Fix outdated keys in translations

This commit is contained in:
tobspr 2020-10-01 08:49:16 +02:00
parent 4df2ccbfae
commit 74201a0894
31 changed files with 1526 additions and 1005 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const originalContents = fs
const original = YAML.parse(originalContents);
const placeholderRegexp = /[[<]([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)[\]<]/gi;
const placeholderRegexp = /[[<]([a-zA-Z_0-9/-_]+?)[\]>]/gi;
function match(originalObj, translatedObj, path = "/") {
for (const key in originalObj) {

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Failed to load your savegame:"
title: Confirm deletion
text: Are you sure you want to delete the game?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Failed to delete
text: "Failed to delete the savegame:"
@ -181,8 +183,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a
href="" target="_blank">here</a>)
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for
unlimited markers!
@ -461,8 +462,9 @@ buildings:
name: Painter (Quad)
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape with a different
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Trash
@ -580,11 +582,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cutting Shapes
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong> - it cuts shapes half from
<strong>top to bottom</strong> regardless of its
orientation!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise
<strong>it will stall</strong> - For this purpose I gave you a
trash, which destroys everything you put into it!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotating
desc: The <strong>rotater</strong> has been unlocked! It rotates shapes
@ -607,9 +610,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>stacked on top</strong> of the left input!
title: Splitter/Merger
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: The <strong>tunnel</strong> has been unlocked - You can now tunnel items
@ -622,9 +625,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>chaining extractor</strong>! It can
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a
@ -641,13 +645,18 @@ storyRewards:
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows you
to store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is
planned for the standalone!)
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
@ -684,8 +693,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Ha ocurrit un error al intentar carregar la teva partida:"
title: Eliminar
text: Estàs segur que vols eliminar la partida guardada?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Error en eliminar
text: "Ha ocurrit un error al intentar eliminar la teva partida:"
@ -185,9 +187,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nou Marcador
titleEdit: Editar Marcador
desc: 'Dona-li un nom significatiu, també pots usar <strong>claus</strong> de
les figures (Pots generarles a: <a href=""
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: En la Demo només pots crear dos marcadors, aconsegueix la versió completa
per gaudir de l'experiència completa!
@ -470,7 +471,9 @@ buildings:
description: Pinta les figures de l'esquerra amb el color de dalt.
name: Pintor (Quàdruple)
description: Permet pintar cadascun dels quadrants de forma diferent.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Paperera
@ -593,11 +596,12 @@ buildings:
title: Tallar figures
desc: Acabes de desbloquejar la <strong>Tallador</strong> - talla les figures
per la meitat <strong>de dalt a baix</strong>; sense importar la
seva/ua orientació!<br><br>Assegura't d'eliminar les parts que no
utilitzes, si no <strong>es pararà</strong> - Es per això que t'he
donat una paperera, utilitza-la!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotar
desc: El <strong>Rotador</strong> s'ha desbloquejat! Rota formes en sentit
@ -621,10 +625,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>s'apilarà damunt</strong> de la de l'esquerra!
title: Distribuïdor
desc: El <strong>distribuïdor</strong> multifuncional s'ha desbloquejat - Pot
ser utilitzat per a construir fàbriques més grans per mitjà de la
<strong>separació i fusió</strong> de figures de diferents
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Túnel
desc: El <strong>túnel</strong> s'ha desbloquejat - Ara pots passar objectes a
@ -637,9 +640,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Extractor en cadena
desc: Has desbloquejat el <strong>extractor en cadena</strong>! Pot
<strong>passar els seus recursos</strong> a altres extractors perquè
pugues extraure recursos més eficientment!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Túnel de Nivell II
desc: Has desbloquejat una nova variant del <strong>túnel</strong> - Té una
@ -657,14 +661,18 @@ storyRewards:
consumint sols un color en lloc de dos!
title: Magatzem de reserva
desc: Has desbloquejat una variant de la <strong>paperera</strong> - Et permet
emmagatzemar objectes fins a una capacitat màxima!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Joc lliure
desc: Ho has fet! Has desbloquejat el <strong>mode de joc lliure</strong>! Això
significa que les figures ara són generades aleatòriament! (No
t'angoixis/es, hi ha més contingut planejat per a la versió completa
- fora del web)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Plànols
desc: Ara pots <strong>copiar i apegar/enxegar</strong> parts de la teva/ua
@ -694,17 +702,19 @@ storyRewards:
en una cinta!
title: Lector de cinta
desc: Has desbloquejat el <strong>lector de cinta</strong>! Et permet mesurar el
rendiment d'una cinta. I espera a desbloquejar els cables, et serà
encara més útil!
desc: You have now unlocked the <strong>belt reader</strong>! It allows you to
measure the throughput of a belt.<br><br>And wait until you unlock
wires - then it gets really useful!
title: Rotador (180 graus)
desc: Acabes de desbloquejar un altre <strong>rotador</strong>!. Et permet rotar
una forma 180 graus.
title: Pantalla
desc: Has desbloquejat la <strong>Pantalla</strong>. Conecta una senyal a la
capa de cables per visualitzar el contingut de la senyal!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Senyal constant
desc: >-

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ steamPage:
subreddit: Subreddit
source_code: Source code (GitHub)
translate: Pomožte přeložit hru!
text_open_source: >-
text_open_source: |-
Kdokoli může přispět, aktivně se zapojit do komunity a
pokusit se zkontrolovat všechny návrhy a vzít v úvahu zpětnou vazbu
kde je to možné.
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Nepovedlo se načíst vaši uloženou hru:"
title: Potvrdit smazání
text: Opravdu chcete smazat hru?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Chyba mazání
text: "Nepovedlo se smazat vaši uloženou hru:"
@ -171,9 +173,8 @@ dialogs:
umístěných pásů.<br>"
title: Nová značka
desc: Pojmenuj jí nějak výstižně, též ji můžeš doplnit <strong>zkratkou</strong>
pro tvar (Kterou si můžete vytvořit <a
href="" target="_blank">zde</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Upravit značku
desc: V ukázce můžete vytvořit pouze dvě značky. Získejte plnou verzi pro
@ -194,15 +195,14 @@ dialogs:
title: Nastavte signál
descItems: "Vyberte předdefinovanou položku:"
descShortKey: ... nebo zadejte <strong>krátký klíč</strong> tvaru (který jste
může vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
může vygenerovat <link>zde</link>)
title: Přejmenovat Savegame
desc: Zde můžeš přejmenovat svůj savegame.
title: Varování výkonu
desc: Umístili jste spoustu budov, to je jen přátelská připomínka
hra nezvládne nekonečný počet budov - zkuste to
udržujte své továrny kompaktní!
desc: Umístili jste spoustu budov, to je jen přátelská připomínka hra nezvládne
nekonečný počet budov - zkuste to udržujte své továrny kompaktní!
moveMap: Posun mapy
@ -450,7 +450,9 @@ buildings:
description: Obarví tvary z levých vstupů barvou z horního vstupu.
name: Barvič (čtyřnásobný)
description: Umožňuje obarvit každý dílek tvaru samostatně.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Barvič
description: Obarví celý tvar v levém vstupu barvou z pravého vstupu.
@ -571,11 +573,12 @@ buildings:
title: Řezání tvarů
desc: Právě jste odemknuli <strong>pilu</strong> - řeže tvary
<strong>svisle</strong> bez ohledu na svou
orientaci!<br><br>Nezapomeňte se zbavovat odpadu, jinak <strong>se
vám zasekne produkce</strong> - pro tento účel jsem vám odemknul
koš, který můžete použít na mazání odpadu!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Otáčení
desc: <strong>Rotor</strong> byl právě odemčen! Otáčí tvary po směru hodinových
@ -597,9 +600,9 @@ storyRewards:
vpravo se <strong>nalepí na</strong> tvar vlevo!
title: Rozřazování/Spojování pásu
desc: Multifuknční <strong>balancer</strong> byl právě odemčen - Může být použít
pro stavbu větších továren díky tomu, že <strong>rozřazuje</strong>
tvary mezi dva pásy!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunel</strong> byl právě odemčen - Umožňuje vézt suroviny pod
@ -611,9 +614,10 @@ storyRewards:
'T' pro přepnutí mezi variantami</strong>!
title: Napojovací extraktor
desc: Odemknuli jste variantu <strong>extraktoru</strong>! Může
<strong>přesměrovat vytěžené zdroje</strong> do dalších extraktorů
pro efektivnější těžbu!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunel II. úrovně
desc: Odemknuli jste <strong>tunel II. úrovně</strong> - Má <strong>delší
@ -629,13 +633,18 @@ storyRewards:
title: Sklad
desc: Odemknuli jste variantu <strong>koše</strong> - Umožňuje vám skladovat
věci až do určité kapacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Volná hra
desc: Dokázali jste to! Odemknuli jste <strong>volnou hru</strong>! Další tvary
jsou již náhodně generované! (pro plnou verzi plánujeme více
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Plány
desc: Nyní můžete <strong>kopírovat a vkládat</strong> části továrny! Vyberte
@ -673,8 +682,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Det lykkedes ikke at åbne dit gemte spil:"
title: Bekræft sletning
text: Er du sikker på du vil slette dit gemte spil?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Sletning fejlede
text: "Det lykkedes ikke at slette dit gemte spil:"
@ -177,9 +179,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Ny Markør
desc: Giv det et betydningsfuldt navn. du kan også inkludere en <strong>kort
kode</strong> der repræsenterer en figur (Som du kan lave <a
href="" target="_blank">her</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Rediger Markør
desc: Du kan kun lave to markører i demoen. Køb spillet for uendelige markører!
@ -453,7 +454,9 @@ buildings:
description: Farver figurerne fra venstre side med farven fra toppen.
name: Maler (Quad)
description: Lader dig farve hver fjerdel af figuren med forskellige farver.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Skraldespand
@ -579,11 +582,12 @@ buildings:
title: Klippe Figurer
desc: Du har lige fået adgang til <strong>klipperen</strong> - den klipper
figurer i to fra <strong>top til bund</strong> uanset hvordan den
vender!<br><br>Sørg for at ødelægge alt du ikke har brug for, ellers
<strong>går den i stå</strong> - Til dette har jeg givet dig
skraldespanden, som ødelægger alt du putter i den!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotation
desc: <strong>Drejeren</strong> er nu tilgængelig! Den drejer figurer 90 grader
@ -597,8 +601,8 @@ storyRewards:
title: Farveblanding
desc: <strong>Farveblanderen</strong> er nu tilgængelig - Kombiner to farver ved
brug af (strong>additiv blanding</strong> med denne bygning!
desc: The <strong>mixer</strong> has been unlocked - It mixes two colors using
<strong>additive blending</strong>!
title: Stabler
desc: Du kan du stable figurer med <strong>stableren</strong>! Begge inputs
@ -607,9 +611,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>stablet ovenpå</strong> det venstre!
title: Fordeler/Sammenlægger
desc: Den flerfunktionelle <strong>Fordeler</strong> er nu tilgængelig - Den kan
bruges til at bygge større fabrikker ved at <strong>fordele og
sammenlægge varer</strong> på flere bælter!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: <strong>Tunnellen</strong> er nu tilgængelig - Du kan nu lave tuneller
@ -621,9 +625,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>trykke 'T'</strong>!
title: Kædeudvinder
desc: <strong>Kædeudvinder</strong> er nu tilgængelig! Den kan
<strong>videregive sine resurser</strong> til andre udvindere, så du
kan udvinde resurser mere effektivt!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Trin II
desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af <strong>tunnellen</strong> - Den har
@ -641,13 +646,18 @@ storyRewards:
og bruger kun en farve i stedet for to.
title: Opbevaringsbuffer
desc: Du har fået adgang til en variant af <strong>skraldespanden</strong> - Den
lader dig opbevare varer til en hvis kapacitet!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Frit spil
desc: Du klarede det! Du har fået adgang til <strong>frit spil</strong>! Dette
betyder at figurer nu er tilfældigt genereret! (Vær ikke bekymret,
mere indhold er planlagt for den betalte version!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Arbejdstegninger
desc: Du kan nu <strong>kopiere og indsætte</strong> dele af din fabrik! Vælg et
@ -685,8 +695,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ mainMenu:
helpTranslate: Hilf beim Übersetzen!
madeBy: Ein Spiel von <author-link>
browserWarning: Sorry, aber das Spiel wird in deinem Browser langsam laufen!
Kaufe die Vollversion oder verwende Google Chrome für die beste Erfahrung!
Kaufe die Vollversion oder verwende Google Chrome für die beste
savegameLevel: Level <x>
savegameLevelUnknown: Unbekanntes Level
savegameUnnamed: Unbenannt
@ -116,7 +117,9 @@ dialogs:
text: Der Speicherstand konnte nicht geladen werden. Sorry!
title: Löschen bestätigen
text: Bist du sicher, dass du den Speicherstand löschen willst?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Löschen gescheitert
text: "Das Löschen des Spiels ist gescheitert:"
@ -176,10 +179,8 @@ dialogs:
<code class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Invertiere die Platzierungsrichtung der Förderbänder.<br>
title: Neuer Marker
desc: Gib ihm einen griffigen Namen. Du kannst sogar die
<strong>Abkürzung</strong> einer Form eingeben (Diese kann <a
href="" target="_blank">hier</a> generiert
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Marker bearbeiten
desc: Du kannst nur 2 Marker in der Demo benutzen. Hol dir die Standalone, um
@ -455,7 +456,9 @@ buildings:
oberen Eingang.
name: Färber (4-fach)
description: Erlaubt es, jedes einzelne Viertel einer Form beliebig einzufärben.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Mülleimer
@ -582,11 +585,12 @@ buildings:
title: Formen zerschneiden
desc: Du hast den <strong>Schneider</strong> freigeschaltet! Er zerschneidet
Formen von <strong>oben nach unten</strong>, unabhängig von ihrer
Orientierung.<br><br>Stelle sicher, dass du den Abfall loswirst,
sonst <strong>verstopft die Maschine</strong>! Dafür habe ich dir
extra einen Mülleimer freigeschaltet.
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotieren
desc: Der <strong>Rotierer</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Er rotiert Formen im
@ -610,10 +614,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Verteiler/Kombinierer
desc: Der multifunktionale <strong>Verteiler</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Er
ermöglicht die Konstruktion größerer Fabriken, indem er Items auf
mehrere Förderbänder <strong>verteilt oder diese
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: Der <strong>Tunnel</strong> wurde freigeschaltet! Du kannst Items nun
@ -626,9 +629,10 @@ storyRewards:
verschiedene Varianten zuzugreifen</strong>.
title: Extrahierer (Kette)
desc: Du hast den <strong>Extrahierer (Kette)</strong> freigeschaltet! Damit
können die Ressourcen an den Nächsten <strong>weitergegeben</strong>
werden, um Ressourcen effizienter zu extrahieren.
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Stufe II
desc: Du hast eine neue Variante des <strong>Tunnels</strong> freigeschaltet!
@ -646,15 +650,18 @@ storyRewards:
verbrauchst nur eine Farbe.
title: Zwischenlager
desc: Du hast eine neue Variante des <strong>Mülleimers</strong> freigeschaltet!
Bis zu einer gewissen Kapazität können hier Items zwischengelagert
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freies Spiel
desc: Du hast es geschafft! Du bist im <strong>freien Spiel</strong> angekommen!
Das heißt, dass abzuliefernde Formen jetzt zufällig generiert
werden! (Keine Sorge, für die Standaloneversion ist noch mehr
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blaupause
desc: Jetzt kannst du Teile deiner Fabrik <strong>kopieren und
@ -694,8 +701,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
@ -1002,54 +1011,70 @@ tips:
- Baue nicht zu nah am Hub, sonst wird es ein riesiges Chaos geben!
- Wenn das Stapeln nicht funktioniert, versuche die Eingänge zu wechseln.
- Du kannst mittels <b>R</b> die Richtung des Bandplaners umkehren.
- Halte <b>STRG</b> um die Förderbänder ohne automatische Orientierung zu platzieren.
- Die Ratios bleiben gleich, solange die die Upgrades auf der selben Stufen sind.
- Halte <b>STRG</b> um die Förderbänder ohne automatische Orientierung zu
- Die Ratios bleiben gleich, solange die die Upgrades auf der selben Stufen
- Serielle Ausführung ist effizienter als parallele.
- Du wirst später im Spiel mehr Varianten von Gebäuden freischalten!
- Du kanst <b>T</b> drücken, um auf andere Varianten des Gebäude zu wechseln.
- Symmetrie ist der Schlüssel!
- Du kannst verschiedene Arten von Tunneln miteinander verweben.
- Versuche kompakte Fabriken zu bauen - es zahlt sich aus!
- Der Färber hat eine spiegelverkehrte Variante, die du mittels <b>T</b> auswählen kannst.
- Der Färber hat eine spiegelverkehrte Variante, die du mittels <b>T</b>
auswählen kannst.
- Das richtige Verhältnis der Gebäude maximiert die Effizienz.
- Auf dem maximalen Level genügen 5 Extrahierer für ein einzelnes Förderband.
- Vergiss die Tunnel nicht!
- Du musst die Items für maximale Effizienz nicht gleichmässig aufteilen.
- Das Halten von <b>UMSCH</b> aktiviert den Bandplaner, der dir das Platzieren langer Linien vereinfacht.
- Das Halten von <b>UMSCH</b> aktiviert den Bandplaner, der dir das
Platzieren langer Linien vereinfacht.
- Schneider schneiden immer vertikal, egal deren Orientierung.
- Um Weiss zu erhalten, mixe alle Farben zusammen.
- Der Speicher priorisiert den linken Ausgang.
- Investiere Zeit, um wiederholbare Designs zu erstellen - es lohnt sich!
- Das Halten von <b>STRG</b> ermöglicht dir mehrere Gebäude zu platzieren.
- Du kanst <b>ALT</b> gedrückt halten, um die Richtung der Förderbänder umzukehren.
- Du kanst <b>ALT</b> gedrückt halten, um die Richtung der Förderbänder
- Effizienz ist der Schlüssel!
- Formflecken, die weiter vom Hub entfernt sind, sind komplexer.
- Gebäude haben eine limitierte Geschwindigkeit, teile sie auf für maximale Effizienz.
- Gebäude haben eine limitierte Geschwindigkeit, teile sie auf für maximale
- Benutze Verteiler um deine Effizienz zu maximieren.
- Organisation ist wichtig. Versuch das Kreuzen von Förderbändern zu minimieren.
- Organisation ist wichtig. Versuch das Kreuzen von Förderbändern zu
- Plane im Voraus, oder es gibt ein riesigen Chaos!
- Lösche deine alten Fabriken nicht! Du benötigst sie um Upgrades freizuschalten.
- Lösche deine alten Fabriken nicht! Du benötigst sie um Upgrades
- Versuch Level 20 alleine zu meistern, bevor du nach Hilfe suchst!
- Mach es dir nicht zu kompliziert, versuch es einfach zu halten und du wirst weit vorankommen.
- Vielleicht musst du Fabriken später im Spiel wiederverwenden. Plane deine Fabriken so, dass sie wiederverwendbar sind.
- Manchmal kannst du die gewünschte Form auf der Karte finden, ohne sie mit Staplern zu erstellen.
- Mach es dir nicht zu kompliziert, versuch es einfach zu halten und du
wirst weit vorankommen.
- Vielleicht musst du Fabriken später im Spiel wiederverwenden. Plane deine
Fabriken so, dass sie wiederverwendbar sind.
- Manchmal kannst du die gewünschte Form auf der Karte finden, ohne sie mit
Staplern zu erstellen.
- Vollständige Windmühlen werden nicht natürlich generiert.
- Färbe deine Formen vor dem Schneiden für maximale Effizienz.
- Mit Modulen ist der Raum nur eine Wahrnehmung; eine Sorge für die sterblichen Menschen.
- Mit Modulen ist der Raum nur eine Wahrnehmung; eine Sorge für die
sterblichen Menschen.
- Mache eine separate Blaupausenfabrik. Sie sind wichtig für Module.
- Schau dir den Farbmischer genauer an, und deine Fragen werden beantwortet.
- Benutze <b>STRG</b> + rechter Mausklick, um einen Bereich zu selektieren.
- Zu nahe am Hub zu bauen, kann späteren Projekten im Weg stehen.
- Das Pin-Symbol neben jeder Form in der Upgrade-Liste heftet sie an den Bildschirm.
- Das Pin-Symbol neben jeder Form in der Upgrade-Liste heftet sie an den
- Mische alle drei Grundfarben, um Weiß zu erhalten!
- Du hast eine unendlich grosse Karte, nutze den Platz, expandiere!
- Probier auch mal Factorio! Es ist mein Lieblingsspiel.
- Der Vierfachschneider schneidet im Uhrzeigersinn von oben rechts beginnend!
- Du kannst deine Speicherstände im Hauptmenü herunterladen!
- Diese Spiel hat viele nützliche Tastenbelegungen! Schau sie dir in den Einstellungen an.
- Diese Spiel hat viele nützliche Tastenbelegungen! Schau sie dir in den
Einstellungen an.
- Dieses Spiel hat viele Einstellungen, schau sie dir einmal an!
- Die Markierung des Hubs hat einen kleinen Kompass, der die Richtung anzeigt!
- Um die Förderbänder zu leeren, schneide den Bereich aus und füge ihn in der gleichen Position wieder ein.
- Die Markierung des Hubs hat einen kleinen Kompass, der die Richtung
- Um die Förderbänder zu leeren, schneide den Bereich aus und füge ihn in
der gleichen Position wieder ein.
- Drücke F4 um deine FPS und Tick Rate anzuzeigen.
- Drücke doppelt F4 um die Kachel des Zeigers und der Kamera anzuzeigen.
- Du kannst die angehefteten Formen auf der linken Seite ablösen.

