import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; import { clamp, makeDiv, smoothPulse } from "../../../core/utils"; import { GameRoot } from "../../root"; import { MinerComponent } from "../../components/miner"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { TrackedState } from "../../../core/tracked_state"; import { cachebust } from "../../../core/cachebust"; import { T } from "../../../translations"; import { enumItemProcessorTypes, ItemProcessorComponent } from "../../components/item_processor"; import { ShapeItem } from "../../items/shape_item"; import { WireComponent } from "../../components/wire"; import { LeverComponent } from "../../components/lever"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { Vector } from "../../../core/vector"; import { MetaMinerBuilding } from "../../buildings/miner"; import { gMetaBuildingRegistry } from "../../../core/global_registries"; import { MetaBeltBuilding } from "../../buildings/belt"; import { MetaTrashBuilding } from "../../buildings/trash"; import { SOUNDS } from "../../../platform/sound"; import { THEME } from "../../theme"; // @todo: Make dictionary const tutorialsByLevel = [ // Level 1 [ // 1.1. place an extractor { id: "1_1_extractor", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(MinerComponent).length === 0, }, // 1.2. connect to hub { id: "1_2_conveyor", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => { const paths =; const miners = root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(MinerComponent); for (let i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { const path = paths[i]; const acceptingEntity = path.computeAcceptingEntityAndSlot().entity; if (!acceptingEntity || !acceptingEntity.components.Hub) { continue; } // Find a miner which delivers to this belt path for (let k = 0; k < miners.length; ++k) { const miner = miners[k]; if (miner.components.ItemEjector.slots[0].cachedBeltPath === path) { return false; } } } return true; }, }, // 1.3 wait for completion { id: "1_3_expand", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => true, }, ], // Level 2 [ // 2.1 place a cutter { id: "2_1_place_cutter", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr .getAllWithComponent(ItemProcessorComponent) .filter(e => e.components.ItemProcessor.type === enumItemProcessorTypes.cutter).length === 0, }, // 2.2 place trash { id: "2_2_place_trash", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr .getAllWithComponent(ItemProcessorComponent) .filter(e => e.components.ItemProcessor.type === enumItemProcessorTypes.trash).length === 0, }, // 2.3 place more cutters { id: "2_3_more_cutters", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => true, }, ], // Level 3 [ // 3.1. rectangles { id: "3_1_rectangles", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => // 4 miners placed above rectangles and 10 delivered root.hubGoals.getCurrentGoalDelivered() < 10 || root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(MinerComponent).filter(entity => { const tile = entity.components.StaticMapEntity.origin; const below =, tile.y); if (below && below.getItemType() === "shape") { const shape = /** @type {ShapeItem} */ (below).definition.getHash(); return shape === "RuRuRuRu"; } return false; }).length < 4, }, ], [], // Level 4 [], // Level 5 [], // Level 6 [], // Level 7 [], // Level 8 [], // Level 9 [], // Level 10 [], // Level 11 [], // Level 12 [], // Level 13 [], // Level 14 [], // Level 15 [], // Level 16 [], // Level 17 [], // Level 18 [], // Level 19 [], // Level 20 // Level 21 [ // 21.1 place quad painter { id: "21_1_place_quad_painter", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr .getAllWithComponent(ItemProcessorComponent) .filter(e => e.components.ItemProcessor.type === enumItemProcessorTypes.painterQuad) .length === 0, }, // 21.2 switch to wires layer { id: "21_2_switch_to_wires", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(WireComponent).length < 5, }, // 21.3 place button { id: "21_3_place_button", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(LeverComponent).length === 0, }, // 21.4 activate button { id: "21_4_press_button", condition: /** @param {GameRoot} root */ root => root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(LeverComponent).some(e => !e.components.Lever.toggled), }, ], ]; export class HUDInteractiveTutorial extends BaseHUDPart { createElements(parent) { this.element = makeDiv( parent, "ingame_HUD_InteractiveTutorial", ["animEven"], ` ${T.ingame.interactiveTutorial.title} ` ); this.elementDescription = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["desc"]); this.elementGif = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["helperGif"]); } cleanup() { document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-tutorial-step", ""); } initialize() { this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.element, { trackHover: true }); this.currentHintId = new TrackedState(this.onHintChanged, this); document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-tutorial-step", ""); } onHintChanged(hintId) { this.elementDescription.innerHTML = T.ingame.interactiveTutorial.hints[hintId]; document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-tutorial-step", hintId); const folder = G_ISBN_VERSION ? "" : "interactive_tutorial.noinline"; = "url('" + cachebust("res/ui/" + folder + "/" + hintId + ".gif") + "')"; this.element.classList.toggle("animEven"); this.element.classList.toggle("animOdd"); if (hintId) {; } } update() { // Compute current hint const thisLevelHints = tutorialsByLevel[this.root.hubGoals.level - 1]; let targetHintId = null; if (thisLevelHints) { for (let i = 0; i < thisLevelHints.length; ++i) { const hint = thisLevelHints[i]; if (hint.condition(this.root)) { targetHintId =; break; } } } this.currentHintId.set(targetHintId); this.domAttach.update(!!targetHintId); } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { const animation = smoothPulse(; const currentBuilding =; if (["1_1_extractor"].includes(this.currentHintId.get())) { if ( currentBuilding && currentBuilding.getId() === gMetaBuildingRegistry.findByClass(MetaMinerBuilding).getId() ) { // Find closest circle patch to hub let closest = null; let closestDistance = 1e10; for (let i = 0; i > -globalConfig.mapChunkSize; --i) { for (let j = 0; j < globalConfig.mapChunkSize; ++j) { const resourceItem =, j); if ( resourceItem instanceof ShapeItem && resourceItem.definition.getHash() === "CuCuCuCu" ) { let distance = Math.hypot(i, j); if (!closest || distance < closestDistance) { const tile = new Vector(i, j); if (!, "regular")) { closest = tile; closestDistance = distance; } } } } } if (closest) { parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(74, 237, 134, " + (0.5 - animation * 0.2) + ")"; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "rgb(74, 237, 134)"; parameters.context.lineWidth = 2; parameters.context.beginRoundedRect( closest.x * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * animation, closest.y * globalConfig.tileSize - 2 * animation, globalConfig.tileSize + 4 * animation, globalConfig.tileSize + 4 * animation, 3 ); parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } } if (this.currentHintId.get() === "1_2_conveyor") { if ( currentBuilding && currentBuilding.getId() === gMetaBuildingRegistry.findByClass(MetaBeltBuilding).getId() ) { // Find closest miner const miners = this.root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(MinerComponent); let closest = null; let closestDistance = 1e10; for (let i = 0; i < miners.length; i++) { const miner = miners[i]; const distance = miner.components.StaticMapEntity.origin.lengthSquare(); if (![0, 90].includes(miner.components.StaticMapEntity.rotation)) { continue; } if (!closest || distance < closestDistance) { closest = miner; } } if (closest) { // draw line from miner to hub -> But respect orientation const staticComp = closest.components.StaticMapEntity; const offset = staticComp.rotation === 0 ? new Vector(0.5, 0) : new Vector(1, 0.5); const anchor = staticComp.rotation === 0 ? new Vector(staticComp.origin.x + 0.5, 0.5) : new Vector(-0.5, staticComp.origin.y + 0.5); const target = staticComp.rotation === 0 ? new Vector(-2.1, 0.5) : new Vector(-0.5, 2.1); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.1 + animation * 0.1; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "rgb(74, 237, 134)"; parameters.context.lineWidth = globalConfig.tileSize / 2; parameters.context.beginPath(); parameters.context.moveTo( (staticComp.origin.x + offset.x) * globalConfig.tileSize, (staticComp.origin.y + offset.y) * globalConfig.tileSize ); parameters.context.lineTo( anchor.x * globalConfig.tileSize, anchor.y * globalConfig.tileSize ); parameters.context.lineTo( target.x * globalConfig.tileSize, target.y * globalConfig.tileSize ); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; const arrowSprite =; let arrows = []; let pos = staticComp.origin.add(offset); let delta = anchor.sub(pos).normalize(); let maxIter = 999; while (pos.distanceSquare(anchor) > 1 && maxIter-- > 0) { pos = pos.add(delta); arrows.push({ pos: pos.sub(offset), rotation: staticComp.rotation, }); } pos = anchor.copy(); delta = target.sub(pos).normalize(); const localDelta = staticComp.rotation === 0 ? new Vector(-1.5, -0.5) : new Vector(-0.5, 0.5); while (pos.distanceSquare(target) > 1 && maxIter-- > 0) { pos = pos.add(delta); arrows.push({ pos: pos.add(localDelta), rotation: 90 - staticComp.rotation, }); } for (let i = 0; i < arrows.length; i++) { const { pos, rotation } = arrows[i]; const worldPos = pos.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const angle = Math.radians(rotation); parameters.context.translate(worldPos.x, worldPos.y); parameters.context.rotate(angle); parameters.context.drawImage( arrowSprite, -6, -globalConfig.halfTileSize - clamp((this.root.time.realtimeNow() * 1.5) % 1.0, 0, 1) * 1 * globalConfig.tileSize + globalConfig.halfTileSize - 6, 12, 12 ); parameters.context.rotate(-angle); parameters.context.translate(-worldPos.x, -worldPos.y); } parameters.context.fillStyle =; parameters.context.font = "15px GameFont"; if (staticComp.rotation === 0) { const pos = staticComp.origin.toWorldSpace().subScalars(2, 10); parameters.context.translate(pos.x, pos.y); parameters.context.rotate(-Math.radians(90)); parameters.context.fillText( T.ingame.interactiveTutorial.hints["1_2_hold_and_drag"], 0, 0 ); parameters.context.rotate(Math.radians(90)); parameters.context.translate(-pos.x, -pos.y); } else { const pos = staticComp.origin.toWorldSpace().addScalars(40, 50); parameters.context.fillText( T.ingame.interactiveTutorial.hints["1_2_hold_and_drag"], pos.x, pos.y ); } } } } if (this.currentHintId.get() === "2_2_place_trash") { // Find cutters if ( currentBuilding && currentBuilding.getId() === gMetaBuildingRegistry.findByClass(MetaTrashBuilding).getId() ) { const entities = this.root.entityMgr.getAllWithComponent(ItemProcessorComponent); for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) { const entity = entities[i]; if (entity.components.ItemProcessor.type !== enumItemProcessorTypes.cutter) { continue; } const slot = entity.components.StaticMapEntity.localTileToWorld( new Vector(1, -1) ).toWorldSpace(); parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(74, 237, 134, " + (0.5 - animation * 0.2) + ")"; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "rgb(74, 237, 134)"; parameters.context.lineWidth = 2; parameters.context.beginRoundedRect( slot.x - 2 * animation, slot.y - 2 * animation, globalConfig.tileSize + 4 * animation, globalConfig.tileSize + 4 * animation, 3 ); parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } } } }