import { ClickDetector } from "../../../core/click_detector"; import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { drawRotatedSprite } from "../../../core/draw_utils"; import { Loader } from "../../../core/loader"; import { clamp, makeDiv, removeAllChildren } from "../../../core/utils"; import { enumDirectionToAngle, enumDirectionToVector, enumInvertedDirections, Vector, enumDirection, } from "../../../core/vector"; import { T } from "../../../translations"; import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "../../key_action_mapper"; import { defaultBuildingVariant } from "../../meta_building"; import { THEME } from "../../theme"; import { DynamicDomAttach } from "../dynamic_dom_attach"; import { HUDBuildingPlacerLogic } from "./building_placer_logic"; import { makeOffscreenBuffer } from "../../../core/buffer_utils"; import { layers } from "../../root"; import { getCodeFromBuildingData } from "../../building_codes"; export class HUDBuildingPlacer extends HUDBuildingPlacerLogic { /** * @param {HTMLElement} parent */ createElements(parent) { this.element = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_PlacementHints", [], ``); this.buildingInfoElements = {}; this.buildingInfoElements.label = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["buildingLabel"], "Extract"); this.buildingInfoElements.desc = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["description"], ""); this.buildingInfoElements.descText = makeDiv(this.buildingInfoElements.desc, null, ["text"], ""); this.buildingInfoElements.additionalInfo = makeDiv( this.buildingInfoElements.desc, null, ["additionalInfo"], "" ); this.buildingInfoElements.hotkey = makeDiv(this.buildingInfoElements.desc, null, ["hotkey"], ""); this.buildingInfoElements.tutorialImage = makeDiv(this.element, null, ["buildingImage"]); this.variantsElement = makeDiv(parent, "ingame_HUD_PlacerVariants"); const compact =; this.element.classList.toggle("compact", compact); this.variantsElement.classList.toggle("compact", compact); } initialize() { super.initialize(); // Bind to signals this.signals.variantChanged.add(this.rerenderVariants, this); this.root.hud.signals.buildingSelectedForPlacement.add(this.startSelection, this); this.domAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.element, { trackHover: true }); this.variantsAttach = new DynamicDomAttach(this.root, this.variantsElement, {}); this.currentInterpolatedCornerTile = new Vector(); this.lockIndicatorSprites = {}; layers.forEach(layer => { this.lockIndicatorSprites[layer] = this.makeLockIndicatorSprite(layer); }); // /** * Stores the click detectors for the variants so we can clean them up later * @type {Array} */ this.variantClickDetectors = []; } /** * Makes the lock indicator sprite for the given layer * @param {Layer} layer */ makeLockIndicatorSprite(layer) { const dims = 48; const [canvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(dims, dims, { smooth: true, reusable: false, label: "lock-direction-indicator", }); context.fillStyle =[layer].color; context.strokeStyle =[layer].color; context.lineWidth = 2; const padding = 5; const height = dims * 0.5; const bottom = (dims + height) / 2; context.moveTo(padding, bottom); context.lineTo(dims / 2, bottom - height); context.lineTo(dims - padding, bottom); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); return canvas; } /** * Rerenders the building info dialog */ rerenderInfoDialog() { const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); if (!metaBuilding) { return; } const variant = this.currentVariant.get(); this.buildingInfoElements.label.innerHTML = T.buildings[][variant].name; this.buildingInfoElements.descText.innerHTML = T.buildings[][variant].description; const layer = this.root.currentLayer; let rawBinding = KEYMAPPINGS.buildings[metaBuilding.getId() + "_" + layer]; if (!rawBinding) { rawBinding = KEYMAPPINGS.buildings[metaBuilding.getId()]; } const binding = this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(rawBinding); this.buildingInfoElements.hotkey.innerHTML = T.ingame.buildingPlacement.hotkeyLabel.replace( "", "" + binding.getKeyCodeString() + "" ); this.buildingInfoElements.tutorialImage.setAttribute( "data-icon", "building_tutorials/" + metaBuilding.getId() + (variant === defaultBuildingVariant ? "" : "-" + variant) + ".png" ); removeAllChildren(this.buildingInfoElements.additionalInfo); const additionalInfo = metaBuilding.getAdditionalStatistics(this.root, this.currentVariant.get()); for (let i = 0; i < additionalInfo.length; ++i) { const [label, contents] = additionalInfo[i]; this.buildingInfoElements.additionalInfo.innerHTML += ` ${contents} `; } } cleanup() { super.cleanup(); this.cleanupVariantClickDetectors(); } /** * Cleans up all variant click detectors */ cleanupVariantClickDetectors() { for (let i = 0; i < this.variantClickDetectors.length; ++i) { const detector = this.variantClickDetectors[i]; detector.cleanup(); } this.variantClickDetectors = []; } /** * Rerenders the variants displayed */ rerenderVariants() { removeAllChildren(this.variantsElement); this.rerenderInfoDialog(); const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); // First, clear up all click detectors this.cleanupVariantClickDetectors(); if (!metaBuilding) { return; } const availableVariants = metaBuilding.getAvailableVariants(this.root); if (availableVariants.length === 1) { return; } makeDiv( this.variantsElement, null, ["explanation"], T.ingame.buildingPlacement.cycleBuildingVariants.replace( "", "" + this.root.keyMapper .getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.placement.cycleBuildingVariants) .getKeyCodeString() + "" ) ); const container = makeDiv(this.variantsElement, null, ["variants"]); for (let i = 0; i < availableVariants.length; ++i) { const variant = availableVariants[i]; const element = makeDiv(container, null, ["variant"]); element.classList.toggle("active", variant === this.currentVariant.get()); makeDiv(element, null, ["label"], variant); const iconSize = 64; const dimensions = metaBuilding.getDimensions(variant); const sprite = metaBuilding.getPreviewSprite(0, variant); const spriteWrapper = makeDiv(element, null, ["iconWrap"]); spriteWrapper.setAttribute("data-tile-w", String(dimensions.x)); spriteWrapper.setAttribute("data-tile-h", String(dimensions.y)); spriteWrapper.innerHTML = sprite.getAsHTML(iconSize * dimensions.x, iconSize * dimensions.y); const detector = new ClickDetector(element, { consumeEvents: true, targetOnly: true, }); => this.setVariant(variant)); } } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { if ( < globalConfig.mapChunkOverviewMinZoom) { // Dont allow placing in overview mode this.domAttach.update(false); this.variantsAttach.update(false); return; } this.domAttach.update(!!this.currentMetaBuilding.get()); this.variantsAttach.update(!!this.currentMetaBuilding.get()); const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); if (!metaBuilding) { return; } // Draw direction lock if (this.isDirectionLockActive) { this.drawDirectionLock(parameters); } else { this.drawRegularPlacement(parameters); } if (metaBuilding.getShowWiresLayerPreview()) { this.drawLayerPeek(parameters); } } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawLayerPeek(parameters) { const mousePosition =; if (!mousePosition) { // Not on screen return; } const worldPosition =; // Draw peeker parameters, worldPosition, 1 / ); } /** * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawRegularPlacement(parameters) { const mousePosition =; if (!mousePosition) { // Not on screen return; } const metaBuilding = this.currentMetaBuilding.get(); const worldPos =; const mouseTile = worldPos.toTileSpace(); // Compute best rotation variant const { rotation, rotationVariant, connectedEntities, } = metaBuilding.computeOptimalDirectionAndRotationVariantAtTile({ root: this.root, tile: mouseTile, rotation: this.currentBaseRotation, variant: this.currentVariant.get(), layer: metaBuilding.getLayer(), }); // Check if there are connected entities if (connectedEntities) { for (let i = 0; i < connectedEntities.length; ++i) { const connectedEntity = connectedEntities[i]; const connectedWsPoint = connectedEntity.components.StaticMapEntity.getTileSpaceBounds() .getCenter() .toWorldSpace(); const startWsPoint = mouseTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const startOffset = connectedWsPoint .sub(startWsPoint) .normalize() .multiplyScalar(globalConfig.tileSize * 0.3); const effectiveStartPoint = startWsPoint.add(startOffset); const effectiveEndPoint = connectedWsPoint.sub(startOffset); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 0.6; // parameters.context.lineCap = "round"; parameters.context.strokeStyle = "#7f7"; parameters.context.lineWidth = 