View File

@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Η φώρτοση του αποθηκευμένου παιχνιδιού ήταν αποτυχής:"
title: Επιβεβαίωση διαγραφής
text: Είσαι βέβαιος/η ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις το παιχνίδι;
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Αποτυχία διαγραφής
text: "Η διαγραφή του αποθηκευμένου παιχνιδιού ήταν αποτυχής:"
@ -142,9 +144,9 @@ dialogs:
desc: Οι συνδιασμών πλήκτρων επαναφέρθηκαν στις προεπιλεγμένες τιμές τους!
title: Έκδοση Demo
desc: Προσπάθησες να χρησιμοποιήσεις μία δυνατότητα που δεν είναι διαθέσιμη στην
έκδοση demo. Αποκτήστε την αυτόνομη έκδοση για την ολοκληρομένη
desc: You tried to access a feature (<feature>) which is not available in the
demo. Consider getting the standalone version for the full
title: Περιορισμένα αποθηκευμένα παιχνίδια
desc: Στην demo έκδοση μπορείς να έχεις μόνο ένα αποθηκευμένο παιχνίδι. Παρακαλώ
@ -179,9 +181,8 @@ dialogs:
τον προσανατολισμό των τοποθετούμενων ιμάντων.<br>"
title: Νέο Σημάδι
desc: Δώσ' του ένα όνομα με νόημα. Μπορείς επίσης να χρησημοποιήσεις και τον
<strong>σύντομο κώδικα</strong> ενός σχήματος (τον οποίο μπορείς να
βρείς <a href="" target="_blank">εδώ</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Επεξεργασία Σημαδιού
desc: Στην έκδωση demo μπορείς να βάλεις μέχρι δύο σημάδια στον χάρτη.
@ -461,8 +462,9 @@ buildings:
την επάνω είσοδο.
name: Βαφέας (Τετάρτων)
description: Επιτρέπει να χρωματίσει κάθε τεταρτημόριο του σχήματος με
διαφορετικό χρώμα.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Βαφέας
description: Χρωματίζει ολόκληρο το σχήμα στην αριστερή είσοδο με το χρώμα από
@ -597,12 +599,12 @@ buildings:
title: Κοπή σχημάτων
desc: Μόλις ξεκλείδωσες τον <strong>κόπτη</strong> - κόβει σχήματα κατά το ήμισυ
από <strong>πάνω προς τα κάτω</strong> ανεξάρτητα από τον
προσανατολισμό του!<br><br>Φρόντισε να καταστρέψεις κομμάτια που δεω
χρησημοποιείς αλλιώς η λειτουργία <strong>θα σταματήσει</strong> -
Για το σκοπό αυτό σου έδωσα τον κάδο απορριμμάτων, ο οποίος
καταστρέφει ό,τι είδη μεταφερθούν εκεί!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Περιστροφή
desc: Ο <strong>Περιστροφέας</strong> ξεκλειδώθηκε! Το κτήριο αυτό περιστρέφει
@ -628,10 +630,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Διαχωρισμός/Συγχώνευση
desc: Ο πολυλειτουργικός <strong>Ισορροπηστής</strong> είναι πλέον διαθέσιμος -
Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την κατασκευή μεγαλύτερων εργοστασίων
με <strong>διαχωρισμό και συγχώνευση ειδών</strong> σε/από πολλούς
μεταφορικούς ιμάντες!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Σήραγγα
desc: Το <strong>Σήραγγα</strong> είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο - Τώρα μπορείς να
@ -644,10 +645,10 @@ storyRewards:
παραλλαγές του</strong>!
title: Αλυσιδωτός Αποσπαστής
desc: Ξεκλείδωσες τον <strong>Αλυσιδωτός Αποσπαστής</strong>! Μπορεί να
<strong>προωθήσει τους αποσπασμένους πόρους</strong> σε άλλους
αποσπαστές, ώστε να μπορείτε να αποσπάσεις πιο αποτελεσματικά
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Σήραγγα Βαθμίδα II
desc: Ξεκλείδωσες μια νέα παραλλαγή της <strong>Σήραγγας</strong> - Καλύπτει
@ -664,14 +665,18 @@ storyRewards:
ταυτόχρονα</strong>, καταναλώνοντας μόνο ένα χρώμα αντί για δύο!
title: Αποθηκευτικός χώρος
desc: Ξεκλείδωσες μια παραλλαγή του <strong>Κάδου Απορριμμάτων</strong> -
Επιτρέπει την αποθήκευση ειδών έως μια δεδομένη χωρητικότητα!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Ελεύθερο παιχνίδι
desc: Τα κατάφερες! Ξεκλείδωσες την <strong>λειτουργία ελεύθερου
παιχνιδιού</strong>! Από εδώ και πέρα τα σχήματα δημιουργούνται
τυχαία! (Μην ανυσηχείς, περισσότερο περιεχόμενο έρχεται σύντομα στην
αυτόνομη έκδοση!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Σχεδιαγράμματα
desc: Μπορείς πλέον να κάνεις <strong>αντιγραφή και επικόλληση</strong> στα μέρη
@ -712,8 +717,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "No se ha podido cargar la partida guardada:"
title: Confirmar borrado
text: ¿Seguro que quieres borrar la partida?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Fallo al borrar
text: "Fallo al borrar la partida guardada:"
@ -184,9 +186,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nuevo marcador
titleEdit: Editar marcador
desc: Dale un nombre significativo, también puedes agregarle la
<strong>clave</strong> de una forma (La cual puedes generar <a
href="" target="_blank">aquí</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: Solo puedes crear dos marcadores en la versión de prueba. ¡Obtén el juego
completo para marcadores ilimitados!
@ -472,8 +473,9 @@ buildings:
la entrada de arriba.
name: Pintor (Cuádruple)
description: Permite colorear cada cuadrante de una figura con un color
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Basurero
@ -591,11 +593,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cortador de figuras
desc: ¡Acabas de desbloquear el <strong>cortador</strong> - corta las figuras
por la mitad <strong>de arriba abajo</strong> sin importar su
orientación!<br><br>Asegúrate de deshacerte de lo que no vayas a
usar o <strong>se parará</strong> - ¡Para eso te he dado un
basurero, que destruye todo lo que le pongas!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotador
desc: ¡El <strong>rotador</strong> se ha desbloqueado! Rota figuras en sentido
@ -619,9 +622,9 @@ storyRewards:
será <strong>apilada encima</strong> de la entrada izquierda!
title: Separador/Fusionador
desc: El <strong>balanceador</strong> multiusos se ha desbloqueado - ¡Se puede
usar para construir fábricas más grandes <strong>separando y uniendo
elementos</strong> en varias cintas transportadoras!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Túnel
desc: El <strong>túnel</strong> se ha desbloqueado - ¡Ahora puedes transportar
@ -633,9 +636,10 @@ storyRewards:
y <strong>pulsa 'T' para ciclar por sus variantes</strong>
title: Extractor en cadena
desc: ¡Has desbloqueado el <strong>extractor en cadena</strong>! Puede
<strong>enviar los recursos</strong> a otros extractores, extrayendo
recursos más eficientemente.
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Túnel nivel II
desc: Has desbloqueado una nueva variante del <strong>túnel</strong> - ¡Tiene un
@ -652,14 +656,18 @@ storyRewards:
consumiendo solo un color en vez de dos!
title: Almacenamiento intermedio
desc: Has desbloqueado una variante del <strong>basurero</strong> - ¡Permite
almacenar elementos hasta una cierta capacidad!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Juego libre
desc: ¡Lo has conseguido! ¡Has desbloqueado el <strong>Juego Libre</strong>!
¡Esto significa que ahora las figuras se generan aleatoriamente!
(¡No te preocupes, hay más contenido planeado para el juego
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Planos
desc: ¡Ahora puedes <strong>copiar y pegar</strong> partes de tu fábrica!
@ -699,8 +707,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Tallennuksen lataus epäonnistui:"
title: Varmista poisto
text: Oletko varma että haluat poistaa tallennuksen?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Poisto epäonnistui
text: "Tallennuksen poisto epäonnistui:"
@ -177,9 +179,8 @@ dialogs:
Käännä sijoitettavien hihnojen suunta.<br>"
title: Uusi Merkki
desc: Anna merkille kuvaava nimi, voit myös sisällyttää muodon <strong>lyhyen
avaimen</strong> siihen. (Lyhyen avaimen voit luoda <a
href="" target="_blank">täällä</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Muokkaa merkkiä
desc: Voit tehdä vain kaksi mukautettua merkkiä demoversiossa. Hanki itsenäinen
@ -467,7 +468,9 @@ buildings:
sisääntulosta tulevalla värillä.
name: Painter (Neljännes)
description: Sallii muodon neljäsosien värjäämisen eri väreillä.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Roskakori
@ -585,11 +588,12 @@ buildings:
title: Muotojen Leikkaus
desc: Avasit <strong>Leikkurin</strong> - se leikkaa muotoja puoliksi
<strong>ylhäältä alaspäin</strong> riippumatta sen
suunnasta!<br><br>Varmista, että pääset eroon jätteistä, tai muuten
<strong>se jumittuu</strong> - Tätä varten saat Roskiksen, joka
tuhoaa kaiken mitä laitat sinne!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Kääntö
desc: Avasit <strong>Kääntäjän</strong>! Se kääntää muotoja myötäpäivään 90
@ -613,9 +617,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Tasaaja
desc: Avasit monikäyttöisen <strong>Tasaajan</strong> - Sitä voidaan käyttää
isompien tehtaiden rakennukseen <strong>jakamaan ja yhdistämään
tavaroita</strong> monille hihnoille!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunneli
desc: Avasit <strong>Tunnelin</strong> - Nyt voit kuljettaa tavaroita
@ -627,9 +631,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>painamalla 'T' vaihtaaksesi sen muotoja</strong>!
title: Sarja Kaivaja
desc: Avasit <strong>Sarja Kaivajan</strong>! Se voi <strong>välittää sen
resurssit</strong> muille kaivajille, jotta voit kaivaa resursseja
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunneli Taso II
desc: Avasit uuden muodon <strong>Tunnelista</strong> - Siinä on <strong>pidempi
@ -645,13 +650,18 @@ storyRewards:
kerrallaan</strong> käyttäen vain yhden värin kahden sijaan!
title: Varasto Puskuri
desc: Avasit muodon <strong>Roskiksesta</strong> - Se sallii resurssien
säilyttämisen tiettyyn kapasiteettiin asti!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Vapaapeli
desc: Sinä teit sen! Avasit <strong>Vapaapelitilan</strong>! Tämä tarkoittaa
sitä, että muodot tehdään nyt satunnaisesti! (Ei hätää, lisää
sisältöä on suunnitteilla itsenäiseen peliin!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Piirustukset
desc: Nyt voit <strong>Kopioida ja Liittää</strong> paloja tehtaastasi! Valitse
@ -689,8 +699,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -183,9 +183,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nouvelle balise
titleEdit: Modifier cette balise
desc: Donnez-lui un nom. Vous pouvez aussi inclure <strong>le raccourci</strong>
dune forme (que vous pouvez générer <a
href="" target="_blank">ici</a>).
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
title: Définir le signal
descItems: "Choisissez un objet prédéfini :"
@ -597,11 +596,12 @@ buildings:
title: Découpage de formes
desc: Vous avez débloqué le <strong>découpeur</strong>. Il coupe des formes en
deux <strong>de haut en bas</strong> quelle que soit son
orientation!<br><br> Assurez-vous de vous débarrasser des déchets,
sinon <strong>gare au blocage</strong>. À cet effet, je mets à votre
disposition la poubelle, qui détruit tout ce que vous y mettez!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotation
desc: Le <strong>pivoteur</strong> a été débloqué! Il pivote les formes de 90
@ -654,12 +654,14 @@ storyRewards:
les deux variantes de tunnels!
title: Fusionneur compact
desc: Vous avez débloqué une variante du <strong>répartiteur</strong>. Il
accepte deux entrées et les fusionne en un seul convoyeur!
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>merger</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts two inputs and merges them
into one belt!
title: Répartiteur compact
desc: Vous avez débloqué une variante compacte du <strong>répartiteur</strong> —
Il accepte une seule entrée et la divise en deux sorties!
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Lecteur de débit
desc: Vous avez débloqué le <strong>lecteur de débit</strong>! Il vous permet
@ -733,17 +735,14 @@ storyRewards:
title: Traitement virtuel
desc: Je viens de vous donner tout un tas de nouveaux bâtiments qui vous
permettent de <strong>simuler le traitement des
formes</strong>!<br><br> Vous pouvez maintenant simuler un
découpeur, un pivoteur, un combineur et plus encore sur le calque de
câblage!<br><br> Avec ça, vous avez trois possibilités pour
continuer le jeu :<br><br> - Construire une <strong>machine
automatisée</strong> pour fabriquer nimporte quelle forme demandée
par le centre (je conseille dessayer!).<br><br> - Construire
quelque chose de cool avec des câbles.<br><br> - Continuer à jouer
normalement.<br><br> Dans tous les cas, limportant cest de
desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to
<strong>simulate the processing of shapes</strong>!<br><br> You can
now simulate a cutter, rotater, stacker and more on the wires layer!
With this you now have three options to continue the game:<br><br> -
Build an <strong>automated machine</strong> to create any possible
shape requested by the HUB (I recommend to try it!).<br><br> - Build
something cool with wires.<br><br> - Continue to play
regulary.<br><br> Whatever you choose, remember to have fun!
title: Niveau suivant
desc: "Ce niveau na pas de récompense mais le prochain, si!<br><br> PS : Ne

