* * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace controllers\publics; /** * Page des users. */ class User extends \descartes\Controller { private $internal_user; private $internal_quota; /** * Cette fonction est appelée avant toute les autres : * Elle vérifie que l'utilisateur est bien connecté. * * @return void; */ public function __construct() { $bdd = \descartes\Model::_connect(DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD); $this->internal_user = new \controllers\internals\User($bdd); $this->internal_quota = new \controllers\internals\Quota($bdd); \controllers\internals\Tool::verifyconnect(); if (!\controllers\internals\Tool::is_admin()) { return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('Dashboard', 'show')); } } /** * Cette fonction retourne tous les users, sous forme d'un tableau permettant l'administration de ces users. */ public function list() { $this->render('user/list'); } /** * Return users as json. */ public function list_json() { $entities = $this->internal_user->list(); foreach ($entities as &$entity) { $quota_percentage = $this->internal_quota->get_usage_percentage($entity['id']); $entity['quota_percentage'] = $quota_percentage * 100; $quota = $this->internal_quota->get_user_quota($entity['id']); if (!$quota) { continue; } if (new \DateTime() > new \DateTime($quota['expiration_date'])) { $entity['quota_expired_at'] = $quota['expiration_date']; } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(['data' => $entities]); } /** * Update status of users. * * @param array int $_GET['user_ids'] : User ids * @param mixed $csrf * @param int $status : 1 -> active, 0 -> suspended * * @return boolean; */ public function update_status($csrf, int $status) { if (!$this->verify_csrf($csrf)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Jeton CSRF invalid !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } if (0 === $status) { $status = \models\User::STATUS_SUSPENDED; } else { $status = \models\User::STATUS_ACTIVE; } $ids = $_GET['user_ids'] ?? []; foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->internal_user->update_status($id, $status); } return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } /** * Cette fonction va supprimer une liste de users. * * @param array int $_GET['user_ids'] : Les id des useres à supprimer * @param mixed $csrf * * @return boolean; */ public function delete($csrf) { if (!$this->verify_csrf($csrf)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Jeton CSRF invalid !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } if (!\controllers\internals\Tool::is_admin()) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Vous devez être administrateur pour supprimer un utilisateur !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } $ids = $_GET['user_ids'] ?? []; foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->internal_user->delete($id); } return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } /** * Cette fonction retourne la page d'ajout d'un user. */ public function add() { $now = new \DateTime(); $now = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:00'); return $this->render('user/add', ['now' => $now]); } /** * Cette fonction insert un nouveau user. * * @param $csrf : Le jeton CSRF * @param string $_POST['email'] : User email * @param optional string $_POST['password'] : User password, (if empty the password is randomly generated) * @param optional boolean $_POST['admin'] : If true user is admin * @param optional boolean $_POST['quota_enable'] : If true create a quota for the user * @param boolean $_POST['quota_enable'] : If true create a quota for the user * @param optional int $_POST['quota_credit'] : credit for quota * @param optional int $_POST['quota_additional'] : additional credit * @param optional string $_POST['quota_start_date'] : quota beginning date * @param optional string $_POST['quota_renewal_interval'] : period to use on renewal to calculate new expiration date. Also use to calculate first expiration date. * @param optional boolean $_POST['quota_auto_renew'] : Should the quota be automatically renewed on expiration * @param optional boolean $_POST['quota_report_unused'] : Should unused credit be reported next month * @param optional boolean $_POST['quota_report_unused_additional'] : Should unused additional credit be transfered next month */ public function create($csrf) { if (!$this->verify_csrf($csrf)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Jeton CSRF invalid !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } $email = $_POST['email'] ?? false; $password = !empty($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : \controllers\internals\Tool::generate_password(rand(6, 12)); $admin = $_POST['admin'] ?? false; $status = 'active'; $quota_enable = $_POST['quota_enable'] ?? false; $quota_credit = $_POST['quota_credit'] ?? false; $quota_additional = $_POST['quota_additional'] ?? false; $quota_start_date = $_POST['quota_start_date'] ?? false; $quota_renew_interval = $_POST['quota_renew_interval'] ?? false; $quota_auto_renew = $_POST['quota_auto_renew'] ?? false; $quota_report_unused = $_POST['quota_report_unused'] ?? false; $quota_report_unused_additional = $_POST['quota_report_unused_additional'] ?? false; if (!$email) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Vous devez au moins fournir une adresse e-mail pour l\'utilisateur.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'adresse e-mail n\'est pas valide.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } //Forge quota for user if needed $quota = null; if ($quota_enable) { $quota = []; $quota['credit'] = (int) $quota_credit; $quota['additional'] = (int) $quota_additional; if ($quota_start_date === false || !\controllers\internals\Tool::validate_date($quota_start_date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Vous devez définir une date de début valide pour le quota.