<?php /* * This file is part of RaspiSMS. * * (c) Pierre-Lin Bonnemaison <plebwebsas@gmail.com> * * This source file is subject to the GPL-3.0 license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace models; /** * Class for user table administration. Not a standard model because has absolutly no user based restrictions. */ class User extends \descartes\Model { const STATUS_SUSPENDED = 'suspended'; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active'; /** * Find a user by his id. * * @param string $id : User id * * @return mixed array */ public function get($id) { return $this->_select_one('user', ['id' => $id]); } /** * Find a user using his email. * * @param string $email : User email * * @return mixed array */ public function get_by_email($email) { return $this->_select_one('user', ['email' => $email]); } /** * Get a user by his api_key address. * * @param string $api_key : User api key * * @return mixed boolean | array : false if cannot find user for this api key, the user else */ public function get_by_api_key(string $api_key) { return $this->_select_one('user', ['api_key' => $api_key]); } /** * Return list of user. * * @param int $limit : Number of user to return * @param int $offset : Number of user to skip */ public function list($limit, $offset) { return $this->_select('user', [], null, false, $limit, $offset); } /** * Delete a user. * * @param int $id : Id de l'utilisateur a supprimer * * @return int : Le nombre de lignes supprimées */ public function remove($id) { return $this->_delete('user', ['id' => $id]); } /** * Insert a new user. * * @param array $user : User to insert * * @return mixed bool|int : false if fail, new user id else */ public function insert($user) { $success = $this->_insert('user', $user); return $success ? $this->_last_id() : false; } /** * Update a user using his is. * * @param int $id : User id * @param array $data : Data to update * * @return int : number of modified rows */ public function update($id, $data) { return $this->_update('user', $data, ['id' => $id]); } /** * Update a user password by his id. * * @param int $id : User id * @param array $password : The new password of the user * * @return int : Number of modified lines */ public function update_password($id, $password) { return $this->_update('user', ['password' => $password], ['id' => $id]); } /** * Update a user email by his id. * * @param int $id : User id * @param array $email : The new email * * @return int : Number of modified lines */ public function update_email($id, $email) { return $this->_update('user', ['email' => $email], ['id' => $id]); } }