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2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
shortText: je igra o izradi tvornica za automatizaciju stvaranja i
spajanja sve složenijih oblika unutar beskonačno velike mape.
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
discordLinkShort: Official Discord
intro: >- is a relaxed game in which you have to build factories for the
automated production of geometric shapes.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
As the level increases, the shapes become more and more complex, and you have to spread out on the infinite map.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
And as if that wasn't enough, you also have to produce exponentially more to satisfy the demands - the only thing that helps is scaling!
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
While you only process shapes at the beginning, you have to color them later - for this you have to extract and mix colors!
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
Buying the game on Steam gives you access to the full version, but you can also play a demo on first and decide later!
title_advantages: Standalone Advantages
- <b>12 New Level</b> for a total of 26 levels
- <b>18 New Buildings</b> for a fully automated factory!
- <b>20 Upgrade Tiers</b> for many hours of fun!
- <b>Wires Update</b> for an entirely new dimension!
- <b>Dark Mode</b>!
- Unlimited Savegames
- Unlimited Markers
- Support me! ❤️
title_future: Planned Content
- Blueprint Library (Standalone Exclusive)
- Steam Achievements
- Puzzle Mode
- Minimap
- Mods
- Sandbox mode
- ... and a lot more!
title_open_source: This game is open source!
title_links: Links
discord: Official Discord
roadmap: Roadmap
subreddit: Subreddit
source_code: Source code (GitHub)
translate: Help translate
text_open_source: >-
Anybody can contribute, I'm actively involved in the community and
attempt to review all suggestions and take feedback into consideration
where possible.
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
2020-09-29 20:40:55 +02:00
Be sure to check out my trello board for the full roadmap!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
loading: Učitavanje
error: Greška
thousandsDivider: " "
decimalSeparator: .
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
thousands: k
millions: M
billions: B
trillions: T
infinite: inf
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
oneSecondAgo: prije jedne sekunde
xSecondsAgo: prije <x> s
oneMinuteAgo: prije jedne minute
xMinutesAgo: prije <x> min
oneHourAgo: prije sat vremena
xHoursAgo: prije <x> h
oneDayAgo: prije jedan dan
xDaysAgo: prije <x> dana
secondsShort: <seconds> s
minutesAndSecondsShort: <minutes> min <seconds> s
hoursAndMinutesShort: <hours> h <minutes> min
xMinutes: <x> min
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
tab: TAB
control: CTRL
alt: ALT
escape: ESC
shift: SHIFT
space: SPACE
title: Demo Verzija
intro: Nabavi samostalnu igru kako bi otključao sve značajke!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
play: Igraj
continue: Nastavi
newGame: Nova Igra
changelog: Promjene
subreddit: Reddit
importSavegame: Uvezi
openSourceHint: Ovo je igra otvorenog koda!
discordLink: Službeni Discord Server
helpTranslate: Pomogni s prevođenjem!
madeBy: Izradio <author-link>
browserWarning: Sorry, but the game is known to run slow on your browser! Get
the standalone version or download chrome for the full experience.
savegameLevel: Nivo <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Nepoznati Nivo
savegameUnnamed: Unnamed
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
ok: OK
delete: Izbriši
cancel: Poništi
later: Kasnije
restart: Ponovno pokreni
reset: Resetiraj
getStandalone: Nabavi samostalnu igru
deleteGame: Znam što radim
viewUpdate: Pogledaj ažuriranje
showUpgrades: Pokaži Nadogradnje
showKeybindings: Pokaži tipke
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Greška prilikom uvoza
text: "Neuspješan uvoz spremljene igre:"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Uvoz spremljene igre
text: Tvoja spremljena igra je uspješno uvezena.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Igra je pukla
text: "Neuspješno učitavanje spremljene igre:"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Potvrdi brisanje
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Greška prilikom brisanja
text: "Neuspješno brisanje spremljene igre:"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Potrebno ponovno pokretanje
text: Kako bi primijenio postavke, moraš ponovno pokrenuti igru.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Promijeni tipku
desc: Pritisni tipku ili gumb na mišu kojeg želiš dodijeliti, ili Escape za
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Resetiraj tipke
desc: Ovo će resetirati sve tipke na njihove zadane vrijednosti. Potrebna
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tipke resetirane
desc: Tipke su resetirane na svoje zadane vrijednosti!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Demo Verzija
desc: Pokušao si pristupiti značajki (<feature>) koja nije dostupna u demu. Za
puno iskustvo, nabavi samostalnu igru!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Ograničen broj spremljenih igara
desc: Možeš imati samo jednu spremljenu igru u demo verziji. Ukloni postojeću
ili nabavi samostalnu igru.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Novi update!
