steamPage: shortText: 是一款在一個無邊際的地圖上建造工廠、自動化生產與組合愈加複雜圖形的遊戲。 longText: >- [img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/store_page_gif.gif[/img] 是一款在一個無邊無際的地圖上建造工廠、將生產與組合愈加複雜圖形自動化的遊戲。 在指定圖形送達基地後,你會晉級且解鎖能加速生產的新功能。 當指定圖形的數量增加時,你必須擴充你的工廠才能應付訂單 -- 但別忘記資源,你需要在[b]無邊無際的地圖[/b]上擴充。 不久後你將需要混色並為圖形上色 -- 混和紅、綠、藍以創造新顏色再將圖形上色來達成目標。 遊戲目前有十八關(應該也夠你忙一陣子了),而我還有很多計畫,持續更新中! 購買獨立版的你即擁有額外內容,也會優先接觸新開發內容。 [b]獨立版的額外內容[/b] [list] [*] 深色主題 [*] 地圖標記數量無限制 [*] 存檔數量無限制 [*] 更多設定 [*] 即將到來: 電線與能源! 目標在2020年七月底(左右)問世。 [*] 即將到來: 更多新關卡 [*] 幫助我繼續開發 ❤️ [/list] [b]未來更新[/b] 我時常更新遊戲,希望能周更! [list] [*] 不同的地圖與挑戰(像是有障礙物的地圖) [*] 迷宮(在地圖受限制或只能使用特定建築的情況下送達圖形) [*] 一個蓋建築物需要成本的故事模式 [*] 可調控的地圖生成器(資源/圖形/密度可調整、隨機生成種子等等) [*] 更多圖形種類 [*] 遊戲效能提升(即使目前已經不錯了) [*] 還有更多更多! [/list] [b]這個遊戲是開源的![/b] 任何人都可以貢獻,我在社群裡很活耀、嘗試回復所有的建議並盡量參考大家的意見。 欲知詳情,別忘了造訪我的 Trello 喔! [b]連結[/b] [list] [*] [url=]Official Discord[/url] [*] [url=]Roadmap[/url] [*] [url=]Subreddit[/url] [*] [url=]Source code (GitHub)[/url] [*] [url=]Help translate[/url] [/list] discordLinkShort: Official Discord global: loading: 加載中 error: 錯誤 thousandsDivider: " " decimalSeparator: . suffix: thousands: 千 millions: 百萬 billions: 十億 trillions: 兆 infinite: 無限 time: oneSecondAgo: 1秒前 xSecondsAgo: 秒前 oneMinuteAgo: 1分鐘前 xMinutesAgo: 分鐘前 oneHourAgo: 1小時前 xHoursAgo: 小時前 oneDayAgo: 1天前 xDaysAgo: 天前 secondsShort: 秒 minutesAndSecondsShort: 秒 hoursAndMinutesShort: 小時 秒 xMinutes: 分鐘 keys: tab: TAB control: CTRL alt: ALT escape: ESC shift: SHIFT space: 空格 demoBanners: title: 演示版 intro: 獲取獨立版以解鎖所有功能! mainMenu: play: 開始遊戲 changelog: 更新日誌 importSavegame: 導入 openSourceHint: 本遊戲已開源! discordLink: 官方Discord伺服器 helpTranslate: 幫助我們翻譯! browserWarning: 很抱歉, 本遊戲在當前瀏覽器上可能運行緩慢! 使用chrome或者獲取獨立版以得到更好的體驗。 savegameLevel: Level savegameLevelUnknown: 未知關卡 continue: 繼續 newGame: 新遊戲 madeBy: 作者: subreddit: Reddit savegameUnnamed: Unnamed dialogs: buttons: ok: 確認 delete: 刪除 cancel: 取消 later: 之後 restart: 重啟 reset: 重置 getStandalone: 獲得獨立版 deleteGame: 我知道我在做什麼 viewUpdate: 查看更新 showUpgrades: 顯示建築升級 showKeybindings: 顯示按鍵設置 importSavegameError: title: 匯入錯誤 text: 存檔匯入失敗: importSavegameSuccess: title: 匯入成功 text: 存檔匯入成功 gameLoadFailure: title: 存檔損毀 text: 存檔載入失敗: confirmSavegameDelete: title: 確認刪除 text: 你確定要刪除這存檔嗎? savegameDeletionError: title: 刪除錯誤 text: 存檔刪除失敗 restartRequired: title: 需要重啟 text: 你需要重啟遊戲以套用變更的設置。 editKeybinding: title: 更改按鍵設置 desc: 請按下你想要使用的按鍵,或者按下ESC鍵來取消設置。 resetKeybindingsConfirmation: title: 重置所有按鍵 desc: 這將會重置所有按鍵,請確認。 keybindingsResetOk: title: 重置了所有按鍵 desc: 成功重置了所有按鍵! featureRestriction: title: 演示版 desc: 你嘗試使用了 功能。該功能在演示版中不可用。請考慮購買獨立版以獲得更好的體驗。 oneSavegameLimit: title: 存檔數量限制 desc: 演示版中只能保存一份存檔。請刪除舊存檔或者獲取獨立版! updateSummary: title: 更新了! desc: "以下為自上次遊戲以來更新的內容:" upgradesIntroduction: title: 解鎖建築升級 desc: 你生產過的所有圖形可以被用來升級建築。不要銷毀你之前建造的工廠! 升級選單在屏幕右上角。 massDeleteConfirm: title: 確認刪除 desc: 你將要刪除很多建築,準確來說有幢!你確定要這麼做嗎? blueprintsNotUnlocked: title: 未解鎖 desc: 你還沒有解鎖藍圖功能!完成更多的關卡來解鎖藍圖。 keybindingsIntroduction: title: 實用按鍵 desc: "這個遊戲有很多能幫助搭建工廠的使用按鍵。 以下是其中的一些,記得在按鍵設置中查看其他的!

