
use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration;

class AddPhonePriority extends AbstractMigration
     * Change Method.
     * Write your reversible migrations using this method.
     * More information on writing migrations is available here:
     * https://book.cakephp.org/phinx/0/en/migrations.html
     * The following commands can be used in this method and Phinx will
     * automatically reverse them when rolling back:
     *    createTable
     *    renameTable
     *    addColumn
     *    addCustomColumn
     *    renameColumn
     *    addIndex
     *    addForeignKey
     * Any other destructive changes will result in an error when trying to
     * rollback the migration.
     * Remember to call "create()" or "update()" and NOT "save()" when working
     * with the Table class.
    public function change()
        $table = $this->table('phone');
        $table->addColumn('priority', 'integer', [
                'null' => false,
                'default' => 0,
                'comment' => 'Priority with which the phone will be used. The higher the more prioritary.',
                'after' => 'name'