desc: "Evo sve promjene od zadnjeg igranja:"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Otključaj Nadogradnje
desc: Svi oblici koji se prozivedu mogu se iskoristiti za otključavanje
nadogradnji - <strong>Ne preporuča se uništavanje starih
tvornica!</strong> Kartica za nadogradnje se može pronaći u gornjem
desnom kutu ekrana.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Potvrdi brisanje
desc: <count> građevina će biti obrisano. Jesi li siguran/na da to želiš?
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Potvrdi rezanje
desc: <count> građevina će biti izrezano! Jesi li siguran/na da to želiš?
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Nije otključano
desc: Dovrši 12 nivo kako bi otključao Nacrte.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Korisne tipke
desc: "Igra ima mnogo korisnih tipki, koje olakšavaju izgradnju velikih
tvornica. Evo ih nekoliko, ali svakako se preporuča
<strong>pogledati sve tipke</strong>!<br><br> <code
class='keybinding'>CTRL</code> + Miš: Odaberi područje.<br> <code
class='keybinding'>SHIFT</code>: Držati za postavljanje više istih
zgrada odjednom.<br> <code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Obrni
smjer postavljenih pokretnih traka.<br>"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Novi Putokaz
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
titleEdit: Edit Marker
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
desc: U demo verziji se mogu stvoriti samo dva putokaza istovremeno. Nabavi
samostalnu igru za beskonačno mnogo putokaza!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Izvezi sliku zaslona
desc: Zatražen je izvoz cijele baze u obliku slike zaslone. Ovo može biti jako
sporo za velike tvornice, a može i srušiti igru!
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
title: Confirm cut
desc: You can not afford to paste this area! Are you sure you want to cut it?
title: Set Signal
descItems: "Choose a pre-defined item:"
descShortKey: ... or enter the <strong>short key</strong> of a shape (Which you
can generate <link>here</link>)
title: Rename Savegame
desc: You can rename your savegame here.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
moveMap: Kretanje
selectBuildings: Odaberi područje
stopPlacement: Prekini postavljenje
rotateBuilding: Okreći građevinu
placeMultiple: Postavi više odjednom
reverseOrientation: Obrni orijentaciju
disableAutoOrientation: Onemogući automatsku orijentaciju
toggleHud: Uključi/Isključi HUD
placeBuilding: Smjesti građevinu
createMarker: Stvori Putokaz
delete: Uništi
pasteLastBlueprint: Zalijepi zadnji nacrt
lockBeltDirection: Onemogući planiranje traka
plannerSwitchSide: Okreni stranu planera
cutSelection: Izreži
copySelection: Kopiraj
clearSelection: Očisti odabir
pipette: Pipeta
switchLayers: Promijeni sloj
red: Crvena
green: Zelena
blue: Plava
yellow: Žuta
purple: Ljubičasta
cyan: Cijan
white: Bijela
black: Crna
uncolored: Bez boje
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
cycleBuildingVariants: Pritisni <key> za različite varijante.
hotkeyLabel: "Tipka: <key>"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
speed: Brzina
range: Domet
storage: Skladište
oneItemPerSecond: 1 predmet / sekundi
itemsPerSecond: <x> predmeta / s
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
itemsPerSecondDouble: (x2)
tiles: <x> polja
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
levelTitle: Nivo <level>
completed: Dovršeno
unlockText: Otključano je <reward>!