CTRL + 拖動:選擇區域以復製或刪除。
SHIFT: 按住以放置多個。
ALT: 反向放置傳送帶。
" createMarker: title: 創建標記 desc: 給地圖標記起一個的名字。你可以在名字中加入一個短代碼以加入圖形。 (你可以在這裡生成短代碼。) titleEdit: Edit Marker markerDemoLimit: desc: 在演示版中你只能創建兩個地圖標記。請獲取獨立版以創建更多標記。 massCutConfirm: title: 確認剪下 desc: 你將要剪下很多建築,準確來說有幢!你確定要這麼做嗎? exportScreenshotWarning: title: 工廠截圖 desc: 你將要匯出你的工廠的截圖。如果你的基地很大,截圖過程將會很慢,甚至有可能導致遊戲當掉! massCutInsufficientConfirm: title: Confirm cut desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it? editSignal: title: Set Signal descItems: "Choose a pre-defined item:" descShortKey: ... or enter the short key of a shape (Which you can generate here) renameSavegame: title: Rename Savegame desc: You can rename your savegame here. entityWarning: title: Performance Warning desc: You have placed a lot of buildings, this is just a friendly reminder that the game can not handle an endless count of buildings - So try to keep your factories compact! ingame: keybindingsOverlay: moveMap: 移動 selectBuildings: 選擇區域 stopPlacement: 停止放置 rotateBuilding: 轉動建築 placeMultiple: 放置多個 reverseOrientation: 反向放置 disableAutoOrientation: 關閉自動定向 toggleHud: 開關HUD placeBuilding: 放置建築 createMarker: 創建地圖標記 delete: 銷毀 pasteLastBlueprint: 貼上一個藍圖 lockBeltDirection: 啟用傳送帶規劃 plannerSwitchSide: 規劃器換邊 cutSelection: 剪下選取 copySelection: 複製選取 clearSelection: 清空選取 pipette: 吸附 switchLayers: Switch layers buildingPlacement: cycleBuildingVariants: 按鍵以選擇建築變體. hotkeyLabel: "快捷鍵: " infoTexts: speed: 效率 range: 範圍 storage: 容量 oneItemPerSecond: 1個/秒 itemsPerSecond: 個/秒 itemsPerSecondDouble: (2倍) tiles: 格 levelCompleteNotification: levelTitle: Level completed: 完成 unlockText: 解鎖! buttonNextLevel: 下一關 notifications: newUpgrade: 有新的更新啦! gameSaved: 遊戲已保存。 freeplayLevelComplete: Level has been completed! shop: title: 建築升級 buttonUnlock: 升級 tier: 級 tierLabels: - 壹 - 貳 - 叁 - 肆 - 伍 - 陸 - 柒 - 捌 - 玖 - 拾 - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - XVI - XVII - XVIII - XIX - XX maximumLevel: 最高級(倍效率) statistics: title: 統計資訊 dataSources: stored: title: 儲存 description: 顯示基地中每種圖形儲存的數量。 produced: title: 生產 description: 顯示所有正在被生產的圖形數量,包括中間產物。 delivered: title: 送達 description: 顯示圖形送達基地的速度。 noShapesProduced: 你還沒有生產任何圖形。 shapesDisplayUnits: second: / s minute: / m hour: / h settingsMenu: playtime: 遊戲時間 buildingsPlaced: 建築數量 beltsPlaced: 傳送帶數量 buttons: continue: 繼續 settings: 設置 menu: 回到主選單 tutorialHints: title: 需要幫助? showHint: 顯示 hideHint: 關閉 blueprintPlacer: cost: 需要 waypoints: waypoints: 地圖標記 hub: 基地 description: 滑鼠左鍵按標記跳轉到它,按右鍵將其刪除。

