
376 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of RaspiSMS.
* (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com>
* This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled
* with this source code in the file LICENSE.
namespace controllers\internals;
use Exception;
class Sended extends StandardController
protected $model;
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param ?int $limit : Number of entry to return
* @param ?int $offset : Number of entry to avoid
* @param ?string $search : String to search for
* @param ?array $search_columns : List of columns to search on
* @param ?string $order_column : Name of the column to order by
* @param bool $order_desc : Should result be ordered DESC, if false order ASC
* @param bool $count : Should the query only count results
* @return array : Entries list
public function datatable_list_for_user(int $id_user, ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null, ?string $search = null, ?array $search_columns = [], ?string $order_column = null, bool $order_desc = false, $count = false)
return $this->get_model()->datatable_list_for_user($id_user, $limit, $offset, $search, $search_columns, $order_column, $order_desc, $count);
* Create a sended.
* @param int $id_user : Id of user to create sended message for
* @param int $id_phone : Id of the number the message was send with
* @param $at : Reception date
* @param $text : Text of the message
* @param string $destination : Number of the receiver
* @param string $uid : Uid of the sms on the adapter service used
* @param string $adapter : Name of the adapter service used to send the message
* @param bool $flash : Is the sms a flash
* @param bool $mms : Is the sms a MMS. By default false.
* @param array $medias : Array of medias to link to the MMS
* @param ?int $originating_scheduled : Id of the scheduled message that was responsible for sending this message. By default null.
* @param string $status : Status of a the sms. By default \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN
* @return mixed : false on error, new sended id else
public function create(int $id_user, int $id_phone, $at, string $text, string $destination, string $uid, string $adapter, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = [], ?int $originating_scheduled = null, ?string $status = \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN)
$sended = [
'id_user' => $id_user,
'id_phone' => $id_phone,
'at' => $at,
'text' => $text,
'destination' => $destination,
'uid' => $uid,
'adapter' => $adapter,
'flash' => $flash,
'mms' => $mms,
'status' => $status,
'originating_scheduled' => $originating_scheduled,
//Ensure atomicity
$id_sended = $this->get_model()->insert($sended);
if (!$id_sended)
return false;
//Link medias
$internal_media = new Media($this->bdd);
foreach ($medias as $media)
$internal_media->link_to($media['id'], 'sended', $id_sended); //No rollback on error, keeping track of mms is more important than integrity
if (!$this->bdd->commit())
return false;
return $id_sended;
* Update a sended status for a user.
* @param int $id_user : user id
* @param int $id_sended : Sended id
* @param string $status : Status of a the sms (unknown, delivered, failed)
* @return bool : false on error, true on success
public function update_status_for_user(int $id_user, int $id_sended, string $status): bool
$sended = [
'status' => $status,
$success = (bool) $this->get_model()->update_for_user($id_user, $id_sended, $sended);
if (!$success)
return $success;
$webhook = [
'id' => $id_sended,
'status' => $status,
$internal_webhook = new Webhook($this->bdd);
$internal_webhook->trigger($id_user, \models\Webhook::TYPE_SEND_SMS_STATUS_CHANGE, $webhook);
return $success;
* Return x last sendeds message for a user, order by date.
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param int $nb_entry : Number of sendeds messages to return
* @return array
public function get_lasts_by_date_for_user(int $id_user, int $nb_entry)
return $this->get_model()->get_lasts_by_date_for_user($id_user, $nb_entry);
* Return sendeds for a destination and a user.
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param string $origin : Number who sent the message
* @return array
public function gets_by_destination_and_user(int $id_user, string $origin)
return $this->get_model()->gets_by_destination_and_user($id_user, $origin);
* Return sendeds for a destination and a user since a date.
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param string $since : Date we want messages since format Y-m-d H:i:s
* @param string $origin : Number who sent the message
* @return array
public function gets_since_date_by_destination_and_user(int $id_user, string $since, string $origin)
return $this->get_model()->gets_since_date_by_destination_and_user($id_user, $since, $origin);
* Return sended for an uid and an adapter.
* @param int $id_user : user id
* @param string $uid : Uid of the sended
* @param string $adapter : Adapter used to send the message
* @return array
public function get_by_uid_and_adapter_for_user(int $id_user, string $uid, string $adapter)
return $this->get_model()->get_by_uid_and_adapter_for_user($id_user, $uid, $adapter);
* Get number of sended SMS since a date for a phone
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param int $id_phone : Phone id we want the number of sended message for
* @param \DateTime $since : Date since which we want sended number
* @return int
public function count_since_for_phone_and_user(int $id_user, int $id_phone, \DateTime $since): int
return $this->get_model()->count_since_for_phone_and_user($id_user, $id_phone, $since);
* Get number of sended SMS for every date since a date for a specific user.
