
393 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

* Cette classe sert de mère à tous les modèles, elle permet de gérer l'ensemble des fonction necessaires aux requetes en base de données
* @param $pdo : Une instance de PDO
class Model
//Les variables internes au Model
var $pdo;
//Les constantes des différents types de retours possibles
const NO = 0; //Pas de retour
const FETCH = 1; //Retour de type fetch
const FETCHALL = 2; //Retour de type fetchall
const ROWCOUNT = 3; //Retour de type rowCount()
* Model constructor
* @param PDO $pdo : PDO connect to use
public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
$this->pdo = $pdo;
* Cette fonction permet créer une connexion à une base SQL via PDO
* @param string $host : L'host à contacter
* @param string $dbname : Le nom de la base à contacter
* @param string $user : L'utilisateur à utiliser
* @param string $password : Le mot de passe à employer
* @return mixed : Un objet PDO ou false en cas d'erreur
public static function connect ($host, $dbname, $user, $password, ?string $charset = 'UTF8', ?array $options = null)
$options = $options ?? [
// On se connecte à MySQL
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $dbname . ';charset=' . $charset , $user, $password, $options);
if ($pdo === false)
throw new DescartesExceptionDatabaseConnection('Cannot connect to database ' . $dbname . '.');
return $pdo;
* Run a query and return result
* @param string $query : Query to run
* @param array $datas : Datas to pass to query
* @param const $return_type : Type of return, by default all results, see Model constants
* @param const $fetch_mode : Format of result from db, by default array, FETCH_ASSOC
* @param boolean $debug : If we must return debug info instead of data, by default false
* @return mixed : Result of query, depend of $return_type | null | array | object | int
public function run_query (string $query, array $datas = array(), int $return_type = self::FETCHALL, int $fetch_mode = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, bool $debug = false)
$query = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
if ($debug)
return $query->errorInfo();
switch ($return_type)
case self::NO :
$return = NULL;
case self::FETCH :
$return = $query->fetch();
case self::FETCHALL :
$return = $query->fetchAll();
case self::ROWCOUNT :
$return = $query->rowCount();
default :
$return = $query->fetchAll();
return $return;
* Return last inserted id
* return int : Last inserted id
public function last_id() : int
return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
Fonctions d'execution des requetes ou de génération
* Generate IN query params and values
* @param string $values : Values to generate in array from
* @return array : Array ['QUERY' => string 'IN(...)', 'PARAMS' => [parameters to pass to execute]]
public function generate_in_from_array ($values)
$return = array(
'QUERY' => '',
'PARAMS' => array(),
$flags = array();
$values = count($values) ? $values : array();
foreach ($values as $clef => $value)
$return['PARAMS']['in_value_' . $clef] = $value;
$flags[] = ':in_value_' . $clef;
$return['QUERY'] .= ' IN(' . implode(', ', $flags) . ')';
return $return;
* Evaluate a condition to generate query string and params array for
* @param string $fieldname : fieldname possibly preceed by '<, >, <=, >=, ! or ='
* @param $value : value of field
* @return array : array with QUERY and PARAMS
public function evaluate_condition (string $fieldname, $value) : array
$first_char = mb_substr($fieldname, 0, 1);
$second_char = mb_substr($fieldname, 1, 1);
//Important de traiter <= & >= avant < & >
case ('<=' == $first_char . $second_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 2);
$operator = '<=';
case ('>=' == $first_char . $second_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 2);
$operator = '>=';
case ('!=' == $first_char . $second_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 2);
$operator = '!=';
case ('!' == $first_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 1);
$operator = '!=';
case ('<' == $first_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 1);
$operator = '<';
case ('>' == $first_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 1);
$operator = '>';
case ('=' == $first_char) :
$true_fieldname = mb_substr($fieldname, 1);
$operator = '=';
default :
$true_fieldname = $fieldname;
$operator = '=';
$query = '`' . $true_fieldname . '` ' . $operator . ' :where_' . $true_fieldname;
$param = ['where_' . $true_fieldname => $value];
return ['QUERY' => $query, 'PARAM' => $param];
* Get from table, posssibly with some conditions
* @param string $table : table name
* @param array $conditions : Where conditions to use, format 'fieldname' => 'value', fieldname can be preceed by operator '<, >, <=, >=, ! or = (by default)' to adapt comparaison operator
* @param ?string $order_by : name of column to order result by, null by default
* @param string $desc : L'ordre de tri (asc ou desc). Si non défini, ordre par défaut (ASC)
* @param string $limit : Le nombre maximum de résultats à récupérer (par défaut pas le limite)
