* * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\internals; class Phone extends \descartes\InternalController { private $model_phone; private $internal_event; public function __construct(\PDO $bdd) { $this->model_phone = new \models\Phone($bdd); $this->internal_event = new \controllers\internals\Event($bdd); } /** * Return list of phones * @param int $id_user : User id * @param mixed(int|bool) $nb_entry : Number of entry to return * @param mixed(int|bool) $page : Numero of page * * @return array|bool : List of user or false */ public function list(int $id_user, ?int $nb_entry = null, ?int $page = null) { return $this->model_phone->list($id_user, $nb_entry, $page * $nb_entry); } /** * Return a phone * @param int $id : id of the phone * @return array */ public function get (int $id) { return $this->model_phone->get($id); } /** * Return a phone by is number * @param string $number : phone number * @return array */ public function get_by_number (string $number) { return $this->model_phone->get_by_number($number); } /** * Return a phone by his number and user * @param string $number : phone number * @param int $id_user : user id * @return array */ public function get_by_number_and_user (string $number, int $id_user) { return $this->model_phone->get_by_number_and_user($number, $id_user); } /** * Return phones of a user * @param int $id_user : id of the user * @return array */ public function gets_for_user (int $id_user) { return $this->model_phone->gets_for_user($id_user); } /** * Return all phones * @return array */ public function get_all () { return $this->model_phone->get_all(); } /** * Delete a phone * @param int $id : Phone id * @return bool */ public function delete (int $id) : bool { return (bool) $this->model_phone->delete($id); } /** * Create a phone * @param int $id_user : User to insert phone for * @param string $number : The number of the phone * @param string $adapter : The adapter to use the phone * @param ?string json $adapter_datas : A JSON string representing adapter's datas (for example credentials for an api) * @return bool : false on error, true on success */ public function create (int $id_user, string $number, string $adapter, ?string $adapter_datas) : bool { $phone = [ 'id_user' => $id_user, 'number' => $number, 'adapter' => $adapter, 'adapter_datas' => $adapter_datas, ]; return (bool) $this->model_phone->insert($phone); } /** * Update a phone * @param int $id : Phone id * @param int $id_user : User to insert phone for * @param string $number : The number of the phone * @param string $adapter : The adapter to use the phone * @param array $adapter_datas : An array of the datas of the adapter (for example credentials for an api) * @return bool : false on error, true on success */ public function update (int $id, int $id_user, string $number, string $adapter, array $adapter_datas) : bool { $phone = [ 'id_user' => $id_user, 'number' => $number, 'adapter' => $adapter, 'adapter_datas' => json_encode($adapter_datas), ]; return (bool) $this->model_phone->update($id, $phone); } }