import { makeOffscreenBuffer } from "../../../core/buffer_utils"; import { globalConfig } from "../../../core/config"; import { DrawParameters } from "../../../core/draw_parameters"; import { Loader } from "../../../core/loader"; import { lerp } from "../../../core/utils"; import { SOUNDS } from "../../../platform/sound"; import { KEYMAPPINGS } from "../../key_action_mapper"; import { enumHubGoalRewards } from "../../tutorial_goals"; import { BaseHUDPart } from "../base_hud_part"; const copy = require("clipboard-copy"); const wiresBackgroundDpi = 4; export class HUDWiresOverlay extends BaseHUDPart { createElements(parent) {} initialize() { // Probably not the best location, but the one which makes most sense this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.ingame.switchLayers).add(this.switchLayers, this); this.root.keyMapper.getBinding(KEYMAPPINGS.placement.copyWireValue).add(this.copyWireValue, this); this.generateTilePattern(); this.currentAlpha = 0.0; } /** * Switches between layers */ switchLayers() { if (this.root.currentLayer === "regular") { if ( this.root.hubGoals.isRewardUnlocked(enumHubGoalRewards.reward_wires_painter_and_levers) || (G_IS_DEV && globalConfig.debug.allBuildingsUnlocked) ) { this.root.currentLayer = "wires"; } } else { this.root.currentLayer = "regular"; } this.root.signals.editModeChanged.dispatch(this.root.currentLayer); } /** * Generates the background pattern for the wires overlay */ generateTilePattern() { const overlayTile = Loader.getSprite("sprites/wires/overlay_tile.png"); const dims = globalConfig.tileSize * wiresBackgroundDpi; const [canvas, context] = makeOffscreenBuffer(dims, dims, { smooth: false, reusable: false, label: "wires-tile-pattern", }); context.clearRect(0, 0, dims, dims); overlayTile.draw(context, 0, 0, dims, dims); this.tilePatternCanvas = canvas; } update() { const desiredAlpha = this.root.currentLayer === "wires" ? 1.0 : 0.0; // On low performance, skip the fade if (this.root.entityMgr.entities.length > 5000 || this.root.dynamicTickrate.averageFps < 50) { this.currentAlpha = desiredAlpha; } else { this.currentAlpha = lerp(this.currentAlpha, desiredAlpha, 0.12); } } /** * Copies the wires value below the cursor */ copyWireValue() { if (this.root.currentLayer !== "wires") { return; } const mousePos =; if (!mousePos) { return; } const tile =; const contents =, tile.y, "wires"); if (!contents) { return; } let value = null; if (contents.components.Wire) { const network = contents.components.Wire.linkedNetwork; if (network && network.hasValue()) { value = network.currentValue; } } if (contents.components.ConstantSignal) { value = contents.components.ConstantSignal.signal; } if (value) { copy(value.getAsCopyableKey()); this.root.soundProxy.playUi(SOUNDS.copy); } else { copy(""); this.root.soundProxy.playUiError(); } } /** * * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ draw(parameters) { if (this.currentAlpha < 0.02) { return; } const hasTileGrid = !; if (hasTileGrid && !this.cachedPatternBackground) { this.cachedPatternBackground = parameters.context.createPattern(this.tilePatternCanvas, "repeat"); } const bounds = parameters.visibleRect; parameters.context.globalAlpha = this.currentAlpha; const scaleFactor = 1 / wiresBackgroundDpi; parameters.context.globalCompositeOperation = "overlay"; parameters.context.fillStyle = "rgba(50, 200, 150, 1)"; parameters.context.fillRect(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.w, bounds.h); parameters.context.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; parameters.context.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); parameters.context.fillStyle = hasTileGrid ? this.cachedPatternBackground : "rgba(78, 137, 125, 0.75)"; parameters.context.fillRect( bounds.x / scaleFactor, bounds.y / scaleFactor, bounds.w / scaleFactor, bounds.h / scaleFactor ); parameters.context.scale(1 / scaleFactor, 1 / scaleFactor); parameters.context.globalAlpha = 1; } }