import { enumDirection, enumDirectionToVector, Vector } from "../../core/vector"; import { types } from "../../savegame/serialization"; import { BaseItem } from "../base_item"; import { BeltPath } from "../belt_path"; import { Component } from "../component"; import { Entity } from "../entity"; import { typeItemSingleton } from "../item_resolver"; /** * @typedef {{ * pos: Vector, * direction: enumDirection, * item: BaseItem, * progress: number?, * cachedDestSlot?: import("./item_acceptor").ItemAcceptorLocatedSlot, * cachedBeltPath?: BeltPath, * cachedTargetEntity?: Entity * }} ItemEjectorSlot */ export class ItemEjectorComponent extends Component { static getId() { return "ItemEjector"; } static getSchema() { // The cachedDestSlot, cachedTargetEntity fields are not serialized. return { slots: types.array( types.structured({ item: types.nullable(typeItemSingleton), progress: types.float, }) ), }; } /** * * @param {object} param0 * @param {Array<{pos: Vector, direction: enumDirection }>=} param0.slots The slots to eject on * @param {boolean=} param0.renderFloatingItems Whether to render items even if they are not connected */ constructor({ slots = [], renderFloatingItems = true }) { super(); this.setSlots(slots); this.renderFloatingItems = renderFloatingItems; } /** * @param {Array<{pos: Vector, direction: enumDirection }>} slots The slots to eject on */ setSlots(slots) { /** @type {Array} */ this.slots = []; for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; ++i) { const slot = slots[i]; this.slots.push({ pos: slot.pos, direction: slot.direction, item: null, progress: 0, cachedDestSlot: null, cachedTargetEntity: null, }); } } /** * Returns where this slot ejects to * @param {ItemEjectorSlot} slot * @returns {Vector} */ getSlotTargetLocalTile(slot) { const directionVector = enumDirectionToVector[slot.direction]; return slot.pos.add(directionVector); } /** * Returns whether any slot ejects to the given local tile * @param {Vector} tile */ anySlotEjectsToLocalTile(tile) { for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; ++i) { if (this.getSlotTargetLocalTile(this.slots[i]).equals(tile)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns if we can eject on a given slot * @param {number} slotIndex * @returns {boolean} */ canEjectOnSlot(slotIndex) { assert(slotIndex >= 0 && slotIndex < this.slots.length, "Invalid ejector slot: " + slotIndex); return !this.slots[slotIndex].item; } /** * Returns the first free slot on this ejector or null if there is none * @returns {number?} */ getFirstFreeSlot() { for (let i = 0; i < this.slots.length; ++i) { if (this.canEjectOnSlot(i)) { return i; } } return null; } /** * Tries to eject a given item * @param {number} slotIndex * @param {BaseItem} item * @returns {boolean} */ tryEject(slotIndex, item) { if (!this.canEjectOnSlot(slotIndex)) { return false; } this.slots[slotIndex].item = item; this.slots[slotIndex].progress = 0; return true; } /** * Clears the given slot and returns the item it had * @param {number} slotIndex * @returns {BaseItem|null} */ takeSlotItem(slotIndex) { const slot = this.slots[slotIndex]; const item = slot.item; slot.item = null; slot.progress = 0.0; return item; } }