<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\internals; use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; use Monolog\Logger; class Scheduled extends StandardController { protected $model; /** * Create a scheduled. * * @param int $id_user : User to insert scheduled for * @param $at : Scheduled date to send * @param string $text : Text of the message * @param ?int $id_phone : Id of the phone to send message with, null by default * @param ?int $id_phone_group : Id of the phone group to send message with, null by default * @param bool $flash : Is the sms a flash sms, by default false * @param bool $mms : Is the sms a mms, by default false * @param ?string $tag : A string tag to associate to sended SMS * @param array $numbers : Array of numbers to send message to, a number is an array ['number' => '+33XXX', 'data' => '{"key":"value", ...}'] * @param array $contacts_ids : Contact ids to send message to * @param array $groups_ids : Group ids to send message to * @param array $conditional_group_ids : Conditional Groups ids to send message to * @param array $media_ids : Ids of the medias to link to scheduled message * * @return bool : false on error, new id on success */ public function create(int $id_user, $at, string $text, ?int $id_phone = null, ?int $id_phone_group = null, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, ?string $tag = null, array $numbers = [], array $contacts_ids = [], array $groups_ids = [], array $conditional_group_ids = [], array $media_ids = []) { $scheduled = [ 'id_user' => $id_user, 'at' => $at, 'text' => $text, 'id_phone' => $id_phone, 'id_phone_group' => $id_phone_group, 'flash' => $flash, 'mms' => $mms, 'tag' => $tag, ]; if ('' === $text) { return false; } if (null !== $id_phone) { $internal_phone = new Phone($this->bdd); $find_phone = $internal_phone->get_for_user($id_user, $id_phone); if (!$find_phone) { return false; } } if (null !== $id_phone_group) { $internal_phone_group = new PhoneGroup($this->bdd); $find_phone_group = $internal_phone_group->get_for_user($id_user, $id_phone_group); if (!$find_phone_group) { return false; } } //Use transaction to garanty atomicity $this->bdd->beginTransaction(); $id_scheduled = $this->get_model()->insert($scheduled); if (!$id_scheduled) { $this->bdd->rollBack(); return false; } $internal_media = new Media($this->bdd); foreach ($media_ids as $media_id) { $id_media_scheduled = $internal_media->link_to($media_id, 'scheduled', $id_scheduled); if (!$id_media_scheduled) { $this->bdd->rollBack(); return false; } } foreach ($numbers as $number) { $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_number($id_scheduled, $number['number'], $number['data']); } $internal_contact = new Contact($this->bdd); foreach ($contacts_ids as $contact_id) { $find_contact = $internal_contact->get_for_user($id_user, $contact_id); if (!$find_contact) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_contact_relation($id_scheduled, $contact_id); } $internal_group = new Group($this->bdd); foreach ($groups_ids as $group_id) { $find_group = $internal_group->get_for_user($id_user, $group_id); if (!$find_group) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_group_relation($id_scheduled, $group_id); } $internal_conditional_group = new ConditionalGroup($this->bdd); foreach ($conditional_group_ids as $conditional_group_id) { $find_group = $internal_conditional_group->get_for_user($id_user, $conditional_group_id); if (!$find_group) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_conditional_group_relation($id_scheduled, $conditional_group_id); } $success = $this->bdd->commit(); if (!