buttonNextLevel: Idući nivo
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
newUpgrade: Nova nadogradnja je dostupna!
gameSaved: Igra je spremljena.
freeplayLevelComplete: Level <level> has been completed!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Nadogradnje
buttonUnlock: Nadogradi
tier: Razina <x>
maximumLevel: MAKSIMALNI LEVEL (Brzina x<currentMult>)
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Statistika
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Pohranjeno
description: Količine pohranjenih oblika u središnjoj građevini.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Proizvedeno
description: Svi oblici koje proizvodi cijela tvornica, uključujući i
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Dostavljeno
description: Oblici koji se dostavljaju u središnju građevinu.
noShapesProduced: Za sada nema proizvedenih oblika.
second: <shapes> / s
minute: <shapes> / m
hour: <shapes> / h
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
playtime: Vrijeme igranja
buildingsPlaced: Građevine
beltsPlaced: Trake
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Trebaš pomoć?
showHint: Savjet za gradnju
hideHint: Zatvori
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
cost: Cijena
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
waypoints: Putokazi
hub: Središte
description: Klikni lijevim klikom na marker kako bi skočio na njegovu lokaciju,
a izbriši ga desnim klikom. <br><br>Za stvaranje markera pritisni
<keybinding>, ili <strong>desnim klikom</strong> stvori marker na
odabranoj lokaciji.
creationSuccessNotification: Putokaz stvoren.
title: Slojevi
empty: Prazno
copyKey: Kopiraj
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tutorijal
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
1_1_extractor: Stavi <strong>Rudara</strong> na <strong>oblik kruga</strong>
kako bi se izvukao iz tla!
1_2_conveyor: "Spoji rudara na središnju građevinu (HUB) koristeći
<strong>pokretnu traku</strong>.<br><br>Savjet: <strong>Pritisni
i povlači</strong> traku mišem!"
1_3_expand: "Ovo <strong>NIJE</strong> igra čekanja! Više rudara i pokretnih
traka će ubrzati napredak do cilja.<br><br>Savjet: Drži
<strong>SHIFT</strong> za postavljanje više rudara istovremeno,
a pritisni <strong>R</strong> za rotaciju."
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
limited_items: Limited to <max_throughput>
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
title: Demo version
desc: Click here to see the Steam version advantages!
get_on_steam: Get on steam
title: Get the full version!
no_thanks: No, thanks!
title: 12 New Levels
desc: For a total of 26 levels!
title: 18 New Buildings
desc: Fully automate your factory!
title: ∞ Savegames
desc: As many as your heart desires!
title: 20 Upgrade Tiers
desc: This demo version has only 5!
title: ∞ Markers
desc: Never get lost in your factory!
title: Wires
desc: An entirely new dimension!
title: Dark Mode
desc: Stop hurting your eyes!
title: Support me
desc: I develop it in my spare time!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Trake, Distributer i Tuneli
description: Brzina x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Rudarenje
description: Brzina x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Rezanje, Okretanje i Slaganje
description: Brzina x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Miješanje i Bojanje
description: Brzina x<currentMult> → x<newMult>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
deliver: Dostavi
toUnlock: kako bi otključao
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
levelShortcut: LVL
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
endOfDemo: End of Demo
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Pokretna Traka
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
description: Transports items, hold and drag to place multiple.
name: Žica
description: Dopušta prijenos energije
name: Wire
description: Transfers signals, which can be items, colors or booleans (1 / 0).
Different colored wires do not connect.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Rudar
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
description: Place over a shape or color to extract it.
name: Rudar (Lančani)
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
description: Place over a shape or color to extract it. Can be chained.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Tunel
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts.
name: Tunel razine II
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
description: Allows to tunnel resources under buildings and belts.
name: Rezač
description: Reže oblike od vrha prema dnu i na izlaze daje obe polovice.
