// simple factory pattern export class SingletonFactory { constructor() { // Store array as well as dictionary, to speed up lookups this.entries = []; this.idToEntry = {}; } register(classHandle) { // First, construct instance const instance = new classHandle(); // Extract id const id = instance.getId(); assert(id, "Factory: Invalid id for class " + classHandle.name + ": " + id); // Check duplicates assert(!this.idToEntry[id], "Duplicate factory entry for " + id); // Insert this.entries.push(instance); this.idToEntry[id] = instance; } /** * Checks if a given id is registered * @param {string} id * @returns {boolean} */ hasId(id) { return !!this.idToEntry[id]; } /** * Finds an instance by a given id * @param {string} id * @returns {object} */ findById(id) { const entry = this.idToEntry[id]; if (!entry) { assert(false, "Factory: Object with id '" + id + "' is not registered!"); return null; } return entry; } /** * Finds an instance by its constructor (The class handle) * @param {object} classHandle * @returns {object} */ findByClass(classHandle) { for (let i = 0; i < this.entries.length; ++i) { if (this.entries[i] instanceof classHandle) { return this.entries[i]; } } assert(false, "Factory: Object not found by classHandle (classid: " + classHandle.name + ")"); return null; } /** * Returns all entries * @returns {Array} */ getEntries() { return this.entries; } /** * Returns amount of stored entries * @returns {number} */ getNumEntries() { return this.entries.length; } }