$success) { return false; } $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $internal_event = new Event($this->bdd); $internal_event->create($id_user, 'SCHEDULED_ADD', 'Ajout d\'un Sms pour le ' . $date . '.'); return $id_scheduled; } /** * Update a scheduled. * * @param int $id_user : User to insert scheduled for * @param int $id_scheduled : Scheduled id * @param $at : Scheduled date to send * @param string $text : Text of the message * @param ?int $id_phone : Id of the phone to send message with, null by default * @param ?int $id_phone_group : Id of the phone group to send message with, null by default * @param bool $flash : Is the sms a flash sms, by default false * @param bool $mms : Is the sms a mms, by default false * @param ?string $tag : A string tag to associate to sended SMS * @param array $numbers : Array of numbers to send message to, a number is an array ['number' => '+33XXX', 'data' => '{"key":"value", ...}'] * @param array $contacts_ids : Contact ids to send message to * @param array $groups_ids : Group ids to send message to * @param array $conditional_group_ids : Conditional Groups ids to send message to * @param array $media_ids : Ids of the medias to link to scheduled message * * @return bool : false on error, true on success */ public function update_for_user(int $id_user, int $id_scheduled, $at, string $text, ?int $id_phone = null, ?int $id_phone_group = null, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, ?string $tag = null, array $numbers = [], array $contacts_ids = [], array $groups_ids = [], array $conditional_group_ids = [], array $media_ids = []) { $scheduled = [ 'id_user' => $id_user, 'at' => $at, 'text' => $text, 'id_phone' => $id_phone, 'id_phone_group' => $id_phone_group, 'mms' => $mms, 'flash' => $flash, 'tag' => $tag, ]; if (null !== $id_phone) { $internal_phone = new Phone($this->bdd); $find_phone = $internal_phone->get_for_user($id_user, $id_phone); if (!$find_phone) { return false; } } if (null !== $id_phone_group) { $internal_phone_group = new PhoneGroup($this->bdd); $find_phone_group = $internal_phone_group->get_for_user($id_user, $id_phone_group); if (!$find_phone_group) { return false; } } //Ensure atomicity $this->bdd->beginTransaction(); $success = (bool) $this->get_model()->update_for_user($id_user, $id_scheduled, $scheduled); $this->get_model()->delete_scheduled_numbers($id_scheduled); $this->get_model()->delete_scheduled_contact_relations($id_scheduled); $this->get_model()->delete_scheduled_group_relations($id_scheduled); $this->get_model()->delete_scheduled_conditional_group_relations($id_scheduled); $internal_media = new Media($this->bdd); $internal_media->unlink_all_of('scheduled', $id_scheduled); foreach ($media_ids as $media_id) { $id_media_scheduled = $internal_media->link_to($media_id, 'scheduled', $id_scheduled); if (!$id_media_scheduled) { $this->bdd->rollBack(); return false; } } foreach ($numbers as $number) { $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_number($id_scheduled, $number['number'], $number['data']); } $internal_contact = new Contact($this->bdd); foreach ($contacts_ids as $contact_id) { $find_contact = $internal_contact->get_for_user($id_user, $contact_id); if (!$find_contact) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_contact_relation($id_scheduled, $contact_id); } $internal_group = new Group($this->bdd); foreach ($groups_ids as $group_id) { $find_group = $internal_group->get_for_user($id_user, $group_id); if (!$find_group) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_group_relation($id_scheduled, $group_id); } $internal_conditional_group = new ConditionalGroup($this->bdd); foreach ($conditional_group_ids as $conditional_group_id) { $find_group = $internal_conditional_group->get_for_user($id_user, $conditional_group_id); if (!