<strong>Ako se koristi samo jedan dio, drugi se mora uništiti da
bi se spriječio zastoj!</strong>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Rezač (Četverostruki)
description: Reže oblike u četiri dijela. <strong>Ako se koristi samo jedan dio,
ostali se moraju uništiti da bi se spriječio zastoj!</strong>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Obrtač (↻)
description: Okreće oblike za 90 stupnjeva u smjeru kazaljke na satu.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Obrtač (↺)
description: Okreće oblike za 90 stupnjeva u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na
name: Rotate (180)
description: Rotates shapes by 180 degrees.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Slagač
description: Slaže jedan oblik na drugi. Ako se ne mogu spojiti, desni oblik se
postavlja na vrh lijevog.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Miješalica boja
description: Spaja dvije boje koristeći aditivno miješanje.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Bojač
description: Boja cijeli oblik na lijevom ulazu bojom s gornjeg ulaza.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Bojač
description: Boja cijeli oblik na lijevom ulazu bojom s gornjeg ulaza.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Bojač (Dupli)
description: Boja oblike na lijevom ulazu bojom s gornjeg ulaza.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Bojač (Četverostruki)
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
name: Smeće
description: Prima stvari sa svih strana i uništava ih. Zauvijek.
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
name: Balancer
description: Multifunctional - Evenly distributes all inputs onto all outputs.
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
name: Merger (compact)
description: Merges two conveyor belts into one.
name: Merger (compact)
description: Merges two conveyor belts into one.
name: Splitter (compact)
description: Splits one conveyor belt into two.
name: Splitter (compact)
description: Splits one conveyor belt into two.
name: Storage
description: Stores excess items, up to a given capacity. Prioritizes the left
output and can be used as an overflow gate.
name: Wire Crossing
description: Allows to cross two wires without connecting them.
name: Constant Signal
description: Emits a constant signal, which can be either a shape, color or
boolean (1 / 0).
name: Switch
description: Can be toggled to emit a boolean signal (1 / 0) on the wires layer,
which can then be used to control for example an item filter.
name: AND Gate
description: Emits a boolean "1" if both inputs are truthy. (Truthy means shape,
color or boolean "1")
name: NOT Gate
description: Emits a boolean "1" if the input is not truthy. (Truthy means
shape, color or boolean "1")
name: XOR Gate
description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy, but not both.
(Truthy means shape, color or boolean "1")
name: OR Gate
description: Emits a boolean "1" if one of the inputs is truthy. (Truthy means
shape, color or boolean "1")
name: Transistor
description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape,
color or "1").
name: Transistor
description: Forwards the bottom input if the side input is truthy (a shape,
color or "1").
name: Filter
description: Connect a signal to route all matching items to the top and the
remaining to the right. Can be controlled with boolean signals
name: Display
description: Connect a signal to show it on the display - It can be a shape,
color or boolean.
name: Belt Reader
description: Allows to measure the average belt throughput. Outputs the last
read item on the wires layer (once unlocked).
name: Shape Analyzer
description: Analyzes the top right quadrant of the lowest layer of the shape
and returns its shape and color.
name: Compare
description: Returns boolean "1" if both signals are exactly equal. Can compare
shapes, items and booleans.
name: Virtual Cutter
description: Virtually cuts the shape into two halves.
name: Virtual Rotater
description: Virtually rotates the shape, both clockwise and counter-clockwise.
name: Virtual Unstacker
description: Virtually extracts the topmost layer to the right output and the
remaining ones to the left.
name: Virtual Stacker
description: Virtually stacks the right shape onto the left.
name: Virtual Painter
description: Virtually paints the shape from the bottom input with the shape on
the right input.
