steamPage: shortText: handler om at bygge fabrikker på en grænseløs spilleflade for automatisk at skabe og kombinere figurer, der i stigende grad bliver mere komplicerede. discordLinkShort: Official Discord intro: >- er et afslappet spil hvor du skal bygge fabrikker for at automatisere productionen af geometriske figurer. Jo længer du når, jo mere kompliseret bliver figurene, og du bliver nød til at spræde dig ud på den grænseløse spilleflade. og hvis det ikke var nok, så skal du også producere eksponentielt flere figurer for at møde behovene spillet giver dig - det eneste der virker er skalering! Mens du i starten kun laver former, skal du senere farvelægge dem - for at gøre dette skal du udvinde og blande farver! At købe spllet på Steam, giver dig adgang til det fulde spil, men du kan også spille en demo version på og vælge senere! what_others_say: What people say about nothernlion_comment: This game is great - I'm having a wonderful time playing, and time has flown by. notch_comment: Oh crap. I really should sleep, but I think I just figured out how to make a computer in steam_review_comment: This game has stolen my life and I don't want it back. Very chill factory game that won't let me stop making my lines more efficient. global: loading: Indlæser error: Fejl thousandsDivider: . decimalSeparator: "," suffix: thousands: k millions: mio billions: mia trillions: bio infinite: uendelig time: oneSecondAgo: et sekund siden xSecondsAgo: sekunder siden oneMinuteAgo: et minut siden xMinutesAgo: minutter siden oneHourAgo: en time siden xHoursAgo: timer siden oneDayAgo: en dag siden xDaysAgo: dage siden secondsShort: s minutesAndSecondsShort: m s hoursAndMinutesShort: t m xMinutes: minutter keys: tab: TAB control: CTRL alt: ALT escape: ESC shift: SKIFT/SHIFT space: MELLEMRUM loggingIn: Logging in demoBanners: title: Demo Version intro: Køb spillet for at få den fulde oplevelse! mainMenu: play: Spil continue: Fortsæt newGame: Nyt Spil changelog: Changelog subreddit: Reddit importSavegame: Importér openSourceHint: Dette spil er open source! discordLink: Officiel Discord Server helpTranslate: Hjælp med at oversætte! madeBy: Lavet af browserWarning: Undskyld, men spillet er kendt for at køre langsomt på denne browser! Køb spillet eller download chrome for den fulde oplevelse. savegameLevel: Niveau savegameLevelUnknown: Ukendt Niveau savegameUnnamed: Unnamed puzzleMode: Puzzle Mode back: Back puzzleDlcText: Do you enjoy compacting and optimizing factories? Get the Puzzle DLC now on Steam for even more fun! puzzleDlcWishlist: Wishlist now! dialogs: buttons: ok: OK delete: Slet cancel: Fortryd later: Senere restart: Genstart reset: Nulstil getStandalone: Køb spillet deleteGame: Jeg ved hvad jeg laver viewUpdate: Se Opdatering showUpgrades: Vis Opgraderinger showKeybindings: Vis Keybindings retry: Retry continue: Continue playOffline: Play Offline importSavegameError: title: Import Fejl text: "Importering af gemt spil fejlede:" importSavegameSuccess: title: Gemt spil Importeret text: Dit gemte spil blev importet. gameLoadFailure: title: Spillet er i stykker text: "Det lykkedes ikke at åbne dit gemte spil:" confirmSavegameDelete: title: Bekræft sletning text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?

'' at level

This can not be undone! savegameDeletionError: title: Sletning fejlede text: "Det lykkedes ikke at slette dit gemte spil:" restartRequired: title: Genstart er nødvendig text: Du er nødt til at genstarte spillet for at anvende indstillingerne. editKeybinding: title: Ændr Keybinding desc: Tryk på knappen du vil bruge, eller escape for at fortryde. resetKeybindingsConfirmation: title: Nulstil keybindings desc: Dette vil nulstille alle keybindings til deres standarder. Bekræft venligst. keybindingsResetOk: title: Keybindings nulstillet desc: Keybindings er nulstillet til deres standarder! featureRestriction: title: Demoversion desc: Du prøvede at bruge en funktion () der ikke er tilgængelig i demoen. Overvej at købe spillet for den fulde oplevelse! oneSavegameLimit: title: Begrænset mængde gemte spil desc: Du kan kun have et gemt spil ad gangen in demoversionen. Vær sød at slette det nuværende gemte spil eller at købe spillet! updateSummary: title: Ny opdatering! desc: "Dette har ændret sig siden sidst du spillede:" upgradesIntroduction: title: Få Opgraderinger desc: Alle figurer du producerer kan blive brugt til at få opgraderinger - Ødelæg ikke dine gamle fabrikker! Opgraderingeringsvinduet kan findes i det øverste højre hjørne af skærmen. massDeleteConfirm: title: Bekræft sletning desc: Du er ved at slette mange bygninger ( helt præcist)! Er du sikker på at det er det du vil gøre? massCutConfirm: title: Bekræft klip desc: Du er ved at klippe mange bygninger ( helt præcist)! Er du sikker på at det er det du vil gøre? blueprintsNotUnlocked: title: Ikke tilgængeligt endnu desc: Gennemfør Niveau 12 for at bruge arbejdstegninger! keybindingsIntroduction: title: Brugbare keybindings desc: "Dette spil har mange keybindings, som gør det lettere at bygge store fabrikker. Her er et par, men husk at tjekke keybindings!