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } $quota['start_date'] = new \DateTime($quota_start_date); if ($quota_renew_interval === false || !\controllers\internals\Tool::validate_period($quota_renew_interval)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Vous devez définir une durée de quota parmis la liste proposée.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } $quota['renew_interval'] = $quota_renew_interval; $quota['expiration_date'] = clone $quota['start_date']; $quota['expiration_date']->add(new \DateInterval($quota_renew_interval)); $quota['auto_renew'] = (bool) $quota_auto_renew; $quota['report_unused'] = (bool) $quota_report_unused; $quota['report_unused_additional'] = (bool) $quota_report_unused_additional; } $id_user = $this->internal_user->create($email, $password, $admin, null, \models\User::STATUS_ACTIVE, true, $quota); if (!$id_user) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Impossible de créer cet utilisateur.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } $mailer = new \controllers\internals\Mailer(); $email_send = $mailer->enqueue($email, EMAIL_CREATE_USER, ['email' => $email, 'password' => $password]); if (!$email_send) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Impossible d\'envoyer l\'e-mail à l\'utilisateur.'); } \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('success', 'L\'utilisateur a bien été créé.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } /** * Return the edition page for the users * * @param int... $ids : users ids */ public function edit() { $ids = $_GET['user_ids'] ?? []; $id_user = $_SESSION['user']['id']; $users = $this->internal_user->gets_in_by_id($ids); if (!$users) { return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } foreach ($users as &$user) { $user['quota'] = $this->internal_quota->get_user_quota($user['id']); } $now = new \DateTime(); $now = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:00'); $this->render('user/edit', [ 'users' => $users, 'now' => $now, ]); } /** * Update a list of users * * @param $csrf : Le jeton CSRF * @param array $_POST['users'] : Array of the users and new values, id as key. Quota may also be defined. */ public function update($csrf) { if (!$this->verify_csrf($csrf)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Jeton CSRF invalid !'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } $nb_update = 0; $users = $_POST['users'] ?? []; foreach ($users as $id_user => $user) { $email = $user['email'] ?? false; $password = !empty($user['password']) ? $user['password'] : null; $admin = $user['admin'] ?? false; $quota_enable = $user['quota_enable'] ?? false; $quota_consumed = $user['quota_consumed'] ?? false; $quota_credit = $user['quota_credit'] ?? false; $quota_additional = $user['quota_additional'] ?? false; $quota_start_date = $user['quota_start_date'] ?? false; $quota_renew_interval = $user['quota_renew_interval'] ?? false; $quota_auto_renew = $user['quota_auto_renew'] ?? false; $quota_report_unused = $user['quota_report_unused'] ?? false; $quota_report_unused_additional = $user['quota_report_unused_additional'] ?? false; if (!$email) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'utilisateur #' . (int) $id_user . ' n\'as pas pu être mis à jour car l\'adresse e-mail n\'as pas été fournie.'); continue; } if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'utilisateur #' . (int) $id_user . ' n\'as pas pu être mis à jour car l\'adresse e-mail fournie n\'est pas valide.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'add')); } //Forge quota for user if needed $quota = false; if ($quota_enable) { $quota = []; $quota['credit'] = (int) $quota_credit; $quota['consumed'] = (int) $quota_consumed; $quota['additional'] = (int) $quota_additional; if ($quota_start_date === false || !\controllers\internals\Tool::validate_date($quota_start_date, 'Y-m-d H:i:s')) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'utilisateur #' . (int) $id_user . ' n\'as pas pu être mis à jour car la date de début du quota associé n\'est pas valide.'); continue; } $quota['start_date'] = new \DateTime($quota_start_date); if ($quota_renew_interval === false || !\controllers\internals\Tool::validate_period($quota_renew_interval)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'utilisateur #' . (int) $id_user . ' n\'as pas pu être mis à jour car la durée du quota associé n\'est pas valide.'); continue; } $quota['renew_interval'] = $quota_renew_interval; $quota['expiration_date'] = clone $quota['start_date']; $quota['expiration_date']->add(new \DateInterval($quota_renew_interval)); $quota['auto_renew'] = (bool) $quota_auto_renew; $quota['report_unused'] = (bool) $quota_report_unused; $quota['report_unused_additional'] = (bool) $quota_report_unused_additional; //Format dates $quota['start_date'] = $quota['start_date']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $quota['expiration_date'] = $quota['expiration_date']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $updated_user = [ 'email' => $email, 'admin' => $admin, ]; if ($password) { $updated_user['password'] = $password; } $success = $this->internal_user->update($id_user, $updated_user, $quota); if (!$success) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'L\'utilisateur #' . (int) $id_user . ' n\'as pas pu être mis à jour.'); continue; } $nb_update++; } if ($nb_update != count($users)) { \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('danger', 'Certains utilisateurs n\'ont pas pu être mis à jour.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } \FlashMessage\FlashMessage::push('success', 'Tous les utilisateurs ont bien été mis à jour.'); return $this->redirect(\descartes\Router::url('User', 'list')); } }