const buildUtils = require("./buildutils"); const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const { BUILD_VARIANTS } = require("./build_variants"); function computeIntegrityHash(fullPath, algorithm = "sha256") { const file = fs.readFileSync(fullPath); const hash = crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(file).digest("base64"); return algorithm + "-" + hash; } /** * PROVIDES (per ) * * * */ function gulptasksHTML($, gulp, buildFolder) { const commitHash = buildUtils.getRevision(); async function buildHtml({ googleAnalytics = false, standalone = false, integrity = true, enableCachebust = true, }) { function cachebust(url) { if (enableCachebust) { return buildUtils.cachebust(url, commitHash); } return url; } const hasLocalFiles = standalone; return gulp .src("../src/html/" + (standalone ? "index.standalone.html" : "index.html")) .pipe( $.dom( /** @this {Document} **/ function () { const document = this; // Append css const css = document.createElement("link"); css.rel = "stylesheet"; css.type = "text/css"; = "none"; css.setAttribute("onload", "'all'"); css.href = cachebust("main.css"); if (integrity) { css.setAttribute( "integrity", computeIntegrityHash(path.join(buildFolder, "main.css")) ); } document.head.appendChild(css); // Google analytics if (googleAnalytics) { const tagManagerScript = document.createElement("script"); tagManagerScript.src = ""; tagManagerScript.setAttribute("async", ""); document.head.appendChild(tagManagerScript); const initScript = document.createElement("script"); initScript.textContent = ` window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-165342524-1', { anonymize_ip: true }); `; document.head.appendChild(initScript); } // Do not need to preload in app or standalone if (!hasLocalFiles) { // Preload essentials const preloads = ["fonts/GameFont.woff2"]; preloads.forEach(src => { const preloadLink = document.createElement("link"); preloadLink.rel = "preload"; preloadLink.href = cachebust("res/" + src); if (src.endsWith(".woff2")) { preloadLink.setAttribute("crossorigin", "anonymous"); preloadLink.setAttribute("as", "font"); } else { preloadLink.setAttribute("as", "image"); } document.head.appendChild(preloadLink); }); } let fontCss = ` @font-face { font-family: "GameFont"; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-display: swap; src: url('${cachebust("res/fonts/GameFont.woff2")}') format("woff2"); } `; let loadingCss = fontCss + fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "preloader.css")).toString(); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.textContent = loadingCss; document.head.appendChild(style); // Append loader, but not in standalone (directly include bundle there) if (standalone) { const bundleScript = document.createElement("script"); bundleScript.type = "text/javascript"; bundleScript.src = "bundle.js"; if (integrity) { bundleScript.setAttribute( "integrity", computeIntegrityHash(path.join(buildFolder, "bundle.js")) ); } document.head.appendChild(bundleScript); } else { const loadJs = document.createElement("script"); loadJs.type = "text/javascript"; let scriptContent = ""; scriptContent += `var bundleSrc = '${cachebust("bundle.js")}';\n`; // scriptContent += `var bundleSrcTranspiled = '${cachebust( // "bundle-transpiled.js" // )}';\n`; if (integrity) { scriptContent += "var bundleIntegrity = '" + computeIntegrityHash(path.join(buildFolder, "bundle.js")) + "';\n"; // scriptContent += // "var bundleIntegrityTranspiled = '" + // computeIntegrityHash(path.join(buildFolder, "bundle-transpiled.js")) + // "';\n"; } else { scriptContent += "var bundleIntegrity = null;\n"; scriptContent += "var bundleIntegrityTranspiled = null;\n"; } scriptContent += fs.readFileSync("./bundle-loader.js").toString(); loadJs.textContent = scriptContent; document.head.appendChild(loadJs); } const bodyContent = `
${ hasLocalFiles ? "Loading" : "Downloading" } Game Files
Page does not load? Try the Steam Version!
`; document.body.innerHTML = bodyContent; } ) ) .pipe( $.htmlmin({ caseSensitive: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, collapseInlineTagWhitespace: true, collapseWhitespace: true, preserveLineBreaks: true, minifyJS: true, minifyCSS: true, quoteCharacter: '"', useShortDoctype: true, }) ) .pipe($.htmlBeautify()) .pipe($.rename("index.html")) .pipe(gulp.dest(buildFolder)); } for (const variant in BUILD_VARIANTS) { const data = BUILD_VARIANTS[variant]; gulp.task("html." + variant + ".dev", () => { return buildHtml({ googleAnalytics: false, standalone: data.standalone, integrity: false, enableCachebust: false, }); }); gulp.task("html." + variant + ".prod", () => { return buildHtml({ googleAnalytics: !data.standalone, standalone: data.standalone, integrity: true, enableCachebust: !data.standalone, }); }); } } module.exports = { gulptasksHTML, };