View File

@ -120,7 +120,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Neuspješno učitavanje spremljene igre:"
title: Potvrdi brisanje
text: Jesi li siguran da želiš izbrisati spremljenu igru?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Greška prilikom brisanja
text: "Neuspješno brisanje spremljene igre:"
@ -175,9 +177,8 @@ dialogs:
smjer postavljenih pokretnih traka.<br>"
title: Novi Putokaz
desc: Daj mu smisleno ime. Može se uključiti i <strong>kratki kod</strong>
oblika. (Koju možeš generirati <a href=""
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: U demo verziji se mogu stvoriti samo dva putokaza istovremeno. Nabavi
@ -458,7 +459,9 @@ buildings:
description: Boja oblike na lijevom ulazu bojom s gornjeg ulaza.
name: Bojač (Četverostruki)
description: Dopušta bojanje svake četvrtine oblika različitom bojom.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Smeće
@ -576,11 +579,12 @@ buildings:
title: Rezanje Oblika
desc: <strong>Rezač</strong> je otključan! Ovaj stroj reže oblike <strong>od
vrha prema dnu</strong> bez obzira na orijentaciju
građevine!<br><br>Višak se mora odbaciti kako bi se izbjegao
<strong>zastoj</strong>. - Za tu svrhu postoji smeće, koje uništava
sve što u njega uđe.
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Obrtanje
desc: <strong>Obrtač</strong> je otključan! Ovaj stroj okreće oblike za 90
@ -602,9 +606,9 @@ storyRewards:
vrh</strong> lijevog!
title: Razdjeljivanje i sjedinjavanje
desc: Multifunkcionalni <strong>balancer</strong> je otključan! Može ga se
iskoristiti za <strong>razdjeljivanje i sjedinjavanje
oblika</strong> na više pokretnih traka!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunel</strong> je otključan - Omogućava slanje stvari ispod traka
@ -616,8 +620,10 @@ storyRewards:
za mijenjanje njegove varijante</strong>!
title: Lančani rudar
desc: Otključan je <strong>lančani rudar</strong>! Može <strong>proslijediti
svoje resurse</strong> drugim rudarima za efikasnije rudarenje!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunel Razine II
desc: Otključana je nova varijanta <strong>tunela</strong> - Ima <strong>veći
@ -633,13 +639,18 @@ storyRewards:
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows to
store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is
planned for the standalone!)
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
@ -676,8 +687,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Nem sikerült betölteni a mentésed:"
title: Törlés megerősítése
text: Biztos, hogy ki akarod törölni?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Sikertelen törlés
text: "Nem sikerült törölni a mentésed:"
@ -183,9 +185,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Új Jelölő
desc: Adj neki egy nevet, vagy egy alakzat <strong>gyorskódját</strong> (amit <a
href="" target="_blank">itt</a> tudsz
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Jelölő Szerkesztése
desc: A Demó verzióban csak két Jelölőd lehet. Vásárold meg az Önálló verziót,
@ -469,7 +470,9 @@ buildings:
érkező színnel.
name: Festő (Négyszeres)
description: Az alakzat négy negyedét különböző színekkel lehet vele színezni.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Kuka
@ -588,11 +591,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cutting Shapes
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong> - it cuts shapes half from
<strong>top to bottom</strong> regardless of its
orientation!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise
<strong>it will stall</strong> - For this purpose I gave you a
trash, which destroys everything you put into it!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotating
desc: The <strong>rotater</strong> has been unlocked! It rotates shapes
@ -615,9 +619,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>stacked on top</strong> of the left input!
title: Splitter/Merger
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: The <strong>tunnel</strong> has been unlocked - You can now pipe items
@ -629,9 +633,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>press 'T' to cycle its variants</strong>!
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>chaining extractor</strong>! It can
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a
@ -648,13 +653,18 @@ storyRewards:
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows to
store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is
planned for the standalone!)
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
@ -691,8 +701,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Gagal memuat data simpanan Anda:"
title: Konfirmasi Penghapusan
text: Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus data permainan?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Gagal Menghapus
text: "Gagal untuk menghapus data simpanan:"
@ -186,9 +188,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Penanda Baru
titleEdit: Sunting Penanda
desc: Berikan nama yang berarti, Anda juga dapat memasukkan <strong>tombol
pintas</strong> suatu bentuk (yang dapat Anda buat <a
href="" target="_blank">disini</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: Anda hanya dapat memuat dua penanda pada versi demo. Dapatkan versi penuh
untuk penanda-penanda tak terhingga!
@ -479,8 +480,9 @@ buildings:
description: Mencat bentuk-bentuk dari input kiri dengan warna dari input atas.
name: Pencat (Empat Bagian)
description: Memungkinkan Anda untuk mencat setiap kuadran bentuk dengan
warna-warna berbeda.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Tong Sampah
@ -598,12 +600,12 @@ buildings:
title: Memotong Bentuk
desc: Anda baru saja membuka <strong>pemotong</strong> - ia memotong
bentuk-bentuk separuhnya dari <strong>atas ke bawah</strong> tanpa
memperhatikan orientasinya!<br><br>Pastikan Anda membuang yang tidak
terpakai, atau <strong>mesin akan macet</strong> - Untuk tujuan ini
saya memberikan Anda tong sampah, yang menghancurkan semua yang anda
masukkan kedalamnya!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Memutar
desc: <strong>Pemutar</strong> telah dibuka! Ia memutar bentuk-bentuk searah
@ -628,10 +630,9 @@ storyRewards:
akan <strong>diletakkan diatas</strong> input kiri!
title: Pembagi/Penggabung
desc: <strong>Pengimbang</strong> multifungsi telah dibuka Ia dapat digunakan
untuk membangun pabrik yang lebih besar dengan <strong>membagi dan
menggabungkan artikel-artikel</strong> ke berbagai sabuk
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Terowongan
desc: <strong>Terowongan</strong> telah dibuka Sekarang Anda dapat memindahkan
@ -645,9 +646,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Merantai Ekstraktor
desc: Anda telah membuka <strong>ekstraktor rantai</strong>! Ia dapat
<strong>meneruskan sumberdaya ekstraksinya</strong> ke ekstraktor
selanjutnya sehingga Anda dapat mengekstraksi dengan lebih efisien!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Terowongan Tingkat II
desc: Anda telah membuka varian baru <strong>terowongan</strong> - Ia memiliki
@ -665,15 +667,18 @@ storyRewards:
sekaligus</strong> mengonsumsi hanya satu warna daripada dua!
title: Penyangga Penyimpanan
desc: Anda telah membuka varian dari <strong>tong sampah</strong> - Ia
memungkinkan Anda untuk menyimpan artikel-artikel sebanyak kapasitas
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Permainan Bebas
desc: Anda berhasil! Anda telah membuka <strong>mode permainan bebas</strong>!
Ini berarti sekarang bentuk-bentuk akan dihasilkan secara acak!
(Jangan khawatir, lebih banyak konten akan direncanakan untuk versi
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Cetak Biru
desc: Anda sekarang dapat <strong>menyalin dan meletakkan</strong> bagian dari
@ -714,8 +719,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ steamPage:
discordLinkShort: Discord ufficiale
intro: >- è un gioco tranquillo nel quale dovrai costruire delle fabbriche
per la produzione automatizzata di forme geometriche. è un gioco tranquillo nel quale dovrai costruire delle
fabbriche per la produzione automatizzata di forme geometriche.
All'aumentare del livello, le forme diventeranno sempre più complesse e dovrai espanderti sempre di più nella mappa infinita.
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ steamPage:
source_code: Codice sorgente (GitHub)
translate: Aiutaci a tradurre
text_open_source: >-
Chiunque può contribuire, partecipo attivamente nella community e
cerco di leggere tutti i suggerimenti e di prendere in considerazione
tutti i feedback, quando possibile.
Chiunque può contribuire, partecipo attivamente nella community e cerco
di leggere tutti i suggerimenti e di prendere in considerazione tutti i
feedback, quando possibile.
Controlla la mia pagina di trello per la tabella di marcia completa!
@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Impossibile caricare il salvataggio:"
title: Conferma eliminazione
text: Vuoi davvero eliminare la partita?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Impossibile eliminare
text: "Impossibile eliminare il salvataggio:"
@ -176,9 +178,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nuovo segnapunto
desc: Dagli un nome con un significato, puoi anche includere il
<strong>codice</strong> di una figura (Che puoi generare <a
href="" target="_blank">qui</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Modifica segnapunto
desc: Puoi creare solo due segnapunti personalizzati nella Demo. Ottieni la
@ -199,17 +200,16 @@ dialogs:
title: Imposta il segnale
descItems: "Scegli un oggetto predefinito:"
descShortKey: ... o inserisci il <strong>codice</strong> di una forma (Che
puoi generare <link>qui</link>)
descShortKey: ... o inserisci il <strong>codice</strong> di una forma (Che puoi
generare <link>qui</link>)
title: Rinomina salvataggio.
desc: Qui puoi cambiare il nome del salvataggio.
title: Attento alle prestazioni
desc: Hai posizionato molti edifici, questo messaggio serve a ricordarti che
il gioco non può gestire una quantità infinita di edifici. Quindi cerca
desc: Hai posizionato molti edifici, questo messaggio serve a ricordarti che il
gioco non può gestire una quantità infinita di edifici. Quindi cerca
di mantenere le tue fabbriche compatte!
moveMap: Sposta
@ -455,8 +455,9 @@ buildings:
name: Verniciatrice (4x)
description: Consente di colorare ogni quadrante della forma con un colore
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Verniciatrice
description: Colora l'intera forma dall'ingresso sinistro con il colore
@ -476,12 +477,13 @@ buildings:
description: Ti consente di trasportare energia.
name: Cavo
description: Trasmette segnali, che possono essere oggetti, colori o booleani (1 / 0).
Cavi di colore diverso non si connettono.
description: Trasmette segnali, che possono essere oggetti, colori o booleani (1
/ 0). Cavi di colore diverso non si connettono.
name: Bilanciatore
description: Multifunzionale, distribuisce equamente gli ogetti in ingresso tra tutte le uscite.
description: Multifunzionale, distribuisce equamente gli ogetti in ingresso tra
tutte le uscite.
name: Aggregatore (compatto)
description: Unisce due nastri in uno.
@ -497,8 +499,9 @@ buildings:
name: Stoccaggio
description: Immagazzina gli oggetti in eccesso, fino ad una capacità massima. Prioritizza l'uscita sinistra
e può quindi essere usato per gestire le eccedenze.
description: Immagazzina gli oggetti in eccesso, fino ad una capacità massima.
Prioritizza l'uscita sinistra e può quindi essere usato per
gestire le eccedenze.
name: Incrocio cavi
@ -506,64 +509,67 @@ buildings:
name: Segnale costante
description: Emette un segnale costante, che può essere una forma, un colore o un
booleano (1 / 0).
description: Emette un segnale costante, che può essere una forma, un colore o
un booleano (1 / 0).
name: Bottone
description: Può essere azionato per emettere un segnale booleano (1 / 0) nel livello dei cavi,
che può essere usato per controllare, per esempio, un filtro.
description: Può essere azionato per emettere un segnale booleano (1 / 0) nel
livello dei cavi, che può essere usato per controllare, per
esempio, un filtro.
name: Porta AND
description: Emette un "1" booleano se entrambi gli ingressi sono veri. (Vero significa forma,
colore o "1" boolean)
description: Emette un "1" booleano se entrambi gli ingressi sono veri. (Vero
significa forma, colore o "1" boolean)
name: Porta NOT
description: Emette un "1" booleano se l'ingresso è falso. (Vero significa forma,
colore o "1" booleano)
description: Emette un "1" booleano se l'ingresso è falso. (Vero significa
forma, colore o "1" booleano)
name: Porta XOR
description: Emette un "1" booleano se uno degli ingressi è vero, ma non se lo sono entrambi.
(Vero significa forma, colore o "1" booleano)
description: Emette un "1" booleano se uno degli ingressi è vero, ma non se lo
sono entrambi. (Vero significa forma, colore o "1" booleano)
name: Porta OR
description: Emette un "1" booleano se uno degli ingressi è vero. (Vero significa forma,
colore o "1" booleano)
description: Emette un "1" booleano se uno degli ingressi è vero. (Vero
significa forma, colore o "1" booleano)
name: Transistor
description: Inoltra il segnale dall'ingresso inferiore se l'ingresso laterale è vero
(una forma, un colore o "1").
description: Inoltra il segnale dall'ingresso inferiore se l'ingresso laterale è
vero (una forma, un colore o "1").
name: Transistor
description: Inoltra il segnale dall'ingresso inferiore se l'ingresso laterale è vero
(una forma, un colore o "1").
description: Inoltra il segnale dall'ingresso inferiore se l'ingresso laterale è
vero (una forma, un colore o "1").
name: Filtro
description: Collega un segnale per mandare tutti gli oggetti corrispondenti verso l'alto e
i restanti verso destra. Può essere controllato anche con segnali booleani.
description: Collega un segnale per mandare tutti gli oggetti corrispondenti
verso l'alto e i restanti verso destra. Può essere controllato
anche con segnali booleani.
name: Display
description: Collega un segnale per mostrarlo sul display.
Può essere una forma, un colore o un booleano.
description: Collega un segnale per mostrarlo sul display. Può essere una forma,
un colore o un booleano.
name: Lettore di nastri
description: Misura la portata media del nastro. Emette l'ultimo oggetto transitato
come segnale sul livello dei cavi (una volta sbloccato).
description: Misura la portata media del nastro. Emette l'ultimo oggetto
transitato come segnale sul livello dei cavi (una volta
name: Analizzatore di forma
description: Analizza il quadrante in alto a destra dello strato più basso della forma
e ne restituisce forma e colore.
description: Analizza il quadrante in alto a destra dello strato più basso della
forma e ne restituisce forma e colore.
name: Comparatore
description: Emette un "1" booleano se i due segnali sono identici.
Può comparare forme, colori e booleani.
description: Emette un "1" booleano se i due segnali sono identici. Può
comparare forme, colori e booleani.
name: Tagliatrice virtuale
@ -580,21 +586,22 @@ buildings:
description: Impila visrtualmente la forma destra sulla sinistra.
name: Verniciatrice virtuale
description: Vernicia virtualmente la forma dall'ingresso inferiore con il colore
dall'ingresso destro.
description: Vernicia virtualmente la forma dall'ingresso inferiore con il
colore dall'ingresso destro.
name: Generatore di oggetti
description: Disponibile solo nella modalità sandbox, emette il segnale dal livello dei cavi
come oggetti sul livello normale.
description: Disponibile solo nella modalità sandbox, emette il segnale dal
livello dei cavi come oggetti sul livello normale.
title: Taglio forme
desc: Hai appena sbloccato la <strong>tagliatrice</strong> - taglia le forme
<strong>verticalmente</strong> indipendentemente da come è
orientata!<br><br>Elimina gli scarti, o altrimenti <strong>si
bloccherà</strong> - A questo scopo ti ho dato un cestino, che
distrugge qualsiasi cosa tu metta dentro!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotazione
desc: La <strong>ruotatrice</strong> è stata sbloccata! Ruota le forme di 90
@ -612,9 +619,9 @@ storyRewards:
combinare due colori mediante <strong>sintesi additiva</strong>!
title: Separatore/Agrregatore
desc: Il <strong>bilanciatore</strong> multifunzione è stato sbloccato. Può
essere usato per costruire fabbriche più grandi <strong>unendo o
dividendo gli oggetti</strong> tra diversi nastri!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: Il <strong>tunnel</strong> è stato sbloccato. In questo modo puoi
@ -626,9 +633,10 @@ storyRewards:
e <strong>premi 'T' per cambiare variante</strong>!
title: Estrattore a catena
desc: Hai sbloccato l'<strong>estrattore a catena</strong>! Può
<strong>trasferire le sue risorse</strong> ad altri estrattori, così
puoi estrarre risorse in modo più efficiente!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel grado II
desc: Hai sbloccato una nuova variante del <strong>tunnel</strong>. Ha un
@ -646,14 +654,18 @@ storyRewards:
volta</strong> consumando solo un'unità di colore invece che due!
title: Unità di stoccaggio
desc: Hai sbloccato una variante del <strong>cestino</strong>. Consente di
immagazzinare oggetti fino ad una certa capacità!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Modalità libera
desc: Ce l'hai fatta! Hai sbloccato la <strong>modalità libera</strong>! Questo
significa che adesso le forme sono generate casualmente! (Non
preoccuparti, altri contenuti sono in programma per la versione
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Progetti
desc: Ora puoi <strong>copiare ed incollare</strong> parti della tua fabbrica!
@ -673,20 +685,20 @@ storyRewards:
title: Impilatrice
desc: Ora puoi combinare forme con <strong>l'impilatrice</strong>! I due ingressi
vengono combinati e se possono essere messi uno accanto all'altro, verranno
<strong>fusi</strong>. Altrimenti, l'ingresso destro è
<strong>impilato sopra</strong> il sinistro!
desc: Ora puoi combinare forme con <strong>l'impilatrice</strong>! I due
ingressi vengono combinati e se possono essere messi uno accanto
all'altro, verranno <strong>fusi</strong>. Altrimenti, l'ingresso
destro è <strong>impilato sopra</strong> il sinistro!
title: Bilanciatore
desc: Il <strong>bilanciatore</strong> multifunzione è stato sbloccato.
Può essere usato per costruire fabbriche più grandi separando e unendo
</strong> diversi nastri trasportatori!<br><br>
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
title: Aggregatore compatto
desc: Hai sbloccato un <strong>aggregatore</strong>, variante del
<strong>bilanciatore</strong>. Acetta due ingressi e li
aggrega su un unico nastro!
<strong>bilanciatore</strong>. Acetta due ingressi e li aggrega su
un unico nastro!
title: Lettore di nastri
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>lettore di nastri</strong>! Consente di misurare
@ -694,49 +706,54 @@ storyRewards:
allora sì che sarà molto utile!
title: Ruotatrice (180 gradi)
desc: Hai appena sbloccato la <strong>ruotatrice</strong> a 180 gradi!
Consente di ruotare una forma di 180 gradi (Sorpresa! :D)
desc: Hai appena sbloccato la <strong>ruotatrice</strong> a 180 gradi! Consente
di ruotare una forma di 180 gradi (Sorpresa! :D)
title: Display
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>display</strong>.
Collega un segnale dal livello dei cavi per visualizzarne il contenuto!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Sengale costante
desc: Hai sblocatto l'edificio <strong>segnale costante</strong> sul
livello dei cavi! È utile collegarlo ai <strong>filtri oggetti</strong>
per esempio.<br><br> Il segnale costante può emettere una
desc: Hai sblocatto l'edificio <strong>segnale costante</strong> sul livello dei
cavi! È utile collegarlo ai <strong>filtri oggetti</strong> per
esempio.<br><br> Il segnale costante può emettere una
<strong>forma</strong>, un <strong>colore</strong> o un
<strong>booleano</strong> (1 / 0).
title: Porte logiche
desc: Hai sbloccato le <strong>porte logiche</strong>! Magari non ne sarai entusiasta,
ma in realtà sono fantastiche!<br><br> Con quelle porte
ora puoi eseguire le operazioni logiche di AND, OR, XOR e NOT.<br><br> Come
bonus extra ti ho anche regalato un <strong>transistor</strong>!
desc: Hai sbloccato le <strong>porte logiche</strong>! Magari non ne sarai
entusiasta, ma in realtà sono fantastiche!<br><br> Con quelle porte
ora puoi eseguire le operazioni logiche di AND, OR, XOR e
NOT.<br><br> Come bonus extra ti ho anche regalato un
title: Lavorazione virtuale
desc: Ti ho appena dato un bel po' di nuovi edifici che ti consentono di
<strong>simulare la lavorazione delle forme</strong>!<br><br> Ora puoi
simulare una tagliatrice, una ruotatrice, un'impilatrice e molto altro
sul livello dei cavi! In questo modo hai tre opzioni per continuare il gioco:<br><br>
-Costruisci una <strong>macchina automatica</strong> per creare ogni possibile
forma richiesta dall'HUB (ti consiglio di provarci!).<br><br> - Costruisci
qualcosa di interessante con i cavi.<br><br> - Continua a giocare normalmente.
<br><br> Qualsiasi cosa tu scelga, riordati di divertirti!
<strong>simulare la lavorazione delle forme</strong>!<br><br> Ora
puoi simulare una tagliatrice, una ruotatrice, un'impilatrice e
molto altro sul livello dei cavi! In questo modo hai tre opzioni per
continuare il gioco:<br><br> -Costruisci una <strong>macchina
automatica</strong> per creare ogni possibile forma richiesta
dall'HUB (ti consiglio di provarci!).<br><br> - Costruisci qualcosa
di interessante con i cavi.<br><br> - Continua a giocare
normalmente. <br><br> Qualsiasi cosa tu scelga, riordati di
title: Cavi e Verniciatrice quadrupla
desc: "Hai appena sbloccato il <strong>livello dei cavi</strong>: È un livello
separato al di sopra di quello normale e introduce un sacco di nuove
meccaniche!<br><br> Per il momento ti ho sbloccato la <strong>Verniciatrice
quadrupla</strong>. Collega gli ingressi con i quali vuoi dipingere nel
livello dei cavi!<br><br> Per passare al livello dei cavi, premi
meccaniche!<br><br> Per il momento ti ho sbloccato la
<strong>Verniciatrice quadrupla</strong>. Collega gli ingressi con i
quali vuoi dipingere nel livello dei cavi!<br><br> Per passare al
livello dei cavi, premi <strong>E</strong>."
title: Filtro oggetti
desc: Hai sbloccato il <strong>filtro oggetti</strong>! Smisterà gli oggetti
verso l'alto o verso destra a seconda che corrispondano al
sengale dal livello dei cavi o no.<br><br> Puoi anche mandargli un
segnale booleano (1 / 0) per attivarlo o disattivarlo completamente.
verso l'alto o verso destra a seconda che corrispondano al sengale
dal livello dei cavi o no.<br><br> Puoi anche mandargli un segnale
booleano (1 / 0) per attivarlo o disattivarlo completamente.
title: Fine della demo
desc: Hai raggiunto la fine della demo!
@ -868,21 +885,22 @@ settings:
title: Risorse sulla mappa a bassa qualità
description: Semplifica il rendering delle risorse sulla mappa quando ingrandita
per migliorare le prestazioni. Ha anche un aspetto più pulito, provalo!
per migliorare le prestazioni. Ha anche un aspetto più pulito,
title: Disattiva griglia
description: Disattivare la griglia può migliorare le prestazioni.
Rende anche il gioco visualmente più pulito!
description: Disattivare la griglia può migliorare le prestazioni. Rende anche
il gioco visualmente più pulito!
title: Deseleziona edificio con il clic destro
description: Abilitato di default, se hai un edificio selezionato
e premi il tasto destro, deselezionerai l'edificio. Se disabilitato,
puoi cancellare edifici premendo il tasto destro mentre posizioni
description: Abilitato di default, se hai un edificio selezionato e premi il
tasto destro, deselezionerai l'edificio. Se disabilitato, puoi
cancellare edifici premendo il tasto destro mentre posizioni
title: Texture in bassa qualità (Brutto)
description: Usa texture a bassa qualità per migliorare le
prestazioni. Quesro renderà il gioco molto brutto!
description: Usa texture a bassa qualità per migliorare le prestazioni. Quesro
renderà il gioco molto brutto!
title: Mostra confini dei Chunk
description: Il gioco è diviso in blocchi 16x16 (Chunk), se attivi questa
@ -893,15 +911,15 @@ settings:
quando il cursore è su un giacimento risorse.
title: Nastri semplificati (Brutto)
description: Non renderizza gli oggetti sui nastri a meno che il cursore
non sia sopra il nastro per migliorare le prestazioni.
Non lo raccomando a meno che tu non abbia assolutamente bisogno
di migliorare le prestazioni.
description: Non renderizza gli oggetti sui nastri a meno che il cursore non sia
sopra il nastro per migliorare le prestazioni. Non lo raccomando
a meno che tu non abbia assolutamente bisogno di migliorare le
title: Abilita scorrimento con il mouse
description: Consente di spostare la mappa spostando il mouse
verso il bordo dello schermo. La velocità dipende dall'impostazione
Velocità di movimento.
description: Consente di spostare la mappa spostando il mouse verso il bordo
dello schermo. La velocità dipende dall'impostazione Velocità di
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
title: Comandi
@ -1006,60 +1024,71 @@ tips:
- Non costruire troppo vicino all'hub o diventerà tutto caotico!
- Se l'impilamento non funziona, prova a scambiare gli ingressi.
- Puoi cambiare la direzione del pianificatore nastri premendo <b>R</b>.
- Tenere premuto <b>CTRL</b> consente di trascinare i nastri senza auto-orientamento.
- I rapporti rimangono uguali, fintanto che tutti i miglioramenti sono allo stesso livello,
- Tenere premuto <b>CTRL</b> consente di trascinare i nastri senza
- I rapporti rimangono uguali, fintanto che tutti i miglioramenti sono allo
stesso livello,
- L'esecuzione seriale è più efficiente di quella parallela.
- Più avanti nel gioco sbloccherai altre varianti degli edifici!
- Puoi usare <b>T</b> per cambiare variante.
- La simmetria è la chiave!
- Puoi intrecciare gradi diversi del tunnel.
- Cerca di costruire fabbriche compatte, sarai ricompensato!
- La verniciatrice ha una variante speculare che puoi selezionare con <b>T</b>
- La verniciatrice ha una variante speculare che puoi selezionare con
- Avere i giusti rapporti tra gli edifici massimizzerà l'efficienza.
- Al massimo livello, 5 estrattori saturano un singolo nastro.
- Non dimenticare i tunnel!
- Non devi per forza dividere gli oggetti equamente per la massima efficienza.
- Tenere premuto <b>SHIFT</b> attiva il pianificatore nastri,
facilitando il posizionamento dei nastri più lunghi
- Le tagliatrici tagliano sempre in verticale, indipendentemente dalla direzione.
- Non devi per forza dividere gli oggetti equamente per la massima
- Tenere premuto <b>SHIFT</b> attiva il pianificatore nastri, facilitando il
posizionamento dei nastri più lunghi
- Le tagliatrici tagliano sempre in verticale, indipendentemente dalla
- Mischia tutti i tre colori per fare il bianco.
- L'unità di stoccaggio prioritizza la prima uscita.
- Impiega tempo per costruire design replicabili, ne vale la pena!
- Tenere premuto <b>CTRL</b> ti consente di piazzare multipli edifici.
- Puoi tenere premuto <b>ALT</b> per invertire la direzione dei nastri posizionati.
- Puoi tenere premuto <b>ALT</b> per invertire la direzione dei nastri
- L'efficienza è la chiave!
- I giacimenti più lontani dall'hub contengono forme più complesse.
- Le macchine hanno una velocità limitata, distribuisci il carico per la massima efficienza.
- Le macchine hanno una velocità limitata, distribuisci il carico per la
massima efficienza.
- Usa i bilanciatori per massimizzare l'efficienza.
- L'organizzazione è importante. Cerca di non incrociare troppo i nastri.
- Pianifica in anticipo, o diventerà tutto caotico!
- Non distruggere le tue vecchie fabbriche! Ti serviranno per sbloccare dei miglioramenti.
- Non distruggere le tue vecchie fabbriche! Ti serviranno per sbloccare dei
- Cerca di risolvere il livello 20 da solo prima di chiedere aiuto!
- Non complicare le cose, cerca di mantenere la semplicità e farai strada.
- Dovrai riusare le tue fabbriche più avanti nel gioco. Pianifica le tue fabbriche
in modo che siano reutilizzabili.
- Dovrai riusare le tue fabbriche più avanti nel gioco. Pianifica le tue
fabbriche in modo che siano reutilizzabili.
- A volte, puoi trovare la forma che ti serve nella mappa senza crearla con
le impilatrici.
- Non troverai mai giacimenti di girandole complete.
- Colora le tue forme prima di tagliarle per la massima efficienza.
- Con i moduli, lo spazio è solo percezione, una preoccupazione per uomini mortali.
- Costruisci una fabbrica dedicata per i progetti. Sono importanti per i moduli.
- Con i moduli, lo spazio è solo percezione, una preoccupazione per uomini
- Costruisci una fabbrica dedicata per i progetti. Sono importanti per i
- Guarda da vicino il mixer dei colori, e le tue domande avranno risposta.
- Usa <b>CTRL</b> + Clic per selezionare un'area.
- Costruire troppo vicino all'hub potrebbe intralciare progetti futuri.
- Premere la puntina vicino a ogni forma nel menù miglioramenti
la farà visualizzare sempre a schermo
- Premere la puntina vicino a ogni forma nel menù miglioramenti la farà
visualizzare sempre a schermo
- Mescola tutti i colori primari per fare il bianco!
- Hai una mappa finita, non incastrare la tua fabbrica, espanditi!
- Prova anhe factorio! È il mio gioco preferito.
- La tagliatrice quadrupla taglia in senso orario a partire
dal quadrante in alto a destra!
- La tagliatrice quadrupla taglia in senso orario a partire dal quadrante in
alto a destra!
- Puoi scaricare i salvataggi dal menù principale!
- Questo gioco ha molti tasti di scelta rapida! Dai un'occhiata alla
pagina delle impostazioni
- Questo gioco ha molti tasti di scelta rapida! Dai un'occhiata alla pagina
delle impostazioni
- Questo gioco ha molte impostazioni, dai un'occhiata!
- Il segnapunto dell'hub ha una piccola bussola per indicarne la direzione!
- Per svutare i nastri, taglia e re-incolla l'area nello stesso punto.
- Premi F4 per mostrare FPS e Tick al secondo.
- Press F4 due volte per mostrare la casella del cursore e della telecamera.
- Puoi cliccare a sinistra di una forma fermata a schermo per rimuoverla dalla lisata.
- Puoi cliccare a sinistra di una forma fermata a schermo per rimuoverla
dalla lisata.