CTRL + Træk: Vælg et område.
SHIFT: Hold for at placere flere af en bygning.
ALT: Vend retningen af placerede transportbånd.
" createMarker: title: Ny Markør desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a short key of a shape (Which you can generate here) titleEdit: Rediger Markør markerDemoLimit: desc: Du kan kun lave to markører i demoen. Køb spillet for uendelige markører! exportScreenshotWarning: title: Eksporter skærmbillede desc: Du bad om at eksportere din fabrik som et skærmbillede. Bemærk at dette kan være rimelig langsomt for en stor base og kan endda lukke dit spil! massCutInsufficientConfirm: title: Bekræft klip desc: Du har ikke råd til at sætte dette område ind igen! Er du sikker på at du vil klippe det? editSignal: title: Set Signal descItems: "Choose a pre-defined item:" descShortKey: ... or enter the short key of a shape (Which you can generate here) renameSavegame: title: Rename Savegame desc: You can rename your savegame here. tutorialVideoAvailable: title: Tutorial Available desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level! Would you like to watch it? tutorialVideoAvailableForeignLanguage: title: Tutorial Available desc: There is a tutorial video available for this level, but it is only available in English. Would you like to watch it? editConstantProducer: title: Set Item puzzleLoadFailed: title: Puzzles failed to load desc: "Unfortunately the puzzles could not be loaded:" submitPuzzle: title: Submit Puzzle descName: "Give your puzzle a name:" descIcon: "Please enter a unique short key, which will be shown as the icon of your puzzle (You can generate them here, or choose one of the randomly suggested shapes below):" placeholderName: Puzzle Title puzzleResizeBadBuildings: title: Resize not possible desc: You can't make the zone any smaller, because then some buildings would be outside the zone. puzzleLoadError: title: Bad Puzzle desc: "The puzzle failed to load:" offlineMode: title: Offline Mode desc: We couldn't reach the servers, so the game has to run in offline mode. Please make sure you have an active internect connection. puzzleDownloadError: title: Download Error desc: "Failed to download the puzzle:" puzzleSubmitError: title: Submission Error desc: "Failed to submit your puzzle:" puzzleSubmitOk: title: Puzzle Published desc: Congratulations! Your puzzle has been published and can now be played by others. You can now find it in the "My puzzles" section. puzzleCreateOffline: title: Offline Mode desc: Since you are offline, you will not be able to save and/or publish your puzzle. Would you still like to continue? puzzlePlayRegularRecommendation: title: Recommendation desc: I strongly recommend playing the normal game to level 12 before attempting the puzzle DLC, otherwise you may encounter mechanics not yet introduced. Do you still want to continue? puzzleShare: title: Short Key Copied desc: The short key of the puzzle () has been copied to your clipboard! It can be entered in the puzzle menu to access the puzzle. puzzleReport: title: Report Puzzle options: profane: Profane unsolvable: Not solvable trolling: Trolling puzzleReportComplete: title: Thank you for your feedback! desc: The puzzle has been flagged. puzzleReportError: title: Failed to report desc: "Your report could not get processed:" puzzleLoadShortKey: title: Enter short key desc: Enter the short key of the puzzle to load it. ingame: keybindingsOverlay: moveMap: Bevæg dig selectBuildings: Marker område stopPlacement: Stop placering rotateBuilding: Roter bygning placeMultiple: Placer flere reverseOrientation: Omvend retning disableAutoOrientation: Slå automatisk retning fra toggleHud: Slå HUD til/fra placeBuilding: Placer bygning createMarker: Lav Markør delete: Slet pasteLastBlueprint: Sæt sidste arbejdstegning ind lockBeltDirection: Aktiver bælteplanlægger plannerSwitchSide: Vend planlægsningsside cutSelection: Klip copySelection: Kopier clearSelection: Ryd Selektion pipette: Pipette switchLayers: Skift Lag clearBelts: Clear belts colors: red: Rød green: Grøn blue: Blå yellow: Gul purple: Lilla cyan: Cyan white: Hvid uncolored: Ingen farve black: Sort buildingPlacement: cycleBuildingVariants: Tryk for at vælge type. hotkeyLabel: "Hotkey: " infoTexts: speed: Fart range: Rækkevidde storage: Opbevaring oneItemPerSecond: 1 genstand / sekund itemsPerSecond: genstande / s itemsPerSecondDouble: (x2) tiles: flader levelCompleteNotification: levelTitle: Niveau completed: Klaret unlockText: er nu tilgængelig! buttonNextLevel: Næste Niveau notifications: newUpgrade: En ny opgradering er tilgængelig! gameSaved: Dit spil er gemt. freeplayLevelComplete: Level er blevet fuldført! shop: title: Opgraderinger buttonUnlock: Opgrader tier: Trin maximumLevel: HØJESTE NIVEAU (Speed x) statistics: title: Statistikker dataSources: stored: title: Opbevaret description: Viser mængden af opbevarede figurer i din centrale bygning. produced: title: Produceret description: Viser alle de figurer hele din fabrik producerer, inklusiv produkter brugt til videre produktion. delivered: title: Afleveret description: Viser figurer som er afleveret til din centrale bygning. noShapesProduced: Ingen figurer er blevet produceret indtil videre. shapesDisplayUnits: second: / s minute: / m hour: / t settingsMenu: playtime: Spilletid buildingsPlaced: Bygninger beltsPlaced: Bælter tutorialHints: title: Har du brug for hjælp? showHint: Vis hint hideHint: Luk blueprintPlacer: cost: Pris waypoints: waypoints: Markører hub: HUB description: Venstreklik en markør for at hoppe til den, højreklik for at slette den.

