2019-10-29 14:57:13 +01:00
< ? php
2019-10-29 18:33:30 +01:00
namespace descartes ;
2019-10-29 14:57:13 +01:00
* Cette classe gère l ' appel des ressources
class Router
* Generate an url for a page of the app
* @ param string $controller : Name of controller we want url for
* @ param string $method : Name of method we want url for
* @ param array $params : Parameters we want to transmit to controller method
* @ param array $get_params : Get parameters we want to add to url
* @ return string : the generated url
public static function url ( string $controller , string $method , array $params = [], array $get_params = []) : string
$url = HTTP_PWD ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $controller , ROUTES ))
2019-10-29 18:33:30 +01:00
throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterUrlGenerationError ( 'Try to generate url for controller ' . $controller . ' that did not exist.' );
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if ( ! array_key_exists ( $method , ROUTES [ $controller ]))
2019-10-29 18:33:30 +01:00
throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterUrlGenerationError ( 'Try to generate url for method ' . $controller . '::' . $method . ' that did not exist.' );
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$get_params = http_build_query ( $get_params );
$routes = ROUTES [ $controller ][ $method ];
if ( ! is_array ( $routes ))
$routes = [ $routes ];
foreach ( $routes as $route )
foreach ( $params as $name => $value )
$find_flag = mb_strpos ( $route , '{' . $name . '}' );
if ( $find_flag === false )
continue 2 ;
$route = str_replace ( '{' . $name . '}' , $value , $route );
$remain_flag = mb_strpos ( $route , '{' );
if ( $remain_flag )
continue ;
return $url . $route . ( $get_params ? '?' . $get_params : '' );
2019-10-29 18:33:30 +01:00
throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterUrlGenerationError ( 'Cannot find any route for ' . $controller . '::' . $method . ' with parameters ' . print_r ( $params , true ));
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* Clean url to remove anything before app root , and ancre , and parameters
* @ param string $url : url to clean
* @ return string : cleaned url
protected static function clean_url ( string $url )
$to_remove = parse_url ( HTTP_PWD , PHP_URL_PATH );
$url = mb_strcut ( $url , mb_strlen ( $to_remove ));
$url = parse_url ( $url , PHP_URL_PATH );
return $url ;
* Find controller and method to call for an url
* @ param array $routes : Routes of the app
* @ param string $url : url to find route for
* @ return array | bool : An array , [ 'controller' => name of controller to call , 'method' => name of method to call , 'route' => 'route matching the url' , 'route_regex' => 'the regex to extract data from url' ], false on error
protected static function map_url ( array $routes , string $url )
foreach ( $routes as $controller => $controller_routes )
foreach ( $controller_routes as $method => $method_routes )
if ( ! is_array ( $method_routes ))
$method_routes = [ $method_routes ];
foreach ( $method_routes as $route )
$route_regex = preg_replace ( '#\\\{(.+)\\\}#iU' , '([^/]+)' , preg_quote ( $route , '#' ));
$route_regex = preg_replace ( '#/$#' , '/?' , $route_regex );
$match = preg_match ( '#^' . $route_regex . '$#U' , $url );
if ( ! $match )
continue ;
return [
'controller' => $controller ,
'method' => $method ,
'route' => $route ,
'route_regex' => $route_regex ,
return false ;
* Get data from url and map it with route flags
* @ param string $url : A clean url to extract data from ( see clean_url )
* @ param string $route : Route we must extract flag from
* @ param string $route_regex : Regex to extract data from url
* @ return array : An array with flagname and values , flag => value
protected static function map_params_from_url ( string $url , string $route , string $route_regex )
$flags = [];
preg_match_all ( '#\\\{(.+)\\\}#iU' , preg_quote ( $route , '#' ), $flags );
$flags = $flags [ 1 ];
$values = [];
if ( ! preg_match ( '#^' . $route_regex . '$#U' , $url , $values ))
return false ;
unset ( $values [ 0 ]);
$values = array_map ( 'rawurldecode' , $values );
//On retourne les valeurs associées aux flags
return array_combine ( $flags , $values );
* Compute a controller name to return is real path with namespace
* @ param string $controller : The controller name
* @ return string | bool : False if controller does not exist , controller name with namespace else
protected static function compute_controller ( string $controller )