* @param string $offset : Le nombre de résultats à ignorer (par défaut pas de résultats ignorés)
* @return mixed : False en cas d'erreur, sinon les lignes retournées
public function select (string $table, array $conditions = [], ?string $order_by = null, bool $desc = false, ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null)
$wheres = array();
$params = array();
foreach ($conditions as $label => $value)
$condition = $this->evaluate_condition($label, $value);
$wheres[] = $condition['QUERY'];
$params = array_merge($params, $condition['PARAM']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $table . " WHERE 1 " . (count($wheres) ? 'AND ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
if ($order_by !== null)
$query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by;
if ($desc)
$query .= ' DESC';
if ($limit !== null)
$query .= ' LIMIT :limit';
if ($offset !== null)
$query .= ' OFFSET :offset';
$query = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
if ($limit !== null)
$query->bindParam(':limit', $limit, PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($offset !== null)
$query->bindParam(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);
foreach ($params as $label => &$param)
$query->bindParam(':' . $label, $param);
return $query->fetchAll();
* Get one line from table, posssibly with some conditions
* see get
public function select_one (string $table, array $conditions = [], ?string $order_by = null, bool $desc = false, ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null)
$result = $this->select($table, $conditions, $order_by, $desc, $limit, $offset);
if (empty($result[0]))
return $result;
return $result[0];
* Count line from table, posssibly with some conditions
* @param array $conditions : conditions of query Les conditions pour la mise à jour sous la forme "label" => "valeur". Un operateur '<, >, <=, >=, !' peux précder le label pour modifier l'opérateur par défaut (=)
public function count (string $table, array $conditions = []) : int
$wheres = array();
$params = array();
foreach ($conditions as $label => $value)
$condition = $this->evaluate_condition($label, $value);
$wheres[] = $condition['QUERY'];
$params = array_merge($params, $condition['PARAM']);
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `count` FROM " . $table . " WHERE 1 " . (count($wheres) ? 'AND ' : '') . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
$query = $this->pdo->prepare($query);
foreach ($params as $label => &$param)
$query->bindParam(':' . $label, $param);
return $query->fetch()['count'];
* Update data from table with some conditions
* @param string $table : table name
* @param array $datas : new data to set
* @param array $conditions : conditions of update, Les conditions pour la mise à jour sous la forme "label" => "valeur". Un operateur '<, >, <=, >=, !' peux précder le label pour modifier l'opérateur par défaut (=)
* @param array $conditions : conditions to use, format 'fieldname' => 'value', fieldname can be preceed by operator '<, >, <=, >=, ! or = (by default)' to adapt comparaison operator
* @return mixed : Number of line modified
public function update (string $table, array $datas, array $conditions = array()) : int
$params = array();
$sets = array();
foreach ($datas as $label => $value)
$params['set_' . $label] = $value;
$sets[] = '`' . $label . '` = :set_' . $label . ' ';
$wheres = array();
foreach ($conditions as $label => $value)
$condition = $this->evaluate_condition($label, $value);
$wheres[] = $condition['QUERY'];
$params = array_merge($params, $condition['PARAM']);
$query = "UPDATE `" . $table . "` SET " . implode(', ', $sets) . " WHERE 1 AND " . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
return $this->run_query($query, $params, self::ROWCOUNT);
* Delete from table according to certain conditions
* @param string $table : Table name
* @param array $conditions : conditions to use, format 'fieldname' => 'value', fieldname can be preceed by operator '<, >, <=, >=, ! or = (by default)' to adapt comparaison operator
* @return mixed : Number of line deleted
public function delete (string $table, array $conditions = []) : int
//On gère les conditions
$wheres = array();
$params = array();
foreach ($conditions as $label => $value)
$condition = $this->evaluate_condition($label, $value);
$wheres[] = $condition['QUERY'];
$params = array_merge($params, $condition['PARAM']);
$query = "DELETE FROM `" . $table . "` WHERE 1 AND " . implode(' AND ', $wheres);
return $this->run_query($query, $params, self::ROWCOUNT);
* Insert new line into table
* @param string $table : table name
* @param array $datas : new datas
* @return mixed : null on error, number of line inserted else
public function insert (string $table, array $datas) : ?int
$params = array();
$field_names = array();
foreach ($datas as $field_name => $value)
$params[$field_name] = $value;
$field_names[] = $field_name;
$query = "INSERT INTO `" . $table . "` (`" . implode('`, `', $field_names) . "`) VALUES(:" . implode(', :', $field_names) . ")";
//On retourne le nombre de lignes insérées
return $this->run_query($query, $params, self::ROWCOUNT);