Tryk for at lave en markør på det nuværende sted, eller højreklik for at lave en markør på det valgte sted. creationSuccessNotification: Markør er sat. shapeViewer: title: Lag empty: Tom copyKey: Kopier Kode interactiveTutorial: title: Tutorial hints: 1_1_extractor: Sæt en udvinder på toppen af encirkelfigur for at begynde produktion af den! 1_2_conveyor: "Forbind udvinderen til din hub med et transportbælte!

Tip: Tryk og træk bæltet med din mus!" 1_3_expand: "Dette er IKKE et idle game! Byg flere udvindere og bælter for at færdiggøre målet hurtigere.

Tip: Hold SKIFT for at sætte flere udvindere, og tryk R for at rotere dem." 2_1_place_cutter: "Now place a Cutter to cut the circles in two halves!

PS: The cutter always cuts from top to bottom regardless of its orientation." 2_2_place_trash: The cutter can clog and stall!

Use a trash to get rid of the currently (!) not needed waste. 2_3_more_cutters: "Good job! Now place 2 more cutters to speed up this slow process!

PS: Use the 0-9 hotkeys to access buildings faster!" 3_1_rectangles: "Now let's extract some rectangles! Build 4 extractors and connect them to the hub.

PS: Hold SHIFT while dragging a belt to activate the belt planner!" 21_1_place_quad_painter: Place the quad painter and get some circles, white and red color! 21_2_switch_to_wires: Switch to the wires layer by pressing E!

Then connect all four inputs of the painter with cables! 21_3_place_button: Awesome! Now place a Switch and connect it with wires! 21_4_press_button: "Press the switch to make it emit a truthy signal and thus activate the painter.

