Add callback for phone calls, not tested yet
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,6 +93,16 @@ interface AdapterInterface
public static function meta_support_mms_sending(): bool;
* Does the implemented service support inbound call callback
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool;
* Does the implemented service support end call callback
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool;
* Method called to send a SMS to a number.
@ -162,4 +172,35 @@ interface AdapterInterface
* ]
public static function reception_callback(): array;
* Method called on reception of an inbound_call notification
* @return array : [
* bool 'error' => false on success, true on error
* ?string 'error_message' => null on success, error message else
* array 'call' => array [
* string 'uid' : Uid of the call on the adapter plateform
* string 'start' : Start of the call date format Y-m-d H:i:s,
* ?string 'end' : End of the call date format Y-m-d H:i:s. If no known end, NULL
* string 'origin' : Emitter phone call number. International format.
* ]
* ]
public function inbound_call_callback(): array;
* Method called on reception of a end call notification
* @return array : [
* bool 'error' => false on success, true on error
* ?string 'error_message' => null on success, error message else
* array 'call' => array [
* string 'uid' : Uid of the call on the adapter plateform. Used to find the raspisms local call to update.
* string 'end' : End of the call date format Y-m-d H:i:s.
* ]
* ]
public function end_call_callback(): array;
@ -142,6 +142,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -220,4 +230,14 @@ namespace adapters;
return true;
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -152,6 +152,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -297,6 +307,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return [];
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
* Function to unlock pin.
@ -189,6 +189,16 @@ class OctopushShortcodeAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -407,4 +417,14 @@ class OctopushShortcodeAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return $response;
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -194,6 +194,16 @@ class OctopushVirtualNumberAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -407,4 +417,14 @@ class OctopushVirtualNumberAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return $response;
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -186,6 +186,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -359,4 +369,14 @@ namespace adapters;
return [];
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -197,6 +197,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -358,4 +368,14 @@ namespace adapters;
return [];
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -147,6 +147,16 @@ namespace adapters;
return true;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -272,4 +282,58 @@ namespace adapters;
return [];
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
$response = [
'error' => false,
'error_message' => null,
'call' => [],
$uid = $_POST['uid'] ?? false;
$start = $_POST['start'] ?? false;
$end = $_POST['end'] ?? null;
$origin = $_POST['origin'] ?? false;
if (!$uid || !$start || !$origin)
$response['error'] = true;
$response['error_message'] = 'Missing required argument.';
return $response;
$response['call']['uid'] = $uid;
$response['call']['start'] = $start;
$response['call']['end'] = $end;
$response['call']['origin'] = $origin;
return $response;
public function end_call_callback(): array
$response = [
'error' => false,
'error_message' => null,
'call' => [],
$uid = $_POST['uid'] ?? false;
$end = $_POST['end'] ?? null;
if (!$uid || !$end)
$response['error'] = true;
$response['error_message'] = 'Missing required argument.';
return $response;
$response['call']['uid'] = $uid;
$response['call']['end'] = $end;
return $response;
@ -191,6 +191,16 @@ class TwilioVirtualNumberAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return false;
public static function meta_support_inbound_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public static function meta_support_end_call_callback(): bool
return false;
public function send(string $destination, string $text, bool $flash = false, bool $mms = false, array $medias = []) : array
$response = [
@ -336,4 +346,14 @@ class TwilioVirtualNumberAdapter implements AdapterInterface
return [];
public function inbound_call_callback(): array
return [];
public function end_call_callback(): array
return [];
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace controllers\internals;
protected $model;
* Create a media.
* Create a call.
* @param int $id_user : Id of the user
* @param int $id_phone : Id of the phone that emitted (outbound) or received (inbound) the call
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ namespace controllers\internals;
switch ($direction)
case \models\Call::DIRECTION_OUTBOUND :
null === $destination ?: return false;
if (null === $destination) { return false; }
case \models\Call::DIRECTION_INBOUND :
null === $origin ?: return false;
if (null === $origin) { return false; }
default :
@ -78,4 +78,50 @@ namespace controllers\internals;
return $this->get_model()->insert($call);
* End a call
* @param int $id_user : Id of the user to end call for
* @param int $id_phone : If of the phone to end call for
* @param string $uid : Uid of the call to end
* @param string $end : End date of the call, format Y-m-d H:i:s
* @return bool : False if cannot end phone call, true else
public function end(int $id_user, int $id_phone, string $uid, string $end)
if (!\controllers\internals\Tool::validate_date($end, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'))
return false;
$call = $this->get_model()->get_by_uid_and_phone_for_user($id_user, $id_phone, $uid);
if (!$call)
return false;
if (new \DateTime($end) < new \DateTime($call['start']))
return false;
$datas = [
'end' => $end,
return (bool) $this->get_model()->update_for_user($id_user, $call['id'], $datas);
* Get the model for the Controller.