View File

@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "セーブデータのロードに失敗しました:"
title: 削除確認
text: 本当に削除しますか?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: 削除に失敗
text: "セーブデータの削除に失敗しました:"
@ -162,8 +164,8 @@ dialogs:
title: マーカーを設置
titleEdit: マーカーを編集
desc: わかりやすい名前をつけてください。形を表す<strong>短いキー</strong>を含めることもできます。(<a
href="" target="_blank">ここ</a>から生成できます)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: デモ版ではマーカー設置は2つまでに制限されています。スタンドアローン版は無制限です
@ -423,7 +425,9 @@ buildings:
description: 左から入力された形を、上から入力された色で着色します。
name: 着色機 (四分割)
description: 入力された形を四分割づつ別の色で塗り分けられます。
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: 着色機
description: 左から入力された形の全体を、右から入力された色で着色します。
@ -552,8 +556,12 @@ buildings:
title: 形の切断
desc: <strong>切断機</strong>が利用可能になりました。これは入力された形を、<strong>向きを考慮せず上下の直線で</strong>半分に切断します。<br><br>利用しない側の出力に注意しましょう。破棄するなどをしない限り<strong>詰まって停止してしまいます</strong>
- このためにゴミ箱も用意しました。入力アイテムをすべて破棄できます。
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: 回転
desc: <strong>回転機</strong>が利用可能になりました。形を時計回り方向に90度回転させます。
@ -572,8 +580,9 @@ storyRewards:
desc: <strong>積層機</strong>で形を組み合わせ可能になりました。双方の入力を組み合わせ、もし連続した形になっていればそれらは<strong>融合してひとつ</strong>になります! もしできなかった場合は、左の入力の<strong>上に右の入力が重なります。</strong>
title: 分配機/合流機
desc: 多機能な<strong>分配機/合流機</strong>が利用可能になりました。 -
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: トンネル
desc: <strong>トンネル</strong>が利用可能になりました。 - 他のベルトや建造物の地下を通してベルトが配置可能です!
@ -583,7 +592,10 @@ storyRewards:
反時計回りの回転ができるようになります! 回転機を選択し、<strong>'T'キーを押すことで方向の切り替えができます</strong>
title: 連鎖抽出機
desc: <strong>連鎖抽出機</strong>が利用可能になりました。他の抽出機に<strong>出力を渡す</strong>ことができるので、資源の抽出がより効率的になります!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: トンネル レベルII
desc: <strong>トンネル</strong>のバリエーションが利用可能になりました。 -
@ -598,11 +610,18 @@ storyRewards:
title: 余剰の貯蓄
desc: <strong>ゴミ箱</strong>のバリエーションが利用可能になりました。 - 容量上限までアイテムを格納することができます!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: フリープレイ
desc: やりましたね! <strong>フリープレイモード</strong>が利用可能になりました。 - これからは形はランダムに生成されます!
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: ブループリント
desc: 工場の建造物の<strong>コピー&ペースト</strong>が利用可能になりました! 範囲選択(CTRLキーを押したままマウスドラッグ)した状態で、'C'キーを押すことでコピーができます。<br><br>ペーストは<strong>タダではありません。</strong><strong>ブループリントの形</strong>を生産することで可能になります!(たった今納品したものです)
@ -635,8 +654,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "저장 파일을 불러오지 못했습니다:"
title: 삭제 확인
text: 이 게임 파일을 정말로 삭제하겠습니까?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: 삭제 실패
text: 저장 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다.
@ -166,8 +168,8 @@ dialogs:
컨베이어 벨트의 방향을 바꾸세요.<br>"
title: 새로운 마커
desc: 이 장소에 이름을 지어주세요, 당신은 원하는 모양으로 <strong>단축키</strong>를 생성할 수 있습니다. (<a
href="" target="_blank">여기</a>에서 만들 수 있습니다.)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: 마커 변경
desc: 체험판 버전에서는 마커를 2개 까지만 놓을 수 있습니다. 유료 버전을 구입하면 마커를 무제한으로 놓을 수 있습니다!
@ -426,7 +428,9 @@ buildings:
description: 왼쪽에 입력되는 도형을 위에서 입력되는 색소로 색칠한다.
name: 4단 도형 색칠기
description: 도형의 4가지 분단을 각각 다른 색으로 색칠할 수 있다.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: 도형 색칠기
description: 도형을 색소로 색칠한다.
@ -555,9 +559,12 @@ buildings:
title: 절단기
desc: <strong>절단기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 절단기는 도형을 <strong>세로로</strong> 잘라 반으로
나눕니다.<br><br>사용하지 않는 도형은 휴지통에 버려주세요. 그렇지 않으면 절단기가 <strong>멈출
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: 회전기
desc: <strong>회전기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 이것은 도형을 시계방향으로 90도 회전 시킵니다.
@ -576,8 +583,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: 배분기
desc: 다양한 용도로 쓰이는 <strong>배분기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 배분기로 도형들을 여러 개의 벨트에
<strong>합하거나 나누어서</strong> 큰 공장을 지을 수 있습니다.<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: 터널
desc: <strong>터널</strong>이 잠금 해제되었습니다! 자원을 건물과 벨트 밑으로 운송 할 수 있습니다.
@ -587,8 +595,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>T</strong>를 눌러서 변형된 버전을 사용하세요!
title: 체인 추출기
desc: <strong>체인 추출기</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 체인 추출기는 <strong>자원을 다른 추출기로
전달하여</strong> 효율적으로 추출할 수 있게 합니다.
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: 터널 티어 II
desc: 새로운 종류의 <strong>터널</strong>이 잠금 해제되었습니다! 새 터널은 <strong>보다 넓은 범위</strong>를
@ -603,16 +613,25 @@ storyRewards:
도형</strong>을 색칠할 수 있습니다.
title: 저장소
desc: <strong>저장소</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 주어진 용량만큼 자원을 저장할 수 있습니다!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: 자유 모드
desc: 해내셨군요! <strong>자유 모드</strong>가 잠금 해제되었습니다! 이제 도형이 랜덤으로 생성됩니다! (걱정 마세요,
유료버전에는 더 많은 컨텐츠가 계획되어 있습니다!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: 청사진
desc: 이제부터는 공장의 일부 영역을 <strong>복사하여 붙여넣기</strong> 할 수 있습니다! CTRL을 누르면서 드래그해서 먼저
영역을 선택하세요. <br><br> 그 다음에는 C, DEL, ESC 로 복사하거나, 지우거나, 취소
하세요.<br><br> 복사는 무료가 이닙니다. 특별한 "화폐" 도형으로 돈을 지불하고 복사가 됩니다.
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
an area (Hold CTRL, then drag with your mouse), and press 'C' to
copy it.<br><br>Pasting it is <strong>not free</strong>, you need to
produce <strong>blueprint shapes</strong> to afford it! (Those you
just delivered).
title: 다음 레벨
desc: "이 단계는 아무런 보상이 없습니다. 하지만 다음 단계에는 있죠! <br><br> 추신: 현존하는 공장을 부수지 않는 것이 좋습니다.
@ -642,8 +661,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -120,7 +120,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Failed to load your savegame:"
title: Confirm deletion
text: Are you sure you want to delete the game?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Failed to delete
text: "Failed to delete the savegame:"
@ -171,8 +173,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a
href="" target="_blank">here</a>)
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for
@ -447,7 +448,9 @@ buildings:
name: Painter (Quad)
description: Allows to color each quadrant of the shape with a different color.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Painter
description: Colors the whole shape on the left input with the color from the
@ -577,11 +580,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cutting Shapes
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong> - it cuts shapes half from
<strong>top to bottom</strong> regardless of its
orientation!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise
<strong>it will stall</strong> - For this purpose I gave you a
trash, which destroys everything you put into it!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotating
desc: The <strong>rotater</strong> has been unlocked! It rotates shapes
@ -604,9 +608,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>stacked on top</strong> of the left input!
title: Splitter/Merger
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: The <strong>tunnel</strong> has been unlocked - You can now tunnel items
@ -618,9 +622,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>press 'T' to cycle its variants</strong>!
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>chaining extractor</strong>! It can
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a
@ -637,13 +642,18 @@ storyRewards:
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows to
store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is
planned for the standalone!)
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
@ -680,8 +690,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ steamPage:
groot speelveld.
discordLinkShort: Officiële Discord
intro: >- is een spel waarin je fabrieken moet bouwen voor de automatische productie van geometrische vormen. is een spel waarin je fabrieken moet bouwen voor de
automatische productie van geometrische vormen.
Naarmate het spel vordert, worden de vormen complexer, en moet je uitbreiden in het oneindige speelveld.
@ -119,7 +120,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Het laden van je savegame is mislukt:"
title: Bevestig verwijderen
text: Weet je zeker dat je het spel wil verwijderen?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Verwijderen mislukt
text: "Het verwijderen van de savegame is mislukt:"
@ -174,9 +177,8 @@ dialogs:
van lopende banden om te draaien wanneer je ze plaatst.<br>"
title: Nieuwe markering
desc: Geef het een betekenisvolle naam. Je kunt ook een
<strong>icoontje</strong> van een vorm toevoegen (die je <a
href="" target="_blank">hier</a> kunt maken)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Je kunt maar twee markeringen plaatsen in de demo. Koop de standalone voor
@ -197,13 +199,16 @@ dialogs:
title: Set Signal
descItems: "Kies een ingesteld item:"
descShortKey: ... of voer de <strong>short key</strong> van een vorm (Die je <link>hier</link> kunt vinden) in.
descShortKey: ... of voer de <strong>short key</strong> van een vorm (Die je
<link>hier</link> kunt vinden) in.
title: Hernoem opgeslagen spel
desc: Geef je opgeslagen spel een nieuwe naam.
title: Performance Waarschuwing
desc: Je hebt veel gebouwen geplaatst. Dit is een vriendelijke herinnering dat het spel niet oneindig veel gebouwen kan bewaren. Probeer je fabrieken compact te houden.
desc: Je hebt veel gebouwen geplaatst. Dit is een vriendelijke herinnering dat
het spel niet oneindig veel gebouwen kan bewaren. Probeer je
fabrieken compact te houden.
moveMap: Beweeg speelveld
@ -341,8 +346,7 @@ ingame:
one_miner: 1 Miner
n_miners: <amount> Miners
limited_items: >-
Gelimiteerd tot: <max_throughput>
limited_items: "Gelimiteerd tot: <max_throughput>"
title: Demo versie
desc: Klik hier om het spel op Steam te bekijken!
@ -449,7 +453,9 @@ buildings:
name: Verver (Quad)
description: Verft elke kwart van de vorm een andere kleur.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Verver
description: Verft de volledige vorm in de linker input met de kleur van de
@ -490,7 +496,8 @@ buildings:
name: Opslag
description: Slaat teveel aan items of kleuren op. De linker uitvoer heeft de voorkeur.
description: Slaat teveel aan items of kleuren op. De linker uitvoer heeft de
name: Kabel kruising
@ -498,8 +505,8 @@ buildings:
name: Constant Signaal
description: Zend een constant signaal, dit kan een vorm, kleur of
boolean (1 / 0) zijn.
description: Zend een constant signaal, dit kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 /
0) zijn.
name: Schakelaar
@ -507,16 +514,19 @@ buildings:
name: AND poort
description: Zend een 1 uit als beide invoeren hetzelfde zijn. (Kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
description: Zend een 1 uit als beide invoeren hetzelfde zijn. (Kan een vorm,
kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
name: NOT poort
description: Zend een 1 uit als de invoer een 0 is.
name: XOR poort
description: Zend een 1 uit als de invoeren niet hetzelfde zijn. (Kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
description: Zend een 1 uit als de invoeren niet hetzelfde zijn. (Kan een vorm,
kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
name: OR gate
description: Zend een 1 uit als de invoeren wel of niet hetzelfde zijn, maar niet uit zijn. (Kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
description: Zend een 1 uit als de invoeren wel of niet hetzelfde zijn, maar
niet uit zijn. (Kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn)
name: Transistor
@ -527,23 +537,28 @@ buildings:
name: Filter
description: Stuurt alle items van de ingestelde soort naar boven en de rest naar rechts.
description: Stuurt alle items van de ingestelde soort naar boven en de rest
naar rechts.
name: Scherm
description: Verbind een signaal met het scherm om de soort weer te geven. Kan een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn.
description: Verbind een signaal met het scherm om de soort weer te geven. Kan
een vorm, kleur of boolean (1 / 0) zijn.
name: Lopende band lezer
description: Meet de gemiddelde doorvoer op de band. Geeft het laatste gelezen item door aan de kabel.
description: Meet de gemiddelde doorvoer op de band. Geeft het laatste gelezen
item door aan de kabel.
name: Vorm Analyse
description: Analiseerd de onderste laag rechts boven en geeft de kleur en vorm door aan de kabel.
description: Analiseerd de onderste laag rechts boven en geeft de kleur en vorm
door aan de kabel.
name: Vergelijker
description: Zend 1 uit als beiden invoeren gelijk zijn, kunnen vormen, kleuren of booleans (1 / 0) zijn
description: Zend 1 uit als beiden invoeren gelijk zijn, kunnen vormen, kleuren
of booleans (1 / 0) zijn
name: Virtuele Snijder
@ -553,7 +568,8 @@ buildings:
description: Draait de vorm virtueel met de klok mee en tegen de klok in.
name: Virtuele Ontstapelaar
description: Geeft de bovenste laag door aan de rechter uitvoer en de rest aan de linker uitvoer.
description: Geeft de bovenste laag door aan de rechter uitvoer en de rest aan
de linker uitvoer.
name: Virtuele Stapelaar
description: Stapelt de rechter vorm virtueel op de linkervorm.
@ -564,15 +580,17 @@ buildings:
name: Item Producent
description: Alleen beschikbaar in sandbox-modus, geeft het gegeven signaal van de kabel laag op de reguliere laag.
description: Alleen beschikbaar in sandbox-modus, geeft het gegeven signaal van
de kabel laag op de reguliere laag.
title: Vormen Knippen
desc: Je hebt de <strong>knipper</strong> ontgrendeld - Deze knipt vormen half
van <strong>boven naar onder</strong> ongeacht de
oriëntatie!<br><br>Zorg dat je ongebruikte vormen weggooit, anders
<strong>loopt het vast</strong> - Dit is waarom ik je een vuilnisbak
heb gegeven, die alles wat er in komt vernietigt!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Roteren
desc: De <strong>roteerder</strong> is ontgrendeld - Het draait vormen 90 graden
@ -598,10 +616,9 @@ storyRewards:
linker geplaatst!
title: Splitter/samenvoeger
desc: De multifunctionele <strong>verdeler</strong> is ontgrendeld - Het kan
worden gebruikt om grotere fabrieken te bouwen door
<strong>voorwerpen samen te voegen of te verdelen</strong> over
meerdere lopende banden!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: De <strong>tunnel</strong> is ontgrendeld - Je kunt nu voorwerpen onder
@ -614,14 +631,15 @@ storyRewards:
title: Ketting-ontginner
desc: Je hebt de <strong>Ketting-ontginner</strong> ontgrendeld! Deze kan
<strong>grondstoffen doorsturen</strong> naar andere ontginners,
waardoor je efficiënter grondstoffen kan onttrekken!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Niveau II
desc: Je hebt een variant van de <strong>tunnel</strong> ontgrendeld - Deze
heeft een <strong>grotere reikwijdte</strong en je kunt de tunnels
nu ook door elkaar laten lopen!
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a
<strong>bigger range</strong>, and you can also mix-n-match those
tunnels now!
title: Quad Knippen
desc: Je hebt een variant van de <strong>knipper</strong> ontgrendeld - Dit
@ -633,14 +651,18 @@ storyRewards:
tegelijk</strong> met één kleur in plaats van twee!
title: Opslagbuffer
desc: Je hebt een variant van de <strong>vuilnisbak</strong> ontgrendeld - Het
slaat voorwerpen op tot een zekere hoeveelheid!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Vrij spel
desc: Het is gelukt! je hebt het <strong>vrije spel</strong> ontgrendeld! Dit
betekent dat gevraagde vormen vanaf nu willekeurig gegenereerd
worden! (Geen zorgen, het spel wordt in de toekomst nog verder
uitgebreid in de standalone!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blauwdrukken
desc: Je kunt nu delen van je fabriek <strong>kopiëren en plakken</strong>!
@ -661,25 +683,43 @@ storyRewards:
uitgebereid in de standalone!
title: Verdeler
desc: De multifunctionele <strong>verdeler</strong> is vrijgespeeld - Dit gebouw can worden gebruikt om je fabrieken nog groter te maken door lopende banden te <strong>splitsen en samen te voegen</strong>!<br><br>
desc: De multifunctionele <strong>verdeler</strong> is vrijgespeeld - Dit gebouw
can worden gebruikt om je fabrieken nog groter te maken door lopende
banden te <strong>splitsen en samen te voegen</strong>!<br><br>
title: Compacte samenvoeger
desc: Je hebt een variant op de <strong>samenvoeger</strong> van de <strong>verdeler</strong> vrijgespeeld - Dit gebouw maakt van 2 lopende banden 1!
desc: Je hebt een variant op de <strong>samenvoeger</strong> van de
<strong>verdeler</strong> vrijgespeeld - Dit gebouw maakt van 2
lopende banden 1!
title: Lopende band lezer
desc: Je hebt de <strong>lopende band lezer</strong> vrijgespeeld! Dit gebouw geeft de doorvoer op een lopende band weer.<br><br>Wacht maar tot je kabels vrijspeeld, dan wordt het pas echt interessant!
desc: Je hebt de <strong>lopende band lezer</strong> vrijgespeeld! Dit gebouw
geeft de doorvoer op een lopende band weer.<br><br>Wacht maar tot je
kabels vrijspeeld, dan wordt het pas echt interessant!
title: Draaier (180 graden)
desc: Je hebt de 180 graden <strong>draaier</strong> vrijgespeeld! - Hiermee kun je een item op de band 180 graden draaien!
desc: Je hebt de 180 graden <strong>draaier</strong> vrijgespeeld! - Hiermee kun
je een item op de band 180 graden draaien!
title: Scherm
desc: Je hebt het <strong>Scherm</strong> vrijgespeeld - Verbind een signaal met het scherm om de data ervan te zien!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constante Signaal
desc: Je hebt het <strong>constante signaal</strong> vrijgespeeld op de kabel dimensie! Dit gebouw is handig in samenwerking met <strong>item filters</strong>.<br><br> Het constante signaal kan een <strong>vorm</strong>, <strong>kleur</strong> of <strong>boolean</strong> (1 / 0) zijn.
desc: Je hebt het <strong>constante signaal</strong> vrijgespeeld op de kabel
dimensie! Dit gebouw is handig in samenwerking met <strong>item
filters</strong>.<br><br> Het constante signaal kan een
<strong>vorm</strong>, <strong>kleur</strong> of
<strong>boolean</strong> (1 / 0) zijn.
title: Logische poorten
desc: Je hebt de <strong>logische poorten</strong> vrijgespeeld! Misschien word je hier nog niet zo vrolijk van, maar eigenlijk zijn ze heel erg handig!<br><br> Met logische poorten kun je AND, OR en XOR operaties uitvoeren.<br><br> Als bonus krijg je ook nog een <strong>transistor</strong> van mij!
desc: Je hebt de <strong>logische poorten</strong> vrijgespeeld! Misschien word
je hier nog niet zo vrolijk van, maar eigenlijk zijn ze heel erg
handig!<br><br> Met logische poorten kun je AND, OR en XOR operaties
uitvoeren.<br><br> Als bonus krijg je ook nog een
<strong>transistor</strong> van mij!
title: Virtual Processing
desc: I just gave a whole bunch of new buildings which allow you to
@ -700,7 +740,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Item Filter
desc: Je hebt de <strong>Item Filter</strong> vrijgespeeld! Items worden naar rechts of naar boven gestuurd, afhankelijk van de invoer.<br><br> Er kan ook een boolean (1 / 0) worden ingevoerd om de filter in en uit te schakelen.
desc: Je hebt de <strong>Item Filter</strong> vrijgespeeld! Items worden naar
rechts of naar boven gestuurd, afhankelijk van de invoer.<br><br> Er
kan ook een boolean (1 / 0) worden ingevoerd om de filter in en uit
te schakelen.
title: Einde van de Demo
desc: Je hebt het einde van de demoversie bereikt!
@ -829,28 +872,41 @@ settings:
description: Set the volume for music
title: Lage kwaliteit van resources
description: Versimpeldde resources op de wereld wanneer ingezoomd om de performance te verbeteren. Het lijkt ook opgeruimder, dus probeer het zelf een keertje uit!
description: Versimpeldde resources op de wereld wanneer ingezoomd om de
performance te verbeteren. Het lijkt ook opgeruimder, dus
probeer het zelf een keertje uit!
title: Zet Grid uit
description: Door de grid uit te zetten krijgt het spel een betere performance. Het zorgt er ook voor dat het spel er opgeruimder uit ziet!
description: Door de grid uit te zetten krijgt het spel een betere performance.
Het zorgt er ook voor dat het spel er opgeruimder uit ziet!
title: Verwijder cursor met rechtermuisknop
description: Standaard aan, Stopt met het plaatsen van gebouwen door te klikken op de rechtermuisknop. Als deze instelling uit staat kunnen gebouwen verwijderd worden tijdens het plaatsen door te klikken op de rechtermuisknop.
description: Standaard aan, Stopt met het plaatsen van gebouwen door te klikken
op de rechtermuisknop. Als deze instelling uit staat kunnen
gebouwen verwijderd worden tijdens het plaatsen door te klikken
op de rechtermuisknop.
title: Lage kwaliteit
description: Gebruikt een lage kwaliteit voor meer performance. Het spel ziet er wel niet meer mooi uit!
description: Gebruikt een lage kwaliteit voor meer performance. Het spel ziet er
wel niet meer mooi uit!
title: Toon gebied omlijning
description: Het spel is verdeeld in gebieden van 16x16 tegels. Als deze instelling is ingeschakeld, zijn de lijnen hiervan zichtbaar.
description: Het spel is verdeeld in gebieden van 16x16 tegels. Als deze
instelling is ingeschakeld, zijn de lijnen hiervan zichtbaar.
title: Selecteer ontginner boven resource vakje
description: Standaard aan. Selecteerd automatisch de ontginner wanneer de muis met de pipet boven het vakje van een resource staat.
description: Standaard aan. Selecteerd automatisch de ontginner wanneer de muis
met de pipet boven het vakje van een resource staat.
title: Versimpelde lopende banden
description: Toont geen items op de band tenzij je over de lopende band beweegt met je muis. De functie wordt niet aangeraden tenzij het qua performance echt niet anders kan!
description: Toont geen items op de band tenzij je over de lopende band beweegt
met je muis. De functie wordt niet aangeraden tenzij het qua
performance echt niet anders kan!
title: Schakel bewegen met muis in
description: Schakel deze functie in om met je muis het veld te kunnen bewegen. Plaats de cursor boven, rechts, links of onder om daar naartoe te bewegen.
description: Schakel deze functie in om met je muis het veld te kunnen bewegen.
Plaats de cursor boven, rechts, links of onder om daar naartoe
te bewegen.
rangeSliderPercentage: <amount> %
title: Sneltoetsen
@ -954,55 +1010,75 @@ tips:
- Zorg ervoor dat uw fabrieken modulair zijn - het loont!
- Bouw niet te dicht bij de hub, anders wordt het een enorme chaos!
- Als het stapelen niet werkt, probeer dan de ingangen om te wisselen.
- U kunt de richting van de lopende band planner wijzigen door op <b>R</b> te drukken.
- Door <b> CTRL </b> ingedrukt te houden, kunnen lopende banden worden gesleept zonder automatische oriëntatie.
- Verhoudingen blijven hetzelfde, zolang alle upgrades zich op hetzelfde niveau bevinden.
- U kunt de richting van de lopende band planner wijzigen door op <b>R</b>
te drukken.
- Door <b> CTRL </b> ingedrukt te houden, kunnen lopende banden worden
gesleept zonder automatische oriëntatie.
- Verhoudingen blijven hetzelfde, zolang alle upgrades zich op hetzelfde
niveau bevinden.
- Opeenvolgende uitvoering is efficiënter dan parallele uitvoering.
- Je ontgrendelt later in het spel meer varianten van gebouwen!
- U kunt <b>T</b> gebruiken om tussen verschillende varianten te schakelen.
- Symmetrie is de sleutel!
- Je kunt verschillende tunnels weven.
- Probeer compacte fabrieken te bouwen - het loont!
- De schilder heeft een gespiegelde variant die u kunt selecteren met <b>T</b>
- De schilder heeft een gespiegelde variant die u kunt selecteren met
- Met de juiste bouwverhoudingen wordt de efficiëntie gemaximaliseerd.
- Op het maximale niveau vullen 5 ontginners een enkele band.
- Vergeet tunnels niet!
- U hoeft de items niet gelijkmatig te verdelen voor volledige efficiëntie.
- Als u <b>SHIFT</b> ingedrukt houdt tijdens het bouwen van lopende banden, wordt de planner geactiveerd, zodat je gemakkelijk lange rijen kunt plaatsen.
- Als u <b>SHIFT</b> ingedrukt houdt tijdens het bouwen van lopende banden,
wordt de planner geactiveerd, zodat je gemakkelijk lange rijen kunt
- Snijders snijden altijd verticaal, ongeacht hun oriëntatie.
- Meng alle drie de kleuren om wit te krijgen.
- De opslagbuffer geeft prioriteit aan de eerste uitvoer.
- Investeer tijd om herhaalbare ontwerpen te maken - het is het waard!
- Door <b>SHIFT</b> ingedrukt te houden, kunnen meerdere gebouwen worden geplaatst.
- U kunt <b>ALT</b> ingedrukt houden om de richting van de geplaatste banden om te keren.
- Door <b>SHIFT</b> ingedrukt te houden, kunnen meerdere gebouwen worden
- U kunt <b>ALT</b> ingedrukt houden om de richting van de geplaatste banden
om te keren.
- Efficiëntie is de sleutel!
- Vormontginningen die verder van de hub verwijderd zijn, zijn complexer.
- Machines hebben een beperkte snelheid, verdeel ze voor maximale efficiëntie.
- Machines hebben een beperkte snelheid, verdeel ze voor maximale
- Gebruik verdelers om uw efficiëntie te maximaliseren.
- Organisatie is belangrijk. Probeer de transportbanden niet te veel over te steken.
- Organisatie is belangrijk. Probeer de transportbanden niet te veel over te
- Plan van tevoren, anders wordt het een enorme chaos!
- Verwijder uw oude fabrieken niet! Je hebt ze nodig om upgrades te ontgrendelen.
- Verwijder uw oude fabrieken niet! Je hebt ze nodig om upgrades te
- Probeer in je eentje level 20 te verslaan voordat je hulp zoekt!
- Maak de dingen niet ingewikkeld, probeer eenvoudig te blijven en u zult ver komen.
- Mogelijk moet u later in het spel fabrieken hergebruiken. Plan uw fabrieken zodat ze herbruikbaar zijn.
- Soms kunt u een gewenste vorm op de kaart vinden zonder deze met stapelaars te maken.
- Maak de dingen niet ingewikkeld, probeer eenvoudig te blijven en u zult
ver komen.
- Mogelijk moet u later in het spel fabrieken hergebruiken. Plan uw
fabrieken zodat ze herbruikbaar zijn.
- Soms kunt u een gewenste vorm op de kaart vinden zonder deze met
stapelaars te maken.
- Volle windmolens / vuurwielen kunnen nooit op natuurlijke wijze spawnen.
- Kleur uw vormen voordat u ze snijdt voor maximale efficiëntie.
- Bij modules is ruimte slechts een beleving; een zorg voor sterfelijke mannen.
- Bij modules is ruimte slechts een beleving; een zorg voor sterfelijke
- Maak een aparte blueprint fabriek. Ze zijn belangrijk voor modules.
- Bekijk de kleurenmixer eens wat beter, en uw vragen worden beantwoord.
- Gebruik <b>CTRL</b> + klik om een gebied te selecteren.
- Te dicht bij de hub bouwen kan latere projecten in de weg staan.
- Het speldpictogram naast elke vorm in de upgradelijst zet deze vast op het scherm.
- Het speldpictogram naast elke vorm in de upgradelijst zet deze vast op het
- Meng alle primaire kleuren door elkaar om wit te maken!
- Je hebt een oneindige kaart, verkramp je fabriek niet, breid uit!
- Probeer ook Factorio! Het is mijn favoriete spel.
- De quad-snijder snijdt met de klok mee vanaf de rechterbovenhoek!
- Je kunt je savegames downloaden in het hoofdmenu!
- Deze game heeft veel handige sneltoetsen! Bekijk zeker de instellingenpagina.
- Deze game heeft veel handige sneltoetsen! Bekijk zeker de
- Deze game heeft veel instellingen, bekijk ze zeker!
- De markering naar uw hub heeft een klein kompas om de richting aan te geven!
- Om de banden leeg te maken, knipt u het gebied af en plakt u het op dezelfde locatie.
- De markering naar uw hub heeft een klein kompas om de richting aan te
- Om de banden leeg te maken, knipt u het gebied af en plakt u het op
dezelfde locatie.
- Druk op F4 om uw FPS en Tick Rate weer te geven.
- Druk twee keer op F4 om de tegel van je muis en camera weer te geven.
- U kunt aan de linkerkant op een vastgezette vorm klikken om deze los te maken.
- U kunt aan de linkerkant op een vastgezette vorm klikken om deze los te