PS: You don't have to connect all inputs! Try wiring only two." connectedMiners: one_miner: 1 Miner n_miners: Miners limited_items: Limited to watermark: title: Demo version desc: Click here to see the Steam version advantages! get_on_steam: Få på steam standaloneAdvantages: title: Få den fulde version! no_thanks: Nej tak! points: levels: title: 12 Nye Levels desc: For et total af 26 levels! buildings: title: 18 Nye Bygninger desc: Fully automate your factory! upgrades: title: ∞ Upgrade Tiers desc: This demo version has only 5! markers: title: ∞ Markers desc: Never get lost in your factory! wires: title: Ledninger desc: En helt ny dimension! darkmode: title: Dark Mode desc: Stop hurting your eyes! support: title: Støt mig desc: Jeg arbejder på det i min fritid! achievements: title: Achievements desc: Hunt them all! puzzleEditorSettings: zoneTitle: Zone zoneWidth: Width zoneHeight: Height trimZone: Trim clearItems: Clear Items share: Share report: Report puzzleEditorControls: title: Puzzle Creator instructions: - 1. Place Constant Producers to provide shapes and colors to the player - 2. Build one or more shapes you want the player to build later and deliver it to one or more Goal Acceptors - 3. Once a Goal Acceptor receives a shape for a certain amount of time, it saves it as a goal that the player must produce later (Indicated by the green badge). - 4. Click the lock button on a building to disable it. - 5. Once you click review, your puzzle will be validated and you can publish it. - 6. Upon release, all buildings will be removed except for the Producers and Goal Acceptors - That's the part that the player is supposed to figure out for themselves, after all :) puzzleCompletion: title: Puzzle Completed! titleLike: "Click the heart if you liked the puzzle:" titleRating: How difficult did you find the puzzle? titleRatingDesc: Your rating will help me to make you better suggestions in the future continueBtn: Keep Playing menuBtn: Menu puzzleMetadata: author: Author shortKey: Short Key rating: Difficulty score averageDuration: Avg. Duration completionRate: Completion rate shopUpgrades: belt: name: Bælter, Fordelere & Tuneller description: Fart x → x miner: name: Udvinding description: Fart x → x processors: name: Klipning, Rotering & Stabling description: Fart x → x painting: name: Blanding & Maling description: Fart x → x buildings: hub: deliver: Aflever toUnlock: for at få adgang til levelShortcut: NIV endOfDemo: End of Demo belt: default: name: Transportbælte description: Transporterer figurer, hold og træk for at sætte flere. miner: default: name: Udvinder description: Placer over en figur eller farve for at udvinde den. chainable: name: Udvinder (Kæde) description: Placer over en figur eller farve for at udvinde den. Kan kædes. underground_belt: default: name: Tunnel description: Laver tunneller under bygninger og bælter. tier2: name: Tunnel Trin II description: Laver tunneller under bygninger og bælter. cutter: default: name: Klipper description: Klipper figurer fra top til bund og udsender begge halvdele. Hvis du kun bruger den ene halvdel så husk at ødelægge den anden del, ellers går maskinen i stå! quad: name: Klipper (firdeler) description: Klipper figurer om til fire dele. Hvis du kun bruger nogle af dem så husk at ødelægge de andre dele, ellers går maskinen i stå! rotater: default: name: Drejer description: Drejer figurer 90 grader med uret. ccw: name: Drejer (mod uret) description: Drejer figurer 90 grader mod uret. rotate180: name: Rotate (180) description: Drejer figurer 180 grader med uret. stacker: default: name: Stabler description: Stabler begge figurer. Hvis de ikke kan sammensmeltes, så sættes den højre figur oven på den venstre. mixer: default: name: Farveblander description: Blander to farver med additiv blanding. painter: default: name: Maler description: Farver hele figuren fra venstre side med farven fra toppen. mirrored: name: Maler description: Farver hele figuren fra venstre side med farven fra toppen. double: name: Maler (Dobbelt) description: Farver figurerne fra venstre side med farven fra toppen. quad: name: Maler (Quad) description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only slots with a truthy signal on the wires layer will be painted! trash: default: name: Skraldespand description: Tillader input fra alle sider og ødelægger dem. For evigt. wire: default: name: Energiledning description: Lader dig transportere energi. second: name: Ledning description: Overfør signaler, som kan være elementer, farver eller boolsk variabler (1 / 0). Forskellig farvet ledninger kan ikke forbindes. balancer: default: name: Balancer description: Multifunktionelt - Fordeler alle indgange jævnt til alle udgange. merger: name: Forener (kompakt) description: Forener to transportbånd til en. merger-inverse: name: Forener (kompakt) description: Forener to transportbånd til en. splitter: name: Splitter (kompakt) description: Splitter et transportbånd til to. splitter-inverse: name: Splitter (kompakt) description: Splitter et transportbånd til to. storage: default: name: Storage description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Prioritizes the left output and can be used as an overflow gate. wire_tunnel: default: name: Wire Crossing description: Allows to cross two wires without connecting them. constant_signal: default: name: Constant Signal description: Emits a constant signal, which can be either a shape, color or boolean (1 / 0). lever: default: name: Switch description: Can be toggled to emit a boolean signal (1 / 0) on the wires layer, which can then be used to control for example an item filter. logic_gate: default: name: AND Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if both inputs are truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") not: name: NOT Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if the input is not truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") xor: name: XOR Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy, but not both. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") or: name: OR Gate description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy. (Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1") transistor: default: name: Transistor description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape, color or "1"). mirrored: name: Transistor description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape, color or "1"). filter: default: name: Filter description: Connect a signal to route all matching items to the top and the remaining to the right. Can be controlled with boolean signals too. display: default: name: Display description: Connect a signal to show it on the display - It can be a shape, color or boolean. reader: default: name: Belt Reader description: Allows to measure the average belt throughput. Outputs the last read item on the wires layer (once unlocked). analyzer: default: name: Shape Analyzer description: Analyzes the top right quadrant of the lowest layer of the shape and returns its shape and color. comparator: default: name: Compare description: Returns boolean "1" if both signals are exactly equal. Can compare shapes, items and booleans. virtual_processor: default: name: Virtual Cutter description: Virtually cuts the shape into two halves. rotater: name: Virtual Rotater description: Virtually rotates the shape, both clockwise and counter-clockwise. unstacker: name: Virtual Unstacker description: Virtually extracts the topmost layer to the right output and the remaining ones to the left. stacker: name: Virtual Stacker description: Virtually stacks the right shape onto the left. painter: name: Virtual Painter description: Virtually paints the shape from the bottom input with the shape on the right input. item_producer: default: name: Item Producer description: Available in sandbox mode only, outputs the given signal from the wires layer on the regular layer. constant_producer: default: name: Constant Producer description: Constantly outputs a specified shape or color. goal_acceptor: default: name: Goal Acceptor description: Deliver shapes to the goal acceptor to set them as a goal. block: default: name: Block description: Allows you to block a tile. storyRewards: reward_cutter_and_trash: title: Klippe Figurer desc: You just unlocked the cutter, which cuts shapes in half from top to bottom regardless of its orientation!

Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise it will clog and stall - For this purpose I have given you the trash, which destroys everything you put into it! reward_rotater: title: Rotation desc: Drejeren er nu tilgængelig! Den drejer figurer 90 grader med uret. reward_painter: title: Maling desc: "Maleren er nu tilgængelig - Få noget farve med udvinderen (som du også gør med figurer) og kombiner det med en farve i maleren for at farve dem!

PS: Hvis du er farveblind, så er der en farveblindstilstand i indstillingerne!" reward_mixer: title: Farveblanding desc: The mixer has been unlocked - It mixes two colors using additive blending! reward_stacker: title: Stabler desc: Du kan du stable figurer med stableren! Begge inputs stables. Hvis de kan sættes ved siden af hinanden, sammensmeltes de. Hvis ikke, bliver det højre input stablet ovenpå det venstre! reward_splitter: title: Fordeler/Sammenlægger desc: You have unlocked a splitter variant of the balancer - It accepts one input and splits them into two! reward_tunnel: title: Tunnel desc: Tunnellen er nu tilgængelig - Du kan nu lave tuneller under bælter og bygninger! reward_rotater_ccw: title: Rotation mod uret desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af drejeren - Den lader dig dreje ting mod uret! For at bygge den skal du vælge drejeren og trykke 'T'! reward_miner_chainable: title: Kædeudvinder desc: "You have unlocked the chained extractor! It can forward its resources to other extractors so you can more efficiently extract resources!

PS: The old extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!" reward_underground_belt_tier_2: title: Tunnel Trin II desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af tunnellen - Den har en større rækkevidde, og du kan også bruge begge typer tunneller på den samme strækning! reward_cutter_quad: title: Quad Klipining desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af klipperen - Den lader dig klippe figurer i fire dele i stedet for kun to! reward_painter_double: title: Dobbelt Maling desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af maleren - Den virker som en normal maler, men maler to figurer samtidig og bruger kun en farve i stedet for to. reward_storage: title: Opbevaringsbuffer desc: You have unlocked the storage building - It allows you to store items up to a given capacity!

It priorities the left output, so you can also use it as an overflow gate! reward_freeplay: title: Frit spil desc: You did it! You unlocked the free-play mode! This means that shapes are now randomly generated!

Since the hub will require a throughput from now on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically delivers the requested shape!

The HUB outputs the requested shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and automatically configure your factory based on that. reward_blueprints: title: Arbejdstegninger desc: Du kan nu kopiere og indsætte dele af din fabrik! Vælg et område (Hold CTRL, og træk med musen), og tryk 'C' for at kopiere det.

At sætte det ind er ikke gratis. Du skal producere arbejdstegning figurer for at have råd til det! (Dem du lige har leveret). no_reward: title: Næste niveau desc: "Dette niveau gav dig ingen belønninger, men det vil det næste!

PS: Du må hellere lade være med at ødelægge din fabrik - Du får brug for alle de figurer senere igen for at få opgraderinger!" no_reward_freeplay: title: Næste niveau desc: Tillykke! Forresten er mere indhold planlagt for den betalte version! reward_balancer: title: Balancer desc: The multifunctional balancer has been unlocked - It can be used to build bigger factories by splitting and merging items onto multiple belts! reward_merger: title: Compact Merger desc: You have unlocked a merger variant of the balancer - It accepts two inputs and merges them into one belt! reward_belt_reader: title: Belt reader desc: You have now unlocked the belt reader! It allows you to measure the throughput of a belt.

And wait until you unlock wires - then it gets really useful! reward_rotater_180: title: Rotater (180 degrees) desc: You just unlocked the 180 degrees rotater! - It allows you to rotate a shape by 180 degrees (Surprise! :D) reward_display: title: Display desc: "You have unlocked the Display - Connect a signal on the wires layer to visualize it!

PS: Did you notice the belt reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a display!" reward_constant_signal: title: Constant Signal desc: You unlocked the constant signal building on the wires layer! This is useful to connect it to item filters for example.

The constant signal can emit a shape, color or boolean (1 / 0). reward_logic_gates: title: Logic Gates desc: You unlocked logic gates! You don't have to be excited about this, but it's actually super cool!

With those gates you can now compute AND, OR, XOR and NOT operations.

As a bonus on top I also just gave you a transistor! reward_virtual_processing: title: Virtual Processing desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to simulate the processing of shapes!