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
name: Item Producer
description: Available in sandbox mode only, outputs the given signal from the
wires layer on the regular layer.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Rezanje Oblika
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Obrtanje
desc: <strong>Obrtač</strong> je otključan! Ovaj stroj okreće oblike za 90
stupnjeva u smjeru kazaljke na satu.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Painting
desc: "<strong>Bojač</strong> je otključan - Boja se (kao i oblici) može
rudariti i spojiti s oblikom u bojaču!<br><br>PS: Postoji
<strong>opcija za daltonizam</strong> u postavkama!"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Miješalica boja
desc: <strong>Miješalica boja</strong> je otključana - U ovoj se građevini dvije
boje mogu spojiti koristeći <strong>aditivno miješanje</strong>!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Slagač
desc: Sada se dva oblika mogu spojiti <strong>slagačem</strong>! Oblici s oba
ulaza se spajaju - ako se mogu staviti jedan kraj drugoga, biti će
<strong>spojeni</strong>. Ako ne, desni ulaz se slaže <strong>na
vrh</strong> lijevog!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Razdjeljivanje i sjedinjavanje
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunel</strong> je otključan - Omogućava slanje stvari ispod traka
i ostalih građevina!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Rotacija u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu
desc: Varijanta <strong>obrtača</strong> je otključana - Omogućuje okretanje u
smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke! Odaberi obrtač i <strong>pritisni 'T'
za mijenjanje njegove varijante</strong>!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Lančani rudar
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tunel Razine II
desc: Otključana je nova varijanta <strong>tunela</strong> - Ima <strong>veći
domet</strong>, a uz se sada mogu kombinirati vrste tunela.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Quad Cutting
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>cutter</strong> - It allows you
to cut shapes in <strong>four parts</strong> instead of just two!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Double Painting
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>painter</strong> - It works as
the regular painter but processes <strong>two shapes at
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Storage Buffer
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
an area (Hold CTRL, then drag with your mouse), and press 'C' to
copy it.<br><br>Pasting it is <strong>not free</strong>, you need to
produce <strong>blueprint shapes</strong> to afford it! (Those you
just delivered).
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Next level
desc: "This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better
don't destroy your existing factory - You need <strong>all</strong>
those shapes later again to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Next level
desc: Congratulations! By the way, more content is planned for the standalone!
title: Balancer
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
2020-10-08 09:32:47 +02:00
items</strong> onto multiple belts!
title: Compact Merger
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>merger</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts two inputs and merges them
into one belt!
title: Belt reader
desc: You have now unlocked the <strong>belt reader</strong>! It allows you to
measure the throughput of a belt.<br><br>And wait until you unlock
wires - then it gets really useful!
title: Rotater (180 degrees)
desc: You just unlocked the 180 degress <strong>rotater</strong>! - It allows
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
layer! This is useful to connect it to <strong>item filters</strong>
for example.<br><br> The constant signal can emit a
<strong>shape</strong>, <strong>color</strong> or
<strong>boolean</strong> (1 / 0).
title: Logic Gates
desc: You unlocked <strong>logic gates</strong>! You don't have to be excited
about this, but it's actually super cool!<br><br> With those gates
you can now compute AND, OR, XOR and NOT operations.<br><br> As a
bonus on top I also just gave you a <strong>transistor</strong>!
title: Virtual Processing
desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to
<strong>simulate the processing of shapes</strong>!<br><br> You can
now simulate a cutter, rotater, stacker and more on the wires layer!
With this you now have three options to continue the game:<br><br> -
Build an <strong>automated machine</strong> to create any possible
shape requested by the HUB (I recommend to try it!).<br><br> - Build
something cool with wires.<br><br> - Continue to play
regulary.<br><br> Whatever you choose, remember to have fun!
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
title: Wires & Quad Painter
desc: "You just unlocked the <strong>Wires Layer</strong>: It is a separate
layer on top of the regular layer and introduces a lot of new
mechanics!<br><br> For the beginning I unlocked you the <strong>Quad
Painter</strong> - Connect the slots you would like to paint with on
the wires layer!<br><br> To switch to the wires layer, press
title: Item Filter
desc: You unlocked the <strong>Item Filter</strong>! It will route items either
to the top or the right output depending on whether they match the
signal from the wires layer or not.<br><br> You can also pass in a
boolean signal (1 / 0) to entirely activate or disable it.
title: End of Demo
desc: You have reached the end of the demo version!
