#!/usr/bin/php <?php function help() { echo 'Usage : ' . __FILE__ . ' <arg>' . "\n" . 'Args :' . "\n" . ' - help : Show help message.' . "\n" . ' - lint : Show coding standards to fix.' . "\n" . ' - fix : Fix coding standards.' . "\n"; exit(100); } $lint_commands = [ 'php ' . __DIR__ . '/php-cs-fixer.phar -v --dry-run --config="' . __DIR__ . '/php_cs.config" fix', ]; $fix_commands = [ 'php ' . __DIR__ . '/php-cs-fixer.phar --config="' . __DIR__ . '/php_cs.config" fix', ]; if (count($argv) < 2 || 'help' === $argv[1]) { help(); } if ('lint' === $argv[1]) { echo '######################' . "\n"; echo '# SHOW ERRORS TO FIX #' . "\n"; echo '######################' . "\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($lint_commands as $lint_command) { echo 'Run : ' . $lint_command . " \n"; $return = shell_exec($lint_command); echo $return; echo "\n\n"; } exit(0); } if ('fix' === $argv[1]) { echo '##############' . "\n"; echo '# FIX ERRORS #' . "\n"; echo '##############' . "\n"; echo "\n"; foreach ($fix_commands as $fix_command) { echo 'Run : ' . $fix_command . " \n"; $return = shell_exec($fix_command); echo $return; echo "\n\n"; } exit(0); } echo 'Invalid arg : ' . $argv[1] . "\n"; help();