import { AnimationFrame } from "./core/animation_frame"; import { BackgroundResourcesLoader } from "./core/background_resources_loader"; import { performanceNow } from "./core/builtins"; import { IS_MOBILE } from "./core/config"; import { GameState } from "./core/game_state"; import { GLOBAL_APP, setGlobalApp } from "./core/globals"; import { InputDistributor } from "./core/input_distributor"; import { Loader } from "./core/loader"; import { createLogger, logSection } from "./core/logging"; import { StateManager } from "./core/state_manager"; import { TrackedState } from "./core/tracked_state"; import { getPlatformName, waitNextFrame } from "./core/utils"; import { Vector } from "./core/vector"; import { AdProviderInterface } from "./platform/ad_provider"; import { NoAdProvider } from "./platform/ad_providers/no_ad_provider"; import { AnalyticsInterface } from "./platform/analytics"; import { ShapezGameAnalytics } from "./platform/browser/game_analytics"; import { GoogleAnalyticsImpl } from "./platform/browser/google_analytics"; import { SoundImplBrowser } from "./platform/browser/sound"; import { StorageImplBrowser } from "./platform/browser/storage"; import { StorageImplBrowserIndexedDB } from "./platform/browser/storage_indexed_db"; import { PlatformWrapperImplBrowser } from "./platform/browser/wrapper"; import { StorageImplElectron } from "./platform/electron/storage"; import { PlatformWrapperImplElectron } from "./platform/electron/wrapper"; import { GameAnalyticsInterface } from "./platform/game_analytics"; import { SoundInterface } from "./platform/sound"; import { StorageInterface } from "./platform/storage"; import { PlatformWrapperInterface } from "./platform/wrapper"; import { ApplicationSettings } from "./profile/application_settings"; import { SavegameManager } from "./savegame/savegame_manager"; import { AboutState } from "./states/about"; import { ChangelogState } from "./states/changelog"; import { InGameState } from "./states/ingame"; import { KeybindingsState } from "./states/keybindings"; import { MainMenuState } from "./states/main_menu"; import { MobileWarningState } from "./states/mobile_warning"; import { PreloadState } from "./states/preload"; import { SettingsState } from "./states/settings"; const logger = createLogger("application"); // Set the name of the hidden property and the change event for visibility let pageHiddenPropName, pageVisibilityEventName; if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support pageHiddenPropName = "hidden"; pageVisibilityEventName = "visibilitychange"; // @ts-ignore } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { pageHiddenPropName = "msHidden"; pageVisibilityEventName = "msvisibilitychange"; // @ts-ignore } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { pageHiddenPropName = "webkitHidden"; pageVisibilityEventName = "webkitvisibilitychange"; } export class Application { constructor() { assert(!GLOBAL_APP, "Tried to construct application twice"); logger.log("Creating application, platform =", getPlatformName()); setGlobalApp(this); this.unloaded = false; // Global stuff this.settings = new ApplicationSettings(this); this.ticker = new AnimationFrame(); this.stateMgr = new StateManager(this); this.savegameMgr = new SavegameManager(this); this.inputMgr = new InputDistributor(this); this.backgroundResourceLoader = new BackgroundResourcesLoader(this); // Platform dependent stuff /** @type {StorageInterface} */ = null; /** @type {SoundInterface} */ this.sound = null; /** @type {PlatformWrapperInterface} */ this.platformWrapper = null; /** @type {AdProviderInterface} */ this.adProvider = null; /** @type {AnalyticsInterface} */ = null; /** @type {GameAnalyticsInterface} */ this.gameAnalytics = null; this.initPlatformDependentInstances(); // Track if the window is focused (only relevant for browser) this.focused = true; // Track if the window is visible this.pageVisible = true; // Track if the app is paused (cordova) this.applicationPaused = false; /** @type {TypedTrackedState} */ this.trackedIsRenderable = new TrackedState(this.onAppRenderableStateChanged, this); // Dimensions this.screenWidth = 0; this.screenHeight = 0; // Store the timestamp where we last checked for a screen resize, since orientationchange is unreliable with cordova this.lastResizeCheck = null; // Store the mouse position, or null if not available /** @type {Vector|null} */ this.mousePosition = null; } /** * Initializes all platform instances */ initPlatformDependentInstances() { logger.log("Creating platform dependent instances"); // Start with empty ad provider this.adProvider = new NoAdProvider(this); if (G_IS_STANDALONE) { = new StorageImplElectron(this); } else { if (window.indexedDB) { = new StorageImplBrowserIndexedDB(this); } else { = new StorageImplBrowser(this); } } this.sound = new SoundImplBrowser(this); if (G_IS_STANDALONE) { this.platformWrapper = new PlatformWrapperImplElectron(this); } else { this.platformWrapper = new PlatformWrapperImplBrowser(this); } = new GoogleAnalyticsImpl(this); this.gameAnalytics = new ShapezGameAnalytics(this); } /** * Registers all game states */ registerStates() { /** @type {Array} */ const states = [ PreloadState, MobileWarningState, MainMenuState, InGameState, SettingsState, KeybindingsState, AboutState, ChangelogState, ]; for (let i = 0; i < states.length; ++i) { this.stateMgr.register(states[i]); } } /** * Registers all event listeners */ registerEventListeners() { window.addEventListener("focus", this.onFocus.bind(this)); window.addEventListener("blur", this.onBlur.bind(this)); window.addEventListener("resize", () => this.checkResize(), true); window.addEventListener("orientationchange", () => this.checkResize(), true); if (!G_IS_MOBILE_APP && !IS_MOBILE) { window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleMousemove.bind(this)); } // Unload events window.addEventListener("beforeunload", this.onBeforeUnload.bind(this), true); window.addEventListener("unload", this.onUnload.