
209 lines
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// Globals defined by webpack
declare const G_IS_DEV: boolean;
declare const G_IS_PROD: boolean;
declare function assert(condition: boolean | object | string, ...errorMessage: string[]): void;
declare function assertAlways(condition: boolean | object | string, ...errorMessage: string[]): void;
declare const abstract: void;
declare const G_API_ENDPOINT: string;
declare const G_APP_ENVIRONMENT: string;
declare const G_HAVE_ASSERT: boolean;
declare const G_BUILD_TIME: number;
declare const G_IS_STANDALONE: boolean;
declare const G_IS_BROWSER: boolean;
declare const G_IS_MOBILE_APP: boolean;
declare const G_BUILD_COMMIT_HASH: string;
declare const G_TRACKING_ENDPOINT: string;
declare const G_BUILD_VERSION: string;
declare const G_ALL_UI_IMAGES: Array<string>;
declare const G_IS_RELEASE: boolean;
// Node require
declare function require(...args): any;
// Polyfills
declare interface String {
replaceAll(search: string, replacement: string): string;
declare interface CanvasRenderingContext2D {
beginRoundedRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, r: number): void;
beginCircle(x: number, y: number, r: number): void;
msImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
mozImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
webkitImageSmoothingEnabled: boolean;
declare interface HTMLCanvasElement {
opaque: boolean;
webkitOpaque: boolean;
// Just for compatibility with the shared code
declare interface Logger {
// Cordova
declare interface Device {
uuid: string;
platform: string;
available: boolean;
version: string;
cordova: string;
model: string;
manufacturer: string;
isVirtual: boolean;
serial: string;
declare interface MobileAccessibility {
declare interface Window {
// Cordova
device: Device;
StatusBar: any;
AndroidFullScreen: any;
AndroidNotch: any;
plugins: any;
// Adinplay
aiptag: any;
adPlayer: any;
aipPlayer: any;
MobileAccessibility: MobileAccessibility;
LocalFileSystem: any;
// Debugging
activeClickDetectors: Array<any>;
// Experimental/Newer apis
FontFace: any;
TouchEvent: undefined | TouchEvent;
// Thirdparty
XPayStationWidget: any;
Sentry: any;
LogRocket: any;
grecaptcha: any;
gtag: any;
cpmstarAPI: any;
// Mods
registerMod: any;
anyModLoaded: any;
assert(condition: boolean, failureMessage: string);
gameanalytics: typeof import("./game_analytics");
declare interface Navigator {
app: any;
device: any;
splashscreen: any;
// FontFace
declare interface Document {
fonts: any;
// Webpack
declare interface WebpackContext {
keys(): Array<string>;
declare interface NodeRequire {
context(src: string, flag: boolean, regexp: RegExp): WebpackContext;
// HTML Element
declare interface Element {
style: any;
innerText: string;
innerHTML: string;
declare interface Object {
entries(obj: object): Array<[string, any]>;
declare interface Math {
radians(number): number;
degrees(number): number;
declare interface String {
padStart(size: number, fill?: string): string;
padEnd(size: number, fill: string): string;
declare interface FactoryTemplate<T> {
entries: Array<new (...args: any[]) => T>;
entryIds: Array<string>;
idToEntry: any;
getId(): string;
getAllIds(): Array<string>;
register(entry: new (...args: any[]) => T): void;
hasId(id: string): boolean;
findById(id: string): new (...args: any[]) => T;
getEntries(): Array<new (...args: any[]) => T>;
getNumEntries(): number;
declare interface SingletonFactoryTemplate<T> {
entries: Array<T>;
idToEntry: any;
getId(): string;
getAllIds(): Array<string>;
register(classHandle: new (...args: any[]) => T): void;
hasId(id: string): boolean;
findById(id: string): T;
findByClass(classHandle: new (...args: any[]) => T): T;
getEntries(): Array<T>;
getNumEntries(): number;
declare interface SignalTemplate0 {
add(receiver: () => string | void, scope: null | any);
dispatch(): string | void;
remove(receiver: () => string | void);
declare class TypedTrackedState<T> {
constructor(callbackMethod?: (value: T) => void, callbackScope?: any);
set(value: T, changeHandler?: (value: T) => void, changeScope?: any): void;
setSilent(value: any): void;
get(): T;
declare const STOP_PROPAGATION = "stop_propagation";
declare interface TypedSignal<T extends Array<any>> {
add(receiver: (...args: T) => /* STOP_PROPAGATION */ string | void, scope?: object);
remove(receiver: (...args: T) => /* STOP_PROPAGATION */ string | void);
dispatch(...args: T): /* STOP_PROPAGATION */ string | void;