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Postavke
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
general: General
userInterface: User Interface
advanced: Advanced
performance: Performance
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
dev: Development
staging: Staging
prod: Production
buildDate: Built <at-date>
title: Veličina sučelja
description: Changes the size of the user interface. The interface will still
scale based on your device resolution, but this setting controls
the amount of scale.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
super_small: Jako maleno
small: Maleno
regular: Normalno
large: Veliko
huge: Ogromno
title: Interval Automatskog Spremanja
description: Upravlja koliko se često pokreće automatsko spremanje igre. Također
se ta funkcionalnost može u potpunosti isključiti.
one_minute: 1 minuta
two_minutes: 2 minute
five_minutes: 5 minuta
ten_minutes: 10 minuta
twenty_minutes: 20 minuta
disabled: Onemogući
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Osjetljivost zumiranja
description: Changes how sensitive the zoom is (Either mouse wheel or trackpad).
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
super_slow: Jako sporo
slow: Sporo
regular: Normalno
fast: Brzo
super_fast: Jako brzo
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Brzina kretanja
description: Mijenja brzinu kretanja kamere pri korištenju tipkovnice.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
super_slow: Jako Sporo
slow: Sporo
regular: Umjereno
fast: Brzo
super_fast: Jako Brzo
extremely_fast: Iznimno Brzo
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Jezik
description: Promijeni jezik igre. Sve prijevode su napravili korisnici
volonteri i mogu biti nedovršeni.
title: Opcija za daltonizam
description: Omogućuje razne alate koji pomožu pri igranju igre s nekim oblikom
sljepoće na boju.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Puni zaslon
description: Preporuča se, radi najboljeg iskustva, igrati igru na punom
zaslonu. Dostupno samo u samostalnoj igri.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Utišaj Zvukove
description: Ako je odabrano, svi zvukovi su utišani.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Utišaj Glazbu
description: Ako je odabrano, glazba je utišana.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tema Igre
description: Odaberi temu igre (svijetlo/tamno).
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
dark: Tamno
light: Svijetlo
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Simulacija za 144 Hz
description: Opcija za monitore visoke frekvencije osvježavanje. Ovo može
smanjiti FPS ako je računalo presporo.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Višestruko postavljanje
description: Ako je omogućeno, sve građevine će ostati odabrane nakon što su
postavljene, dok se poništenje ne odradi ručno.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Savjeti i Upute
description: Opcija za pokazivanje savjeta i uputa za vrijeme igre. Dodatno
sakriva određene elemente sučelja dok nisu otključani za lakše
učenje igre.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Pametni Tuneli
description: Ako je omogućeno, postavljanje tunela automatski briše nepotrebne
pokretne trake. Također omogućuje povlačenje tunela i brisanje
višak tunela.
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Vinjeta
description: Omogućeva efekt vinjete - zatamnjenje rubova ekrana.
title: Rotation by building type
description: Each building type remembers the rotation you last set it to
individually. This may be more comfortable if you frequently
switch between placing different building types.
2020-06-22 12:15:44 +02:00
title: Compact Building Infos
description: Shortens info boxes for buildings by only showing their ratios.
Otherwise a description and image is shown.
