import { MapChunk } from "./map_chunk"; import { GameRoot, enumLayer } from "./root"; import { DrawParameters } from "../core/draw_parameters"; import { smoothenDpi } from "../core/dpi_manager"; import { globalConfig } from "../core/config"; import { THEME } from "./theme"; import { getBuildingDataFromCode } from "./building_codes"; const CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES = 3; export class MapChunkView extends MapChunk { /** * * @param {GameRoot} root * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ constructor(root, x, y) { super(root, x, y); /** * Whenever something changes, we increase this number - so we know we need to redraw */ this.renderIteration = 0; this.markDirty(); } /** * Marks this chunk as dirty, rerendering all caches */ markDirty() { ++this.renderIteration; this.renderKey = this.x + "/" + this.y + "@" + this.renderIteration; } /** * Draws the background layer * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawBackgroundLayer(parameters) { const systems =; systems.mapResources.drawChunk(parameters, this); systems.belt.drawChunk(parameters, this); } /** * Draws the foreground layer * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawForegroundLayer(parameters) { const systems =; systems.miner.drawChunk(parameters, this); systems.staticMapEntities.drawChunk(parameters, this); } /** * Overlay * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawOverlay(parameters) { const sprite = this.root.buffers.getForKey({ key: "chunk@" + this.root.currentLayer, subKey: this.renderKey, w: globalConfig.mapChunkSize * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, h: globalConfig.mapChunkSize * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, dpi: 1, redrawMethod: this.generateOverlayBuffer.bind(this), }); const dims = globalConfig.mapChunkSize * globalConfig.tileSize; parameters.context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; parameters.context.drawImage(sprite, this.x * dims, this.y * dims, dims, dims); parameters.context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; for (let i = 0; i < this.patches.length; ++i) { const patch = this.patches[i]; patch.item.draw( this.x * dims + patch.pos.x * globalConfig.tileSize, this.y * dims + patch.pos.y * globalConfig.tileSize, parameters, Math.min(80, 30 / parameters.zoomLevel) ); } } /** * * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas * @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context * @param {number} w * @param {number} h * @param {number} dpi */ generateOverlayBuffer(canvas, context, w, h, dpi) { context.fillStyle = this.containedEntities.length > 0 ? :; context.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); for (let x = 0; x < globalConfig.mapChunkSize; ++x) { const lowerArray = this.lowerLayer[x]; const upperArray = this.contents[x]; for (let y = 0; y < globalConfig.mapChunkSize; ++y) { const upperContent = upperArray[y]; if (upperContent) { const staticComp = upperContent.components.StaticMapEntity; const data = getBuildingDataFromCode(staticComp.code); const metaBuilding = data.metaInstance; const overlayMatrix = metaBuilding.getSpecialOverlayRenderMatrix( staticComp.rotation, data.rotationVariant, data.variant, upperContent ); if (overlayMatrix) { // Draw lower content first since it "shines" through const lowerContent = lowerArray[y]; if (lowerContent) { context.fillStyle = lowerContent.getBackgroundColorAsResource(); context.fillRect( x * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, y * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES ); } context.fillStyle = metaBuilding.getSilhouetteColor(); for (let dx = 0; dx < 3; ++dx) { for (let dy = 0; dy < 3; ++dy) { const isFilled = overlayMatrix[dx + dy * 3]; if (isFilled) { context.fillRect( x * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES + dx, y * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES + dy, 1, 1 ); } } } continue; } else { context.fillStyle = metaBuilding.getSilhouetteColor(); context.fillRect( x * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, y * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES ); continue; } } const lowerContent = lowerArray[y]; if (lowerContent) { context.fillStyle = lowerContent.getBackgroundColorAsResource(); context.fillRect( x * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, y * CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES, CHUNK_OVERLAY_RES ); } } } if (this.root.currentLayer === enumLayer.wires) { // Draw wires overlay context.fillStyle =; context.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); } } /** * Draws the wires layer * @param {DrawParameters} parameters */ drawWiresForegroundLayer(parameters) { const systems =; systems.staticMapEntities.drawWiresChunk(parameters, this); } }