10; parameters.context.beginPath(); parameters.context.moveTo(effectiveStartPoint.x, effectiveStartPoint.y); parameters.context.lineTo(effectiveEndPoint.x, effectiveEndPoint.y); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; // parameters.context.lineCap = "square"; } } // Synchronize rotation and origin this.fakeEntity.layer = metaBuilding.getLayer(); const staticComp = this.fakeEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; staticComp.origin = mouseTile; staticComp.rotation = rotation; metaBuilding.updateVariants(this.fakeEntity, rotationVariant, this.currentVariant.get()); staticComp.code = getCodeFromBuildingData( this.currentMetaBuilding.get(), this.currentVariant.get(), rotationVariant ); const canBuild = this.root.logic.checkCanPlaceEntity(this.fakeEntity); // Fade in / out parameters.context.lineWidth = 1; // Determine the bounds and visualize them const entityBounds = staticComp.getTileSpaceBounds(); const drawBorder = -3; if (canBuild) { parameters.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(56, 235, 111, 0.5)"; parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(56, 235, 111, 0.2)"; } else { parameters.context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; } parameters.context.beginRoundedRect( entityBounds.x * globalConfig.tileSize - drawBorder, entityBounds.y * globalConfig.tileSize - drawBorder, entityBounds.w * globalConfig.tileSize + 2 * drawBorder, entityBounds.h * globalConfig.tileSize + 2 * drawBorder, 4 ); parameters.context.stroke(); // parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; // HACK to draw the entity sprite const previewSprite = metaBuilding.getBlueprintSprite(rotationVariant, this.currentVariant.get()); staticComp.origin = worldPos.divideScalar(globalConfig.tileSize).subScalars(0.5, 0.5); staticComp.drawSpriteOnBoundsClipped(parameters, previewSprite); staticComp.origin = mouseTile; // Draw ejectors if (canBuild) { this.drawMatchingAcceptorsAndEjectors(parameters); } } /** * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawDirectionLock(parameters) { const mousePosition =; if (!mousePosition) { // Not on screen return; } const mouseWorld =; const mouseTile = mouseWorld.toTileSpace(); parameters.context.fillStyle =[this.root.currentLayer].color; parameters.context.strokeStyle =[this.root.currentLayer].background; parameters.context.lineWidth = 10; parameters.context.beginCircle(mouseWorld.x, mouseWorld.y, 4); parameters.context.fill(); if (this.lastDragTile) { const startLine = this.lastDragTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const endLine = mouseTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const midLine = this.currentDirectionLockCorner.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); parameters.context.beginCircle(startLine.x, startLine.y, 8); parameters.context.fill(); parameters.context.beginPath(); parameters.context.moveTo(startLine.x, startLine.y); parameters.context.lineTo(midLine.x, midLine.y); parameters.context.lineTo(endLine.x, endLine.y); parameters.context.stroke(); parameters.context.beginCircle(endLine.x, endLine.y, 5); parameters.context.fill(); // Draw arrow const arrowSprite = this.lockIndicatorSprites[this.root.currentLayer]; const path = this.computeDirectionLockPath(); for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i += 1) { const { rotation, tile } = path[i]; const worldPos = tile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const angle = Math.radians(rotation); parameters.context.translate(worldPos.x, worldPos.y); parameters.context.rotate(angle); parameters.context.drawImage( arrowSprite, -6, -globalConfig.halfTileSize - clamp((this.root.time.realtimeNow() * 1.5) % 1.0, 0, 1) * 1 * globalConfig.tileSize + globalConfig.halfTileSize - 6, 12, 12 ); parameters.context.rotate(-angle); parameters.context.translate(-worldPos.x, -worldPos.y); } } } /** * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawMatchingAcceptorsAndEjectors(parameters) { const acceptorComp = this.fakeEntity.components.ItemAcceptor; const ejectorComp = this.fakeEntity.components.ItemEjector; const staticComp = this.fakeEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const beltComp = this.fakeEntity.components.Belt; const minerComp = this.fakeEntity.components.Miner; const goodArrowSprite = Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/slot_good_arrow.png"); const badArrowSprite = Loader.getSprite("sprites/misc/slot_bad_arrow.png"); // Just ignore the following code please ... thanks! const offsetShift = 10; let acceptorSlots = []; let