2020-06-22 12:15:44 +02:00
title: Disable Cut/Delete Warnings
description: Disables the warning dialogs brought up when cutting/deleting more
than 100 entities.
title: Sound Volume
description: Set the volume for sound effects
title: Music Volume
description: Set the volume for music
title: Low Quality Map Resources
description: Simplifies the rendering of resources on the map when zoomed in to
improve performance. It even looks cleaner, so be sure to try it
title: Disable Grid
description: Disabling the tile grid can help with the performance. This also
makes the game look cleaner!
title: Clear Cursor on Right Click
description: Enabled by default, clears the cursor whenever you right click
while you have a building selected for placement. If disabled,
you can delete buildings by right-clicking while placing a
title: Low quality textures (Ugly)
description: Uses low quality textures to save performance. This will make the
game look very ugly!
title: Display Chunk Borders
description: The game is divided into chunks of 16x16 tiles, if this setting is
enabled the borders of each chunk are displayed.
title: Pick miner on resource patch
description: Enabled by default, selects the miner if you use the pipette when
hovering a resource patch.
title: Simplified Belts (Ugly)
description: Does not render belt items except when hovering the belt to save
performance. I do not recommend to play with this setting if you
do not absolutely need the performance.
title: Enable Mouse Pan
description: Allows to move the map by moving the cursor to the edges of the
screen. The speed depends on the Movement Speed setting.
2020-10-08 09:32:47 +02:00
title: Zoom towards Cursor
description: If activated the zoom will happen in the direction of your mouse
position, otherwise in the middle of the screen.
title: Map Resources Size
description: Controls the size of the shapes on the map overview (when zooming
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: Tipka
hint: "Savjet: Be sure to make use of CTRL, SHIFT and ALT! They enable different
placement options."
resetKeybindings: Ponovno postavi sve tipke
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
general: Aplikacija
ingame: Igra
navigation: Navigacija
placement: Smještanje
massSelect: Masovno Odabiranje
buildings: Kratice Građevina
placementModifiers: Modifikatori Smještanja
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
confirm: Potvrdi
back: Nazad
mapMoveUp: Idi Gore
mapMoveRight: Idi Desno
mapMoveDown: Idi dolje
mapMoveLeft: Idi lijevo
mapMoveFaster: Brže kretanje
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
centerMap: Center Map
mapZoomIn: Zumiraj
mapZoomOut: Umanji
createMarker: Stvori novi Putokaz
menuOpenShop: Nadogradnje
menuOpenStats: Statistika
toggleHud: Upali/Ugasi HUD
toggleFPSInfo: Upali/Ugasi informacije o traženju grešaka u kodu
switchLayers: Promijeni sloj
exportScreenshot: Izvezi cijelu Bazu kao Sliku
belt: Pokretna Traka
underground_belt: Tunel
miner: Rudar
cutter: Rezač
rotater: Obrtač (↻)
stacker: Slagač
mixer: Miješalica boja
painter: Bojač
trash: Smeće
wire: Žica
pipette: Pipeta
rotateWhilePlacing: Rotiraj
rotateInverseModifier: "Modifikator: Rotiraj u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu"
cycleBuildingVariants: Mijenjaj Varijante
confirmMassDelete: Potvrdi Masovno Brisanje
pasteLastBlueprint: Zalijepi posljednji Nacrt
cycleBuildings: Mijenjaj građevine
lockBeltDirection: Omogući planer pokretnih traka
switchDirectionLockSide: "Planer: Obrni stranu"
massSelectStart: Pritisni i zadrži za započinjanje
massSelectSelectMultiple: Odaberi više područja
massSelectCopy: Kopiraj područje
massSelectCut: Izreži područje
placementDisableAutoOrientation: Onemogući automatsku orijentaciju
placeMultiple: Ostani u modusu za smještanje
placeInverse: Obrni automatsku orijentaciju pokretnih traka
2020-07-07 13:34:49 +02:00
menuClose: Close Menu
balancer: Balancer
storage: Storage
constant_signal: Constant Signal
logic_gate: Logic Gate
lever: Switch (regular)
filter: Filter
wire_tunnel: Wire Crossing
display: Display
reader: Belt Reader
virtual_processor: Virtual Cutter
transistor: Transistor
analyzer: Shape Analyzer
comparator: Compare
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
item_producer: Item Producer (Sandbox)
copyWireValue: "Wires: Copy value below cursor"
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
title: O Igri
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
body: >-
This game is open source and developed by <a
href="" target="_blank">Tobias Springer</a>
(this is me).<br><br>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
If you want to contribute, check out <a href="<githublink>" target="_blank"> on github</a>.<br><br>
This game wouldn't have been possible without the great Discord community around my games - You should really join the <a href="<discordlink>" target="_blank">Discord server</a>!<br><br>
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
The soundtrack was made by <a href="" target="_blank">Peppsen</a> - He's awesome.<br><br>
Finally, huge thanks to my best friend <a href="" target="_blank">Niklas</a> - Without our factorio sessions this game would never have existed.
