/* typehints:start */ import { GameRoot } from "../root"; import { MetaBuilding } from "../meta_building"; /* typehints:end */ import { findNiceIntegerValue } from "../../core/utils"; import { MetaConstantProducerBuilding } from "../buildings/constant_producer"; import { MetaGoalAcceptorBuilding } from "../buildings/goal_acceptor"; import { enumGameModeIds, enumGameModeTypes, GameMode } from "../game_mode"; import { ShapeDefinition } from "../shape_definition"; import { enumHubGoalRewards } from "../tutorial_goals"; import { HUDWiresToolbar } from "../hud/parts/wires_toolbar"; import { HUDUnlockNotification } from "../hud/parts/unlock_notification"; import { HUDMassSelector } from "../hud/parts/mass_selector"; import { HUDShop } from "../hud/parts/shop"; import { HUDWaypoints } from "../hud/parts/waypoints"; import { HUDStatistics } from "../hud/parts/statistics"; import { HUDWireInfo } from "../hud/parts/wire_info"; import { HUDLeverToggle } from "../hud/parts/lever_toggle"; import { HUDPinnedShapes } from "../hud/parts/pinned_shapes"; import { HUDNotifications } from "../hud/parts/notifications"; import { HUDScreenshotExporter } from "../hud/parts/screenshot_exporter"; import { HUDWiresOverlay } from "../hud/parts/wires_overlay"; import { HUDShapeViewer } from "../hud/parts/shape_viewer"; import { HUDLayerPreview } from "../hud/parts/layer_preview"; import { HUDTutorialVideoOffer } from "../hud/parts/tutorial_video_offer"; import { HUDMinerHighlight } from "../hud/parts/miner_highlight"; import { HUDGameMenu } from "../hud/parts/game_menu"; import { HUDConstantSignalEdit } from "../hud/parts/constant_signal_edit"; import { IS_MOBILE } from "../../core/config"; import { HUDKeybindingOverlay } from "../hud/parts/keybinding_overlay"; import { HUDWatermark } from "../hud/parts/watermark"; import { HUDStandaloneAdvantages } from "../hud/parts/standalone_advantages"; import { HUDPartTutorialHints } from "../hud/parts/tutorial_hints"; import { HUDInteractiveTutorial } from "../hud/parts/interactive_tutorial"; import { MetaBlockBuilding } from "../buildings/block"; import { MetaItemProducerBuilding } from "../buildings/item_producer"; import { MOD_SIGNALS } from "../../mods/mod_signals"; import { finalGameShape, generateLevelsForVariant } from "./levels"; import { WEB_STEAM_SSO_AUTHENTICATED } from "../../core/steam_sso"; /** @typedef {{ * shape: string, * amount: number * }} UpgradeRequirement */ /** @typedef {{ * required: Array * improvement?: number, * excludePrevious?: boolean * }} TierRequirement */ /** @typedef {Array} UpgradeTiers */ /** @typedef {{ * shape: string, * required: number, * reward: enumHubGoalRewards, * throughputOnly?: boolean * }} LevelDefinition */ export const rocketShape = "CbCuCbCu:Sr------:--CrSrCr:CwCwCwCw"; const preparementShape = "CpRpCp--:SwSwSwSw"; // Tiers need % of the previous tier as requirement too const tierGrowth = 2.5; const chinaShapes = G_ISBN_VERSION || G_CHINA_VERSION; const upgradesCache = {}; /** * Generates all upgrades * @returns {Object} */ function generateUpgrades(limitedVersion = false, difficulty = 1) { if (upgradesCache[limitedVersion]) { return upgradesCache[limitedVersion]; } const fixedImprovements = [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1]; const numEndgameUpgrades = limitedVersion ? 