View File

@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Kunne ikke laste inn lagringsfilen:"
title: Bekreft sletting
text: Er du sikker på at du ønsker å slette lagringsfilen?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Kunne ikke slette
text: "Kunne ikke slette lagringsfilen:"
@ -178,9 +180,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Ny Markør
desc: Gi markøren et meningsfullt navn, du kan også inkludere en <strong>"short
key"</strong> av et objekt (Som du kan generere <a
href="" target="_blank">her</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Rediger markør
desc: Du kan kun ha to markører i demoverjsonen. Skaff deg den frittstående
@ -457,7 +458,9 @@ buildings:
name: Maler (Firedobbel)
description: Farger hvert hjørne av formen med forskjellige farger.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Maler
description: Maler hele formen på venstre inngang med fargen fra øverste
@ -588,11 +591,12 @@ buildings:
title: Kutt Objekter
desc: Du åpnet nettop <strong>kutter</strong> - den kutter former i to fra
<strong>topp til bunn</strong> uavhengig av rotasjon!<br><br>Husk å
kvitt deg med alt søppel, ellers <strong>kiler det seg fast</strong>
- Derfor har jeg gitt deg søplekassen, som ødelegger alt du putter i
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotering
desc: <strong>Rotereren</strong> har blitt tilgjengelig! Den roterer objekter
@ -616,9 +620,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>plassert over</strong> venstre inngang!
title: Fordeler/Sammenslåer
desc: Den multifunksjonelle <strong>fordeleren</strong> har blitt tilgjengelig -
Den kan brukes til å bygge større fabrikker ved å <strong>fordele og
slå sammen objekter</strong> til flere samlebånd!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: <strong>Tunnelen</strong> har blitt tilgjengelig - Du kan nå transportere
@ -630,9 +634,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>trykk 'T' for å veksle mellom variantene</strong>!
title: Kjedeutdrager
desc: Du har åpnet <strong>kjedeutdrageren</strong>! Den sender <strong>sine
resurser videre</strong> til andre utdragere så de kan hente ut
ressurser mer effektivt!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Nivå II
desc: Du har åpnet en ny variant av <strong>tunnelen</strong> - Den har
@ -649,13 +654,18 @@ storyRewards:
konsumerer bare en farge istedenfor to!
title: Lagringsbuffer
desc: Du har åpnet en variant av <strong>søpplekassen</strong> - Den lar deg
lagre objekter opp til en viss mengde!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Frispill
desc: Du klarte det! Du åpnet <strong>frispillmodus</strong>! Dette betyr at
formene er nå tilfeldig generert! (Ikke vær redd, mer innhold er
planlagt for den frittstående versjonen!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blåkopier
desc: Du kan nå <strong>kopiere og lime inn</strong> deler av fabrikken din!
@ -694,8 +704,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Nie udało się wczytać twojego zapisu gry:"
title: Potwierdź usuwanie
text: Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć zapis?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Błąd usuwania
text: "Nie udało się usunąć zapisu:"
@ -175,9 +177,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nowy Znacznik
desc: Podaj nazwę znacznika. Możesz w niej zawrzeć <strong>kod
kształtu</strong>, który możesz wygenerować <a
href="" target="_blank">tutaj</a>.
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edytuj Znacznik
desc: Możesz stworzyć tylko dwa własne znaczniki w wersji demo. Zakup pełną
@ -458,8 +459,9 @@ buildings:
kształty używając 1 barwnika.
name: Malarz (Poczwórny)
description: Koloruje każdą ćwiartkę kształtu na inny kolor, używając
dostarczonych kolorów.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Malarz
description: Koloruje kształt za pomocą koloru dostarczonego od boku.
@ -588,11 +590,12 @@ buildings:
title: Przecinanie Kształtów
desc: "Odblokowano nową maszynę: <strong>Przecinak</strong> - tnie kształt na
pół <strong>pionowo - od góry do dołu</strong>, niezależnie od
orientacji!<br><br>Upewnij się, że zniszczysz niechciane kawałki,
ponieważ <strong>może się zatkać</strong> - Na potrzeby tego
otrzymujesz też kosz - niszczy wszystko co do niego przekierujesz!"
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Obracanie
desc: "Odblokowano nową maszynę: <strong>Obracacz</strong>! Obraca wejście o 90
@ -616,9 +619,9 @@ storyRewards:
kształt po prawej jest <strong>kładziony na</strong> ten z lewej!"
title: Rozdzielacz/Łącznik
desc: Wielofunkcyjne urządzenie <strong>balansujące</strong> zostało odblokowane
- Może zostać wykorzystane do tworzenia większych fabryk poprzez
<strong>rozdzielanie i łączenie taśmociągów</strong>!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunel</strong> został odblokowany - Możesz teraz prowadzić
@ -630,9 +633,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>naciśnij 'T', by zmieniać warianty</strong>!
title: Wydobycie Łańcuchowe
desc: Odblokowano nowy wariant <strong>ekstraktora</strong>! Może
<strong>przekierować obiekty</strong> do ekstraktorów przed nim,
zwiększając efektywność wydobycia!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunel Poziomu II
desc: Odblokowano nowy wariant <strong>tunelu</strong> - Posiada większy
@ -649,13 +653,18 @@ storyRewards:
raz</strong>, pobierając wyłącznie jeden barwnik!
title: Magazyn
desc: Odblokowano nowy wariant <strong>Kosza</strong> - Pozwala przechować pewną
ilość obiektów!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Tryb swobodny
desc: Gratulacje! Odblokowano <strong>tryb swobodny</strong>! Oznacza to, iż
kształty są teraz generowane losowo! (Nie przejmuj się, więcej
zawartości jest w planach dla wersji pełnej!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Schematy
desc: Możesz teraz <strong>kopiować i wklejać</strong> części swojej fabryki!
@ -694,8 +703,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Houve uma falha ao carregar seu jogo salvo:"
title: Confirmar exclusão
text: Tem certeza que quer excluir esse jogo salvo?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Falha ao deletar
text: "Houve uma falha ao deletar seu jogo salvo:"
@ -179,9 +181,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nova Marcação
titleEdit: Editar Marcador
desc: Dê um nome com significado, também pode adicionar <strong>um pequeno
código</strong> de uma forma. (Pode ser gerado <a
href="" target="_blank">aqui</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: Você só pode criar dois marcadores na versão demo. Adquira a versão
completa para marcadores ilimitados!
@ -465,7 +466,9 @@ buildings:
description: Colore as formas na entrada esquerda com a cor da entrada superior.
name: Pintor (Quádruplo)
description: Permite colorir cada quadrante da forma com uma cor diferente.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Lixo
@ -590,11 +593,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cortando formas
desc: Você desbloqueou <strong>cortador</strong> - corte de formas pela metade
<strong>verticalmente</strong> independentemente de sua
orientação!<br><br> Certifique-se de se livrar do lixo, ou então
<strong>ele irá parar a produção</strong> - Para esse propósito, eu
lhe dei uma lixeira, que destrói tudo o que você coloca nela!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotação
desc: O <strong>rotacionador</strong> foi desbloqueado! Gira as formas no
@ -617,9 +621,9 @@ storyRewards:
direita é <strong>empilhada em cima</strong> da entrada esquerda!
title: Distribuidor
desc: O <strong>Distribuidor</strong> multifuncional foi desbloqueado - pode ser
usado para construir fábricas maiores <strong>dividindo e unindo
itens</strong> em múltiplas esteiras!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Túnel
desc: O <strong>túnel</strong> foi desbloqueado - Agora você pode transportar
@ -632,9 +636,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Extrator em Cadeia
desc: Você desbloqueou o <strong>extrator em cadeia</strong>! Ele pode
<strong>encaminhar seus recursos</strong> para outros extratores,
para que você possa extrair recursos com mais eficiência!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Túnel Classe II
desc: Você desbloqueou uma nova variante do <strong>túnel</strong> - ele tem um
@ -652,13 +657,18 @@ storyRewards:
tempo</strong>, consumindo apenas uma cor em vez de duas!
title: Acúmulo de excesso
desc: Você desbloqueou uma variante do <strong>lixo</strong> - Permite armazenar
itens até uma determinada capacidade!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Modo Livre
desc: Você conseguiu! Você desbloqueou o <strong>modo de jogo livre</strong>!
Isso significa que as formas agora são geradas aleatoriamente! (Não
se preocupe, mais conteúdo está planejado para o jogo completo!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Projetos
desc: Agora você pode <strong>copiar e colar</strong> partes de sua fábrica!
@ -696,8 +706,10 @@ storyRewards:
Ele permite que você rotacione uma forma em 180 graus (Surpresa! :D)
title: Display
desc: Você desbloqueou o <strong>Display</strong> - Conecte um sinal no plano de
fios para visualizar o que ele emite!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Sinal Constante
desc: Você desbloqueou a construção que emite um <strong>sinal