從當前視圖創建一個標記,或按右鍵創建一個標記。 所選位置的標記。 creationSuccessNotification: 成功創建地圖標記。 interactiveTutorial: title: 教程 hints: 1_1_extractor: 在圓形礦脈上放一個開採機來獲取圓形! 1_2_conveyor: 用傳送帶將你的開採機連接到基地上!

提示:用你的游標按下並拖動傳送帶! 1_3_expand: 這不是一個放置型遊戲!建造更多的開採機和傳送帶來更快地完成目標。

提示:按住SHIFT鍵來放置多個開採機,用R鍵旋轉它們。 colors: red: 紅 green: 綠 blue: 藍 yellow: 黃 purple: 紫 cyan: 青 white: 白 uncolored: 無顏色 black: Black shapeViewer: title: 層 empty: 空 copyKey: Copy Key connectedMiners: one_miner: 1 Miner n_miners: Miners limited_items: Limited to watermark: title: Demo version desc: Click here to see the Steam version advantages! get_on_steam: Get on steam standaloneAdvantages: title: Get the full version! no_thanks: No, thanks! points: levels: title: 12 New Levels desc: For a total of 26 levels! buildings: title: 18 New Buildings desc: Fully automate your factory! savegames: title: ∞ Savegames desc: As many as your heart desires! upgrades: title: 20 Upgrade Tiers desc: This demo version has only 5! markers: title: ∞ Markers desc: Never get lost in your factory! wires: title: Wires desc: An entirely new dimension! darkmode: title: Dark Mode desc: Stop hurting your eyes! support: title: Support me desc: I develop it in my spare time! shopUpgrades: belt: name: 傳送帶、平衡機、隧道 description: 效率 倍 → 倍 miner: name: 開採 description: 效率 倍 → 倍 processors: name: 切割、旋轉、混合 description: 效率 倍 → 倍 painting: name: 混色、上色 description: 效率 倍 → 倍 buildings: belt: default: name: 傳送帶 description: 運送物品,按住並拖動來放置多個。 miner: default: name: 開採機 description: 在圖形或者顏色上放置來開採他們。 chainable: name: 鏈式開採機 description: 在圖形或者顏色上放置來開採他們。可以被鏈接在一起。 underground_belt: default: name: 隧道 description: 可以從其他傳送帶或建築底下方運送物品。 tier2: name: 貳級隧道 description: 可以從其他傳送帶或建築底下方運送物品。 cutter: default: name: 切割機 description: 將圖形從上到下切開並輸出。 如果你只需要其中一半,記得把另一半銷毀掉,否則切割機會停止運作! quad: name: 切割機(四分) description: 將輸入的圖形切成四塊。 如果你只需要其中一塊,記得把其他的銷毀掉,否則切割機會停止運作! rotater: default: name: 旋轉機 description: 將圖形順時針旋轉90度。 ccw: name: 旋轉機(逆時針) description: 將圖形逆時針旋轉90度。 rotate180: name: Rotate (180) description: Rotates shapes by 180 degrees. stacker: default: name: 混合機 description: 將輸入的圖形拼貼在一起。如果不能被直接拼貼,右邊的圖形會被疊在左邊的圖形上面. mixer: default: name: 混色機 description: 將兩個顏色加在一起。 painter: default: name: 上色機 description: 將整個圖形塗上輸入的顏色。 double: name: 上色機(雙倍) description: 同時為兩個輸入的圖形上色,每次上色只消耗一份顏色塗料。 quad: name: 上色機(四向) description: 為圖形的四個角塗上不同的顏色。 mirrored: name: 上色機 description: 將整個圖形塗上輸入的顏色。 trash: default: name: 垃圾桶 description: 從所有四個方向上輸入物品並永遠銷毀它們。 hub: deliver: 交付 toUnlock: 來解鎖 levelShortcut: LVL endOfDemo: End of Demo wire: default: name: Energy Wire description: Allows you to transport energy. second: name: Wire description: Transfers signals, which can be items, colors or booleans (1 / 0). Different colored wires do not connect. balancer: default: name: Balancer description: Multifunctional - Evenly distributes all inputs onto all outputs. merger: name: Merger (compact) description: Merges two conveyor belts into one. merger-inverse: name: Merger (compact) description: Merges two conveyor belts into one. splitter: name: Splitter (compact) description: Splits one conveyor belt into two. splitter-inverse: name: Splitter (compact) description: Splits one conveyor belt into two. storage: default: name: Storage description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Prioritizes the left output and can be used as an overflow gate. wire_tunnel: default: name: Wire Crossing description: Allows to cross two wires without connecting them. constant_signal: default: name: Constant Signal description: Emits a constant signal, which can be either a shape, color or boolean (1 / 0). lever: default: name: Switch description: Can be toggled to emit a boolean signal (1 / 0) on the wires layer, which can then be used to control for example an item filter. logic_gate: default: name: AND Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if both inputs are truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") not: name: NOT Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if the input is not truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") xor: name: XOR Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy, but not both. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") or: name: OR Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") transistor: default: name: Transistor description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape, color or "1"). mirrored: name: Transistor description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape, color or "1"). filter: default: name: Filter description: Connect a signal to route all matching items to the top and the remaining to the right. Can be controlled with boolean signals too. display: default: name: Display description: Connect a signal to show it on the display - It can be a shape, color or boolean. reader: default: name: Belt Reader description: Allows to measure the average belt throughput. Outputs the last read item on the wires layer (once unlocked). analyzer: default: name: Shape Analyzer description: Analyzes the top right quadrant of the lowest layer of the shape and returns its shape and color. comparator: default: name: Compare description: Returns boolean "1" if both signals are exactly equal. Can compare shapes, items and booleans. virtual_processor: default: name: Virtual Cutter description: Virtually cuts the shape into two halves. rotater: name: Virtual Rotater description: Virtually rotates the shape, both clockwise and counter-clockwise. unstacker: name: Virtual Unstacker description: Virtually extracts the topmost layer to the right output and the remaining ones to the left. stacker: name: Virtual Stacker description: Virtually stacks the right shape onto the left. painter: name: Virtual Painter description: Virtually paints the shape from the bottom input with the shape on the right input. item_producer: default: name: Item Producer description: Available in sandbox mode only, outputs the given signal from the wires layer on the regular layer. storyRewards: reward_cutter_and_trash: title: 切割圖形 desc: 切割機已解鎖。不論切割機的方向,它都會把圖形垂直地切成兩半。