$find_group) { continue; } $this->get_model()->insert_scheduled_conditional_group_relation($id_scheduled, $conditional_group_id); } return $this->bdd->commit(); } /** * Get messages scheduled before a date for a number and a user. * * @param int $id_user : User id * @param $date : Date before which we want messages * @param string $number : Number for which we want messages * * @return array */ public function gets_before_date_for_number_and_user(int $id_user, $date, string $number) { return $this->get_model()->gets_before_date_for_number_and_user($id_user, $date, $number); } /** * Get messages scheduled after a date for a number and a user. * * @param int $id_user : User id * @param $date : Date after which we want messages * @param string $number : Number for which we want messages * * @return array */ public function gets_after_date_for_number_and_user(int $id_user, $date, string $number) { return $this->get_model()->gets_after_date_for_number_and_user($id_user, $date, $number); } /** * Parse a CSV file of numbers, potentially associated with datas. * * @param resource $file_handler : File handler pointing to the file * * @throws Exception : raise exception if file is not valid * * @return mixed : array of numbers ['number' => '+XXXX...', 'data' => ['key' => 'value', ...]] */ public function parse_csv_numbers_file($file_handler) { $numbers = []; $head = null; $line_nb = 0; while ($line = fgetcsv($file_handler)) { ++$line_nb; if (null === $head) { $head = $line; continue; } //Padding line with '' entries to make sure its same length as head //this allow to mix users with data with users without data $line = array_pad($line, \count($head), ''); $line = array_combine($head, $line); if (false === $line) { continue; } $phone_number = \controllers\internals\Tool::parse_phone($line[array_keys($line)[0]] ?? ''); if (!$phone_number) { throw new \Exception('Erreur à la ligne ' . $line_nb . ' colonne 1, numéro de téléphone invalide.'); } $data = []; $i = 0; foreach ($line as $key => $value) { ++$i; if ($i < 2) { // Ignore first column continue; } if ('' === $value) { continue; } $key = mb_ereg_replace('[\W]', '', $key); $data[$key] = $value; } $numbers[] = ['number' => $phone_number, 'data' => $data]; } return $numbers; } /** * Return numbers for a scheduled message. * * @param int $id_scheduled : Scheduled id * * @return array */ public function get_numbers(int $id_scheduled) { return $this->get_model()->get_numbers($id_scheduled); } /** * Return contacts for a scheduled message. * * @param int $id_scheduled : Scheduled id * * @return array */ public function get_contacts(int $id_scheduled) { return $this->get_model()->get_contacts($id_scheduled); } /** * Return groups for a scheduled message. * * @param int $id_scheduled : Scheduled id * * @return array */ public function get_groups(int $id_scheduled) { return $this->get_model()->get_groups($id_scheduled); } /** * Return conditional groups for a scheduled message. * * @param int $id_scheduled : Scheduled id * * @return array */ public function get_conditional_groups(int $id_scheduled) { return $this->get_model()->get_conditional_groups($id_scheduled); } /** * Get the model for the Controller. */ protected function get_model(): \models\Scheduled { $this->model = $this->model ?? new \models\Scheduled($this->bdd); return $this->model; } /** * Get all messages to send and the number to use to send theme. * * @return array : List of smss to send at this time per scheduled id ['1' => [['id_scheduled', 'text', 'id_phone', 'destination', 'flash', 'mms', 'medias'], ...], ...] */ public function get_smss_to_send() { $sms_per_scheduled = []; $internal_templating = new \controllers\internals\Templating(); $internal_setting = new \controllers\internals\Setting($this->bdd); $internal_group = new \controllers\internals\Group($this->bdd); $internal_conditional_group = new \controllers\internals\ConditionalGroup($this->bdd); $internal_phone = new \controllers\internals\Phone($this->bdd); $internal_phone_group = new \controllers\internals\PhoneGroup($this->bdd); $internal_smsstop = new \controllers\internals\SmsStop($this->bdd); $internal_sended = new \controllers\internals\Sended($this->bdd); $users_smsstops = []; $users_settings = []; $users_phones = []; $users_phone_groups = []; $shortlink_cache = []; $now = new \DateTime(); $now = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $scheduleds = $this->get_model()->gets_before_date($now); foreach ($scheduleds as $scheduled) { $id_scheduled = $scheduled['id']; $id_user = $scheduled['id_user']; $sms_per_scheduled[$id_scheduled] = []; // Forge cache of data about users, sms stops, phones, etc. if (!isset($users_settings[$id_user])) { $users_settings[$id_user] = []; $settings = $internal_setting->gets_for_user($id_user); foreach ($settings as $name => $value) { $users_settings[$id_user][$name] = $value; } } if (!isset($users_smsstops[$id_user]) && $users_settings[$id_user]['smsstop']) { $users_smsstops[$id_user] = []; $smsstops = $internal_smsstop->gets_for_user($id_user); foreach ($smsstops as $smsstop) { $users_smsstops[$id_user][] = $smsstop['number']; } } if (!isset($users_phones[$id_user])) { $users_phones[$id_user] = []; $phones = $internal_phone->gets_for_user($id_user); foreach ($phones as &$phone) { $limits = $internal_phone->get_limits($phone['id']); $remaining_volume = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($limits as $limit) { $startpoint = new \DateTime($limit['startpoint']); $consumed = $internal_sended->count_since_for_phone_and_user($id_user, $phone['id'], $startpoint); $remaining_volume = min(($limit['volume'] - $consumed), $remaining_volume); } $phone['remaining_volume'] = $remaining_volume; $users_phones[$id_user][$phone['id']] = $phone; } } if (!isset($users_phone_groups[$id_user])) { $users_phone_groups[$id_user] = []; $phone_groups = $internal_phone_group->gets_for_user($id_user); foreach ($phone_groups as $phone_group) { $phones = $internal_phone_group->get_phones($phone_group['id']); $phone_group['phones'] = []; foreach ($phones as $phone) { $phone_group['phones'][] = $phone['id']; } $users_phone_groups[$id_user][$phone_group['id']] = $phone_group; } } //Add medias to mms $scheduled['medias'] = []; if ($scheduled['mms']) { $internal_media = new Media($this->bdd); $scheduled['medias'] = $internal_media->gets_for_scheduled($id_scheduled); } $phone_to_use = null; if ($scheduled['id_phone']) { $phone_to_use = $users_phones[$id_user][$scheduled['id_phone']] ?? null; } $phone_group_to_use = null; if ($scheduled['id_phone_group']) { $phone_group_to_use = $users_phone_groups[$id_user][$scheduled['id_phone_group']] ?? null; } // We turn all contacts, groups and conditional groups into just contacts $contacts = $this->get_contacts($id_scheduled); $groups = $this->get_groups($id_scheduled); foreach ($groups as $group) { $contacts_to_add = $internal_group->get_contacts($group['id']); $contacts = array_merge($contacts, $contacts_to_add); } $conditional_groups = $this->get_conditional_groups($id_scheduled); foreach ($conditional_groups as $conditional_group) { $contacts_to_add = $internal_conditional_group->get_contacts_for_condition_and_user($id_user, $conditional_group['condition']); $contacts = array_merge($contacts, $contacts_to_add); } // We turn all numbers and contacts into simple targets with number, data and meta so we can forge all messages from onlye one data source $targets = []; $numbers = $this->get_numbers($id_scheduled); foreach ($numbers as $number) { $metas = ['number' => $number['number']]; $targets[] = [ 'number' => $number['number'], 'data' => $number['data'], 'metas' => $metas, ]; } foreach ($contacts as $contact) { $metas = $contact; unset($metas['data'], $metas['id_user']); $targets[] = [ 'number' => $contact['number'], 'data' => $contact['data'], 'metas' => $metas, ]; } // Pass on all targets to deduplicate destinations, remove number in sms stops, etc. $used_destinations = []; foreach ($targets as $key => $target) { if (in_array($target['number'], $used_destinations)) { unset($targets[$key]); continue; } //Remove messages to smsstops numbers if not with tag SMS_STOP if ($scheduled['tag'] != \models\SmsStop::SMS_STOP_TAG && ($users_smsstops[$id_user] ?? false) && in_array($target['number'], $users_smsstops[$id_user])) { unset($targets[$key]); continue; } $used_destinations[] = $target['number']; } // Finally, we forge all messages and select phone to use foreach ($targets as $target) { // Forge message if templating enable $text = $scheduled['text']; if ((int) ($users_settings[$id_user]['templating'] ?? false)) // Cast to int because it is more reliable than bool on strings { $target['data'] = json_decode($target['data'], true); $data = ['contact' => $target['data'], 'contact_metas' => $target['metas']]; $render = $internal_templating->render($scheduled['text'], $data); if (!