const path = require("path"); const buildUtils = require("./buildutils"); function gulptasksCSS($, gulp, buildFolder, browserSync) { // The assets plugin copies the files const commitHash = buildUtils.getRevision(); const postcssAssetsPlugin = cachebust => $.postcssAssets({ loadPaths: [path.join(buildFolder, "res", "ui")], basePath: buildFolder, baseUrl: ".", cachebuster: cachebust ? (filePath, urlPathname) => ({ pathname: buildUtils.cachebust(urlPathname, commitHash), }) : "", }); // Postcss configuration const postcssPlugins = (prod, { cachebust = false }) => { const plugins = [postcssAssetsPlugin(cachebust)]; if (prod) { plugins.unshift( $.postcssUnprefix(), $.postcssPresetEnv({ browsers: ["> 0.1%"], }) ); plugins.push( $.cssMqpacker({ sort: true, }), $.cssnano({ preset: [ "advanced", { cssDeclarationSorter: false, discardUnused: true, mergeIdents: false, reduceIdents: true, zindex: true, }, ], }), $.postcssRoundSubpixels() ); } return plugins; }; // Performs linting on css gulp.task("css.lint", () => { return gulp .src(["../src/css/**/*.scss"]) .pipe($.sassLint({ configFile: ".sasslint.yml" })) .pipe($.sassLint.format()) .pipe($.sassLint.failOnError()); }); function resourcesTask({ cachebust, isProd }) { return gulp .src("../src/css/main.scss", { cwd: __dirname }) .pipe($.plumber()) .pipe($.sass.sync().on("error", $.sass.logError)) .pipe( $.postcss([ $.postcssCriticalSplit({ blockTag: "@load-async", }), ]) ) .pipe($.rename("async-resources.css")) .pipe($.postcss(postcssPlugins(isProd, { cachebust }))) .pipe(gulp.dest(buildFolder)); } // Builds the css resources gulp.task("", () => { return resourcesTask({ cachebust: false, isProd: false }); }); // Builds the css resources in prod (=minified) gulp.task("", () => { return resourcesTask({ cachebust: true, isProd: true }); }); // Builds the css resources in prod (=minified), without cachebusting gulp.task("", () => { return resourcesTask({ cachebust: false, isProd: true }); }); function mainTask({ cachebust, isProd }) { return gulp .src("../src/css/main.scss", { cwd: __dirname }) .pipe($.plumber()) .pipe($.sass.sync().on("error", $.sass.logError)) .pipe( $.postcss([ $.postcssCriticalSplit({ blockTag: "@load-async", output: "rest", }), ]) ) .pipe($.postcss(postcssPlugins(isProd, { cachebust }))) .pipe(gulp.dest(buildFolder)); } // Builds the css main gulp.task("", () => { return mainTask({ cachebust: false, isProd: false }); }); // Builds the css main in prod (=minified) gulp.task("", () => { return mainTask({ cachebust: true, isProd: true }); }); // Builds the css main in prod (=minified), without cachebusting gulp.task("", () => { return mainTask({ cachebust: false, isProd: true }); }); gulp.task("", gulp.parallel("", "")); gulp.task("", gulp.parallel("", "")); gulp.task( "", gulp.parallel("", "") ); } module.exports = { gulptasksCSS, };