記得把不需要的部分處理掉,否則這個這個建築會停止運作。為此我給你準備了垃圾桶,它會把所有放進去的物品銷毀掉。 reward_rotater: title: 順時針旋轉 desc: 旋轉機已解鎖。它會順時針旋轉輸入的圖形90度。 reward_painter: title: 上色 desc: 上色機已解鎖。開採一些顏色,用上色機把顏色和圖形混合,就可以為圖形著色。

備註:如果你是色盲,設置中有色盲模式可以選。 reward_mixer: title: 混色 desc: 混色器已解鎖-在此建築物中使用附加混合結合兩種顏色! reward_stacker: title: 混合 desc: 混合機已解鎖。如果沒有重疊的部分,混合機會嘗試把兩個輸入的圖形拼貼在一起。如果有重疊的部分,右邊的輸入會被到左邊的輸入上方! reward_splitter: title: 分離/合併 desc: 平衡機已解鎖。在大型工廠中,平衡機負責合併或分離多個傳送帶上的物品。

reward_tunnel: title: 隧道 desc: 隧道已解鎖。你現在可以從其他傳送帶或建築底下運送物品了! reward_rotater_ccw: title: 逆時針旋轉 desc: 您已解鎖了旋轉器的變體-它可以逆時針旋轉! 要構建它,請選擇旋轉器,然後按“T”鍵切換其變種! reward_miner_chainable: title: 鏈式開採機 desc: 鏈式開採機變體已解鎖。它是開採機的一個變體。它可以將開採出來的資源傳遞給其他的開採機,使得資源提取更加高效! reward_underground_belt_tier_2: title: 貳級隧道 desc: 貳級隧道變體已解鎖。這個隧道有更長的傳輸距離。你還可以混用不同的隧道變體! reward_cutter_quad: title: 四分切割機 desc: 您已解鎖了四分切割機的變體-它允許您將形狀直接切割為四個部分,而不是兩個! reward_painter_double: title: 雙倍上色機 desc: 您已經解鎖了雙倍上色機的變體-它可以作為常規畫家使用,但一次只能處理兩個形狀,而只消耗一種顏色而不是兩種顏色! reward_storage: title: 倉庫 desc: 倉庫變體已解鎖。它可以暫時儲存一些材料,有容量上限。 reward_freeplay: title: 自由模式 desc: 恭喜你!你解鎖了自由模式!現在圖形將會是隨機生成的! (不用擔心,我計劃在獨立版本中加入更多內容!) reward_blueprints: title: 藍圖 desc: 現在,您可以複製並貼上工廠的各個部分! 選擇一個區域(按住CTRL,然後用游標拖動),然後按'C'將其複制。

複製不是免費的,您需要用藍圖 形狀來支付! (您剛交付的那些)。 no_reward: title: 下一關 desc: "這一關沒有獎勵,但是下一關有!

PS: 你生產過的所有圖形都會被用來升級建築。" no_reward_freeplay: title: 下一關 desc: 恭喜你!另外,我們已經計劃在獨立版中加入更多內容! reward_balancer: title: Balancer desc: The multifunctional balancer has been unlocked - It can be used to build bigger factories by splitting and merging items onto multiple belts!

reward_merger: title: Compact Merger desc: You have unlocked a merger variant of the balancer - It accepts two inputs and merges them into one belt! reward_belt_reader: title: Belt reader desc: You have now unlocked the belt reader! It allows you to measure the throughput of a belt.

