/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../application"; /* typehints:end */ import { AtlasDefinition } from "./atlas_definitions"; import { makeOffscreenBuffer } from "./buffer_utils"; import { AtlasSprite, BaseSprite, RegularSprite, SpriteAtlasLink } from "./sprites"; import { cachebust } from "./cachebust"; import { createLogger } from "./logging"; const logger = createLogger("loader"); const missingSpriteIds = {}; class LoaderImpl { constructor() { /** @type {Application} */ this.app = null; /** @type {Map} */ this.sprites = new Map(); this.rawImages = []; } linkAppAfterBoot(app) { this.app = app; this.makeSpriteNotFoundCanvas(); } /** * Fetches a given sprite from the cache * @param {string} key * @returns {BaseSprite} */ getSpriteInternal(key) { const sprite = this.sprites.get(key); if (!sprite) { if (!missingSpriteIds[key]) { // Only show error once missingSpriteIds[key] = true; logger.error("Sprite '" + key + "' not found!"); } return this.spriteNotFoundSprite; } return sprite; } /** * Returns an atlas sprite from the cache * @param {string} key * @returns {AtlasSprite} */ getSprite(key) { const sprite = this.getSpriteInternal(key); assert(sprite instanceof AtlasSprite || sprite === this.spriteNotFoundSprite, "Not an atlas sprite"); return /** @type {AtlasSprite} */ (sprite); } /** * Retursn a regular sprite from the cache * @param {string} key * @returns {RegularSprite} */ getRegularSprite(key) { const sprite = this.getSpriteInternal(key); assert( sprite instanceof RegularSprite || sprite === this.spriteNotFoundSprite, "Not a regular sprite" ); return /** @type {RegularSprite} */ (sprite); } /** * * @param {string} key * @returns {Promise} */ internalPreloadImage(key) { const url = cachebust("res/" + key); const image = new Image(); let triesSoFar = 0; return Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(reject, G_IS_DEV ? 3000 : 60000); }), new Promise(resolve => { image.onload = () => { image.onerror = null; image.onload = null; if (typeof image.decode === "function") { // SAFARI: Image.decode() fails on safari with svgs -> we dont want to fail // on that // FIREFOX: Decode never returns if the image is in cache, so call it in background image.decode().then( () => null, () => null ); } resolve(image); }; image.onerror = reason => { logger.warn("Failed to load '" + url + "':", reason); if (++triesSoFar < 4) { logger.log("Retrying to load image from", url); image.src = url + "?try=" + triesSoFar; } else { logger.warn("Failed to load", url, "after", triesSoFar, "tries with reason", reason); image.onerror = null; image.onload = null; resolve(null); } }; image.src = url; }), ]); } /** * Preloads a sprite * @param {string} key * @returns {Promise} */ preloadCSSSprite(key) { return this.internalPreloadImage(key).then(image => { if (key.indexOf("game_misc") >= 0) { // Allow access to regular sprites this.sprites.set(key, new RegularSprite(image, image.width, image.height)); } this.rawImages.push(image); }); } /** * Preloads an atlas * @param {AtlasDefinition} atlas * @returns {Promise} */ preloadAtlas(atlas) { return this.internalPreloadImage(atlas.getFullSourcePath()).then(image => { // @ts-ignore image.label = atlas.sourceFileName; return this.internalParseAtlas(atlas, image); }); } /** * * @param {AtlasDefinition} atlas * @param {HTMLImageElement} loadedImage */ internalParseAtlas(atlas, loadedImage) { this.rawImages.push(loadedImage); for (const spriteKey in atlas.sourceData) { const spriteData = atlas.sourceData[spriteKey]; let sprite = /** @type {AtlasSprite} */ (this.sprites.get(spriteKey)); if (!sprite) { sprite = new AtlasSprite({ spriteName: spriteKey, }); this.sprites.set(spriteKey, sprite); } const link = new SpriteAtlasLink({ packedX: spriteData.frame.x, packedY: spriteData.frame.y, packedW: spriteData.frame.w, packedH: spriteData.frame.h, packOffsetX: spriteData.spriteSourceSize.x, packOffsetY: spriteData.spriteSourceSize.y, atlas: loadedImage, w: spriteData.sourceSize.w, h: spriteData.sourceSize.h, }); sprite.linksByResolution[atlas.meta.scale] = link; } } /** * Creates the links for the sprites after the atlas has been loaded. Used so we * don't have to store duplicate sprites. */ createAtlasLinks() { // NOT USED } /** * Makes the canvas which shows the question mark, shown when a sprite was not found */ makeSpriteNotFoundCanvas() { const dims = 128; const [canvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(dims, dims, { smooth: false, label: "not-found-sprite", }); context.fillStyle = "#f77"; context.fillRect(0, 0, dims, dims); context.textAlign = "center"; context.textBaseline = "middle"; context.fillStyle = "#eee"; context.font = "25px Arial"; context.fillText("???", dims / 2, dims / 2); // TODO: Not sure why this is set here // @ts-ignore canvas.src = "not-found"; const resolutions = ["0.1", "0.25", "0.5", "0.75", "1"]; const sprite = new AtlasSprite({ spriteName: "not-found", }); for (let i = 0; i < resolutions.length; ++i) { const res = resolutions[i]; const link = new SpriteAtlasLink({ packedX: 0, packedY: 0, w: dims, h: dims, packOffsetX: 0, packOffsetY: 0, packedW: dims, packedH: dims, atlas: canvas, }); sprite.linksByResolution[res] = link; } this.spriteNotFoundSprite = sprite; } } export const Loader = new LoaderImpl();