• Joined on 2020-11-08
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-02-20 02:32:33 +01:00
b179e0bbbc Merge pull request #530 from Endercheif/master
67c754e1f4 Merge branch 'master' into master
92f69b7f73 Merge pull request #540 from materemias/patch-deno-disable-colors
ae7630e47e Merge branch 'master' into master
32012483a3 disable output coloring of deno
Compare 10 commits »
Mascali pushed to release at Mascali/netbox-docker 2023-02-18 23:06:22 +01:00
b402f8309e Ajouter 'docker-compose.override.yml'
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/raspisms from mirror 2023-02-18 09:42:35 +01:00
85b64ada1a fix mms phone not set
f9e64aee65 add preview of group members
59d3e28489 Add a setting to force gsm alphabet conversion
fdbc6a0878 fix date format
4f0c585f78 finally, we will just do limit checking all over again during sending phase
Compare 13 commits »
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/raspisms from mirror 2023-02-01 01:12:31 +01:00
1c7a84def0 Only start daemons for phones of active users
Compare 2 commits »
Mascali synced new reference refs/tags/v3.5.5 to Mascali/raspisms from mirror 2023-02-01 01:12:31 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to refs/tags/v3.5.5 at Mascali/raspisms from mirror 2023-02-01 01:12:31 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/node-fetch-2.6.7 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-12 07:49:54 +01:00
55e5d6cde7 build(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 in /api
17c4fdb51e Merge pull request #537 from Vrganj/master
e86c19b007 return 200 and piston ver on /, fix empty content-type header validation
Compare 3 commits »
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-12 07:49:54 +01:00
17c4fdb51e Merge pull request #537 from Vrganj/master
e86c19b007 return 200 and piston ver on /, fix empty content-type header validation
Compare 2 commits »
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/cli/minimatch-3.0.5 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-12 07:49:54 +01:00
1f36b3d350 build(deps): bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 in /cli
17c4fdb51e Merge pull request #537 from Vrganj/master
e86c19b007 return 200 and piston ver on /, fix empty content-type header validation
Compare 3 commits »
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/cli/minimatch-3.0.5 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-10 06:49:58 +01:00
f0c94d5524 build(deps): bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 in /cli
7441f2633d Merge pull request #531 from engineer-man/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3
5ae85c383f build(deps): bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 in /api
d815a4f1ac Merge pull request #525 from pan93412/rust-1.65.0
d23e41c3cd pkg(rust-1.65.0): Added Rust 1.65.0
Compare 5 commits »
Mascali synced and deleted reference dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-10 06:49:58 +01:00
Mascali synced and deleted reference dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/qs-and-body-parser-and-express-6.11.0 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-10 06:49:58 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/node-fetch-2.6.7 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-10 06:49:58 +01:00
dcb3d9f343 build(deps): bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 in /api
7441f2633d Merge pull request #531 from engineer-man/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3
5ae85c383f build(deps): bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 in /api
d815a4f1ac Merge pull request #525 from pan93412/rust-1.65.0
d23e41c3cd pkg(rust-1.65.0): Added Rust 1.65.0
Compare 43 commits »
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/piston from mirror 2023-01-10 06:49:58 +01:00
7441f2633d Merge pull request #531 from engineer-man/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3
5ae85c383f build(deps): bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 in /api
Compare 2 commits »
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/shapez from mirror 2022-12-29 14:59:54 +01:00
0713c850ec Fixed dev and devStandalone script (#1503)
Mascali synced new reference dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3 to Mascali/piston from mirror 2022-12-14 01:39:57 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/express-4.17.3 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2022-12-14 01:39:57 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/qs-and-body-parser-and-express-6.11.0 at Mascali/piston from mirror 2022-12-08 14:59:54 +01:00
Mascali synced new reference dependabot/npm_and_yarn/api/qs-and-body-parser-and-express-6.11.0 to Mascali/piston from mirror 2022-12-08 14:59:54 +01:00
Mascali synced commits to master at Mascali/piston from mirror 2022-11-14 11:09:54 +01:00
d815a4f1ac Merge pull request #525 from pan93412/rust-1.65.0
d23e41c3cd pkg(rust-1.65.0): Added Rust 1.65.0
Compare 2 commits »