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# Migrating Your Plugin to NetBox v4.0
This document serves as a handbook for maintainers of plugins that were written prior to the release of NetBox v4.0. It serves to capture all the changes recommended to ensure a plugin is compatible with NetBox v4.0 and later releases.
## General
### Python support
NetBox v4.0 drops support for Python 3.8 and 3.9, and introduces support for Python 3.12. You may need to update your CI/CD processes and/or packaging to reflect this.
### Plugin resources relocated
All plugin Python resources were moved from `extras.plugins` to `netbox.plugins` in NetBox v3.7 (see [#14036](, and support for importing these resources from their old locations has been removed.
```python title="Old"
from extras.plugins import PluginConfig
```python title="New"
from netbox.plugins import PluginConfig
### ContentType renamed to ObjectType
NetBox's proxy model for Django's [ContentType model]( has been renamed to ObjectType for clarity. In general, plugins should use the ObjectType proxy when referencing content types, as it includes several custom manager methods. The one exception to this is when defining [generic foreign keys]( The ForeignKey field used for a GFK should point to Django's native ContentType.
Additionally, plugin maintainers are strongly encouraged to adopt the "object type" terminology for field and filter names wherever feasible to be consistent with NetBox core (however this is not required for compatibility).
```python title="Old"
content_types = models.ManyToManyField(
```python title="New"
object_types = models.ManyToManyField(
## Views
### View actions must be dictionaries
The format for declaring view actions & permissions was updated in NetBox v3.7 (see [#13550](, and NetBox v4.0 drops support for the old format. Views which inherit `ActionsMixin` must declare a single `actions` map.
```python title="Old"
actions = ('add', 'import', 'export', 'bulk_edit', 'bulk_delete')
action_perms = defaultdict(set, **{
'add': {'add'},
'import': {'add'},
'bulk_edit': {'change'},
'bulk_delete': {'delete'},
```python title="New"
actions = {
'add': {'add'},
'import': {'add'},
'export': set(),
'bulk_edit': {'change'},
'bulk_delete': {'delete'},
## Forms
### Remove `BootstrapMixin`
The `BootstrapMixin` class is no longer available or needed and can be removed from all forms.
```python title="Old"
from django import forms
from utilities.forms import BootstrapMixin
class MyForm(BootstrapMixin, forms.Form):
```python title="New"
from django import forms
class MyForm(forms.Form):
### Update Fieldset definitions
NetBox v4.0 introduces [several new classes](./ for advanced form rendering, including FieldSet. Fieldset definitions on forms should use this new class instead of a tuple or list.
Notably, the name of a fieldset is now optional, and passed as a keyword argument rather than as the first item in the set.
```python title="Old"
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from netbox.forms import NetBoxModelForm
class CircuitForm(NetBoxModelForm):
fieldsets = (
(_('Circuit'), ('cid', 'type', 'status', 'description', 'tags')),
(_('Service Parameters'), ('install_date', 'termination_date', 'commit_rate')),
(_('Tenancy'), ('tenant_group', 'tenant')),
```python title="New"
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from netbox.forms import NetBoxModelForm
from utilities.forms.rendering import FieldSet
class CircuitForm(NetBoxModelForm):
fieldsets = (
FieldSet('cid', 'type', 'status', 'description', 'tags', name=_('Circuit')),
FieldSet('install_date', 'termination_date', 'commit_rate', name=_('Service Parameters')),
FieldSet('tenant_group', 'tenant', name=_('Tenancy')),
## Navigation
### Remove button colors
NetBox no longer applies color to buttons within navigation menu items. Although this functionality is still supported, you might want to remove color from any buttons to ensure consistency with the updated design.
```python title="Old"
title='Add a new Foo',
icon_class='mdi mdi-plus-thick',
```python title="New"
title='Add a new Foo',
icon_class='mdi mdi-plus-thick'
## UI Layout
### Renamed template blocks
The following template blocks have been renamed or removed:
| Template | Old name | New name |
| generic/object.html | `header` | `page-header` |
| generic/object.html | `controls` | `control-buttons` |
| base/layout.html | `content-wrapper` | _Removed_ (use `content`) |
### Utilize flex controls
Ditch any legacy "float" controls (e.g. `float-end`) in favor of Bootstrap's new [flex behaviors]( for controlling the layout and sizing of elements horizontally. For example, the following will align two items against the left and right sides of the parent element:
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
<h3>Title text</h3>
<i class="mdi mdi-close"></i>
### Check column offsets
When using [offset columns]( (e.g. `class="col-offset-3"`), be sure to also set the column width (e.g. `class="col-9 col-offset-3"`) to avoid horizontal scrolling.
