strong>color</strong> or
<strong>boolean</strong> (1 or 0).
title: Mantık Kapıları
desc: <strong>Mantık kapıları</strong> açıldı! Çok heyecanlanmana gerek yok, ama
@ -701,12 +733,13 @@ storyRewards:
et.<br><br> Ne seçersen seç eğlenmeyi unutma!
title: Kablolar ve Dörtlü Boyayıcı
desc: "Az önce <strong>Kablo Katmanını</strong> açtın: Normal oyunun bulunduğu
katmanın üzerinde ayrı bir katmandır ve bir sürü yeni özelliği
vardır!<br><br> Başlangıç olarak senin için <strong>Dörtlü
Boyayıcıyı</strong> açıyorum. - Kablo katmanında boyamak için
istediğin hatları bağla! <br><br> Kablo katmanına geçiş yapmak için
<strong>E</strong> tuşunu kullan."
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Eşya Filtresi
desc: <strong>Eşya filtresini</strong> açtın! Kablo katmanından gelen sinyalle
@ -874,12 +907,13 @@ settings:
description: Fareyi ekranın köşelerine getirerek hareket ettirmeyi sağlar.
title: Farenin Konumuna Yakınlaştırma
description: Eğer etkinleştirilirse zaman ekran yakınlaştırılması fare imlecinin bulunduğu
yere doğru olur. Etkinleştirilmezse yakınlaştırma ekranın ortasına doğru olur.
description: Eğer etkinleştirilirse zaman ekran yakınlaştırılması fare imlecinin
bulunduğu yere doğru olur. Etkinleştirilmezse yakınlaştırma
ekranın ortasına doğru olur.
title: Uzak Bakışta Kaynakların Büyüklüğü
description: Haritaya uzaktan bakıldığında, haritadaki şekillerin
büyüklüğünü ayarlar.
description: Haritaya uzaktan bakıldığında, haritadaki şekillerin büyüklüğünü
title: Tuş Atamaları
hint: "İpucu: CTRL, SHIFT ve ALT tuşlarından yararlanın! Farklı yerleştirme

View File

@ -202,6 +202,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: Рухатися
@ -311,6 +319,30 @@ ingame:
швидше.<br><br>Підказка: Утримуйте <strong>SHIFT</strong>, щоб
розмістити багато екстракторів, і використовуйте
<strong>R</strong>, щоб обертати їх."
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
@ -705,7 +737,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -176,6 +176,14 @@ dialogs:
title: 重命名存档
desc: 您可以在此重命名存档。
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: 移动地图
@ -262,6 +270,30 @@ ingame:
1_2_conveyor: 用<strong>传送带</strong>将你的开采机连接到基地上!<br><br>提示:用你的鼠标<strong>按下并拖动</strong>传送带!
1_3_expand: 这<strong>不是</strong>一个挂机游戏!建造更多的开采机和传送带来更快地完成目标。<br><br> 提示:按住
<strong>SHIFT</strong> 键来放置多个开采机,用 <strong>R</strong> 键旋转它们。
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
red: 红色
green: 绿色
@ -638,7 +670,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either

View File

@ -153,9 +153,8 @@ dialogs:
class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: 反向放置傳送帶。 <br>"
title: 創建標記
desc: 給地圖標記起一個的名字。
(你可以在 <link>here</link> 生成短代碼。)
desc: 給地圖標記起一個的名字。 你可以在名字中加入一個<strong>短代碼</strong>以加入圖形。 (你可以在 <link>here</link>
titleEdit: 修改標記
desc: 在演示版中你只能創建兩個地圖標記。請獲取單機版以創建更多標記。
@ -176,6 +175,14 @@ dialogs:
title: 重新命名存檔
desc: 你可以在這裡重新命名存檔
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to
watch it?
title: Tutorial Available
desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only
available in English. Would you like to watch it?
moveMap: 移動
@ -263,6 +270,30 @@ ingame:
1_3_expand: 這<strong>不是</strong>一個放置型遊戲!建造更多的開採機和傳送帶來更快地完成目標。 <br><br>
2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a <strong>Cutter</strong> to cut the circles in two
halves!<br><br> PS: The cutter always cuts from <strong>top to
bottom</strong> regardless of its orientation."
2_2_place_trash: The cutter can <strong>clog and stall</strong>!<br><br> Use a
<strong>trash</strong> to get rid of the currently (!) not
needed waste.
2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place <strong>2 more cutters</strong> to speed
up this slow process!<br><br> PS: Use the <strong>0-9
hotkeys</strong> to access buildings faster!"
3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! <strong>Build 4
extractors</strong> and connect them to the hub.<br><br> PS:
Hold <strong>SHIFT</strong> while dragging a belt to activate
the belt planner!"
21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the <strong>quad painter</strong> and get some
<strong>circles</strong>, <strong>white</strong> and
<strong>red</strong> color!
21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing
<strong>E</strong>!<br><br> Then <strong>connect all four
inputs</strong> of the painter with cables!
21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a <strong>Switch</strong> and connect it
with wires!
21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it <strong>emit a truthy
signal</strong> and thus activate the painter.<br><br> PS: You
don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two."
@ -534,8 +565,8 @@ storyRewards:
title: 鏈式開採
desc: "<strong>鏈式開採機</strong>變體已解鎖。它是開採機的一個變體。
PS: 工具列中舊的開採機已被取代。"
它可以將開採出來的資源<strong>傳遞</strong>給其他的開採機,使得資源提取更加高效!<br><br> PS:
title: 貳級隧道
desc: <strong>貳級隧道</strong>變體已解鎖。這個隧道有<strong>更長的傳輸距離</strong>。你還可以混用不同的隧道變體!
@ -558,9 +589,11 @@ storyRewards:
title: 藍圖
desc: 現在,你可以<strong>複製並貼上</ strong>工廠的各個部分!
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
an area (Hold CTRL, then drag with your mouse), and press 'C' to
copy it.<br><br>Pasting it is <strong>not free</strong>, you need to
produce <strong>blueprint shapes</strong> to afford it! (Those you
just delivered).
title: 下一關
desc: "這一關沒有獎勵,但是下一關有! <br><br> PS:
@ -621,7 +654,8 @@ storyRewards:
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
<strong>E</strong>. <br><br> PS: <strong>Enable hints</strong> in
the settings to activate the wires tutorial!"
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either