$render['success']) { continue; } $text = $render['result']; } // Ignore empty messages if ('' === trim($text) && !$scheduled['medias']) { continue; } // If we must force GSM 7 alphabet if ((int) ($users_settings[$id_user]['force_gsm_alphabet'] ?? false)) { $text = Tool::convert_to_gsm0338($text); } // If the text contain http links we must replace them if (ENABLE_URL_SHORTENER && ((int) ($users_settings[$id_user]['shorten_url'] ?? false))) { $http_links = Tool::search_http_links($text); if ($http_links !== false) { foreach ($http_links as $http_link) { if (!array_key_exists($http_link, $shortlink_cache)) { $shortlkink = LinkShortener::shorten($http_link); // If link shortening failed, keep original one if ($shortlkink === false) { continue; } $shortlink_cache[$http_link] = $shortlkink; } $shortlink = $shortlink_cache[$http_link]; $text = str_replace($http_link, $shortlink, $text); } } } /* Choose phone if no phone defined for message Phones are choosen using type, priority and remaining volume : 1 - If sms is a mms, try to use mms phone if any available. If mms phone available use mms phone, else use default. 2 - In group of phones, keep only phones with remaining volume. If no phones with remaining volume, use all phones instead. 3 - Groupe keeped phones by priority get group with biggest priority. 4 - Get a random phone in this group. 5 - If their is no phone matching, keep phone at null so sender will directly mark it as failed */ $random_phone = null; if (null === $phone_to_use) { $phones_subset = $users_phones[$id_user]; if ($phone_group_to_use) { $phones_subset = array_filter($phones_subset, function ($phone) use ($phone_group_to_use) { return in_array($phone['id'], $phone_group_to_use['phones']); }); } if ($scheduled['mms']) { $mms_only = array_filter($phones_subset, function ($phone) { return $phone['adapter']::meta_support_mms_sending(); }); $phones_subset = $mms_only ?: $phones_subset; } // Keep only available phones $remaining_volume_phones = array_filter($phones_subset, function ($phone) { return $phone['status'] == \models\Phone::STATUS_AVAILABLE; }); $phones_subset = $remaining_volume_phones ?: $phones_subset; // Keep only phones with remaining volume if ((int) ($users_settings[$id_user]['phone_limit'] ?? false)) { $remaining_volume_phones = array_filter($phones_subset, function ($phone) { return $phone['remaining_volume'] > 0; }); $phones_subset = $remaining_volume_phones ?: $phones_subset; } if ((int) ($users_settings[$id_user]['phone_priority'] ?? false)) { $max_priority_phones = []; $max_priority = PHP_INT_MIN; foreach ($phones_subset as $phone) { if ($phone['priority'] < $max_priority) { continue; } elseif ($phone['priority'] == $max_priority) { $max_priority_phones[] = $phone; } elseif ($phone['priority'] > $max_priority) { $max_priority_phones = [$phone]; $max_priority = $phone['priority']; } } $phones_subset = $max_priority_phones; } if ($phones_subset) { $random_phone = $phones_subset[array_rand($phones_subset)]; } } // This should only happen if the user try to send a message without any phone in his account, then we simply ignore. if (!$random_phone && !$phone_to_use) { continue; } $id_phone = $phone_to_use['id'] ?? $random_phone['id']; $sms_per_scheduled[$id_scheduled][] = [ 'id_user' => $id_user, 'id_scheduled' => $id_scheduled, 'id_phone' => $id_phone, 'destination' => $target['number'], 'flash' => $scheduled['flash'], 'mms' => $scheduled['mms'], 'tag' => $scheduled['tag'], 'medias' => $scheduled['medias'], 'text' => $text, ]; // Consume one sms from remaining volume of phone $users_phones[$id_user][$id_phone]['remaining_volume'] --; } } return $sms_per_scheduled; } }