0 : 1000 - fixedImprovements.length - 1; function generateInfiniteUnlocks() { return new Array(numEndgameUpgrades).fill(null).map((_, i) => ({ required: [ { shape: preparementShape, amount: 30000 + i * 10000 }, { shape: finalGameShape, amount: 20000 + i * 5000 }, { shape: rocketShape, amount: 20000 + i * 5000 }, ], excludePrevious: true, })); } // Fill in endgame upgrades for (let i = 0; i < numEndgameUpgrades; ++i) { if (i < 20) { fixedImprovements.push(0.1); } else if (i < 50) { fixedImprovements.push(0.05); } else if (i < 100) { fixedImprovements.push(0.025); } else { fixedImprovements.push(0.0125); } } const upgrades = { belt: [ { required: [{ shape: "CuCuCuCu", amount: 30 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "--CuCu--", amount: 500 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "CpCpCpCp", amount: 1000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "SrSrSrSr:CyCyCyCy", amount: 6000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "SrSrSrSr:CyCyCyCy:SwSwSwSw", amount: 25000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }], excludePrevious: true, }, { required: [ { shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }, { shape: finalGameShape, amount: 50000 }, ], excludePrevious: true, }, ...generateInfiniteUnlocks(), ], miner: [ { required: [{ shape: "RuRuRuRu", amount: 300 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "Cu------", amount: 800 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "ScScScSc", amount: 3500 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "CwCwCwCw:WbWbWbWb", amount: 23000 }], }, { required: [ { shape: chinaShapes ? "CyCyCyCy:CyCyCyCy:RyRyRyRy:RuRuRuRu" : "CbRbRbCb:CwCwCwCw:WbWbWbWb", amount: 50000, }, ], }, { required: [{ shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }], excludePrevious: true, }, { required: [ { shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }, { shape: finalGameShape, amount: 50000 }, ], excludePrevious: true, }, ...generateInfiniteUnlocks(), ], processors: [ { required: [{ shape: "SuSuSuSu", amount: 500 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "RuRu----", amount: 600 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "CgScScCg", amount: 3500 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "CwCrCwCr:SgSgSgSg", amount: 25000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "WrRgWrRg:CwCrCwCr:SgSgSgSg", amount: 50000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }], excludePrevious: true, }, { required: [ { shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }, { shape: finalGameShape, amount: 50000 }, ], excludePrevious: true, }, ...generateInfiniteUnlocks(), ], painting: [ { required: [{ shape: "RbRb----", amount: 600 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "WrWrWrWr", amount: 3800 }], }, { required: [ { shape: chinaShapes ? "CuCuCuCu:CwCwCwCw:Sb--Sr--" : "RpRpRpRp:CwCwCwCw", amount: 6500, }, ], }, { required: [{ shape: "WpWpWpWp:CwCwCwCw:WpWpWpWp", amount: 25000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: "WpWpWpWp:CwCwCwCw:WpWpWpWp:CwCwCwCw", amount: 50000 }], }, { required: [{ shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }], excludePrevious: true, }, { required: [ { shape: preparementShape, amount: 25000 }, { shape: finalGameShape, amount: 50000 }, ], excludePrevious: true, }, ...generateInfiniteUnlocks(), ], }; // Automatically generate tier levels for (const upgradeId in upgrades) { const upgradeTiers = upgrades[upgradeId]; let currentTierRequirements = []; for (let i = 0; i < upgradeTiers.length; ++i) { const tierHandle = upgradeTiers[i]; tierHandle.improvement = fixedImprovements[i]; tierHandle.required.forEach(required => { required.amount = Math.round(required.amount * difficulty); }); const originalRequired = tierHandle.required.slice(); for (let k = currentTierRequirements.length - 1; k >= 0; --k) { const oldTierRequirement = currentTierRequirements[k]; if (!tierHandle.excludePrevious) { tierHandle.required.unshift({ shape: oldTierRequirement.shape, amount: oldTierRequirement.amount, }); } } currentTierRequirements.push( ...originalRequired.map(req => ({ amount: req.amount, shape: req.shape, })) ); currentTierRequirements.forEach(tier => { tier.amount = findNiceIntegerValue(tier.amount * tierGrowth); }); } } MOD_SIGNALS.modifyUpgrades.dispatch(upgrades); // VALIDATE if (G_IS_DEV) { for (const upgradeId in upgrades) { upgrades[upgradeId].forEach(tier => { tier.required.forEach(({ shape }) => { try { ShapeDefinition.fromShortKey(shape); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Invalid upgrade goal: '" + ex + "' for shape" + shape); } }); }); } } upgradesCache[limitedVersion] = upgrades; return upgrades; } let levelDefinitionsCache = null; /** * Generates the level definitions */ export function generateLevelDefinitions(app) { if (levelDefinitionsCache) { return levelDefinitionsCache; } const levelDefinitions = generateLevelsForVariant(app); MOD_SIGNALS.modifyLevelDefinitions.dispatch(levelDefinitions); if (G_IS_DEV) { levelDefinitions.forEach(({ shape }) => { try { ShapeDefinition.fromShortKey(shape); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Invalid tutorial goal: '" + ex + "' for shape" + shape); } }); } levelDefinitionsCache = levelDefinitions; return levelDefinitions; } export class RegularGameMode extends GameMode { static getId() { return enumGameModeIds.regular; } static getType() { return enumGameModeTypes.default; } /** @param {GameRoot} root */ constructor(root) { super(root); this.additionalHudParts = { wiresToolbar: HUDWiresToolbar, unlockNotification: HUDUnlockNotification, massSelector: HUDMassSelector, shop: HUDShop, statistics: HUDStatistics, waypoints: HUDWaypoints, wireInfo: HUDWireInfo, leverToggle: HUDLeverToggle, pinnedShapes: HUDPinnedShapes, notifications: HUDNotifications, screenshotExporter: HUDScreenshotExporter, wiresOverlay: HUDWiresOverlay, shapeViewer: HUDShapeViewer, layerPreview: HUDLayerPreview, minerHighlight: HUDMinerHighlight, tutorialVideoOffer: HUDTutorialVideoOffer, gameMenu: HUDGameMenu, constantSignalEdit: HUDConstantSignalEdit, }; if (!IS_MOBILE) { this.additionalHudParts.keybindingOverlay = HUDKeybindingOverlay; } if (this.root.app.restrictionMgr.getIsStandaloneMarketingActive()) { this.additionalHudParts.watermark = HUDWatermark; this.additionalHudParts.standaloneAdvantages = HUDStandaloneAdvantages; } if (this.root.app.settings.getAllSettings().offerHints) { if (!G_ISBN_VERSION) { this.additionalHudParts.tutorialHints = HUDPartTutorialHints; } this.additionalHudParts.interactiveTutorial = HUDInteractiveTutorial; } /** @type {(typeof MetaBuilding)[]} */ this.hiddenBuildings = [ MetaConstantProducerBuilding, MetaGoalAcceptorBuilding, MetaBlockBuilding, MetaItemProducerBuilding, ]; } get difficultyMultiplicator() { if (G_IS_STANDALONE || WEB_STEAM_SSO_AUTHENTICATED) { if (G_IS_STEAM_DEMO) { return 0.75; } return 1; } return 0.5; } /** * Should return all available upgrades * @returns {Object} */ getUpgrades() { return generateUpgrades( !this.root.app.restrictionMgr.getHasExtendedUpgrades(), this.difficultyMultiplicator ); } /** * Returns the goals for all levels including their reward * @returns {Array} */ getLevelDefinitions() { return generateLevelDefinitions(this.root.app); } /** * Should return whether free play is available or if the game stops * after the predefined levels * @returns {boolean} */ getIsFreeplayAvailable() { return this.root.app.restrictionMgr.getHasExtendedLevelsAndFreeplay(); } /** @returns {boolean} */ hasAchievements() { return true; } }