And wait until you unlock wires - then it gets really useful! reward_rotater_180: title: Rotater (180 degrees) desc: You just unlocked the 180 degress rotater! - It allows you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D) reward_display: title: Display desc: You have unlocked the Display - Connect a signal on the wires layer to visualize its contents! reward_constant_signal: title: Constant Signal desc: You unlocked the constant signal building on the wires layer! This is useful to connect it to item filters for example.

The constant signal can emit a shape, color or boolean (1 / 0). reward_logic_gates: title: Logic Gates desc: You unlocked logic gates! You don't have to be excited about this, but it's actually super cool!

With those gates you can now compute AND, OR, XOR and NOT operations.

As a bonus on top I also just gave you a transistor! reward_virtual_processing: title: Virtual Processing desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to simulate the processing of shapes!

You can now simulate a cutter, rotater, stacker and more on the wires layer! With this you now have three options to continue the game:

- Build an automated machine to create any possible shape requested by the HUB (I recommend to try it!).

- Build something cool with wires.

- Continue to play regulary.

Whatever you choose, remember to have fun! reward_wires_painter_and_levers: title: Wires & Quad Painter desc: "You just unlocked the Wires Layer: It is a separate layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new mechanics!

For the beginning I unlocked you the Quad Painter - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on the wires layer!

To switch to the wires layer, press E." reward_filter: title: Item Filter desc: You unlocked the Item Filter! It will route items either to the top or the right output depending on whether they match the signal from the wires layer or not.

You can also pass in a boolean signal (1 / 0) to entirely activate or disable it. reward_demo_end: title: End of Demo desc: You have reached the end of the demo version! settings: title: 設置 categories: general: General userInterface: User Interface advanced: Advanced performance: Performance versionBadges: dev: 開發版本 staging: 預覽版本 prod: 正式版本 buildDate: 於創建 labels: uiScale: title: 用戶界面大小 description: 改變用戶界面大小。用戶界面會隨著設備分辨率縮放,這個設置決定縮放比例。 scales: super_small: 最小 small: 較小 regular: 正常 large: 較大 huge: 最大 scrollWheelSensitivity: title: 縮放靈敏度 description: 改變縮放靈敏度(鼠標滾輪或者觸控板)。 sensitivity: super_slow: 最低 slow: 較低 regular: 正常 fast: 較高 super_fast: 最高 language: title: 語言 description: 改變語言。所有的翻譯皆由玩家提供,且有可能正在施工中! fullscreen: title: 全螢幕 description: 全螢幕以獲得更好的遊戲體驗。僅在獨立版中可用。 soundsMuted: title: 關閉音效 description: 關閉所有音效。 musicMuted: title: 關閉音樂 description: 關閉所有音樂。 theme: title: 界面主題 description: 選擇界面主題(深色或淺色)。 themes: dark: 深色 light: 淺色 refreshRate: title: 模擬頻率、刷新頻率 description: 如果你的顯示器是144hz的,請在這裡更改刷新頻率,這樣遊戲可以正確地根據你的螢幕進行模擬。但是如果你的電腦性能不佳,提高刷新頻率可能降低幀數。 alwaysMultiplace: title: 多重放置 description: 開啟這個選項之後放下建築將不會取消建築選擇。等同於一直按下SHIFT鍵。 offerHints: title: 提示與教程 description: 是否顯示提示、教程以及一些其他的幫助理解遊戲的UI元素。 movementSpeed: title: 移動速度 description: 改變攝像頭移動速度 speeds: super_slow: 最慢 slow: 較慢 regular: 正常 fast: 較快 super_fast: 非常快 extremely_fast: 最快 enableTunnelSmartplace: title: 智能隧道放置 description: 啟用後,放置隧道時會將多餘的傳送帶移除。 此外,拖動隧道可以快速鋪設隧道,以及移除不必要的隧道。 vignette: title: 暈映 description: 啟用暈映,將屏幕角落裡的顏色變深,更容易閱讀文字。 autosaveInterval: title: 自動刷新時間 description: 控制遊戲自動刷新的頻率。 您也可以禁用它。 intervals: one_minute: 1分鐘 two_minutes: 2分鐘 five_minutes: 5分鐘 ten_minutes: 10分鐘 twenty_minutes: 20分鐘 disabled: 停用 compactBuildingInfo: title: 省略建築信息 description: |- 通過顯示建築物的比率來縮短建築物的資訊框。 否則 顯示所有說明+圖像。 disableCutDeleteWarnings: title: 停用剪下/刪除的警告 description: 剪下/刪除超過100幢建築物時不顯示警告。 enableColorBlindHelper: title: 色盲模式 description: 如果您是色盲者,啟用了這設定,就可以玩遊戲了。 rotationByBuilding: title: 依建築類型旋轉 description: 每個建築類型,將會分別記住您最後一次使用的旋轉方向。 如果您常常切換不同類型的建築,這樣可能會更方便。 soundVolume: title: Sound Volume description: Set the volume for sound effects musicVolume: title: Music Volume description: Set the volume for music lowQualityMapResources: title: Low Quality Map Resources description: Simplifies the rendering of resources on the map when zoomed in to improve performance. It even looks cleaner, so be sure to try it out! disableTileGrid: title: Disable Grid description: Disabling the tile grid can help with the performance. This also makes the game look cleaner! clearCursorOnDeleteWhilePlacing: title: Clear Cursor on Right Click description: Enabled by default, clears the cursor whenever you right click while you have a building selected for placement. If disabled, you can delete buildings by right-clicking while placing a building. lowQualityTextures: title: Low quality textures (Ugly) description: Uses low quality textures to save performance. This will make the game look very ugly! displayChunkBorders: title: Display Chunk Borders description: The game is divided into chunks of 16x16 tiles, if this setting is enabled the borders of each chunk are displayed. pickMinerOnPatch: title: Pick miner on resource patch description: Enabled by default, selects the miner if you use the pipette when hovering a resource patch. simplifiedBelts: title: Simplified Belts (Ugly) description: Does not render belt items except when hovering the belt to save performance. I do not recommend to play with this setting if you do not absolutely need the performance. enableMousePan: title: Enable Mouse Pan description: Allows to move the map by moving the cursor to the edges of the screen. The speed depends on the Movement Speed setting. rangeSliderPercentage: % keybindings: title: 按鍵設置 hint: 提示:使用CTRL、SHIFT、ALT! 這些建在放置建築時有不同的效果。 resetKeybindings: 重置按鍵設置 categoryLabels: general: 通用 ingame: 遊戲 navigation: 視角 placement: 放置 massSelect: 批量選擇 buildings: 建築快捷鍵 placementModifiers: 放置建築修飾鍵 mappings: confirm: 確認 back: 返回 mapMoveUp: 上 mapMoveRight: 右 mapMoveDown: 下 mapMoveLeft: 左 centerMap: 回到基地 mapZoomIn: 放大 mapZoomOut: 縮小 createMarker: 創建地圖標記 menuOpenShop: 升級選單 menuOpenStats: 統計選單 toggleHud: 開關HUD toggleFPSInfo: 開關幀數與調試信息 belt: 傳送帶 underground_belt: 隧道 miner: 開採機 cutter: 切割機 rotater: 旋轉機 stacker: 混合機 mixer: 混色機 painter: 上色機 trash: 垃圾桶 rotateWhilePlacing: 順時針旋轉 rotateInverseModifier: "修飾鍵: 改為逆時針旋轉" cycleBuildingVariants: 選擇建築變體 confirmMassDelete: 確認批量刪除 cycleBuildings: 選擇建築 massSelectStart: 開始批量選擇 massSelectSelectMultiple: 選擇多個區域 massSelectCopy: 複製 placementDisableAutoOrientation: 取消自動定向 placeMultiple: 繼續放置 placeInverse: 反向放置傳送帶 pasteLastBlueprint: 貼上前一張藍圖 massSelectCut: 剪切 exportScreenshot: 匯出截圖 mapMoveFaster: 快速移動 lockBeltDirection: 啟用傳送帶規劃 switchDirectionLockSide: 規劃器:換邊 pipette: Pipette menuClose: Close Menu switchLayers: Switch layers wire: Energy Wire balancer: Balancer storage: Storage constant_signal: Constant Signal logic_gate: Logic Gate lever: Switch (regular) filter: Filter wire_tunnel: Wire Crossing display: Display reader: Belt Reader virtual_processor: Virtual Cutter transistor: Transistor analyzer: Shape Analyzer comparator: Compare item_producer: Item Producer (Sandbox) copyWireValue: "Wires: Copy value below cursor" about: title: 關於遊戲 body: >- 本遊戲由Tobias Springer(我)開發,並且已經開源。

