/* typehints:start */ import { GameRoot } from "./root"; /* typehints:end */ import { Vector } from "../core/vector"; import { SOUNDS } from "../platform/sound"; const avgSoundDurationSeconds = 0.25; const maxOngoingSounds = 2; const maxOngoingUiSounds = 10; // Proxy to the application sound instance export class SoundProxy { /** * @param {GameRoot} root */ constructor(root) { this.root = root; // Store a list of sounds and when we started them this.playing3DSounds = []; this.playingUiSounds = []; } /** * Plays a new ui sound * @param {string} id Sound ID */ playUi(id) { assert(typeof id === "string", "Not a valid sound id: " + id); this.internalUpdateOngoingSounds(); if (this.playingUiSounds.length > maxOngoingUiSounds) { // Too many ongoing sounds return false; } this.root.app.sound.playUiSound(id); this.playingUiSounds.push(this.root.time.realtimeNow()); } /** * Plays the ui click sound */ playUiClick() { this.playUi(SOUNDS.uiClick); } /** * Plays the ui error sound */ playUiError() { this.playUi(SOUNDS.uiError); } /** * Plays a 3D sound whose volume is scaled based on where it was emitted * @param {string} id Sound ID * @param {Vector} pos World space position */ play3D(id, pos) { assert(typeof id === "string", "Not a valid sound id: " + id); assert(pos instanceof Vector, "Invalid sound position"); this.internalUpdateOngoingSounds(); if (this.playing3DSounds.length > maxOngoingSounds) { // Too many ongoing sounds return false; } this.root.app.sound.play3DSound(id, pos, this.root); this.playing3DSounds.push(this.root.time.realtimeNow()); return true; } /** * Updates the list of ongoing sounds */ internalUpdateOngoingSounds() { const now = this.root.time.realtimeNow(); for (let i = 0; i < this.playing3DSounds.length; ++i) { if (now - this.playing3DSounds[i] > avgSoundDurationSeconds) { this.playing3DSounds.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < this.playingUiSounds.length; ++i) { if (now - this.playingUiSounds[i] > avgSoundDurationSeconds) { this.playingUiSounds.splice(i, 1); i -= 1; } } } }