protected function get_model(): \descartes\Model
$this->model = $this->model ?? new \models\Call($this->bdd);
return $this->model;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use Monolog\Logger;
private $internal_adapter;
private $internal_media;
private $internal_phone;
private $internal_call;
public function __construct()
@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ use Monolog\Logger;
$this->internal_received = new \controllers\internals\Received($bdd);
$this->internal_media = new \controllers\internals\Media($bdd);
$this->internal_adapter = new \controllers\internals\Adapter();
$this->internal_phone = new \controllers\internals\Phone();
$this->internal_phone = new \controllers\internals\Phone($bdd);
$this->internal_call = new \controllers\internals\Call($bdd);
$this->logger = new Logger('Callback ' . uniqid());
@ -283,72 +285,80 @@ use Monolog\Logger;
$response = $phone['adapter']::inbound_call_callback();
if ($response['error'])
$this->logger->error('Callback reception with adapter ' . $adapter_uid . ' failed : ' . $response['error_message']);
$this->logger->error('Callback inbound_call failed : ' . $response['error_message']);
return false;
$sms = $response['sms'];
$mms = !empty($sms['mms']);
$medias = empty($sms['medias']) ? [] : $sms['medias'];
$media_ids = [];
$call = $response['call'];
$result = $this->internal_call->create($this->user['id'], $id_phone, $call['uid'], \models\Call::DIRECTION_INBOUND, $call['start'], $call['end'] ?? null, $call['origin']);
//We create medias to link to the sms
if ($mms)
if (!$result)
foreach ($medias as $media)
$media['mimetype'] = empty($media['mimetype']) ? mime_content_type($media['filepath']) : $media['mimetype'];
$this->logger->error('Callback inbound_call failed because cannot create call ' . json_encode($call));
$mimey = new \Mimey\MimeTypes;
$extension = empty($media['extension']) ? $mimey->getExtension($media['mimetype']) : $media['extension'];
$new_filename = \controllers\internals\Tool::random_uuid() . '.' . $extension;
$new_filedir = PWD_DATA . '/medias/' . $this->user['id'];
$new_filerelpath = 'medias/' . $this->user['id'] . '/' . $new_filename;
$new_filepath = $new_filedir . '/' . $new_filename;
//Create user dir if not exists
if (!file_exists($new_filedir))
if (!mkdir($new_filedir, fileperms(PWD_DATA), true))
throw new \Exception('Cannot create dir ' . $new_filedir . ' to copy media : ' . json_encode($media));
return false;
if (!rename($media['filepath'], $new_filepath))
throw new \Exception('Cannot copy media : ' . json_encode($media) . ' to ' . $new_filepath);
$this->logger->info('Callback inbound_call successfully received inbound call : ' . json_encode($call));
return true;
$new_media_id = $this->internal_media->create($this->user['id'], $new_filerelpath);
if (!$new_media_id)
* Function call on end call notification
* We return nothing, and we let the adapter do his things.
* @param int $id_phone : Phone id
* @return bool : true on success, false on error
public function end_call(int $id_phone)
throw new \Exception('Cannot save into db media : ' . json_encode($media));
$this->logger->info('Callback end call with phone : ' . $id_phone);
$phone = $this->internal_phone->get_for_user($this->user['id'], $id_phone);
if (!$phone)
$this->logger->error('Callback end call use non existing phone : ' . $id_phone);
return false;
$media_ids[] = $new_media_id;
catch (\Throwable $t)
if (!class_exists($phone['adapter']))
$this->logger->error('Callback end call use non existing adapter : ' . $phone['adapter']);
return false;
$response = $this->internal_received->receive($this->user['id'], $id_phone, $sms['text'], $sms['origin'], $sms['at'], \models\Received::STATUS_UNREAD, $mms, $media_ids);
if (!$phone['adapter']::meta_support_end_call_callback())
$this->logger->error('Callback end call use adapter ' . $phone['adapter'] . ' which does not support end call callback.');
return false;
$response = $phone['adapter']::end_call_callback();
if ($response['error'])
$this->logger->error('Failed receive message : ' . json_encode($sms) . ' with error : ' . $response['error_message']);
$this->logger->error('Callback end call failed : ' . $response['error_message']);
return false;
$this->logger->info('Callback reception successfully received message : ' . json_encode($sms));
$call = $response['call'];
$result = $this->internal_call->end($this->user['id'], $id_phone, $call['uid'], $call['end']);
if (!$result)
$this->logger->error('Callback end call failed because cannot update call ' . json_encode($call));
return false;
$this->logger->info('Callback end call successfully update call : ' . json_encode($call));
return true;
@ -19,6 +19,26 @@ namespace models;
const DIRECTION_INBOUND = 'inbound';
const DIRECTION_OUTBOUND = 'outbound';
* Get a call for a user by his phone and uid
* @param int $id_user : user id
* @param int $id_phone : phone id
* @param int $uid : call uid
* @return array : the call or an empty array
public function get_by_uid_and_phone_for_user($id_user, $id_phone, $uid)
$where = [
'id_user' => $id_user,
'id_phone' => $id_phone,
'uid' => $uid,
return $this->_select_one($this->get_table_name(), $where);
* Return table name.
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ namespace models;
* @return int : number of modified rows
public function update_for_user(int $id_user, int $id, array $entry)
public function update_for_user(int $id_user, int $id, array $data)
return $this->_update($this->get_table_name(), $entry, ['id_user' => $id_user, 'id' => $id]);
return $this->_update($this->get_table_name(), $data, ['id_user' => $id_user, 'id' => $id]);
Reference in New Issue