<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\internals; /** * Class to interact with adapters */ class Adapter extends \descartes\InternalController { private const ADAPTERS_FILES_END = 'Adapter.php'; private const ADAPTERS_META_START = 'meta_'; /** * List adapters using internal metas * @return array */ public function list_adapters () { $adapters = []; $files = $this->list_files(); if (!$files) { return $adapters; } foreach ($files as $file) { $metas = $this->read_adapter_metas($file); if (!$metas) { continue; } $adapters[] = $metas; } return $adapters; } /** * List Adapters files * @return mixed (false|array) : array of adapters files path */ public function list_files () { if (!is_readable(PWD_ADAPTERS)) { return false; } $adapters_files = []; $files = scandir(PWD_ADAPTERS); foreach ($files as $filename) { $len = mb_strlen(self::ADAPTERS_FILES_END); $end = mb_substr($filename, -$len); if ($end !== self::ADAPTERS_FILES_END) { continue; } $adapters_files[] = PWD_ADAPTERS . '/' . $filename; } return $adapters_files; } /** * Read constants of an adapter * @return mixed(array|bool) : False on error, array of constants name => value */ public function read_adapter_metas ($adapter_file) { $metas = []; if (!is_readable($adapter_file)) { return false; } $adapter_classname = pathinfo($adapter_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $reflection_class = new \ReflectionClass('\adapters\\' . $adapter_classname); if (!$reflection_class) { return false; } $methods = $reflection_class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC); foreach ($methods as $method) { $start_with = mb_substr($method->getName(), 0, mb_strlen(self::ADAPTERS_META_START)); if ($start_with !== self::ADAPTERS_META_START) { continue; } $metas[$method->getName()] = $method->invoke(null); } return $metas; } }