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener(pageVisibilityEventName, this.handleVisibilityChange.bind(this), false); // Track touches so we can update the focus appropriately document.addEventListener("touchstart", this.updateFocusAfterUserInteraction.bind(this), true); document.addEventListener("touchend", this.updateFocusAfterUserInteraction.bind(this), true); } /** * Checks the focus after a touch * @param {TouchEvent} event */ updateFocusAfterUserInteraction(event) { const target = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (; if (!target || !target.tagName) { // Safety check logger.warn("Invalid touchstart/touchend event:", event); return; } // When clicking an element which is not the currently focused one, defocus it if (target !== document.activeElement) { // @ts-ignore if (document.activeElement.blur) { // @ts-ignore document.activeElement.blur(); } } // If we click an input field, focus it now if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "input") { // We *really* need the focus waitNextFrame().then(() => target.focus()); } } /** * Handles a page visibility change event * @param {Event} event */ handleVisibilityChange(event) { window.focus(); const pageVisible = !document[pageHiddenPropName]; if (pageVisible !== this.pageVisible) { this.pageVisible = pageVisible; logger.log("Visibility changed:", this.pageVisible); this.trackedIsRenderable.set(this.isRenderable()); } } /** * Handles a mouse move event * @param {MouseEvent} event */ handleMousemove(event) { this.mousePosition = new Vector(event.clientX, event.clientY); } /** * Internal on focus handler */ onFocus() { this.focused = true; } /** * Internal blur handler */ onBlur() { this.focused = false; } /** * Returns if the app is currently visible */ isRenderable() { return !this.applicationPaused && this.pageVisible; } onAppRenderableStateChanged(renderable) { logger.log("Application renderable:", renderable); window.focus(); if (!renderable) { this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onAppPause(); } else { // Got resume this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onAppResume(); this.checkResize(); } this.sound.onPageRenderableStateChanged(renderable); } /** * Internal unload handler */ onUnload(event) { if (!this.unloaded) { logSection("UNLOAD HANDLER", "#f77"); this.unloaded = true; this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onBeforeExit(); this.deinitialize(); } } /** * Internal before-unload handler */ onBeforeUnload(event) { logSection("BEFORE UNLOAD HANDLER", "#f77"); if (!G_IS_DEV && this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().getHasUnloadConfirmation()) { if (!G_IS_STANDALONE) { // Need to show a "Are you sure you want to exit" event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = "Are you sure you want to exit?"; } } } /** * Boots the application */ boot() { console.log("Booting ..."); this.registerStates(); this.registerEventListeners(); Loader.linkAppAfterBoot(this); // Check for mobile if (IS_MOBILE) { this.stateMgr.moveToState("MobileWarningState"); } else { this.stateMgr.moveToState("PreloadState"); } // Starting rendering this.ticker.frameEmitted.add(this.onFrameEmitted, this); this.ticker.bgFrameEmitted.add(this.onBackgroundFrame, this); this.ticker.start(); window.focus(); } /** * Deinitializes the application */ deinitialize() { return this.sound.deinitialize(); } /** * Background frame update callback * @param {number} dt */ onBackgroundFrame(dt) { if (this.isRenderable()) { return; } this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onBackgroundTick(dt); } /** * Frame update callback * @param {number} dt */ onFrameEmitted(dt) { if (!this.isRenderable()) { return; } const time = performanceNow(); // Periodically check for resizes, this is expensive (takes 2-3ms so only do it once in a while!) if (!this.lastResizeCheck || time - this.lastResizeCheck > 1000) { this.checkResize(); this.lastResizeCheck = time; } this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onRender(dt); } /** * Checks if the app resized. Only does this once in a while * @param {boolean} forceUpdate Forced update of the dimensions */ checkResize(forceUpdate = false) { const w = window.innerWidth; const h = window.innerHeight; if (this.screenWidth !== w || this.screenHeight !== h || forceUpdate) { this.screenWidth = w; this.screenHeight = h; this.stateMgr.getCurrentState().onResized(this.screenWidth, this.screenHeight); const scale = this.getEffectiveUiScale(); waitNextFrame().then(() =>"--ui-scale", scale)); window.focus(); } } /** * Returns the effective ui sclae */ getEffectiveUiScale() { return this.platformWrapper.getUiScale() * this.settings.getInterfaceScaleValue(); } /** * Callback after ui scale has changed */ updateAfterUiScaleChanged() { this.checkResize(true); } }