/* typehints:start */ import { Application } from "../application"; /* typehints:end */ import { sha1, CRC_PREFIX, computeCrc } from "./sensitive_utils.encrypt"; import { createLogger } from "./logging"; import { FILE_NOT_FOUND } from "../platform/storage"; import { accessNestedPropertyReverse } from "./utils"; import { IS_DEBUG, globalConfig } from "./config"; import { ExplainedResult } from "./explained_result"; import { decompressX64, compressX64 } from "./lzstring"; import { asyncCompressor, compressionPrefix } from "./async_compression"; import { compressObject, decompressObject } from "../savegame/savegame_compressor"; const debounce = require("debounce-promise"); const logger = createLogger("read_write_proxy"); const salt = accessNestedPropertyReverse(globalConfig, ["file", "info"]); // Helper which only writes / reads if verify() works. Also performs migration export class ReadWriteProxy { constructor(app, filename) { /** @type {Application} */ this.app = app; this.filename = filename; /** @type {object} */ this.currentData = null; // TODO: EXTREMELY HACKY! To verify we need to do this a step later if (G_IS_DEV && IS_DEBUG) { setTimeout(() => { assert( this.verify(this.getDefaultData()).result, "Verify() failed for default data: " + this.verify(this.getDefaultData()).reason ); }); } /** * Store a debounced handler to prevent double writes */ this.debouncedWrite = debounce(this.doWriteAsync.bind(this), 50); } // -- Methods to override /** @returns {ExplainedResult} */ verify(data) { abstract; return ExplainedResult.bad(); } // Should return the default data getDefaultData() { abstract; return {}; } // Should return the current version as an integer getCurrentVersion() { abstract; return 0; } // Should migrate the data (Modify in place) /** @returns {ExplainedResult} */ migrate(data) { abstract; return ExplainedResult.bad(); } // -- / Methods // Resets whole data, returns promise resetEverythingAsync() { logger.warn("Reset data to default"); this.currentData = this.getDefaultData(); return this.writeAsync(); } getCurrentData() { return this.currentData; } /** * * @param {object} obj */ static serializeObject(obj) { const jsonString = JSON.stringify(compressObject(obj)); const checksum = computeCrc(jsonString + salt); return compressionPrefix + compressX64(checksum + jsonString); } /** * * @param {object} text */ static deserializeObject(text) { const decompressed = decompressX64(text.substr(compressionPrefix.length)); if (!decompressed) { // LZ string decompression failure throw new Error("bad-content / decompression-failed"); } if (decompressed.length < 40) { // String too short throw new Error("bad-content / payload-too-small"); } // Compare stored checksum with actual checksum const checksum = decompressed.substring(0, 40); const jsonString = decompressed.substr(40); const desiredChecksum = checksum.startsWith(CRC_PREFIX) ? computeCrc(jsonString + salt) : sha1(jsonString + salt); if (desiredChecksum !== checksum) { // Checksum mismatch throw new Error("bad-content / checksum-mismatch"); } const parsed = JSON.parse(jsonString); const decoded = decompressObject(parsed); return decoded; } /** * Writes the data asychronously, fails if verify() fails. * Debounces the operation by up to 50ms * @returns {Promise} */ writeAsync() { const verifyResult = this.internalVerifyEntry(this.currentData); if (!verifyResult.result) { logger.error("Tried to write invalid data to", this.filename, "reason:", verifyResult.reason); return Promise.reject(verifyResult.reason); } return this.debouncedWrite(); } /** * Actually writes the data asychronously * @returns {Promise} */ doWriteAsync() { return asyncCompressor .compressObjectAsync(this.currentData) .then(compressed => { return this.app.storage.writeFileAsync(this.filename, compressed); }) .then(() => { logger.log("📄 Wrote", this.filename); }) .catch(err => { logger.error("Failed to write", this.filename, ":", err); throw err; }); } // Reads the data asynchronously, fails if verify() fails readAsync() { // Start read request return ( this.app.storage .readFileAsync(this.filename) // Check for errors during read .catch(err => { if (err === FILE_NOT_FOUND) { logger.log("File not found, using default data"); // File not found or unreadable, assume default file return Promise.resolve(null); } return Promise.reject("file-error: " + err); }) // Decrypt data (if its encrypted) // @ts-ignore .then(rawData => { if (rawData == null) { // So, the file has not been found, use default data return JSON.stringify(compressObject(this.getDefaultData())); } if (rawData.startsWith(compressionPrefix)) { const decompressed = decompressX64(rawData.substr(compressionPrefix.length)); if (!decompressed) { // LZ string decompression failure return Promise.reject("bad-content / decompression-failed"); } if (decompressed.length < 40) { // String too short return Promise.reject("bad-content / payload-too-small"); } // Compare stored checksum with actual checksum const checksum = decompressed.substring(0, 40); const jsonString = decompressed.substr(40); const desiredChecksum = checksum.startsWith(CRC_PREFIX) ? computeCrc(jsonString + salt) : sha1(jsonString + salt); if (desiredChecksum !== checksum) { // Checksum mismatch return Promise.reject( "bad-content / checksum-mismatch: " + desiredChecksum + " vs " + checksum ); } return jsonString; } else { if (!G_IS_DEV) { return Promise.reject("bad-content / missing-compression"); } } return rawData; }) // Parse JSON, this could throw but thats fine .then(res => { try { return JSON.parse(res); } catch (ex) { logger.error( "Failed to parse file content of", this.filename, ":", ex, "(content was:", res, ")" ); throw new Error("invalid-serialized-data"); } }) // Decompress .then(compressed => decompressObject(compressed)) // Verify basic structure .then(contents => { const result = this.internalVerifyBasicStructure(contents); if (!result.isGood()) { return Promise.reject("verify-failed: " + result.reason); } return contents; }) // Check version and migrate if required .then(contents => { if (contents.version > this.getCurrentVersion()) { return Promise.reject("stored-data-is-newer"); } if (contents.version < this.getCurrentVersion()) { logger.log( "Trying to migrate data object from version", contents.version, "to", this.getCurrentVersion() ); const migrationResult = this.migrate(contents); // modify in place if (migrationResult.isBad()) { return Promise.reject("migration-failed: " + migrationResult.reason); } } return contents; }) // Verify .then(contents => { const verifyResult = this.internalVerifyEntry(contents); if (!verifyResult.result) { logger.error( "Read invalid data from", this.filename, "reason:", verifyResult.reason, "contents:", contents ); return Promise.reject("invalid-data: " + verifyResult.reason); } return contents; }) // Store .then(contents => { this.currentData = contents; logger.log("📄 Read data with version", this.currentData.version, "from", this.filename); return contents; }) // Catchall .catch(err => { return Promise.reject("Failed to read " + this.filename + ": " + err); }) ); } /** * Deletes the file * @returns {Promise} */ deleteAsync() { return this.app.storage.deleteFileAsync(this.filename); } // Internal /** @returns {ExplainedResult} */ internalVerifyBasicStructure(data) { if (!data) { return ExplainedResult.bad("Data is empty"); } if (!Number.isInteger(data.version) || data.version < 0) { return ExplainedResult.bad( `Data has invalid version: ${data.version} (expected ${this.getCurrentVersion()})` ); } return ExplainedResult.good(); } /** @returns {ExplainedResult} */ internalVerifyEntry(data) { if (data.version !== this.getCurrentVersion()) { return ExplainedResult.bad( "Version mismatch, got " + data.version + " and expected " + this.getCurrentVersion() ); } const verifyStructureError = this.internalVerifyBasicStructure(data); if (!verifyStructureError.isGood()) { return verifyStructureError; } return this.verify(data); } }