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export const IS_DEBUG =
typeof window !== "undefined" &&
window.location.port === "3005" &&
("localhost:") >= 0 ||"192.168.0.") >= 0) &&"nodebug") < 0;
export const IS_DEMO =
(typeof window !== "undefined" &&"demo") >= 0);
const smoothCanvas = true;
export const THIRDPARTY_URLS = {
discord: "",
github: "",
standaloneStorePage: "",
export const globalConfig = {
// Size of a single tile in Pixels.
// NOTICE: Update webpack.production.config too!
tileSize: 32,
halfTileSize: 16,
// Which dpi the assets have
assetsDpi: 192 / 32,
assetsSharpness: 1.2,
shapesSharpness: 1.4,
// Production analytics
statisticsGraphDpi: 2.5,
statisticsGraphSlices: 100,
analyticsSliceDurationSeconds: 10,
minimumTickRate: 25,
maximumTickRate: 500,
// Map
mapChunkSize: 16,
mapChunkPrerenderMinZoom: 1.15,
mapChunkOverviewMinZoom: 0.7,
// Belt speeds
// NOTICE: Update webpack.production.config too!
beltSpeedItemsPerSecond: 2,
itemSpacingOnBelts: 0.8,
minerSpeedItemsPerSecond: 0, // COMPUTED
undergroundBeltMaxTilesByTier: [5, 8],
buildingSpeeds: {
cutter: 1 / 4,
cutterQuad: 1 / 4,
rotater: 1 / 1,
rotaterCCW: 1 / 1,
painter: 1 / 6,
painterDouble: 1 / 8,
painterQuad: 1 / 8,
mixer: 1 / 5,
stacker: 1 / 6,
// Zooming
initialZoom: 1.9,
minZoomLevel: 0.1,
maxZoomLevel: 3,
// Global game speed
gameSpeed: 1,
warmupTimeSecondsFast: 0.1,
warmupTimeSecondsRegular: 1,
smoothing: {
smoothMainCanvas: smoothCanvas && true,
quality: "low", // Low is CRUCIAL for mobile performance!
rendering: {},
debug: require("./config.local").default,
// Secret vars
info: {
// Binary file salt
file: "Ec'])@^+*9zMevK3uMV4432x9%iK'=",
// Savegame salt
sgSalt: "}95Q3%8/.837Lqym_BJx%q7)pAHJbF",
// Analytics key
analyticsApiKey: "baf6a50f0cc7dfdec5a0e21c88a1c69a4b34bc4a",
export const IS_MOBILE = /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Automatic calculations
globalConfig.minerSpeedItemsPerSecond = globalConfig.beltSpeedItemsPerSecond / 5;
// Dynamic calculations
if (globalConfig.debug.disableMapOverview) {
globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom = 0;
globalConfig.mapChunkPrerenderMinZoom = 0;
// Stuff for making the trailer
if (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.renderForTrailer) {
globalConfig.debug.framePausesBetweenTicks = 32;
// globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom = 0.0;
// globalConfig.mapChunkPrerenderMinZoom = globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom;
// globalConfig.debug.instantBelts = true;
// globalConfig.debug.instantProcessors = true;
// globalConfig.debug.instantMiners = true;
globalConfig.debug.disableSavegameWrite = true;
// globalConfig.beltSpeedItemsPerSecond *= 2;
if (globalConfig.debug.fastGameEnter) {
globalConfig.debug.noArtificalDelays = true;