View File

@ -122,7 +122,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Erro ao carregar o teu savegame:"
title: Confirmar eliminação
text: Tens a certeza que pretendes eliminar o jogo?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Erro de eliminação
text: "Erro ao eliminar o teu savegame:"
@ -177,9 +179,8 @@ dialogs:
class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: Inverte as posições.<br>"
title: Novo Marco
desc: Dá-lhe um nome com significado, também poderás adicionar <strong>um
pequeno código</strong> de uma forma. (Pode ser gerado <a
href="" target="_blank">aqui</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Editar Marco
desc: Apenas podes criar dois marcos na versão Demo. Adquire o jogo completo
@ -454,7 +455,9 @@ buildings:
entrada superior.
name: Pintor (Quádruplo)
description: Pinta cada quadrante da forma geométrica com uma cor diferente.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Pintor
description: Pinta a forma geométrica da entrada esquerda com a cor da entrada
@ -589,11 +592,12 @@ buildings:
title: Corte de formas
desc: Acabaste de desbloquear o <strong>Cortador</strong> - ele corta as formas
geométricas ao meio de <strong>cima para baixo</strong>
independentemente da orientação!<br><br>Certifica-te de que te
livras do desperdício, caso contrário <strong>encravará</strong> -
Para isso, dou-te um lixo, que destruirá tudo o que lá colocares!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotação
desc: O <strong>Rodador</strong> foi desbloqueado! Ele roda as formas
@ -617,9 +621,9 @@ storyRewards:
title: Distribuidor/Misturador
desc: O <strong>Distribuidor</strong> multi-funções foi desbloqueado - Pode ser
usado para construir fábricas maiores <strong>separando e
convergindo items</strong> para vários tapetes!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Túnel
desc: O <strong>Túnel</strong> foi desbloqueado - Com ele podes passar itens
@ -632,9 +636,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Extração em série
desc: Desbloqueaste o <strong>Extrator em série</strong>! Permite <strong>enviar
o recurso extraído</strong> para outros extratores, permitindo uma
extração mais eficiente!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Túnel Nível II
desc: Desbloqueaste uma nova variante do <strong>Túnel</strong> - Tem um
@ -652,13 +657,18 @@ storyRewards:
tempo</strong> consumindo apenas uma cor em vez de duas!
title: Armazém
desc: Desbloqueaste uma variante do <strong>Lixo</strong> - Permite armazenar
items até uma determinada capacidade!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Jogo livre
desc: Conseguiste! Desbloqueaste o <strong>modo jogo livre</strong>! Isto
significa que agora as formas são geradas aleatoriamente! (Não te
prepcupes, está planeado mais conteúdo para o jogo completo!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Projetos
desc: Agora podes <strong>copiar e colar</strong> partes da tua fábrica!
@ -696,8 +706,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Încercarea de încărcat savegame-ul a eșuat:"
title: Confirmă ștergerea
text: Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest joc?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Eroare la ștergere
text: "Nu a reușit să se ștearga savegame-ul:"
@ -176,9 +178,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Nou waypoint
desc: Dă-i un nume plin de înțeles, de asemenea poți include a <strong>codul
scurt</strong> al unei forme (Pe care îl poți genera <a
href="" target="_blank">here</a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: Poți crea decât două waypoint-uri personalizate în demo. Ia standalone-ul
@ -453,8 +454,9 @@ buildings:
input-ul de sus.
name: Mașină de pictat (Quad)
description: Permite colorarea fiecărui cadrant al formei cu o culoare diferită
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Mașină de pictat
description: Colorează întreaga formă din input-ul stâng folosind culoarea din
@ -590,10 +592,12 @@ buildings:
title: Tăierea formelor
desc: Tocmai ai deblocat <strong>tăietorul</strong> - taie forme pe jumate de
<strong>jos în sus</strong> indiferent de orientație!<br><br>Ține
minte să scapi de deșeuri, altfel <strong>se va opri</strong> - În
acest scop ți-am dat un gunoi, care distruge tot ce pui în el!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotitul
desc: <strong>rotater-ul</strong> a fost deblocat! El rotește formele la 90 de
@ -616,10 +620,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>pus peste</strong> input-ul stâng!
title: Distribuitor/Combinator
desc: Multifuncționalul <strong>distribuitor</strong> a fost deblocat - El poate
fi folosit pentru a construi fabrici mai mari prin
<strong>distribuirea și combinarea obiectelor</strong> pe benzi
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunelul</strong> a fost deblocat - Acum poți deplasa obiecte prin
@ -632,9 +635,10 @@ storyRewards:
printre variante</strong>!
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: Ai deblocat <strong>Extractorul în lanț</strong>! El își poate
<strong>transmite resursele</strong> la alte extractoare ca tu să
poți extrage resurse mai eficient!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: Ai deblocat o variantă nouă a <strong>tunelului</strong> - El are
@ -651,13 +655,18 @@ storyRewards:
forme odată</strong> consumând doar o culoare în loc de două!
title: Depozitul
desc: Ai deblocat o variantă a <strong>gunoiului</strong> - El permite să
depoziți obiecte până într-o capacitate dată!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Jocul liber
desc: Ai făcut-o! Ai deblocat <strong>modul de joc liber</strong>! Asta înseamnă
că formele sunt acum generate aleatoriu! (Fără griji, mai mult
conținut este planificat pentru versiunea standalone!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Planuri
desc: Acum poți <strong>copia și lipi</strong> părți ale fabrici tale!
@ -697,8 +706,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: Не удалось загрузить сохранение игры.
title: Подтвердите удаление.
text: Вы действительно хотите удалить сохранение игры?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Ошибка удаления
text: Не удалось удалить сохранение игры.
@ -175,10 +177,8 @@ dialogs:
Инвертировать направление размещаемых конвейерных лент.<br>"
title: Новый маркер
desc: Дайте ему содержательное имя, также можно добавить
<strong>сокращение</strong> в виде фигуры (Которое можно
сгенерировать <a href=""
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Редактирование маркера
desc: Вы можете создать только 2 своих маркера в демо-версии. Приобретите полную
@ -452,7 +452,9 @@ buildings:
description: Красит фигуру из левых входов красителем из перпендикулярного.
name: Покрасчик (4Вх.)
description: Позволяет раскрасить каждую четверть фигуры разными цветами.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Покрасчик
description: Красит всю фигуру из левого входа красителем из перпендикулярного.
@ -586,11 +588,12 @@ buildings:
title: Разрезание Фигур
desc: Вы только что открыли <strong>резак</strong> - он разрезает фигуры пополам
<strong>сверху вниз</strong> независимо от их ориентации!<br><br>
Обязательно избавьтесь от отходов, иначе <strong>он
остановится</strong> - для этого я дал вам мусорку, которая
уничтожит все, что в нее поместить!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Вращение
desc: Разблокирован <strong>вращатель</strong>! Он поворачивает фигуры по
@ -613,9 +616,9 @@ storyRewards:
правого входа <strong>наложится</strong> на фигуру из левого!
title: Разделитель / Соединитель
desc: Разблокирован многофункциональный <strong>разделитель</strong>! Его можно
использовать для создания больших фабрик путем <strong>разделения и
соединения</strong> конвейеров!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Туннель
desc: Разблокирован <strong>туннель</strong>! Теперь вы можете транспортировать
@ -627,9 +630,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>нажмите 'T', чтобы переключить вариант</strong>!
title: Цепной Экстрактор
desc: Разблокирован <strong>цепной экстрактор</strong>! Он может
<strong>передавать свои ресурсы</strong> другим экстракторам, чтобы
вы могли эффективнее извлекать ресурсы!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Туннель II
desc: Разблокирован новый вариант <strong>туннеля</strong> с <strong>большей
@ -645,13 +649,18 @@ storyRewards:
одновременно</strong>, потребляя только один краситель вместо двух!
title: Буферное Хранилище
desc: Разблокирован вариант <strong>мусорки</strong> - он позволяет хранить
предметы до заданной вместимости!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Свободная игра
desc: У вас получилось! Разблокирован <strong>режим свободной игры</strong>! Это
означает, что фигуры теперь генерируются случайным образом! (Не
беспокойтесь, больше контента планируется в полной версии!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Чертежи
desc: Теперь вы можете <strong>копировать и вставлять</strong> части вашей
@ -689,8 +698,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Failed to load your savegame:"
title: Confirm deletion
text: Are you sure you want to delete the game?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Failed to delete
text: "Failed to delete the savegame:"
@ -180,8 +182,7 @@ dialogs:
title: New Marker
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <a
href="" target="_blank">here</a>)
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: You can only create two custom markers in the demo. Get the standalone for
@ -461,8 +462,9 @@ buildings:
name: Painter (Quad)
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape with a different
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Trash
@ -580,11 +582,12 @@ buildings:
title: Cutting Shapes
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong> - it cuts shapes half from
<strong>top to bottom</strong> regardless of its
orientation!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or otherwise
<strong>it will stall</strong> - For this purpose I gave you a
trash, which destroys everything you put into it!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotating
desc: The <strong>rotater</strong> has been unlocked! It rotates shapes
@ -607,9 +610,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>stacked on top</strong> of the left input!
title: Splitter/Merger
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: The <strong>tunnel</strong> has been unlocked - You can now tunnel items
@ -622,9 +625,10 @@ storyRewards:
title: Chaining Extractor
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>chaining extractor</strong>! It can
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: You have unlocked a new variant of the <strong>tunnel</strong> - It has a
@ -641,13 +645,18 @@ storyRewards:
once</strong> consuming just one color instead of two!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>trash</strong> - It allows you
to store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Freeplay
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now randomly generated! (No worries, more content is
planned for the standalone!)
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Blueprints
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
@ -684,8 +693,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Neuspešno učitavanje sačuvane igre:"
title: Potrvrdi brisanje
text: Da li ste sigurni da želite da obrišete sačuvanu igru?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Greška prilikom brisanja
text: "Neuspešno brisanje sačuvane igre:"
@ -180,9 +182,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Novi Putokaz
titleEdit: Uredi Putokaz
desc: Dajte mu smisleno ime. Možete koristiti i <strong>kod</strong> oblika
(Koji možete napraviti <a href=""
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: U demo verziji možete imati samo dva putokaza istovremeno. Nabavite
samostalnu igru za beskonačno mnogo putokaza!
@ -459,7 +460,9 @@ buildings:
description: Farba ceo oblik na levom ulazu bojom sa gornjeg ulaza.
name: Farbač (četvorostruki)
description: Omogućava farbanje svake četvrtine oblika različitom bojom.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Smeće
@ -577,10 +580,12 @@ buildings:
title: Rezanje Oblika
desc: <strong>Rezač</strong> je otključan! On reže oblike <strong>od vrha prema
dnu</strong> bez obzira na orijentaciju građevine!<br><br>Višak se
mora odbaciti kako bi se izbegao <strong>zastoj</strong>. - Za tu
svrhu postoji smeće, koje uništava sve što uđe u njega.
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Obrtanje
desc: <strong>Obrtač</strong> je otključan! On okreće oblike za 90 stepeni u
@ -602,9 +607,9 @@ storyRewards:
vrh</strong> levog!
title: Deljenje/Spajanje
desc: Multifunkcionalni <strong>balanser</strong> je otključan! Može ga se
iskoristiti za <strong>deljenje i spajanje oblika</strong> na više
pokretnih traka!<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunel
desc: <strong>Tunel</strong> je otključan - Omogućava prenos stvari ispod traka
@ -616,8 +621,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>pritisni 'T' za menjanje njegove varijacije</strong>!
title: Lančani rudar
desc: Otključan je <strong>lančani rudar</strong>! On može da <strong>prosledi
svoje resurse</strong> drugim rudarima radi efikasnijeg rudarenja!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunel II Reda
desc: Otključana je nova varijacija <strong>tunela</strong> - On ima
@ -634,13 +641,18 @@ storyRewards:
odjednom</strong> po ceni jedne boje umesto dve!
title: Skladište
desc: Varijacija <strong>smeća</strong> je otključana - Omogućava skladištenje
predmeta do određenog kapaciteta!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Slobodna Igra
desc: Uspeli ste! Otključali ste <strong>mod slobodne igre</strong>! Oblici su
od sada nasumično generisani! (Bez brige, više sadržaja je planirano
za samostalnu igru!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Nacrti
desc: Sada možete da <strong>kopirate i nalepljujete</strong> delove fabrike!
@ -679,8 +691,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Kunde inte ladda sparfil:"
title: Bekräfta radering
text: Är du säker på att du vill radera spelet?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Kunde inte radera
text: "Kunde inte radera sparfil:"
@ -175,9 +177,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Ny Markör
desc: Ge den ett meningsfullt namn, du kan också inkludera en <strong>kort
kod</strong> av en form (Vilket du kan generera här <a
href="" target="_blank"></a>)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Ändra Markör
desc: Du kan endast ha två markörer i demoversionen. Skaffa den fristående
@ -450,7 +451,9 @@ buildings:
description: Färgar formerna på de vänstra ingångarna med färgen från den högra.
name: Färgläggare (Quad)
description: Låter dig färglägga varje hörn av formen med olika färger.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Färgläggare
description: Färgar hela formen på den vänstra ingången med färgen från den
@ -585,11 +588,12 @@ buildings:
title: Att klippa former
desc: Du låste just upp <strong>klipparen</strong> - den klipper former på
hälften från <strong>topp till botten</strong> oavsett dess
orientation!<br><br> Se till att ta bort allt överskott, annars
kommer det att <strong>skapa uppehåll</strong> - Av denna anledning
gav jag dig skräphantering, vilket förstör allt du inputtar!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Rotation
desc: <strong>Roteraren</strong> har blivit upplåst! Den roterar former 90
@ -612,10 +616,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>staplas över</strong> den vänstra!
title: Delning/Sammanslagning
desc: Den multifunktionella <strong>balanseraren</strong> har blivit upplåst -
Den kan användas för att bygga större fabriker genom att
<strong>dela eller slå ihop objekt</strong> till flera
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tunnel
desc: <strong>Tunneln</strong> blivit upplåst- Du kan nu transportera saker
@ -627,9 +630,10 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>tryck ned 'T' för att bläddra genom dess varianter</strong>!
title: Kedjeextraktor
desc: Du har låst upp <strong>Kedjeextraktorn</strong>! Den kan <strong>föra
sina resurser framåt</strong> till andra extraktorer så att du kan
mer effektivt extrahera resurser!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tunnel Tier II
desc: Du har låst upp en ny variant av <strong>tunneln</strong> - Den har en
@ -648,13 +652,18 @@ storyRewards:
title: Förvaringsbuffert
desc: Du har låst upp en ny variant av <strong>skräphantering</strong> - Den
låter dig förvara objekt upp till en viss kapacitet!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Friläge
desc: Du gjorde det! Du låste upp <strong>friläge</strong>! Det betyder att
former är nu slumpmässigt genererade! (oroa dig inte, mer innehåll
är planerat för den fristående versionen!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Ritningar
desc: Du kan nu <strong>kopiera och klistra in</strong> delar av din fabrik!
@ -694,8 +703,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ steamPage:
üretimi ve birleştirilmesi hakında bir oyundur.
discordLinkShort: Official Discord
intro: >- geometrik şekillerin otomatik üretimi için fabrika kurabildiğiniz sakinleştirici bir oyundur. geometrik şekillerin otomatik üretimi için fabrika
kurabildiğiniz sakinleştirici bir oyundur.
Seviye arttıkça şekiller daha karmaşık hale gelecek ve sonsuz haritada genişlemen gerekecek!
@ -40,10 +41,9 @@ steamPage:
source_code: Kaynak kodu (GitHub)
translate: Çeviriye yardım et
text_open_source: >-
Herkes bu oyuna katkıda bulunabilir. Toplulukla aktif bir
şekilde ilgileniyorum. Bütün önerileri ve geri dönüşleri
incelemeye çalışıyorum ve mümkün olanları
değerlendirmeye alıyorum.
Herkes bu oyuna katkıda bulunabilir. Toplulukla aktif bir şekilde
ilgileniyorum. Bütün önerileri ve geri dönüşleri incelemeye çalışıyorum
ve mümkün olanları değerlendirmeye alıyorum.
Bütün yol haritasına Trello kartımda göz atmayı unutma!
@ -120,7 +120,9 @@ dialogs:
text: "Oyun yükleme başarısız:"
title: Silme işlemini onayla
text: Oyunu silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Silme başarısız
text: "Oyun kaydını silme başarısız:"
@ -172,10 +174,8 @@ dialogs:
taşıma bantlarının yönünü ters çevirir.<br>"
title: Yeni Konum İşareti
desc: İşarete anlamlı bir isim verin, aynı zamanda (<a
href="" target="_blank">buradan</a>
oluşturabileceğiniz) bir şeklin <strong>sembolünü</strong>
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Konum İşaretini Düzenle
desc: Deneme sürümünde sadece iki adet yer imi oluşturabilirsiniz. Sınırsız yer
@ -196,16 +196,15 @@ dialogs:
title: Sinyal Ata
descItems: "Önceden tanımlı bir eşya seçin:"
descShortKey: ... veya <strong>şekil kodunu</strong> girin
(<link>Buradan</link> edinebileceğiniz)
descShortKey: ... veya <strong>şekil kodunu</strong> girin (<link>Buradan</link>
title: Oyun Kaydının Yeniden Adlandır
desc: Oyun kaydını buradan adlandırabilirsiniz.
title: Performans Uyarısı
desc: Dostça bir uyarı; Çok fazla yapı inşa ettiniz. Oyun sınırsız sayıda
yapıyla başa çıkamaz - Bu yüzden fabrikalarınızı az
ama öz tutun!
yapıyla başa çıkamaz - Bu yüzden fabrikalarınızı az ama öz tutun!
moveMap: Hareket Et
@ -395,19 +394,20 @@ buildings:
endOfDemo: End of Demo
name: &belt Taşıma Bandı
name: Taşıma Bandı
description: Eşyaları taşır, basılı birden fazla yerleştirmek için tutup
name: &miner Üretİcİ
name: Üretİcİ
description: Bir şekli veya rengi üretmek için üzerlerini yerleştir.
name: Üretİcİ (Zİncİrleme)
description: Bir şekli veya rengi üretmek için üzerlerini yerleştir. Zincirleme bağlanabilir.
description: Bir şekli veya rengi üretmek için üzerlerini yerleştir. Zincirleme
name: &underground_belt Tünel
name: Tünel
description: Yapıların ve taşıma bantlarının altından kaynak aktarımı sağlar.
name: Tünel Aşama II
@ -415,8 +415,9 @@ buildings:
aktarımı sağlar.
name: &cutter Kesİcİ
description: Şekilleri yukarıdan aşağıya böler ve iki yarım parçayı çıktı olarak verir. <strong>Eğer sadece bir çıktıyı kullanıyorsanız diğer
name: Kesİcİ
description: Şekilleri yukarıdan aşağıya böler ve iki yarım parçayı çıktı olarak
verir. <strong>Eğer sadece bir çıktıyı kullanıyorsanız diğer
çıkan parçayı yok etmeyi unutmayın, yoksa kesim durur!</strong>
name: Kesİcİ (Dörtlü)
@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ buildings:
yoksa kesim durur!</strong>
name: &rotater Döndürücü
name: Döndürücü
description: Şekilleri saat yönünde 90 derece döndürür.
name: Döndürücü (Saat Yönünün Tersİ)
@ -435,44 +436,48 @@ buildings:
description: Şekilleri 180 derece döndürür.
name: &stacker Kaynaştırıcı
name: Kaynaştırıcı
description: İki eşyayı kaynaştırır. Eğer eşyalar kaynaştırılamazsa sağdaki eşya
soldaki eşyanın üzerine kaynaştırılır.
name: &mixer Renk Karıştırıcısı
name: Renk Karıştırıcısı
description: İki rengi eklemeli renk metoduyla birleştirir.
name: &painter Boyayıcı
description: &painter_desc Sol girdideki bütün şekli sağ girdideki renk ile boyar.
name: Boyayıcı
description: Sol girdideki bütün şekli sağ girdideki renk ile boyar.
name: Boyayıcı (Çİft)
description: Sol girdideki şekilleri yukarı girdideki renk ile boyar.
name: Boyayıcı (Dörtlü)
description: Şeklin her çeyreğinin farklı bir renkle boyanmasını sağlar.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Boyayıcı
description: Sol girdideki bütün şekli aşağı girdideki renk ile boyar.
name: &trash Çöp
name: Çöp
description: Her yönden giren girdileri yok eder. Tamamen.
name: &wire Kablo