You can now simulate a cutter, rotater, stacker and more on the wires layer! With this you now have three options to continue the game:

- Build an automated machine to create any possible shape requested by the HUB (I recommend to try it!).

- Build something cool with wires.

- Continue to play regulary.

Whatever you choose, remember to have fun! reward_wires_painter_and_levers: title: Wires & Quad Painter desc: "You just unlocked the Wires Layer: It is a separate layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new mechanics!

For the beginning I unlocked you the Quad Painter - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on the wires layer!

To switch to the wires layer, press E.

PS: Enable hints in the settings to activate the wires tutorial!" reward_filter: title: Item Filter desc: You unlocked the Item Filter! It will route items either to the top or the right output depending on whether they match the signal from the wires layer or not.

You can also pass in a boolean signal (1 / 0) to entirely activate or disable it. reward_demo_end: title: End of Demo desc: You have reached the end of the demo version! settings: title: Indstillinger categories: general: Generelt userInterface: Brugerflade advanced: Avanceret performance: Performance versionBadges: dev: Udvikling staging: Iscenesættelse prod: Produktion buildDate: Bygget labels: uiScale: title: Grænseflade størrelse description: Ændrer størrelsen på brugerfladen. Den vil stadig skalere baseret på opløsningen af din skærm, men denne indstilling bestemmer hvor meget den skalerer. scales: super_small: Meget lille small: Lille regular: Normal large: Store huge: Kæmpe autosaveInterval: title: Autogem Interval description: Ændrer hvor ofte spillet gemmer automatisk. Du kan også slå det helt fra her. intervals: one_minute: 1 Minut two_minutes: 2 Minutter five_minutes: 5 Minutter ten_minutes: 10 Minutter twenty_minutes: 20 Minutter disabled: Slået fra scrollWheelSensitivity: title: Zoom følsomhed description: Ændrer hvor følsomt zoomet er (Enten musehjulet eller trackpad). sensitivity: super_slow: Meget langsom slow: Langsom regular: Normal fast: Hurtig super_fast: Meget hurtig movementSpeed: title: Bevægelseshastighed description: Ændrer hvor hurtigt du kan bevæge dit overblik når du bruger tastaturet. speeds: super_slow: Meget langsom slow: Langsom regular: Normal fast: Hurtig super_fast: Meget hurtig extremely_fast: Ekstremt hurtig language: title: Sprog description: Ændrer sproget. All oversættelser er lavet af fælleskabet og kan være ufuldstændige! enableColorBlindHelper: title: Farveblindstilstand description: Aktiverer forskellige redskaber der lader dig spille, selv hvis du er farveblind. fullscreen: title: Fuld skærm description: Det er foreslået at spille i fuld skærm for den bedste oplevelse. Kun tilgængelig i den betalte version. soundsMuted: title: Slå lydeffekterne fra description: Aktiver for at slå alle lydeffekter fra. musicMuted: title: Slå musik fra description: Aktiver for at slå al musik fra. theme: title: Tema description: Vælg tema (lys / mørk). themes: dark: Mørk light: Lys refreshRate: title: Simulationsmål description: Hvis du har en 144hz skærm, så ændr opdateringshastigheden her så spillet vil simulere den højere opdateringshastighed korrekt. Dette kan faktisk sænke din FPS hvis din computer er for langsom. alwaysMultiplace: title: Multiplacér description: Aktiver for at alle bygninger fortsætter med at være valgt efter placering, indtil du vælger dem fra. Dette svarer til altid at holde SKIFT nede. offerHints: title: Hints & Vejledning description: Om spillet skal tilbyde hints og vejledning imens du spiller. Skjuler også visse dele af brugerfladen indtil et givent niveau for at gøre det nemmere at lære spillet at kende. enableTunnelSmartplace: title: Smarte Tunneller description: Aktiver for at placering af tunneller automatisk fjerner unødige bælter. Dette gør igså at du kan trække tunneller så overskydende tunneller fjernes. vignette: title: Vignette description: Aktiverer vignette hvilket mørkner kanterne af skærmen og gør teksten nemmere at læse. rotationByBuilding: title: Rotation baseret på bygningstype description: Hver bygningstype husker den rotation du sidst satte den til. Dette kan være komfortabelt hvis du ofte skifter mellem at placere forskellige bygninger. compactBuildingInfo: title: Kompakt Bygningsinfo description: Forkorter infobokse til bygninger ved kun at vise deres forhold. Ellers er en beskrivelse og et billede også vist. disableCutDeleteWarnings: title: Slå klip/slet advarsler fra description: Slå advarselsboksene, der dukker op når mere end 100 ting slettes, fra. soundVolume: title: Sound Volume description: Set the volume for sound effects musicVolume: title: Music Volume description: Set the volume for music lowQualityMapResources: title: Low Quality Map Resources description: Simplifies the rendering of resources on the map when zoomed in to improve performance. It even looks cleaner, so be sure to try it out! disableTileGrid: title: Disable Grid description: Disabling the tile grid can help with the performance. This also makes the game look cleaner! clearCursorOnDeleteWhilePlacing: title: Clear Cursor on Right Click description: Enabled by default, clears the cursor whenever you right click while you have a building selected for placement. If disabled, you can delete buildings by right-clicking while placing a building. lowQualityTextures: title: Low quality textures (Ugly) description: Uses low quality textures to save performance. This will make the game look very ugly! displayChunkBorders: title: Display Chunk Borders description: The game is divided into chunks of 16x16 tiles, if this setting is enabled the borders of each chunk are displayed. pickMinerOnPatch: title: Pick miner on resource patch description: Enabled by default, selects the miner if you use the pipette when hovering a resource patch. simplifiedBelts: title: Simplified Belts (Ugly) description: Does not render belt items except when hovering the belt to save performance. I do not recommend to play with this setting if you do not absolutely need the performance. enableMousePan: title: Enable Mouse Pan description: Allows to move the map by moving the cursor to the edges of the screen. The speed depends on the Movement Speed setting. zoomToCursor: title: Zoom towards Cursor description: If activated the zoom will happen in the direction of your mouse position, otherwise in the middle of the screen. mapResourcesScale: title: Map Resources Size description: Controls the size of the shapes on the map overview (when zooming out). rangeSliderPercentage: % keybindings: title: Keybindings hint: "Tip: Husk at bruge CTRL, SKIFT og ALT! De byder på forskellige placeringsmuligheder." resetKeybindings: Nulstil Keybindings categoryLabels: general: Applikation ingame: Spil navigation: Navigation placement: Placering massSelect: Massemarkering buildings: Bygningsgenveje placementModifiers: Placeringsmodifikationer mappings: confirm: Bekræft back: Tilbage mapMoveUp: Bevæg dig op mapMoveRight: Bevæg dig til højre mapMoveDown: Bevæg dig ned mapMoveLeft: Bevæg dig til venstre mapMoveFaster: Bevæg dig hurtigere centerMap: Centrer kortet mapZoomIn: Zoom ind mapZoomOut: Zoom ud createMarker: Lav Markør menuOpenShop: Opgraderinger menuOpenStats: Statistikker toggleHud: Slå HUD til/fra toggleFPSInfo: Slå FPS og Debug Info til/fra switchLayers: Skift lag exportScreenshot: Eksporter hele basen som et billede belt: Transportbælte underground_belt: Tunnel miner: Udvinder cutter: Klipper rotater: Drejer stacker: Stabler mixer: Farveblander painter: Maler trash: Skraldespand pipette: Pipette rotateWhilePlacing: Roter rotateInverseModifier: "Modifier: Roter mod uret i stedet" cycleBuildingVariants: Gennemgå Varianter confirmMassDelete: Slet område pasteLastBlueprint: Sæt sidste arbejdstegning ind cycleBuildings: Gennemgå bygninger lockBeltDirection: Slå bælteplanlægger til switchDirectionLockSide: "Planner: Skift side" massSelectStart: Hold og træk for at starte massSelectSelectMultiple: Vælg flere områder massSelectCopy: Kopier område massSelectCut: Klip område placementDisableAutoOrientation: Slå automatisk rotation fra placeMultiple: Bliv i placeringstilstand placeInverse: Spejlvend automatisk bælteorientering menuClose: Luk Menu wire: Energiledning balancer: Balancer storage: Storage constant_signal: Constant Signal logic_gate: Logic Gate lever: Switch (regular) filter: Filter wire_tunnel: Wire Crossing display: Display reader: Belt Reader virtual_processor: Virtual Cutter transistor: Transistor analyzer: Shape Analyzer comparator: Compare item_producer: Item Producer (Sandbox) copyWireValue: "Wires: Copy value below cursor" rotateToUp: "Rotate: Point Up" rotateToDown: "Rotate: Point Down" rotateToRight: "Rotate: Point Right" rotateToLeft: "Rotate: Point Left" constant_producer: Constant Producer goal_acceptor: Goal Acceptor block: Block massSelectClear: Clear belts about: title: Om dette spil body: >- Dette spil er open source og er udviklet af Tobias Springer (det er mig).

Hvis du vil kontribuere, tjek på github.

Dette spil ville ikke have været muligt uden det fremragende Discord-fælleskab omkring mine spil - Du burde virkelig deltage på Discordserveren!

Lydsporet er lavet af Peppsen - Han er fantastisk.