ejectorSlots = []; if (ejectorComp) { ejectorSlots = ejectorComp.slots.slice(); } if (acceptorComp) { acceptorSlots = acceptorComp.slots.slice(); } if (beltComp) { const fakeEjectorSlot = beltComp.getFakeEjectorSlot(); const fakeAcceptorSlot = beltComp.getFakeAcceptorSlot(); ejectorSlots.push(fakeEjectorSlot); acceptorSlots.push(fakeAcceptorSlot); } for (let acceptorSlotIndex = 0; acceptorSlotIndex < acceptorSlots.length; ++acceptorSlotIndex) { const slot = acceptorSlots[acceptorSlotIndex]; const acceptorSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(slot.pos); const acceptorSlotWsPos = acceptorSlotWsTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); // Go over all slots for ( let acceptorDirectionIndex = 0; acceptorDirectionIndex < slot.directions.length; ++acceptorDirectionIndex ) { const direction = slot.directions[acceptorDirectionIndex]; const worldDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(direction); // Figure out which tile ejects to this slot const sourceTile = acceptorSlotWsTile.add(enumDirectionToVector[worldDirection]); let isBlocked = false; let isConnected = false; // Find all entities which are on that tile const sourceEntities =, sourceTile.y); // Check for every entity: for (let i = 0; i < sourceEntities.length; ++i) { const sourceEntity = sourceEntities[i]; const sourceEjector = sourceEntity.components.ItemEjector; const sourceBeltComp = sourceEntity.components.Belt; const sourceStaticComp = sourceEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const ejectorAcceptLocalTile = sourceStaticComp.worldToLocalTile(acceptorSlotWsTile); // If this entity is on the same layer as the slot - if so, it can either be // connected, or it can not be connected and thus block the input if (sourceEjector && sourceEjector.anySlotEjectsToLocalTile(ejectorAcceptLocalTile)) { // This one is connected, all good isConnected = true; } else if ( sourceBeltComp && sourceStaticComp.localDirectionToWorld(sourceBeltComp.direction) === enumInvertedDirections[worldDirection] ) { // Belt connected isConnected = true; } else { // This one is blocked isBlocked = true; } } const alpha = isConnected || isBlocked ? 1.0 : 0.3; const sprite = isBlocked ? badArrowSprite : goodArrowSprite; parameters.context.globalAlpha = alpha; drawRotatedSprite({ parameters, sprite, x: acceptorSlotWsPos.x, y: acceptorSlotWsPos.y, angle: Math.radians(enumDirectionToAngle[enumInvertedDirections[worldDirection]]), size: 13, offsetY: offsetShift + 13, }); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } // Go over all slots for (let ejectorSlotIndex = 0; ejectorSlotIndex < ejectorSlots.length; ++ejectorSlotIndex) { const slot = ejectorSlots[ejectorSlotIndex]; const ejectorSlotLocalTile = slot.pos.add(enumDirectionToVector[slot.direction]); const ejectorSlotWsTile = staticComp.localTileToWorld(ejectorSlotLocalTile); const ejectorSLotWsPos = ejectorSlotWsTile.toWorldSpaceCenterOfTile(); const ejectorSlotWsDirection = staticComp.localDirectionToWorld(slot.direction); let isBlocked = false; let isConnected = false; // Find all entities which are on that tile const destEntities = ejectorSlotWsTile.x, ejectorSlotWsTile.y ); // Check for every entity: for (let i = 0; i < destEntities.length; ++i) { const destEntity = destEntities[i]; const destAcceptor = destEntity.components.ItemAcceptor; const destStaticComp = destEntity.components.StaticMapEntity; const destMiner = destEntity.components.Miner; const destLocalTile = destStaticComp.worldToLocalTile(ejectorSlotWsTile); const destLocalDir = destStaticComp.worldDirectionToLocal(ejectorSlotWsDirection); if (destAcceptor && destAcceptor.findMatchingSlot(destLocalTile, destLocalDir)) { // This one is connected, all good isConnected = true; } else if (destEntity.components.Belt && destLocalDir === { // Connected to a belt isConnected = true; } else if (minerComp && minerComp.chainable && destMiner && destMiner.chainable) { // Chainable miners connected to eachother isConnected = true; } else { // This one is blocked isBlocked = true; } } const alpha = isConnected || isBlocked ? 1.0 : 0.3; const sprite = isBlocked ? badArrowSprite : goodArrowSprite; parameters.context.globalAlpha = alpha; drawRotatedSprite({ parameters, sprite, x: ejectorSLotWsPos.x, y: ejectorSLotWsPos.y, angle: Math.radians(enumDirectionToAngle[ejectorSlotWsDirection]), size: 13, offsetY: offsetShift, }); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } } }