require("colors"); const packager = require("electron-packager"); const pj = require("../electron/package.json"); const path = require("path"); const { getVersion } = require("./buildutils"); const fs = require("fs"); const fse = require("fs-extra"); const buildutils = require("./buildutils"); const execSync = require("child_process").execSync; const electronNotarize = require("electron-notarize"); const { BUILD_VARIANTS } = require("./build_variants"); let signAsync; try { signAsync = require("tobspr-osx-sign").signAsync; } catch (ex) { console.warn("tobspr-osx-sign not installed, can not create osx builds"); } function gulptasksStandalone($, gulp) { for (const variant in BUILD_VARIANTS) { const variantData = BUILD_VARIANTS[variant]; if (!variantData.standalone) { continue; } const tempDestDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "build_output", variant); const taskPrefix = "standalone." + variant; const electronBaseDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", variantData.electronBaseDir || "electron"); const tempDestBuildDir = path.join(tempDestDir, "built"); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".prepare.cleanup", () => { return gulp.src(tempDestDir, { read: false, allowEmpty: true }).pipe($.clean({ force: true })); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".prepare.copyPrefab", () => { const requiredFiles = [ path.join(electronBaseDir, "node_modules", "**", "*.*"), path.join(electronBaseDir, "node_modules", "**", ".*"), path.join(electronBaseDir, "wegame_sdk", "**", "*.*"), path.join(electronBaseDir, "wegame_sdk", "**", ".*"), path.join(electronBaseDir, "favicon*"), ]; return gulp.src(requiredFiles, { base: electronBaseDir }).pipe(gulp.dest(tempDestBuildDir)); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".prepare.writePackageJson", cb => { const packageJsonString = JSON.stringify( { scripts: { start: pj.scripts.start, }, devDependencies: pj.devDependencies, dependencies: pj.dependencies, optionalDependencies: pj.optionalDependencies, }, null, 4 ); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(tempDestBuildDir, "package.json"), packageJsonString); cb(); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".prepare.minifyCode", () => { return gulp.src(path.join(electronBaseDir, "*.js")).pipe(gulp.dest(tempDestBuildDir)); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".prepare.copyGamefiles", () => { return gulp.src("../build/**/*.*", { base: "../build" }).pipe(gulp.dest(tempDestBuildDir)); }); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".killRunningInstances", cb => { try { execSync("taskkill /F /IM shapezio.exe"); } catch (ex) { console.warn("Failed to kill running instances, maybe none are up."); } cb(); }); gulp.task( taskPrefix + ".prepare", gulp.series( taskPrefix + ".killRunningInstances", taskPrefix + ".prepare.cleanup", taskPrefix + ".prepare.copyPrefab", taskPrefix + ".prepare.writePackageJson", taskPrefix + ".prepare.minifyCode", taskPrefix + ".prepare.copyGamefiles" ) ); /** * * @param {'win32'|'linux'|'darwin'} platform * @param {'x64'|'ia32'} arch * @param {function():void} cb */ function packageStandalone(platform, arch, cb, isRelease = true) { const privateArtifactsPath = "node_modules/"; // Only use asar on steam builds (not supported by wegame) let asar = Boolean(variantData.steamAppId); // Unpack private artifacts though if (asar && fs.existsSync(path.join(tempDestBuildDir, privateArtifactsPath))) { // @ts-expect-error asar = { unpackDir: privateArtifactsPath }; } packager({ dir: tempDestBuildDir, appCopyright: "tobspr Games", appVersion: getVersion(), buildVersion: "1.0.0", arch, platform, asar: asar, executableName: "shapezio", icon: path.join(electronBaseDir, "favicon"), name: "shapez-" + variant, out: tempDestDir, overwrite: true, appBundleId: "tobspr.shapezio." + variant, appCategoryType: "", ...