Endelig, tusind tak til min bedste ven Niklas - Uden vi havde spillet factorio sammen ville dette spil aldrig have eksisteret. changelog: title: Changelog demo: features: restoringGames: Genopretter gem importingGames: Importerer gem oneGameLimit: Afgrænset til et gem customizeKeybindings: Tilpasser Keybindings exportingBase: Eksportere hele basen som et billede settingNotAvailable: Ikke tilgængelig i demoen. tips: - The hub accepts input of any kind, not just the current shape! - Make sure your factories are modular - it will pay out! - Don't build too close to the hub, or it will be a huge chaos! - If stacking does not work, try switching the inputs. - You can toggle the belt planner direction by pressing R. - Holding CTRL allows dragging of belts without auto-orientation. - Ratios stay the same, as long as all upgrades are on the same Tier. - Serial execution is more efficient than parallel. - You will unlock more variants of buildings later in the game! - You can use T to switch between different variants. - Symmetry is key! - You can weave different tiers of tunnels. - Try to build compact factories - it will pay out! - The painter has a mirrored variant which you can select with T - Having the right building ratios will maximize efficiency. - At maximum level, 5 extractors will fill a single belt. - Don't forget about tunnels! - You don't need to divide up items evenly for full efficiency. - Holding SHIFT will activate the belt planner, letting you place long lines of belts easily. - Cutters always cut vertically, regardless of their orientation. - To get white mix all three colors. - The storage buffer priorities the first output. - Invest time to build repeatable designs - it's worth it! - Holding CTRL allows to place multiple buildings. - You can hold ALT to invert the direction of placed belts. - Efficiency is key! - Shape patches that are further away from the hub are more complex. - Machines have a limited speed, divide them up for maximum efficiency. - Use balancers to maximize your efficiency. - Organization is important. Try not to cross conveyors too much. - Plan in advance, or it will be a huge chaos! - Don't remove your old factories! You'll need them to unlock upgrades. - Try beating level 20 on your own before seeking for help! - Don't complicate things, try to stay simple and you'll go far. - You may need to re-use factories later in the game. Plan your factories to be re-usable. - Sometimes, you can find a needed shape in the map without creating it with stackers. - Full windmills / pinwheels can never spawn naturally. - Color your shapes before cutting for maximum efficiency. - With modules, space is merely a perception; a concern for mortal men. - Make a separate blueprint factory. They're important for modules. - Have a closer look on the color mixer, and your questions will be answered. - Use CTRL + Click to select an area. - Building too close to the hub can get in the way of later projects. - The pin icon next to each shape in the upgrade list pins it to the screen. - Mix all primary colors together to make white! - You have an infinite map, don't cramp your factory, expand! - Also try Factorio! It's my favorite game. - The quad cutter cuts clockwise starting from the top right! - You can download your savegames in the main menu! - This game has a lot of useful keybindings! Be sure to check out the settings page. - This game has a lot of settings, be sure to check them out! - The marker to your hub has a small compass to indicate its direction! - To clear belts, cut the area and then paste it at the same location. - Press F4 to show your FPS and Tick Rate. - Press F4 twice to show the tile of your mouse and camera. - You can click a pinned shape on the left side to unpin it. puzzleMenu: play: Play edit: Edit title: Puzzle Mode createPuzzle: Create Puzzle loadPuzzle: Load reviewPuzzle: Review & Publish validatingPuzzle: Validating Puzzle submittingPuzzle: Submitting Puzzle noPuzzles: There are currently no puzzles in this section. categories: levels: Levels new: New top-rated: Top Rated mine: My Puzzles short: Short easy: Easy hard: Hard completed: Completed validation: title: Invalid Puzzle noProducers: Please place a Constant Producer! noGoalAcceptors: Please place a Goal Acceptor! goalAcceptorNoItem: One or more Goal Acceptors have not yet assigned an item. Deliver a shape to them to set a goal. goalAcceptorRateNotMet: One or more Goal Acceptors are not getting enough items. Make sure that the indicators are green for all acceptors. buildingOutOfBounds: One or more buildings are outside of the buildable area. Either increase the area or remove them. autoComplete: Your puzzle autocompletes itself! Please make sure your constant producers are not directly delivering to your goal acceptors. backendErrors: ratelimit: You are performing your actions too frequent. Please wait a bit. invalid-api-key: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to update/restart the game (Invalid Api Key). unauthorized: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to update/restart the game (Unauthorized). bad-token: Failed to communicate with the backend, please try to update/restart the game (Bad Token). bad-id: Invalid puzzle identifier. not-found: The given puzzle could not be found. bad-category: The given category could not be found. bad-short-key: The given short key is invalid. profane-title: Your puzzle title contains profane words. bad-title-too-many-spaces: Your puzzle title is too short. bad-shape-key-in-emitter: A constant producer has an invalid item. bad-shape-key-in-goal: A goal acceptor has an invalid item. no-emitters: Your puzzle does not contain any constant producers. no-goals: Your puzzle does not contain any goal acceptors. short-key-already-taken: This short key is already taken, please use another one. can-not-report-your-own-puzzle: You can not report your own puzzle. bad-payload: The request contains invalid data. bad-building-placement: Your puzzle contains invalid placed buildings. timeout: The request timed out.