description: &wire_desc Sinyali, eşyalar veya ikili değerler(1 / 0), aktarmayı sağlar. Farklı renkteki kablolar bağlanamaz.
name: Kablo
description: Sinyali, eşyalar veya ikili değerler(1 / 0), aktarmayı sağlar.
Farklı renkteki kablolar bağlanamaz.
name: *wire
description: *wire_desc
name: Kablo
description: Sinyali, eşyalar veya ikili değerler(1 / 0), aktarmayı sağlar.
Farklı renkteki kablolar bağlanamaz.
name: &wire_tunnel Kablo Tüneli
name: Kablo Tüneli
description: İki farklı kabloyu birbirine bağlamadan bir köprü oluşturur.
name: &splitter Dengeleyici
name: Dengeleyici
description: Çok işlevli - bütün girdileri eşit olarak bütün çıkışlara dağıtır.
name: Bİrleştİrİcİ (tekİl)
@ -488,66 +493,83 @@ buildings:
description: Bir taşıma bandını iki çıktı verecek şekilde ayırır.
name: &storage Storage
description: Belirli bir sınıra kadar fazla eşyaları depolar. Taşırma kapısı olarak kullanıla bilir.
name: Storage
description: Belirli bir sınıra kadar fazla eşyaları depolar. Taşırma kapısı
olarak kullanıla bilir.
name: &constant_signal Sabit Sinyal
description: Şekil, renk veya ikili değer (1 / 0) olan sabit bir sinyal gönderir.
name: Sabit Sinyal
description: Şekil, renk veya ikili değer (1 / 0) olan sabit bir sinyal
name: &lever Anahtar
description: Kablolarda ikili sinyal (1 / 0) gönderebilmek için açılıp kapanabilir. Örneğin bir eşya filtresini kontrol etmek için kullanılabilir.
name: Anahtar
description: Kablolarda ikili sinyal (1 / 0) gönderebilmek için açılıp
kapanabilir. Örneğin bir eşya filtresini kontrol etmek için
name: AND Kapısı
description: Eğer iki girdi de doğruysa, bu kapı"1" sinyali gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
description: Eğer iki girdi de doğruysa, bu kapı"1" sinyali gönderir. (Doğru;
bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
name: NOT Kapısı
description: Eğer girdi doğru değilse, bu kapı "1" sinyali gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
description: Eğer girdi doğru değilse, bu kapı "1" sinyali gönderir. (Doğru; bir
şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
name: XOR Kapısı
description: Eğer iki girdiden sadece biri "1" sinyali alıyorsa, bu kapı "1" gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
description: Eğer iki girdiden sadece biri "1" sinyali alıyorsa, bu kapı "1"
gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
name: OR Kapısı
description: Eğer iki girdiden herhangi biri "1" sinyali alıyorsa, bu kapı "1" gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
description: Eğer iki girdiden herhangi biri "1" sinyali alıyorsa, bu kapı "1"
gönderir. (Doğru; bir şekil, renk veya "1" girdisi demektir.)
name: &transistor Transistor
description: &transistor_desc Eğer yan girdi doğruysa aşağı doğru sinyal akışına izin verir. (Şekil, renk veya "1").
name: Transistor
description: Eğer yan girdi doğruysa aşağı doğru sinyal akışına izin verir.
(Şekil, renk veya "1").
name: *transistor
description: *transistor_desc
name: Transistor
description: Eğer yan girdi doğruysa aşağı doğru sinyal akışına izin verir.
(Şekil, renk veya "1").
name: &filter Filtre
description: Bütün eşleşen eşyaları yukarı, geri kalanını aşağı göndermek için bir sinyal bağla. İkili (1/0) sinyaller ile de kontrol edilebilir.
name: Filtre
description: Bütün eşleşen eşyaları yukarı, geri kalanını aşağı göndermek için
bir sinyal bağla. İkili (1/0) sinyaller ile de kontrol
name: &display Ekran
description: Ekranda göstermek için bir sinyal bağla - Bu sinyal bir şekil, renk veya ikili değer (1/0) olabilir.
name: Ekran
description: Ekranda göstermek için bir sinyal bağla - Bu sinyal bir şekil, renk
veya ikili değer (1/0) olabilir.
name: &reader Belt Reader
description: Bant üzerindeki ortalama hızı ölçer. Kablo katmanında son okunan eşyayı gösterir (açıldığında).
name: Belt Reader
description: Bant üzerindeki ortalama hızı ölçer. Kablo katmanında son okunan
eşyayı gösterir (açıldığında).
name: &analyzer Şekil Analizcisi
description: Şeklin en alt katmanında sağ üst köşesinde bulunan şekli analiz eder, şekli ve rengini verir.
name: Şekil Analizcisi
description: Şeklin en alt katmanında sağ üst köşesinde bulunan şekli analiz
eder, şekli ve rengini verir.
name: &comparator Karşılaştırıcı
description: Eğer iki sinyal aynıysa "1" çıktısı verir. Şekiller, eşyalar ve ikili değerler karşılaştırılabilir.
name: Karşılaştırıcı
description: Eğer iki sinyal aynıysa "1" çıktısı verir. Şekiller, eşyalar ve
ikili değerler karşılaştırılabilir.
name: &virtual_processor Sanal Kesici
name: Sanal Kesici
description: Sanal olarak şekli ikiye böler.
name: Sanal Döndürücü
description: Sanal olarak şekli saat yönünde veya saatin tersi yönünde döndürür.
name: Sanal Katman Ayırıcı
description: Sanal olarak şeklin en üstteki katmanını ayırarak sağ çıktıya ve geri kalanları sol çıktıya verir.
description: Sanal olarak şeklin en üstteki katmanını ayırarak sağ çıktıya ve
geri kalanları sol çıktıya verir.
name: Sanal Kaynaştırıcı
description: Sanal olarak sağdaki şekli soldaki şeklin üstüne kaynaştırır.
@ -557,15 +579,17 @@ buildings:
name: Eşya Üretici
description: Sadece kum kutusu modunda açık, kablo katmanındaki sinyali normal katmanda çıktı olarak verir.
description: Sadece kum kutusu modunda açık, kablo katmanındaki sinyali normal
katmanda çıktı olarak verir.
title: Şekİllerİ Kesmek
desc: Az önce <strong>kesici</strong> açıldı - kesici şekilleri
<strong>yukarıdan aşağıya</strong> ikiye böler konumu ne olursa
olsun!<br><br>Kullanılmayan çıktılardan kurtulmayı unutma,
<strong>yoksa kesim durur</strong>. Bu sepeble size, herşeyi yok
eden bir çöp verdim!
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Döndürme
desc: <strong>Döndürücü</strong> açıldı! Döndürücü şekilleri saat yönüne 90
@ -588,10 +612,9 @@ storyRewards:
<strong>üzerine kaynaştırılır</strong>!
title: Ayırıcı/Bİrleştİrİcİ
desc: Çok fonksiyonlu <strong>dengeleyici</strong> açıldı - <strong>Eşyaları
birden fazla taşıma bandı üzerinde ayırarak ve
birleştirerek</strong> daha büyük fabrikalar kurabilmek için
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Tünel
desc: <strong>Tünel</strong> açıldı - Artık eşyaları taşıma bantları ve yapılar
@ -604,14 +627,15 @@ storyRewards:
title: Zincirleme Üretİm
desc: <strong>Zincirleme üretici</strong> açıldı! Zincirleme üretici
<strong>kendi kaynaklarını diğer üreticilere aktarabilir</strong>.
Böylece daha etkili üretim sağlayabilirsin!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Tünel Aşama II
desc: <strong>Tünelin</strong> başka bir türünü açtın - Bu
tünelin menzili <strong>daha yüksek</strong> ve tünel türlerini
artık içiçe kullanabilirsin!
desc: <strong>Tünelin</strong> başka bir türünü açtın - Bu tünelin menzili
<strong>daha yüksek</strong> ve tünel türlerini artık içiçe
title: Çeyreğİnİ Kesme
desc: <strong>Kesicinin</strong> yeni bir türünü açtın - Bu tür şekilleri iki
@ -623,8 +647,9 @@ storyRewards:
boya yerine sadece bir boya harcar!
title: Depo Sağlayıcı
desc: <strong>Çöpün</strong> farklı bir türünü açtın - Bu tür belirli bir sınıra
kadar eşyaları depolamanı sağlar!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Taslaklar
desc: Fabrikanın bölümlerini artık <strong>kopyalayıp
@ -633,33 +658,36 @@ storyRewards:
bas.<br><br>Kopyaladığın taslağı <strong>bedel karşılığı</strong>
yapıştırabilmek için <strong>taslak şekilleri</strong> üretmelisin!
(Az önce teslim ettiğin şekiller).
# Special reward, which is shown when there is no reward actually
title: Sonrakİ Sevİye
desc: "Bu seviyede ödül yok, ama sonrakinde var! <br><br> NOT: En iyisi eski
fabrikalarını yok etme - Ürettiğin <strrong>bütün</strong> şekillere
<strong>geliştirmeleri açmak için</strong ihtiyacın olacak!"
desc: "This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better
not destroy your existing factory - You'll need <strong>all</strong>
those shapes later to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!"
title: Sonrakİ Sevİye
desc: >-
desc: Tebrikler!
title: Özgür Mod
desc: Başardın! <strong>Özgür Mod</strong> açıldı! Merkeze istenilen şekiller
artık rastgele oluşturulacak! Artık merkez şekil <strong>akışı</strong> isteyeceği için, istenilen şekli otomatik üreten bir makine yapmanı öneririm!<br><br>
Merkez gereken şekli kablo katmanında çıktı olarak vericek, böylece yapman gereken tek şey onu analiz etmek ve otomatik olarak fabrikanı şekile göre ayarlamak.
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Deneme Sürümünün Sonu
desc: Deneme sürümünün sonuna geldin!
title: Dengeleyici
desc: Çok fonksiyonlu <strong>dengeleyici</strong> açıldı. - Eşyaları
bantlara ayırarak ve bantları birleştirerek daha büyük
fabrikalar kurmak için kullanılabilir!
desc: The multifunctional <strong>balancer</strong> has been unlocked - It can
be used to build bigger factories by <strong>splitting and merging
items</strong> onto multiple belts!<br><br>
title: Tekil Birleştirici
desc: Dengeleyecinin <strong>birleştirici</strong> türü açıldı. - Bu tür iki bandı
bir banda birleştirebiliyor!
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>merger</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts two inputs and merges them
into one belt!
title: Bant Okuyucu
desc: <strong>Bant okuyucu</strong> açıldı! Bu yapı taşıma bandındaki akış
@ -671,39 +699,48 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Sabit Sinyal
desc: Kablo katmanında kullanabileceğin <strong>sabit sinyal</strong> yapısını açtın!
Bu yapıyı eşya filtrelerine bağlamak kullanışlı.<br><br> Sabit sinyal,
<strong>şekil<strong>, <strong>renk</strong> veya <strong>ikili değer</strong> (1 / 0) gönderebilir.
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires
layer! This is useful to connect it to <strong>item filters</strong>
for example.<br><br> The constant signal can emit a
<strong>shape</strong>, <strong>color</strong> or
<strong>boolean</strong> (1 or 0).
title: Mantık Kapıları
desc: <strong>Mantık kapıları</strong> açıldı! Çok heyecanlanmana gerek yok, ama bu gerçekten havalı!<br><br>
Bu kapılarla artık AND, OR, XOR veya NOT işlemlerini hesaplatabilirsin.<br><br> Bonus olarak sana
bir de <strong>transistör</strong> verdim!
desc: <strong>Mantık kapıları</strong> açıldı! Çok heyecanlanmana gerek yok, ama
bu gerçekten havalı!<br><br> Bu kapılarla artık AND, OR, XOR veya
NOT işlemlerini hesaplatabilirsin.<br><br> Bonus olarak sana bir de
<strong>transistör</strong> verdim!
title: Sanal İşleme
desc: Az önce bir sürü yen yapıya sahip oldun. Bu yapılar <strong>şekillerin işlenmelerini</strong>
sanal olarak denemeni sağlayacak!<br><br> Artık bir kesiciyi, döndürücüyü,
kaynaştırıcıyı ve daha fazlasını kablo katmanında deneyebilirsin! Bununla birlikte
oyuna devam edebilmek için 3 seçeneğin var:<br><br> - Merkez tarafından
talep edilen her türlü şekli üretecek <strong>otomatik bir makine</strong>
inşa et (Denemeni tavsiye ederim!). <br><br> - Kablolarla havalı birşeyler inşa et.<br><br> -
Oyuna normal bir şekilde devam et.<br><br> Ne seçersen seç eğlenmeyi unutma!
desc: Az önce bir sürü yen yapıya sahip oldun. Bu yapılar <strong>şekillerin
işlenmelerini</strong> sanal olarak denemeni sağlayacak!<br><br>
Artık bir kesiciyi, döndürücüyü, kaynaştırıcıyı ve daha fazlasını
kablo katmanında deneyebilirsin! Bununla birlikte oyuna devam
edebilmek için 3 seçeneğin var:<br><br> - Merkez tarafından talep
edilen her türlü şekli üretecek <strong>otomatik bir makine</strong>
inşa et (Denemeni tavsiye ederim!). <br><br> - Kablolarla havalı
birşeyler inşa et.<br><br> - Oyuna normal bir şekilde devam
et.<br><br> Ne seçersen seç eğlenmeyi unutma!
title: Kablolar ve Dörtlü Boyayıcı
desc: "Az önce <strong>Kablo Katmanını</strong> açtın: Normal oyunun bulunduğu katmanın
üzerinde ayrı bir katmandır ve bir sürü yeni özelliği vardır!<br><br> Başlangıç olarak
senin için <strong>Dörtlü Boyayıcıyı</strong> açıyorum. - Kablo katmanında boyamak için
istediğin hatları bağla! <br><br> Kablo katmanına geçiş yapmak için <strong>E</strong> tuşunu kullan."
desc: "Az önce <strong>Kablo Katmanını</strong> açtın: Normal oyunun bulunduğu
katmanın üzerinde ayrı bir katmandır ve bir sürü yeni özelliği
vardır!<br><br> Başlangıç olarak senin için <strong>Dörtlü
Boyayıcıyı</strong> açıyorum. - Kablo katmanında boyamak için
istediğin hatları bağla! <br><br> Kablo katmanına geçiş yapmak için
<strong>E</strong> tuşunu kullan."
title: Eşya Filtresi
desc: <strong>Eşya filtresini</strong> açtın! Kablo katmanından gelen sinyalle eşleşmelerine
bağlı olarak eşyaları yukarıdaki yada aşağıdaki çıkışa yönlendirir.<br><br>
Ayrıca filtreyi tamamen açıp kapatmak için ikili sinyal (1 / 0) kullanabilirsin.
desc: <strong>Eşya filtresini</strong> açtın! Kablo katmanından gelen sinyalle
eşleşmelerine bağlı olarak eşyaları yukarıdaki yada aşağıdaki çıkışa
yönlendirir.<br><br> Ayrıca filtreyi tamamen açıp kapatmak için
ikili sinyal (1 / 0) kullanabilirsin.
title: Ayarlar
@ -776,9 +813,10 @@ settings:
daha kolay öğrenilebilmesi için gizler.
title: Akıllı Tüneller
description: Aktif edildiği zaman, inşa edilen tüneller yol üzerindeki işe yaramayan
bantları otomatik olarak siler. Bu ayar aynı zamanda tünellerin çekilerek inşa edilmesi ve aşırı
uzağa yerleştirilen tünel uçlarının silinmesini de sağlar.
description: Aktif edildiği zaman, inşa edilen tüneller yol üzerindeki işe
yaramayan bantları otomatik olarak siler. Bu ayar aynı zamanda
tünellerin çekilerek inşa edilmesi ve aşırı uzağa yerleştirilen
tünel uçlarının silinmesini de sağlar.
title: Gölgelendİrme
description: Gölgelendirmeyi açar. Gölgelendirme ekranın köşelerini karartır ve
@ -829,25 +867,35 @@ settings:
description: Müzik seviyesini ayarlar
title: Düşük Kalİte Harİta Kaynakları
description: Oyun performansını artırmak için haritada görünen kaynakların çizim kalitesinin sadeleştirir. Kaynaklar daha açık görüneceğinde bu özelliği bir dene!
description: Oyun performansını artırmak için haritada görünen kaynakların çizim
kalitesinin sadeleştirir. Kaynaklar daha açık görüneceğinde bu
özelliği bir dene!
title: Harİta Çİzgİlerİnİ Gizle
description: Harita çizgilerini gizlemek oyun performansına yardımcı olabilir. Aynı zamanda oyunun daha açık görünmesini sağlar!
description: Harita çizgilerini gizlemek oyun performansına yardımcı olabilir.
Aynı zamanda oyunun daha açık görünmesini sağlar!
title: Sağ Tık İnşa İptalİ
description: Varsayılan olarak açık. Özellik açıksa, inşa modundayken sağ yık yapıldığında inşa modundan çıkar. Eğer özellik kapalıysa, inşa modundan çıkmadan var olan yapıları sağ tık ile silebilirsiniz.
description: Varsayılan olarak açık. Özellik açıksa, inşa modundayken sağ yık
yapıldığında inşa modundan çıkar. Eğer özellik kapalıysa, inşa
modundan çıkmadan var olan yapıları sağ tık ile silebilirsiniz.
title: Düşük Kalİte Görüntü (Çirkin)
description: Performans için düşük kalite görüntü kullanır. Bu oyunun daha çirkin görünmesine sebep olur!
description: Performans için düşük kalite görüntü kullanır. Bu oyunun daha
çirkin görünmesine sebep olur!
title: Harİta Alan Sınırlarını Göster
description: Oyun 16'ya 16 alanlardan oluşur. Bu seçenek aktif olduğunda alan sınırları görüntülenir.
description: Oyun 16'ya 16 alanlardan oluşur. Bu seçenek aktif olduğunda alan
sınırları görüntülenir.
title: Kaynak Üzerinde Üretİcİ Seç
description: Varsayılan olarak açık. Eğer pipet bir kaynağın üzerinde kullanılırsa, üreteç yapısı inşa için seçilir.
description: Varsayılan olarak açık. Eğer pipet bir kaynağın üzerinde
kullanılırsa, üreteç yapısı inşa için seçilir.
title: Sadeleştİrİlmİş Bantlar (Çirkin)
description: Taşıma bandı üzerindeki eşyalar görüntülenmez, eğer fare imleci taşıma bandı üzerinde değilse. Eğer gerçekten performansa ihtiyacınız yoksa bu ayarla oynamanız tavsiye edilmez.
description: Taşıma bandı üzerindeki eşyalar görüntülenmez, eğer fare imleci
taşıma bandı üzerinde değilse. Eğer gerçekten performansa
ihtiyacınız yoksa bu ayarla oynamanız tavsiye edilmez.
title: Fare Kaydırarak Hareket Etme
description: Fareyi ekranın köşelerine getirerek hareket ettirmeyi sağlar.
@ -928,8 +976,9 @@ keybindings:
title: Oyun Hakkında
body: >-
Bu oyun açık kaynaklıdır ve <a href="" target="_blank">Tobias Springer</a> (bu benim)
tarafından geliştirilmektedir. <br><br>
Bu oyun açık kaynaklıdır ve <a href=""
target="_blank">Tobias Springer</a> (bu benim) tarafından
geliştirilmektedir. <br><br>
Eğer katkıda bulunmak istiyorsanız, <a href="<githublink>" target="_blank"> Github sayfasına</a> göz atın.<br><br>
@ -954,56 +1003,71 @@ tips:
- Merkeze çok yakın inşa etmeyin, yoksa büyük bir karmaşa yaratır!
- Kaynaştırma çalışmazsa, girişleri değiştirmeyi deneyin.
- <b>R</b>'ye basarak bant planlayıcı yönünü değiştirebilirsiniz.
- <b>CTRL</b> tuşunun basılı tutulması bantların otomatik yönlendirme olmadan sürüklenmesine izin verir.
- <b>CTRL</b> tuşunun basılı tutulması bantların otomatik yönlendirme
olmadan sürüklenmesine izin verir.
- Tüm yükseltmeler aynı seviyede olduğu sürece oranlar aynı kalır.
- Seri işlem, paralelden daha verimlidir.
- Oyunun ilerleyen bölümlerinde daha fazla yapı çeşidinin kilidini açacaksınız!
- Farklı yapı çeşitleri arasında geçiş yapmak için <b>T</b>'yi kullanabilirsiniz.
- Oyunun ilerleyen bölümlerinde daha fazla yapı çeşidinin kilidini
- Farklı yapı çeşitleri arasında geçiş yapmak için <b>T</b>'yi
- Simetri işin püf noktasıdır!
- Farklı tünel çeşitlerini içiçe kullanabilirsiniz.
- Düzenli fabrikalar kurmaya çalışın - karşılığını alırsınız!
- Boyayıcının, <b>T</b> ile seçebileceğiniz aynaya göre ters bir çeşidi vardır.
- Boyayıcının, <b>T</b> ile seçebileceğiniz aynaya göre ters bir çeşidi
- Doğru yapı oranlarına sahip olmak verimliliği en üst düzeye çıkaracaktır.
- En üst seviyeye geliştirilmiş 5 üretici tek bir bandı dolduracaktır.
- Tünelleri unutma!
- Tam verimlilik için öğeleri eşit olarak bölmenize gerek yoktur.
- <b>SHIFT</b> tuşunu basılı tutmak bant planlayıcıyı etkinleştirir ve uzun taşıma hatlarını
kolayca yerleştirmenize izin verir.
- <b>SHIFT</b> tuşunu basılı tutmak bant planlayıcıyı etkinleştirir ve uzun
taşıma hatlarını kolayca yerleştirmenize izin verir.
- Kesiciler, kendi yönlerinden bağımsız olarak daima dikey olarak keserler.
- Beyaz renk elde etmek için üç rengi birbiriyle karıştırın.
- Depolama yapısı ilk çıktıya öncelik verir.
- Tekrarlanabilir tasarımlar oluşturmak için zaman ayırın - buna değer!
- <b>CTRL</b> tuşunu basılı tutmak, birden çok yapı yerleştirmeye izin verir.
- Yerleştirilen bantların yönünü ters çevirmek için <b>ALT</b> tuşunu basılı tutabilirsiniz.
- Yerleştirilen bantların yönünü ters çevirmek için <b>ALT</b> tuşunu basılı
- Verimlilik işin püf noktasıdır!
- Merkezden daha uzaktaki şekil kaynakları daha karmaşıktır.
- Makinelerin sınırlı bir hızı vardır, bunları maksimum verimlilik için bölün.
- Makinelerin sınırlı bir hızı vardır, bunları maksimum verimlilik için
- Verimliliğinizi en üst düzeye çıkarmak için dengeleyiciler kullanın.
- Organizasyon önemlidir. Bantları çok fazla birbirlerine dik geçirmemeye çalışın.
- Organizasyon önemlidir. Bantları çok fazla birbirlerine dik geçirmemeye
- Yapacaklarınızı önceden planlayın, yoksa büyük bir kaos olur!
- Eski fabrikalarınızı kaldırmayın! Yükseltmelerin kilidini açmak için onlara ihtiyacınız olacak.
- Eski fabrikalarınızı kaldırmayın! Yükseltmelerin kilidini açmak için
onlara ihtiyacınız olacak.
- Yardım aramadan önce 20. seviyeyi kendi başına geçmeyi dene!
- İşleri karıştırmayın, basit kalmaya çalışın. Sonrasında çok ilerleyeceksiniz.
- Fabrikaları oyunun ilerleyen bölümlerinde yeniden kullanmanız gerekebilir. Fabrikalarınızı yeniden
kullanılabilecek şekilde planlayın.
- Bazen gerekli bir şekli oluşturmadan, haritada kaynak olarak bulabilirsiniz.
- İşleri karıştırmayın, basit kalmaya çalışın. Sonrasında çok
- Fabrikaları oyunun ilerleyen bölümlerinde yeniden kullanmanız gerekebilir.
Fabrikalarınızı yeniden kullanılabilecek şekilde planlayın.
- Bazen gerekli bir şekli oluşturmadan, haritada kaynak olarak
- Tam yel değirmenleri / fırıldaklar asla doğal olarak ortaya çıkamaz.
- Maksimum verimlilik için şekillerinizi kesmeden önce renklendirin.
- Modülleri ile uzay yalnızca bir algıdır; ölümlü insanlar için bir endişe kaynağı.
- Modülleri ile uzay yalnızca bir algıdır; ölümlü insanlar için bir endişe
- Ayrı bir taslak fabrikası yapın. Modüller için önemlidirler.
- Renk karıştırıcısına daha yakından bakın, sorularınız cevaplanacaktır.
- Bir alan seçmek için <b>CTRL</b> tuşuna basılı olarak tıklayın.
- Merkeze çok yakın inşa etmek sonraki projelerin önüne geçebilir.
- Geliştirme listesindeki her şeklin yanındaki iğne simgesi, onu ekrana sabitler.
- Geliştirme listesindeki her şeklin yanındaki iğne simgesi, onu ekrana
- Beyaz yapmak için tüm ana renkleri karıştırın!
- Sonsuz bir haritanız var, fabrikanızı sıkıştırmayın, genişletin!
- Ayrıca Factorio'yu deneyin! Bu benim en sevdiğim oyun.
- Dörtlü kesici, sağ üstten başlayarak saat yönünde keser!
- Kayıtlı oyunlarınızı ana menüden indirebilirsiniz!
- Bu oyunda kullanışlı birçok tuş bağlantısı var! Ayarlar sayfasını kontrol ettiğinizden emin olun.
- Bu oyunda kullanışlı birçok tuş bağlantısı var! Ayarlar sayfasını kontrol
ettiğinizden emin olun.
- Bu oyunun birçok ayarı var, kontrol ettiğinizden emin olun!
- Merkezin yer imi, yönünü belirtmek için küçük bir pusulaya sahiptir!
- Bantları temizlemek için onları kesin ve ardından aynı yere yapıştırın.
- FPS'nizi (oyun kare hızı) ve Tik Oranınızı (oyun hızı) göstermek için F4'e basın.
- FPS'nizi (oyun kare hızı) ve Tik Oranınızı (oyun hızı) göstermek için F4'e
- Farenizin ve kameranızın sınırlarını göstermek için F4'e iki kez basın.
- Sol tarafta sabitlenmiş bir şekle tıklayarak sabitlemesini kaldırabilirsiniz.
- Sol tarafta sabitlenmiş bir şekle tıklayarak sabitlemesini

