diff --git a/translations/base-en.yaml b/translations/base-en.yaml index 930e5f29..f358ea1c 100644 --- a/translations/base-en.yaml +++ b/translations/base-en.yaml @@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ steamPage: This game is open source - Anybody can contribute! Besides of that, I listen [b]a lot[/b] to the community! I try to read all suggestions and take as much feedback into account as possible. [list] + [*] Wires! [*] Story mode where buildings cost shapes [*] More levels & buildings (standalone exclusive) [*] Different maps, and maybe map obstacles [*] Configurable map creation (Edit number and size of patches, seed, and more) [*] More types of shapes [*] More performance improvements (Although the game already runs pretty good!) - [*] Color blind mode [*] And much more! [/list]