(isRelease && platform === "darwin" && { osxSign: { "identity": process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_CERT_NAME, "hardenedRuntime": true, "entitlements": "entitlements.plist", "entitlements-inherit": "entitlements.plist", // @ts-ignore "signatureFlags": ["library"], "version": "16.0.7", }, osxNotarize: { appleId: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_ID, appleIdPassword: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_APP_PW, }, }), }).then( appPaths => { console.log("Packages created:", appPaths); appPaths.forEach(appPath => { if (!fs.existsSync(appPath)) { console.error("Bad app path:", appPath); return; } if (variantData.steamAppId) { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(appPath, "LICENSE"), fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", "LICENSE")) ); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(appPath, "steam_appid.txt"), String(variantData.steamAppId) ); if (platform === "linux") { // Write launcher script fs.writeFileSync( path.join(appPath, ""), '#!/usr/bin/env bash\n./shapezio --no-sandbox "$@"\n' ); fs.chmodSync(path.join(appPath, ""), 0o775); } if (platform === "darwin") { if (!isRelease) { // Needs special location fs.writeFileSync( path.join( appPath, "", "Contents", "MacOS", "steam_appid.txt" ), String(variantData.steamAppId) ); } } } }); cb(); }, err => { console.error("Packaging error:", err); cb(); } ); } // Manual signing with patched @electron/osx-sign (we need --no-strict) gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".package.darwin64", cb => packageStandalone( "darwin", "x64", () => { const appFile = path.join(tempDestDir, ""); const appFileInner = path.join(appFile, ""); const appIdDest = path.join( path.join(appFileInner, "Contents", "MacOS"), "steam_appid.txt" ); console.warn("++ Preparing ++"); fse.copySync(path.join(tempDestBuildDir, "steam_appid.txt"), appIdDest); console.warn("++ Signing ++"); console.warn("Signing steam_appid.txt"); execSync( `codesign --force --verbose --options runtime --timestamp --no-strict --sign "${ process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_CERT_NAME }" --entitlements "${path.join(__dirname, "entitlements.plist")}" ${appIdDest}`, { cwd: appFile, } ); console.warn("Base dir:", appFile); signAsync({ app: appFileInner, hardenedRuntime: true, identity: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_CERT_NAME, strictVerify: false, version: "16.0.7", type: "distribution", optionsForFile: f => { return { entitlements: path.join(__dirname, "entitlements.plist"), hardenedRuntime: true, signatureFlags: ["runtime"], }; }, }).then(() => { execSync( `codesign --verify --verbose ${path.join(appFile, "")}`, { cwd: appFile, } ); console.warn("++ Notarizing ++"); electronNotarize .notarize({ appPath: path.join(appFile, ""), tool: "legacy", appBundleId: "tobspr.shapezio.standalone", appleId: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_ID, appleIdPassword: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_APP_PW, teamId: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_APPLE_TEAM_ID, }) .then(() => { console.warn("-> Notarized!"); cb(); }); }); }, false ) ); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".package.win64", cb => packageStandalone("win32", "x64", cb)); gulp.task(taskPrefix + ".package.linux64", cb => packageStandalone("linux", "x64", cb)); gulp.task( taskPrefix + ".build-from-windows", gulp.series( taskPrefix + ".prepare", gulp.parallel(taskPrefix + ".package.win64", taskPrefix + ".package.linux64") ) ); gulp.task( taskPrefix + ".build-from-darwin", gulp.series(taskPrefix + ".prepare", gulp.parallel(taskPrefix + ".package.darwin64")) ); } // Steam helpers gulp.task("standalone.prepareVDF", cb => { const hash = buildutils.getRevision(); const version = buildutils.getVersion(); for (const platform of ["steampipe", "steampipe-darwin"]) { const steampipeDir = path.join(__dirname, platform, "scripts"); for (const buildVariant of ["app", "app-demo"]) { const templateContents = fs .readFileSync(path.join(steampipeDir, buildVariant + ".vdf.template"), { encoding: "utf-8", }) .toString(); const convertedContents = templateContents.replace( "$DESC$", platform + " " + buildVariant + " version " + version + ", commit " + hash ); fs.writeFileSync(path.join(steampipeDir, buildVariant + ".vdf"), convertedContents); } } cb(); }); } module.exports = { gulptasksStandalone };