View File

@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ dialogs:
text: Не вдалося завантажити вашу збережену гру.
title: Підтвердження
text: Ви справді хочете видалити гру?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: Виникла помилка при видаленні
text: Не вдалося видалити збережену гру.
@ -182,9 +184,8 @@ dialogs:
title: Нова позначка
titleEdit: Редагувати позначку
desc: Дайте їй змістовну назву. Ви також можете додати <strong>короткий
ключ</strong> форми, що можно згенерувати <a
href="" target="_blank">тут</a>.
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
desc: Ви можете створити тільки 2 позначки в демоверсії. Отримайте окрему версії
для створення необмеженної кількості позначок.
@ -467,7 +468,9 @@ buildings:
name: Фарбувач (чотири)
description: Дозволяє вам фарбувати кожну четвертину форми у різний колір.
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: Смітник
@ -585,11 +588,12 @@ buildings:
title: Різання фігур
desc: Ви тільки-но розблокували <strong>різця</strong>. Він розрізає фігури
наполовину з <strong>вершини до низу</strong> незалежно від його
орієнтації!<br><br>Обов’язково позбудьтесь відходів або <strong>він
зупиниться</strong>. Для цього є смітник, який знищує все, що
входить в нього.
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: Обертання
desc: <strong>Обертач</strong> розблоковано! Він повертає форми за годинниковою
@ -603,8 +607,8 @@ storyRewards:
контрастності</strong> в налаштуваннях!
title: Змішування кольорів
desc: <strong>Змішування кольорів</strong> розблоковано. Об’єднуйте два кольори
у цій будівлі.
desc: The <strong>mixer</strong> has been unlocked - It mixes two colors using
<strong>additive blending</strong>!
title: Поєднувач форм
desc: Тепер ви можете поєднувати фігури з <strong>поєднувачем форм</strong>!
@ -613,10 +617,9 @@ storyRewards:
з правого входу, <strong>застрягне на горі</strong> лівого входу.
title: Розподілювач (з’єднувач)
desc: Багатофункціональний <strong>розподілювач</strong> було розблоковано. Його
можна використовувати для створення великих фабрик,
<strong>розділяючи та об’єднуючи предмети </strong> на кілька
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: Тунель
desc: <strong>Тунель</strong> розблоковано. Ви можете створювати тунелі для
@ -629,9 +632,10 @@ storyRewards:
оберіть потрібний</strong>!
title: Екстрактор (ланцюг.)
desc: Ви розблокували <strong>ланцюговий екстрактор</strong>! Він може
<strong>пересилати свої ресурси</strong> іншим екстракторам, щоб ви
могли ефективніше видобувати ресурси!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: Тунель II
desc: Ви розблокували новий варіант <strong>тунеля</strong>. Він має
@ -648,13 +652,18 @@ storyRewards:
одночасно</strong>, споживаючи лише один колір замість двох!
title: Storage Buffer
desc: Ви розблокували інший варіант <strong>trash</strong> - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: Пісочниця
desc: Ви зробили це! Ви розблокували <strong>вільний режим</strong>! Це означає,
що форми тут створюватимуться випадкові! Не хвилюйтеся, більше
контенту планується для окремого режиму!
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: Креслення
desc: Ви вже можете <strong>копіювати і вставляти</strong> частини вашої
@ -665,9 +674,9 @@ storyRewards:
щойно доставили).
title: Наступний рівень
desc: Цей рівень не дав нагороди, але в наступному... щось буде. <br><br> До
речі, краще не руйнуйте свою поточну фабрику. Вам знадобляться всі
ті форми пізніше, щоб <strong>розблокувати поліпшення</strong>!
desc: "This level gave you no reward, but the next one will! <br><br> PS: Better
not destroy your existing factory - You'll need <strong>all</strong>
those shapes later to <strong>unlock upgrades</strong>!"
title: Наступний рівень
desc: Вітаємо! До речі, більше контенту планується в окремій версії!
@ -692,8 +701,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -110,7 +110,9 @@ dialogs:
text: 未能导入你的存档:
title: 确认删除
text: 你确定要删除这个存档吗?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: 删除错误
text: 未能删除你的存档
@ -152,8 +154,8 @@ dialogs:
class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: 反向放置传送带。<br>"
title: 创建地图标记
desc: 给地图标记起一个的名字。你可以在名字中加入一个<strong>短代码</strong>以加入图形。(你可以在<a
href="" target="_blank">这里</a>生成短代码。)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: 编辑地图标记
desc: 在试玩版中你只能创建两个地图标记。请获取独立版以创建更多标记。
@ -404,7 +406,9 @@ buildings:
description: 同时为两个输入的图形上色,每次上色只消耗一份颜色。
name: 上色机(四向)
description: 为图形的四个角涂上不同的颜色。
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: 上色机 (镜像)
description: 将整个图形涂上输入的颜色。
@ -537,7 +541,12 @@ buildings:
title: 切割图形
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>切割机</strong>。切割机会把图形<strong>从上到下</strong>切成两半。注意切割的方向和切割机的朝向无关。<br><br>记得把不需要的部分处理掉,否则这个这个建筑会停止工作。为此我给你准备了<strong>垃圾桶</strong>,它会把所有放进去的物品销毁掉。
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: 顺时针旋转
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>旋转机</strong>。它会顺时针旋转输入的图形90度。
@ -553,7 +562,9 @@ storyRewards:
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>堆叠机</strong>。堆叠机会尝试把两个输入的图形<strong>拼贴</strong>在一起。如果有重叠的部分,右边的输入会被<strong>堆叠</strong>在左边的输入上方!
title: 分离与合并
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>平衡机</strong>。在大型工厂中,平衡机负责<strong>合并或分离</strong>多个传送带上的物品。<br><br>
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: 隧道
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>隧道</strong>。你现在可以从其他传送带或建筑底下运送物品了!
@ -562,7 +573,10 @@ storyRewards:
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>旋转机</strong>的<strong>逆时针</strong>变体。这个变体可以逆时针旋转图形。选择旋转机然后按"T"键来选取这个变体。
title: 链式开采机
desc: 你解锁了<strong>链式开采机</strong>! 它能够<strong>把资源传递给</strong>其他开采机,让你可以更高效率的开采资源!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: 二级隧道
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>二级隧道</strong>。这是隧道的一个变体。二级隧道有<strong>更长的传输距离</strong>。你还可以混用不同的隧道变体!
@ -574,10 +588,18 @@ storyRewards:
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>上色机</strong>的<strong>双倍</strong>变体。它可以同时为两个图形上色,每次只消耗一份颜色!
title: 仓库
desc: 恭喜!你解锁了<strong>垃圾桶</strong>的变体。他可以存储一定数量的物品!
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: 自由模式
desc: 恭喜你!你解锁了<strong>自由模式</strong>。现在图形将会是随机生成的!(不用担心,我计划在独立版本中加入更多内容!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: 蓝图
desc: 你现在可以<strong>复制粘贴</strong>你的工厂的一部分了!按住 CTRL
@ -610,8 +632,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires

View File

@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ dialogs:
text: 存檔載入失敗:
title: 確認刪除
text: 你確定要刪除這存檔嗎?
text: Are you sure you want to delete the following game?<br><br>
'<savegameName>' at level <savegameLevel><br><br> This can not be
title: 刪除錯誤
text: 存檔刪除失敗
@ -160,8 +162,8 @@ dialogs:
class='keybinding'>ALT</code>: 反向放置傳送帶。 <br>"
title: 創建標記
desc: 給地圖標記起一個的名字。你可以在名字中加入一個<strong>短代碼</strong>以加入圖形。 (你可以在<a
href="" target="_blank">這裡</a>生成短代碼。)
desc: Give it a meaningful name, you can also include a <strong>short
key</strong> of a shape (Which you can generate <link>here</link>)
titleEdit: Edit Marker
desc: 在演示版中你只能創建兩個地圖標記。請獲取獨立版以創建更多標記。
@ -288,8 +290,10 @@ ingame:
waypoints: 地圖標記
hub: 基地
description: 滑鼠左鍵按標記跳轉到它,按右鍵將其刪除。<br>
<br>按<keybinding>從當前視圖創建一個標記,或<strong>按右鍵</ strong>創建一個標記。 所選位置的標記。
description: Left-click a marker to jump to it, right-click to delete
it.<br><br>Press <keybinding> to create a marker from the current
view, or <strong>right-click</strong> to create a marker at the
selected location.
creationSuccessNotification: 成功創建地圖標記。
title: 教程
@ -415,7 +419,9 @@ buildings:
description: 同時為兩個輸入的圖形上色,每次上色只消耗一份顏色塗料。
name: 上色機(四向)
description: 為圖形的四個角塗上不同的顏色。
description: Allows you to color each quadrant of the shape individually. Only
slots with a <strong>truthy signal</strong> on the wires layer
will be painted!
name: 上色機
description: 將整個圖形塗上輸入的顏色。
@ -549,8 +555,12 @@ buildings:
title: 切割圖形
desc: <strong>切割機</strong>已解鎖。不論切割機的方向,它都會把圖形<strong>垂直地</strong>切成兩半。
desc: You just unlocked the <strong>cutter</strong>, which cuts shapes in half
from top to bottom <strong>regardless of its
orientation</strong>!<br><br>Be sure to get rid of the waste, or
otherwise <strong>it will clog and stall</strong> - For this purpose
I have given you the <strong>trash</strong>, which destroys
everything you put into it!
title: 順時針旋轉
desc: <strong>旋轉機</strong>已解鎖。它會順時針旋轉輸入的圖形90度。
@ -565,40 +575,57 @@ storyRewards:
desc: <strong>混合機</strong>已解鎖。如果沒有重疊的部分,混合機會嘗試把兩個輸入的圖形<strong>拼貼</strong>在一起。如果有重疊的部分,右邊的輸入會被<strong>疊</strong>到左邊的輸入上方!
title: 分離/合併
desc: <strong>平衡機</strong>已解鎖。在大型工廠中,平衡機負責<strong>合併或分離</strong>多個傳送帶上的物品。
desc: You have unlocked a <strong>splitter</strong> variant of the
<strong>balancer</strong> - It accepts one input and splits them
into two!
title: 隧道
desc: <strong>隧道</strong>已解鎖。你現在可以從其他傳送帶或建築底下運送物品了!
title: 逆時針旋轉
desc: 您已解鎖了<strong>旋轉器</ strong>的變體-它可以逆時針旋轉! 要構建它,請選擇旋轉器,然後<strong>按“T”鍵切換其變種</
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>rotater</strong> - It allows
you to rotate shapes counter-clockwise! To build it, select the
rotater and <strong>press 'T' to cycle through its
title: 鏈式開採機
desc: <strong>鏈式開採機</strong>變體已解鎖。它是開採機的一個變體。它可以將開採出來的資源<strong>傳遞</strong>給其他的開採機,使得資源提取更加高效!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>chained extractor</strong>! It can
<strong>forward its resources</strong> to other extractors so you
can more efficiently extract resources!<br><br> PS: The old
extractor has been replaced in your toolbar now!"
title: 貳級隧道
desc: <strong>貳級隧道</strong>變體已解鎖。這個隧道有<strong>更長的傳輸距離</strong>。你還可以混用不同的隧道變體!
title: 四分切割機
desc: 您已解鎖了<strong>四分切割機</ strong>的變體-它允許您將形狀直接切割為<strong>四個部分</ strong>,而不是兩個!
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>cutter</strong> - It allows you
to cut shapes in <strong>four parts</strong> instead of just two!
title: 雙倍上色機
desc: 您已經解鎖了<strong>雙倍上色機</ strong>的變體-它可以作為常規畫家使用,但一次只能處理<strong>兩個形狀</
desc: You have unlocked a variant of the <strong>painter</strong> - It works
similar to the regular painter but processes <strong>two shapes at
once</strong>, consuming just one color instead of two!
title: 倉庫
desc: <strong>倉庫</strong>變體已解鎖。它可以暫時儲存一些材料,有容量上限。
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>storage</strong> building - It allows you to
store items up to a given capacity!<br><br> It priorities the left
output, so you can also use it as an <strong>overflow gate</strong>!
title: 自由模式
desc: 恭喜你!你解鎖了<strong>自由模式</strong>!現在圖形將會是隨機生成的! (不用擔心,我計劃在獨立版本中加入更多內容!)
desc: You did it! You unlocked the <strong>free-play mode</strong>! This means
that shapes are now <strong>randomly</strong> generated!<br><br>
Since the hub will require a <strong>throughput</strong> from now
on, I highly recommend to build a machine which automatically
delivers the requested shape!<br><br> The HUB outputs the requested
shape on the wires layer, so all you have to do is to analyze it and
automatically configure your factory based on that.
title: 藍圖
desc: 現在,您可以<strong>複製並貼上</ strong>工廠的各個部分!
<br>複製<strong>不是免費的</strong>,您需要用<strong>藍圖 形狀</ strong>來支付!
desc: You can now <strong>copy and paste</strong> parts of your factory! Select
an area (Hold CTRL, then drag with your mouse), and press 'C' to
copy it.<br><br>Pasting it is <strong>not free</strong>, you need to
produce <strong>blueprint shapes</strong> to afford it! (Those you
just delivered).
title: 下一關
desc: "這一關沒有獎勵,但是下一關有! <br><br> PS:
@ -627,8 +654,10 @@ storyRewards:
you to rotate a shape by 180 degress (Surprise! :D)
title: Display
desc: You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize its contents!
desc: "You have unlocked the <strong>Display</strong> - Connect a signal on the
wires layer to visualize it!<br><br> PS: Did you notice the belt
reader and storage output their last read item? Try showing it on a
title: Constant Signal
desc: You unlocked the <strong>constant signal</strong> building on the wires