* @param int $id_user : user id
* @param \DateTime $date : Date since which we want the messages
* @return array
public function count_by_day_since_for_user(int $id_user, $date)
$counts_by_day = $this->get_model()->count_by_day_since_for_user($id_user, $date);
$return = [];
foreach ($counts_by_day as $count_by_day)
$return[$count_by_day['at_ymd']] = $count_by_day['nb'];
return $return;
* Find last sended message for a destination and user.
* @param int $id_user : User id
* @param string $destination : Destination number
* @return array
public function get_last_for_destination_and_user(int $id_user, string $destination)
return $this->get_model()->get_last_for_destination_and_user($id_user, $destination);
* Send a SMS message.
* @param \adapters\AdapterInterface $adapter : Adapter object to use to send the message
* @param int $id_user : Id of user to create sended message for
* @param int $id_phone : Id of the phone the message was send with
* @param $text : Text of the message
* @param string $destination : Number of the receiver
* @param bool $flash : Is the sms a flash. By default false.
* @param bool $mms : Is the sms a MMS. By default false.
* @param array $medias : Array of medias to link to the MMS
* @param string $status : Status of a the sms. By default \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN
* @param null|mixed $originating_scheduled
* @return array : [
* bool 'error' => false if success, true else
* ?string 'error_message' => null if success, error message else
* ]
public function send(\adapters\AdapterInterface $adapter, int $id_user, int $id_phone, string $text, string $destination, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = [], $originating_scheduled = null, string $status = \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN): array
$return = [
'error' => false,
'error_message' => null,
$internal_setting = new Setting();
$user_settings = $internal_setting->gets_for_user($id_user);
$at = (new \DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$media_uris = [];
foreach ($medias as $media)
$media_uris[] = [
'path' => $media['path'],
'local_uri' => PWD_DATA_PUBLIC . '/' . $media['path'],
//If adapter does not support mms and the message is a mms, add medias as link
if (!$adapter::meta_support_mms_sending() && $mms)
$media_urls = [];
foreach ($media_uris as $media_uri)
$media_urls[] = STATIC_HTTP_URL . '/data/public/' . $media_uri['path'];
$text .= "\n" . join(' - ', $media_urls);
//If we reached our max quota, do not send the message
$internal_quota = new Quota($this->bdd);
$nb_credits = $internal_quota::compute_credits_for_message($text); //Calculate how much credit the message require
if (!$internal_quota->has_enough_credit($id_user, $nb_credits))
throw new Exception('Not enough credit to send message.');
// If this phone status indicate it is not available
$internal_phone = new Phone($this->bdd);
$phone = $internal_phone->get_for_user($id_user, $id_phone);
if (!$phone || $phone['status'] != \models\Phone::STATUS_AVAILABLE)
throw new Exception('Invalid phone status : ' . $phone['status']);
//If we reached limit for this phone and phone limits are enabled, do not send the message
if ((int) ($users_settings['phone_limit'] ?? false))
$limits = $internal_phone->get_limits($id_phone);
$remaining_volume = PHP_INT_MAX;
foreach ($limits as $limit)
$startpoint = new \DateTime($limit['startpoint']);
$consumed = $this->count_since_for_phone_and_user($id_user, $id_phone, $startpoint);
$remaining_volume = min(($limit['volume'] - $consumed), $remaining_volume);
if ($remaining_volume < 1)
throw new Exception('Phone send limit have been reached.');
$response = $adapter->send($destination, $text, $flash, $mms, $media_uris);
if ($response['error'])
throw new Exception($response['error_message']);
$uid = $response['uid'];
$status = \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN;
// If send with success, consume credit
$internal_quota->consume_credit($id_user, $nb_credits);
catch (Exception $e)
$return['error'] = true;
$return['error_message'] = $e->getMessage();
$status = \models\Sended::STATUS_FAILED;
return $return;
$uid = $uid ?? uniqid();
$sended_id = $this->create($id_user, $id_phone, $at, $text, $destination, $uid, $adapter->meta_classname(), $flash, $mms, $medias, $originating_scheduled, $status);
$webhook_body = [
'id' => $sended_id,
'at' => $at,
'status' => $status,
'text' => $text,
'destination' => $destination,
'origin' => $id_phone,
'mms' => $mms,
'medias' => $medias,
'originating_scheduled' => $originating_scheduled,
$internal_webhook = new Webhook($this->bdd);
$internal_webhook->trigger($id_user, \models\Webhook::TYPE_SEND_SMS, $webhook_body);
return $return;
* Get the model for the Controller.
protected function get_model(): \models\Sended
$this->model = $this->model ?? new \models\Sended($this->bdd);
return $this->model;