### Tables inside cards
Tables inside cards should be embedded directly, not nested inside a `card-body` element.
```html title="Old"
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<table class="table table-hover attr-table">
```html title="New"
<div class="card">
<table class="table table-hover attr-table">
### Remove `btn-sm` class from buttons
The `btn-sm` (small) class is no longer typically needed on general-purpose buttons.
```html title="Old"
<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Text</a>
```html title="New"
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Text</a>
### Update `bg-$color` classes
Foreground (text) color is no longer automatically adjusted by `bg-$color` classes. To ensure sufficient contrast with the background color, use the [`text-bg-$color`]( form of the class instead, or set the text color separately with `text-$color`.
```html title="Old"
<span class="badge bg-primary">Text</span>
```html title="New"
<span class="badge text-bg-primary">Text</span>
### Obsolete custom CSS classes
The following custom CSS classes have been removed:
* `object-subtitle` (use `text-secondary` instead)
### Extend serializer for brief mode
NetBox now uses a single API serializer for both normal and "brief" modes (i.e. `GET /api/dcim/sites/?brief=true`); nested serializer classes are no longer required. Two changes to API serializers are necessary to support brief mode:
1. Define `brief_fields` under its `Meta` class. These are the fields which will be included when brief mode is used.
2. For any nested objects, switch to using the primary serializer and pass `nested=True`.
Any nested serializers which are no longer needed can be removed.
```python title="Old"
class SiteSerializer(NetBoxModelSerializer):
region = NestedRegionSerializer(required=False, allow_null=True)
class Meta:
model = Site
fields = ('id', 'url', 'display', 'name', 'slug', 'status', 'region', 'time_zone', ...)
```python title="New"
class SiteSerializer(NetBoxModelSerializer):
region = RegionSerializer(nested=True, required=False, allow_null=True)
class Meta:
model = Site
fields = ('id', 'url', 'display', 'name', 'slug', 'status', 'region', 'time_zone', ...)
brief_fields = ('id', 'url', 'display', 'name', 'description', 'slug')
### Include description fields in brief mode
NetBox now includes the `description` field in "brief" mode for all models which have one. This is not required for plugins, but you may opt to do the same for consistency.
## GraphQL
NetBox has replaced [Graphene-Django]( with [Strawberry]( which requires any GraphQL code to be updated.
### Change
Strawberry uses [Python typing]( and generally only requires a small refactoring of the schema definition to update:
```python title="Old"
import graphene
from netbox.graphql.fields import ObjectField, ObjectListField
from utilities.graphql_optimizer import gql_query_optimizer
class CircuitsQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
circuit = ObjectField(CircuitType)
circuit_list = ObjectListField(CircuitType)
def resolve_circuit_list(root, info, **kwargs):
return gql_query_optimizer(models.Circuit.objects.all(), info)
```python title="New"
import strawberry
import strawberry_django
class CircuitsQuery:
def circuit(self, id: int) -> CircuitType:
return models.Circuit.objects.get(pk=id)
circuit_list: list[CircuitType] = strawberry_django.field()
### Change
Type conversion is also fairly straight-forward, but Strawberry requires FK and M2M references to be explicitly defined to pick up the right typing.
1. The `class Meta` options need to be moved up to the Strawberry decorator
2. Add `@strawberry_django.field` definitions for any FK and M2M references in the model
```python title="Old"
import graphene
class CircuitType(NetBoxObjectType, ContactsMixin):
class Meta:
model = models.Circuit
fields = '__all__'
filterset_class = filtersets.CircuitFilterSet
```python title="New"
from typing import Annotated
import strawberry
import strawberry_django
class CircuitTypeType(OrganizationalObjectType):
color: str
def circuits(self) -> list[Annotated["CircuitType", strawberry.lazy('circuits.graphql.types')]]:
return self.circuits.all()
### Change
Strawberry currently doesn't directly support django-filter, so an explicit file will need to be created. NetBox includes a new `autotype_decorator` used to automatically wrap FilterSets to reduce the required code to a minimum.
```python title="New"
import strawberry
import strawberry_django
from circuits import filtersets, models
from netbox.graphql.filter_mixins import autotype_decorator, BaseFilterMixin
__all__ = (
@strawberry_django.filter(models.Circuit, lookups=True)
class CircuitFilter(BaseFilterMixin):