<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\publics; /** * Page des calls. */ class Call extends \descartes\Controller { private $internal_call; /** * Cette fonction est appelée avant toute les autres : * Elle vérifie que l'utilisateur est bien connecté. * * @return void; */ public function __construct() { $bdd = \descartes\Model::_connect(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD); $this->internal_call = new \controllers\internals\Call($bdd); \controllers\internals\Tool::verifyconnect(); } /** * Page for showing calls list */ public function list() { $this->render('call/list'); } /** * Return calls list as json. */ public function list_json() { $entities = $this->internal_call->list_for_user($_SESSION['user']['id']); foreach ($entities as &$entity) { switch ($entity['direction']) { case \models\Call::DIRECTION_INBOUND : $entity['origin_formatted'] = \controllers\internals\Tool::phone_link($entity['origin']); break; case \models\Call::DIRECTION_OUTBOUND : $entity['destination_formatted'] = \controllers\internals\Tool::phone_link($entity['destination']); break; } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(['data' => $entities]); } /** * Delete a list of calls * * @param array int $_GET['ids'] : Ids of calls to delete * @param string $csrf : csrf token * * @return boolean; */ public function delete(string $csrf) { if (!$this->verify_csrf($csrf)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Jeton CSRF invalid !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('Call', 'list')); } $ids = $_GET['ids'] ?? []; foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->internal_call->delete_for_user($_SESSION['user']['id'], $id); } return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('Call', 'list')); } }