<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\internals; abstract class StandardController extends \descartes\InternalController { public function __construct(\PDO $bdd) { $this->bdd = $bdd; } /** * Get the model for the Controller * @return \descartes\Model */ abstract protected function get_model () : \descartes\Model; /** * Return all the entries * @return array */ public function get_all () { return $this->get_model()->get_all(); } /** * Return a entry by his id * @param int $id : Entry id * @return array */ public function get (int $id) { return $this->get_model()->get($id); } /** * Return a entry by his id and a user * @param int $id_user : Entry id * @param int $id : Entry id * @return array */ public function get_for_user (int $id_user, int $id) { return $this->get_model()->get_for_user($id_user, $id); } /** * Return all entries for a user * @param int $id_user : Entry id * @return array */ public function gets_for_user (int $id_user) { return $this->get_model()->gets_for_user($id_user); } /** * Return the list of entries for a user * @param int $id_user : User id * @param ?int $nb_entry : Number of entry to return * @param ?int $page : Pagination, used to calcul offset, $nb_entry * $page * @return array : Entrys list */ public function list_for_user (int $id_user, ?int $nb_entry = null, ?int $page = null) { return $this->get_model()->list_for_user($id_user, $nb_entry, $nb_entry * $page); } /** * Return a list of entries in a group of ids and for a user * @param int $id_user : user id * @param array $ids : ids of entries to find * @return array */ public function gets_in_for_user (int $id_user, array $ids) { return $this->get_model()->gets_in_for_user($id_user, $ids); } /** * Delete a entry by his id for a user * @param int $id_user : User id * @param int $id : Entry id * @return int : Number of removed rows */ public function delete_for_user(int $id_user, int $id) { return $this->get_model()->delete_for_user($id_user, $id); } /** * Delete a entry by his id * @param int $id : Entry id * @return int : Number of removed rows */ public function delete (int $id) { return $this->get_model()->delete($id); } /** * Count number of entry for a user * @param int $id_user : User id * @return int : number of entries */ public function count_for_user(int $id_user) { return $this->get_model()->count_for_user($id_user); } }