const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const buildUtils = require("./buildutils"); function gulptasksFTP($, gulp, buildFolder) { const commitHash = buildUtils.getRevision(); // Write the "commit.txt" file gulp.task("ftp.writeVersion", () => { fs.writeFileSync( path.join(buildFolder, "version.json"), JSON.stringify( { commit: buildUtils.getRevision(), appVersion: buildUtils.getVersion(), buildTime: new Date().getTime(), }, null, 4 ) ); }); // Copies additional files (like .htaccess) which should be deployed when running // on the ftp server // gulp.task("ftp.copyServerFiles", () => { // return gulp.src(["../ftp_upload/*.*", "../ftp_upload/.*", "../ftp_upload/*"]) // .pipe(gulp.dest(buildFolder)); // }); const gameSrcGlobs = [ path.join(buildFolder, "**/*.*"), path.join(buildFolder, "**/.*"), path.join(buildFolder, "**/*"), path.join(buildFolder, "!**/index.html"), ]; gulp.task("", () => { return gulp .src(gameSrcGlobs, { base: buildFolder }) .pipe( $.rename(pth => { pth.dirname = path.join("v", commitHash, pth.dirname); }) ) .pipe( $.sftp({ host: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_SERVER_HOST, user: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_STAGING_FTP_USER, pass: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_STAGING_FTP_PW, }) ); }); gulp.task("ftp.upload.staging.indexHtml", () => { return gulp.src(path.join(buildFolder, "index.html"), { base: buildFolder }).pipe( $.sftp({ host: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_SERVER_HOST, user: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_STAGING_FTP_USER, pass: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_STAGING_FTP_PW, }) ); }); gulp.task("ftp.upload.staging", cb => { $.sequence("ftp.writeVersion", "", "ftp.upload.staging.indexHtml")(cb); }); gulp.task("", () => { return gulp .src(gameSrcGlobs, { base: buildFolder }) .pipe( $.rename(pth => { pth.dirname = path.join("v", commitHash, pth.dirname); }) ) .pipe( $.sftp({ host: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_SERVER_HOST, user: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_LIVE_FTP_USER, pass: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_LIVE_FTP_PW, }) ); }); gulp.task("", () => { return gulp.src(path.join(buildFolder, "index.html"), { base: buildFolder }).pipe( $.sftp({ host: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_SERVER_HOST, user: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_LIVE_FTP_USER, pass: process.env.SHAPEZ_CLI_LIVE_FTP_PW, }) ); }); gulp.task("", cb => { $.sequence("ftp.writeVersion", "", "")(cb); }); } module.exports = { gulptasksFTP, };