title: Ispravci
2020-06-21 18:04:35 +02:00
restoringGames: Obnavljanje spremljenih igara
importingGames: Uvoz spremeljenih igara
oneGameLimit: Ograničeno na jednu spremljenu igru
customizeKeybindings: Prilagodba Tipki
exportingBase: Izvoz cijele Baze u obliku Slike
settingNotAvailable: Nije dostupno u demo verziji.
- The hub accepts input of any kind, not just the current shape!
- Make sure your factories are modular - it will pay out!
- Don't build too close to the hub, or it will be a huge chaos!
- If stacking does not work, try switching the inputs.
- You can toggle the belt planner direction by pressing <b>R</b>.
- Holding <b>CTRL</b> allows dragging of belts without auto-orientation.
- Ratios stay the same, as long as all upgrades are on the same Tier.
- Serial execution is more efficient than parallel.
- You will unlock more variants of buildings later in the game!
- You can use <b>T</b> to switch between different variants.
- Symmetry is key!
- You can weave different tiers of tunnels.
- Try to build compact factories - it will pay out!
- The painter has a mirrored variant which you can select with <b>T</b>
- Having the right building ratios will maximize efficiency.
- At maximum level, 5 extractors will fill a single belt.
- Don't forget about tunnels!
- You don't need to divide up items evenly for full efficiency.
- Holding <b>SHIFT</b> will activate the belt planner, letting you place
long lines of belts easily.
- Cutters always cut vertically, regardless of their orientation.
- To get white mix all three colors.
- The storage buffer priorities the first output.
- Invest time to build repeatable designs - it's worth it!
- Holding <b>CTRL</b> allows to place multiple buildings.
- You can hold <b>ALT</b> to invert the direction of placed belts.
- Efficiency is key!
- Shape patches that are further away from the hub are more complex.
- Machines have a limited speed, divide them up for maximum efficiency.
- Use balancers to maximize your efficiency.
- Organization is important. Try not to cross conveyors too much.
- Plan in advance, or it will be a huge chaos!
- Don't remove your old factories! You'll need them to unlock upgrades.
- Try beating level 20 on your own before seeking for help!
- Don't complicate things, try to stay simple and you'll go far.
- You may need to re-use factories later in the game. Plan your factories to
be re-usable.
- Sometimes, you can find a needed shape in the map without creating it with
- Full windmills / pinwheels can never spawn naturally.
- Color your shapes before cutting for maximum efficiency.
- With modules, space is merely a perception; a concern for mortal men.
- Make a separate blueprint factory. They're important for modules.
- Have a closer look on the color mixer, and your questions will be answered.
- Use <b>CTRL</b> + Click to select an area.
- Building too close to the hub can get in the way of later projects.
- The pin icon next to each shape in the upgrade list pins it to the screen.
- Mix all primary colors together to make white!
- You have an infinite map, don't cramp your factory, expand!
- Also try Factorio! It's my favorite game.
- The quad cutter cuts clockwise starting from the top right!
- You can download your savegames in the main menu!
- This game has a lot of useful keybindings! Be sure to check out the
settings page.
- This game has a lot of settings, be sure to check them out!
- The marker to your hub has a small compass to indicate its direction!
- To clear belts, cut the area and then paste it at the same location.
- Press F4 to show your FPS and Tick Rate.
- Press F4 twice to show the tile of your mouse and camera.
2020-09-29 16:51:10 +02:00
- You can click a pinned shape on the left side to unpin it.