
159 lines
4.5 KiB

const { join, resolve } = require("path");
const { readFileSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync } = require("fs");
const suffixToScale = {
lq: "0.25",
mq: "0.5",
hq: "0.75",
function convert(srcDir) {
const fullPath = resolve(srcDir);
const srcFiles = readdirSync(fullPath)
.filter(n => n.endsWith(".atlas"))
.map(n => join(fullPath, n));
for (const atlas of srcFiles) {
console.log(`Processing: ${atlas}`);
// Sections for different atlas images are broken up via an extra line break
const atlasSections = readFileSync(atlas, "utf-8")
console.log("Found " + atlasSections.length + " sections!");
// Perform the conversion for each section
for (const section of atlasSections) {
preformConversion(fullPath, section);
function formatImageData(keywordArgs) {
let { name, rotate, xy, size, orig, offset, index } = keywordArgs;
// Convert to arrays because Node.js doesn't
// support latest JS features
xy = xy.split(",").map(v => Number(v));
size = size.split(",").map(v => Number(v));
orig = orig.split(",").map(v => Number(v));
offset = offset.split(",").map(v => Number(v));
// GDX TexturePacker removes index suffixes
let imageName = index === -1 ? `${name}.png` : `${name}_${index}.png`;
const frameInfo = {
// Bounds on atlas
frame: {
x: xy[0],
y: xy[1],
w: size[0],
h: size[1],
// Whether image was rotated
rotated: rotate === "true",
// If blank space was trimmed from the image
trimmed: size !== orig,
// How is the image trimmed
spriteSourceSize: {
x: offset[0],
y: (orig[1] - size[1]) - offset[1],
w: size[0],
h: size[1],
// Original image size
sourceSize: {
w: orig[0],
h: orig[1],
return [imageName, frameInfo];
function preformConversion(pathPrefix, atlasData) {
// Read all text, split it into line array
// and filter all empty lines
const lines = atlasData
.filter(n => n.trim());
// Get source image name
const image = lines.shift();
const srcMeta = {};
// Read all metadata
while (true) {
const nextLine = lines.shift();
// If a line does not contain a colon, we have gone too far
if (!nextLine.includes(":")) {
// Append the parsed key value pair to our metadata map
const [key, value] = nextLine.split(":");
srcMeta[key] = value.trim();
const frames = {};
let current = null;
for (const line of lines) {
if (!line.startsWith(" ")) {
// New frame, convert previous if it exists
if (current !== null) {
// Add the previous image's frame info to the frame map
const [imageName, frameInfo] = formatImageData(current);
frames[imageName] = frameInfo;
// Reset the frame info with the new frame name.
current = { name: line };
} else {
// Read and set current image metadata
const [key, value] = line.split(":").map(v => v.trim());
// Check if the value should be a number
const valueAsNum = Number(value);
current[key] = isNaN(valueAsNum) ? value : valueAsNum;
// Assuming the image was not empty, there should be one last remaining entry that needs to be added.
if (current !== null) {
// Add the previous image's frame info to the frame map
const [imageName, frameInfo] = formatImageData(current);
frames[imageName] = frameInfo;
const atlasSize = srcMeta.size.split(",").map(v => Number(v));
const atlasScale = suffixToScale[image.match(/_([a-z]+)\d*\.png$/)[1]];
const result = JSON.stringify({
meta: {
format: srcMeta.format,
size: {
w: atlasSize[0],
h: atlasSize[1],
scale: atlasScale.toString(),
const dstFile = join(pathPrefix, image.replace(".png", ".json"));
writeFileSync(dstFile, result, {
encoding: "utf-8",
module.exports = { convert };