如果你想參與開發,請查看 on github

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最後,我想感謝我最好的朋友Niklas——如果沒有與他的異星工廠(factorio)的遊戲體驗,shapez.io將不會存在。 changelog: title: 版本日誌 demo: features: restoringGames: 恢復存檔 importingGames: 匯入存檔 oneGameLimit: 最多一個存檔 customizeKeybindings: 按鍵設置 exportingBase: 匯出工廠截圖 settingNotAvailable: 在演示版中不可用。 tips: - The hub accepts input of any kind, not just the current shape! - Make sure your factories are modular - it will pay out! - Don't build too close to the hub, or it will be a huge chaos! - If stacking does not work, try switching the inputs. - You can toggle the belt planner direction by pressing R. - Holding CTRL allows dragging of belts without auto-orientation. - Ratios stay the same, as long as all upgrades are on the same Tier. - Serial execution is more efficient than parallel. - You will unlock more variants of buildings later in the game! - You can use T to switch between different variants. - Symmetry is key! - You can weave different tiers of tunnels. - Try to build compact factories - it will pay out! - The painter has a mirrored variant which you can select with T - Having the right building ratios will maximize efficiency. - At maximum level, 5 extractors will fill a single belt. - Don't forget about tunnels! - You don't need to divide up items evenly for full efficiency. - Holding SHIFT will activate the belt planner, letting you place long lines of belts easily. - Cutters always cut vertically, regardless of their orientation. - To get white mix all three colors. - The storage buffer priorities the first output. - Invest time to build repeatable designs - it's worth it! - Holding CTRL allows to place multiple buildings. - You can hold ALT to invert the direction of placed belts. - Efficiency is key! - Shape patches that are further away from the hub are more complex. - Machines have a limited speed, divide them up for maximum efficiency. - Use balancers to maximize your efficiency. - Organization is important. Try not to cross conveyors too much. - Plan in advance, or it will be a huge chaos! - Don't remove your old factories! You'll need them to unlock upgrades. - Try beating level 20 on your own before seeking for help! - Don't complicate things, try to stay simple and you'll go far. - You may need to re-use factories later in the game. Plan your factories to be re-usable. - Sometimes, you can find a needed shape in the map without creating it with stackers. - Full windmills / pinwheels can never spawn naturally. - Color your shapes before cutting for maximum efficiency. - With modules, space is merely a perception; a concern for mortal men. - Make a separate blueprint factory. They're important for modules. - Have a closer look on the color mixer, and your questions will be answered. - Use CTRL + Click to select an area. - Building too close to the hub can get in the way of later projects. - The pin icon next to each shape in the upgrade list pins it to the screen. - Mix all primary colors together to make white! - You have an infinite map, don't cramp your factory, expand! - Also try Factorio! It's my favorite game. - The quad cutter cuts clockwise starting from the top right! - You can download your savegames in the main menu! - This game has a lot of useful keybindings! Be sure to check out the settings page. - This game has a lot of settings, be sure to check them out! - The marker to your hub has a small compass to indicate its direction! - To clear belts, cut the area and then paste it at the same location. - Press F4 to show your FPS and Tick Rate. - Press F4 twice to show the tile of your mouse and camera. - You can click a pinned shape on the left side to unpin it.