<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace adapters; /** * Interface for phones adapters * Phone's adapters allow RaspiSMS to use a platform to communicate with a phone number. * Its an adapter between internal and external code, as an API, command line software, physical modem, etc. * * All Phone Adapters must implement this interface */ class TestAdapter implements AdapterInterface { /** * Data used to configure interaction with the implemented service. (e.g : Api credentials, ports numbers, etc.). */ private $data; /** * Path for the file to read sms as a json from. */ private $test_file_read = PWD_DATA . '/test_read_sms.json'; /** * Path for the file to write sms as a json in. */ private $test_file_write = PWD_DATA . '/test_write_sms.json'; /** * Adapter constructor, called when instanciated by RaspiSMS. * * @param json string $data : JSON string of the data to configure interaction with the implemented service */ public function __construct(string $data) { $this->data = $data; } /** * Classname of the adapter. */ public static function meta_classname(): string { return __CLASS__; } /** * Uniq name of the adapter * It should be the classname of the adapter un snakecase. */ public static function meta_uid(): string { return 'test_adapter'; } /** * Should this adapter be hidden in user interface for phone creation and * available to creation through API only. */ public static function meta_hidden(): bool { return false; } /** * Should this adapter data be hidden after creation * this help to prevent API credentials to other service leak if an attacker gain access to RaspiSMS through user credentials. */ public static function meta_hide_data(): bool { return false; } /** * Name of the adapter. * It should probably be the name of the service it adapt (e.g : Gammu SMSD, OVH SMS, SIM800L, etc.). */ public static function meta_name(): string { return 'Test'; } /** * Description of the adapter. * A short description of the service the adapter implements. */ public static function meta_description(): string { return 'A test adaptater that do not actually send or receive any message.'; } /** * List of entries we want in data for the adapter. * * @return array : Eachline line is a field as an array with keys : name, title, description, required */ public static function meta_data_fields(): array { return []; } /** * Does the implemented service support reading smss. */ public static function meta_support_read(): bool { return true; } /** * Does the implemented service support flash smss. */ public static function meta_support_flash(): bool { return true; } /** * Does the implemented service support status change. */ public static function meta_support_status_change(): bool { return false; } /** * Does the implemented service support reception callback. */ public static function meta_support_reception(): bool { return false; } /** * Does the implemented service support mms reception. */ public static function meta_support_mms_reception(): bool { return true; } /** * Does the implemented service support mms sending. */ public static function meta_support_mms_sending(): bool { return true; } public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool { return true; } public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool { return true; } public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []): array { $response = [ 'error' => false, 'error_message' => null, 'uid' => null, ]; $uid = uniqid(); $at = (new \DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $success = file_put_contents($this->test_file_write, json_encode(['uid' => $uid, 'at' => $at, 'destination' => $destination, 'text' => $text, 'flash' => $flash, 'mms' => $mms, 'medias' => $medias]) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); if (false === $success) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = 'Cannot write in file : ' . $this->test_file_write; return $response; } $response['uid'] = $uid; return $response; } /** * Read from a files to simulate sms reception. * In the file we expect a series of lines, each line beeing a SMS as a json string of format : * { * "at" : "2021-03-26 11:21:48", * "medias" : [ * "https://unsplash.com/photos/q4DJVtxES0w/download?force=true&w=640", * "/tmp/somelocalfile.jpg" * ], * "mms" : true, * "origin" : "+33612345678", * "text" : "SMS Text" * }. */ public function read(): array { $response = [ 'error' => false, 'error_message' => null, 'smss' => [], ]; try { $file_contents = file_get_contents($this->test_file_read); if (false === $file_contents) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = 'Cannot read file : ' . $this->test_file_read; return $response; } //Empty file to avoid dual read $success = file_put_contents($this->test_file_read, ''); if (false === $success) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = 'Cannot write in file : ' . $this->test_file_read; return $response; } $smss = explode("\n", $file_contents); foreach ($smss as $key => $sms) { $decode_sms = json_decode($sms, true); if (null === $decode_sms) { continue; } $clean_sms = [ 'at' => $decode_sms['at'], 'text' => $decode_sms['text'], 'origin' => $decode_sms['origin'], 'mms' => $decode_sms['mms'], 'medias' => [], ]; //In medias we want a media URI or URL foreach ($decode_sms['medias'] ?? [] as $media) { $tempfile = tempnam('/tmp', 'raspisms-media-'); if (!$tempfile) { continue; } $copy = copy($media, $tempfile); if (!$copy) { continue; } $clean_sms['medias'][] = [ 'filepath' => $tempfile, 'extension' => pathinfo($media, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ?: null, ]; } $response['smss'][] = $clean_sms; } return $response; } catch (\Throwable $t) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = $t->getMessage(); return $response; } } public function test(): bool { return true; } public static function status_change_callback() { $uid = $_GET['uid'] ?? false; $status = $_GET['status'] ?? false; if (!$uid || !$status) { return false; } $return = [ 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN, ]; switch ($status) { case \models\Sended::STATUS_DELIVERED: $return['status'] = \models\Sended::STATUS_DELIVERED; break; case \models\Sended::STATUS_FAILED: $return['status'] = \models\Sended::STATUS_FAILED; break; default: $return['status'] = \models\Sended::STATUS_UNKNOWN; break; } return $return; } public static function reception_callback(): array { return []; } public function inbound_call_callback(): array { $response = [ 'error' => false, 'error_message' => null, 'call' => [], ]; $uid = $_POST['uid'] ?? false; $start = $_POST['start'] ?? false; $end = $_POST['end'] ?? null; $origin = $_POST['origin'] ?? false; if (!$uid || !$start || !$origin) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = 'Missing required argument.'; return $response; } $response['call']['uid'] = $uid; $response['call']['start'] = $start; $response['call']['end'] = $end; $response['call']['origin'] = $origin; return $response; } public function end_call_callback(): array { $response = [ 'error' => false, 'error_message' => null, 'call' => [], ]; $uid = $_POST['uid'] ?? false; $end = $_POST['end'] ?? null; if (!$uid || !$end) { $response['error'] = true; $response['error_message'] = 'Missing required argument.'; return $response; } $response['call']['uid'] = $uid; $response['call']['end'] = $end; return $response; } }