import { GameRoot } from "./root"; import { ShapeDefinition } from "./shape_definition"; import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { BaseItem, enumItemType } from "./base_item"; import { ShapeItem } from "./items/shape_item"; import { BasicSerializableObject } from "../savegame/serialization"; /** @enum {string} */ export const enumAnalyticsDataSource = { produced: "produced", stored: "stored", delivered: "delivered", }; export class ProductionAnalytics extends BasicSerializableObject { static getId() { return "ProductionAnalytics"; } /** * @param {GameRoot} root */ constructor(root) { super(); this.root = root; this.history = { [enumAnalyticsDataSource.produced]: [], [enumAnalyticsDataSource.stored]: [], [enumAnalyticsDataSource.delivered]: [], }; for (let i = 0; i < globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices; ++i) { this.startNewSlice(); } this.root.signals.shapeDelivered.add(this.onShapeDelivered, this); this.root.signals.itemProduced.add(this.onItemProduced, this); this.lastAnalyticsSlice = 0; } /** * @param {ShapeDefinition} definition */ onShapeDelivered(definition) { const key = definition.getHash(); const entry = this.history[enumAnalyticsDataSource.delivered]; entry[entry.length - 1][key] = (entry[entry.length - 1][key] || 0) + 1; } /** * @param {BaseItem} item */ onItemProduced(item) { if (item.getItemType() === enumItemType.shape) { const definition = /** @type {ShapeItem} */ (item).definition; const key = definition.getHash(); const entry = this.history[enumAnalyticsDataSource.produced]; entry[entry.length - 1][key] = (entry[entry.length - 1][key] || 0) + 1; } } /** * Starts a new time slice */ startNewSlice() { for (const key in this.history) { if (key === enumAnalyticsDataSource.stored) { // Copy stored data this.history[key].push(Object.assign({}, this.root.hubGoals.storedShapes)); } else { this.history[key].push({}); } while (this.history[key].length > globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices) { this.history[key].shift(); } } } /** * Returns the current rate of a given shape * @param {enumAnalyticsDataSource} dataSource * @param {ShapeDefinition} definition */ getCurrentShapeRate(dataSource, definition) { const slices = this.history[dataSource]; return slices[slices.length - 2][definition.getHash()] || 0; } /** * Returns the rate of a given shape, frames ago * @param {enumAnalyticsDataSource} dataSource * @param {ShapeDefinition} definition * @param {number} historyOffset */ getPastShapeRate(dataSource, definition, historyOffset) { assertAlways( historyOffset >= 0 && historyOffset < globalConfig.statisticsGraphSlices - 1, "Invalid slice offset: " + historyOffset ); const slices = this.history[dataSource]; return slices[slices.length - 2 - historyOffset][definition.getHash()] || 0; } /** * Returns the rates of all shapes * @param {enumAnalyticsDataSource} dataSource */ getCurrentShapeRates(dataSource) { const slices = this.history[dataSource]; // First, copy current slice const baseValues = Object.assign({}, slices[slices.length - 2]); // Add past values for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { const pastValues = slices[slices.length - i - 3]; for (const key in pastValues) { baseValues[key] = baseValues[key] || 0; } } return baseValues; } update() { if ( - this.lastAnalyticsSlice > globalConfig.analyticsSliceDurationSeconds) { this.lastAnalyticsSlice =; this.startNewSlice(); } } }