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# netbox-docker
This repository houses the components needed to build NetBox as a Docker container.
Images built using this code are released to [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/ninech/netbox) every night.
## Quickstart
To get NetBox up and running:
$ git clone -b master https://github.com/ninech/netbox-docker.git
$ cd netbox-docker
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d
The application will be available after a few minutes.
Use `docker-compose port nginx 80` to find out where to connect to.
$ echo "http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)/"
# Open netbox in your default browser on macOS:
$ open "http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)/"
# Open netbox in your default browser on (most) linuxes:
$ xdg-open "http://$(docker-compose port nginx 80)/" &>/dev/null &
Alternatively, use something like [Reception](https://github.com/ninech/reception) to
connect to _docker-compose_ projects.
Default credentials:
* Username: **admin**
* Password: **admin**
* API Token: **0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567**
## Dependencies
This project relies only on *Docker* and *docker-compose* meeting this requirements:
* The *Docker version* must be at least `1.13.0`.
* The *docker-compose version* must be at least `1.10.0`.
To ensure this, compare the output of `docker --version` and `docker-compose --version` with the requirements above.
## Configuration
You can configure the app using environment variables. These are defined in `netbox.env`.
## Version
The `docker-compose.yml` file is prepared to run a specific version of Netbox.
To use this feature, set the environment-variable `VERSION` before launching `docker-compose`, as shown below.
`VERSION` may be set to the name of
[any tag of the `ninech/netbox` Docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/ninech/netbox/tags/).
$ export VERSION=v2.2.6
$ docker-compose pull netbox
$ docker-compose up -d
You can also build a specific version of the Netbox image. This time, `VERSION` indicates any valid
[Git Reference](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References) declared on
[the Netbox Github repository](https://github.com/digitalocean/netbox/releases).
Most commonly you will specify a tag name or a branch name.
$ export VERSION=develop
$ docker-compose build --no-cache netbox
$ docker-compose up -d
Hint: If you're building a specific version by tag name, the `--no-cache` argument is not strictly necessary.
This can increase the build speed if you're just adjusting the config, for example.
## Rebuilding & Publishing images
`./build.sh` is used to rebuild the Docker image:
$ ./build.sh --help
Usage: ./build.sh <branch> [--push]
branch The branch or tag to build. Required.
--push Pushes built Docker image to docker hub.
You can use the following ENV variables to customize the build:
BRANCH The branch to build.
Also used for tagging the image.
DOCKER_REPO The Docker registry (i.e. hub.docker.com/r/DOCKER_REPO/netbox)
Also used for tagging the image.
Default: ninech
SRC_REPO Which fork of netbox to use (i.e. github.com/<SRC_REPO>/netbox).
Default: digitalocean
URL Where to fetch the package from.
Must be a tar.gz file of the source code.
Default: https://github.com/${SRC_REPO}/netbox/archive/$BRANCH.tar.gz
## Tests
To run the bundled test, use the `docker-compose.test.yml` file.
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm app
## About
This repository is currently maintained and funded by [nine](https://nine.ch).