$controller = str_replace ( '/' , '\\' , PWD_CONTROLLER . '/publics/' ) . $controller ;
$controller = mb_strcut ( $controller , mb_strlen ( PWD ));
if ( ! class_exists ( $controller ))
return false ;
return $controller ;
* Compute a method to find his real name and check its available
* @ param string $controller : Full namespace of controller to call
* @ param string $method : The method to call
* @ return string | bool : False if method unavaible , its realname else
protected static function compute_method ( string $controller , string $method )
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if ( is_subclass_of ( $controller , 'descartes\ApiController' ))
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//On va choisir le type à employer
$http_method = $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ];
switch ( mb_convert_case ( $http_method , MB_CASE_LOWER ))
case 'delete' :
$prefix_method = 'delete_' ;
break ;
case 'patch' :
$prefix_method = 'patch_' ;
break ;
case 'post' :
$prefix_method = 'post_' ;
break ;
case ' put ' :
$prefix_method = 'put_' ;
break ;
default :
$prefix_method = 'get_' ;
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//If we dont match prefix with request method, return error
if ( mb_substr ( $method , 0 , mb_strlen ( $prefix_method )) != $prefix_method )
return false ;
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if ( ! method_exists ( $controller , $method ))
return false ;
if ( ! is_callable ( $controller , $method ))
return false ;
return $method ;
* Type , order and check params we must pass to method
* @ param string $controller : Full namespace of controller
* @ param string $method : Name of method
* @ param array $params : Parameters to compute , format name => value
* @ return array : Array [ 'success' => false , 'message' => error message ] on error , and [ 'success' => true , 'method_arguments' => array of method arguments key => val ] on success
protected static function compute_params ( string $controller , string $method , array $params ) : array
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$reflection = new \ReflectionMethod ( $controller , $method );
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$method_arguments = [];
foreach ( $reflection -> getParameters () as $parameter )
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $parameter -> getName (), $params ) && ! $parameter -> isDefaultValueAvailable ())
return [ 'success' => false , 'message' => 'Try to call ' . $controller . '::' . $method . ' but ' . $parameter -> getName () . ' is missing.' ];
if ( $parameter -> isDefaultValueAvailable ())
$method_arguments [ $parameter -> getName ()] = $parameter -> getDefaultValue ();
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $parameter -> getName (), $params ))
continue ;
$type = $parameter -> getType ();
$type = $type ? ? false ;
if ( $type )
switch ( $type )
case 'bool' :
$params [ $parameter -> getName ()] = ( bool ) $params [ $parameter -> getName ()];
break ;
case 'int' :
$params [ $parameter -> getName ()] = ( int ) $params [ $parameter -> getName ()];
break ;
case 'float' :
$params [ $parameter -> getName ()] = ( float ) $params [ $parameter -> getName ()];
break ;
case 'string' :
$params [ $parameter -> getName ()] = ( string ) $params [ $parameter -> getName ()];
break ;
default :
return [ 'success' => false , 'message' => 'Method ' . $controller . '::' . $method . ' use an invalid type for param ' . $parameter -> getName () . '. Only bool, int float and string are supported.' ];
break ;
$method_arguments [ $parameter -> getName ()] = $params [ $parameter -> getName ()];
return [ 'success' => true , 'method_arguments' => $method_arguments ];
* Throw a 404 exception
public static function error_404 () : void
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throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesException404 ();
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* Route a query
* @ param array $routes : Routes of app
* @ param string $url : Url call
* @ param mixed $args : Args we want to pass to Controller constructor
public static function route ( array $routes , string $url , ... $args ) : void
$url = static :: clean_url ( $url );
$computed_url = static :: map_url ( $routes , $url );
if ( ! $computed_url )
static :: error_404 ();
$params = static :: map_params_from_url ( $url , $computed_url [ 'route' ], $computed_url [ 'route_regex' ]);
$controller = static :: compute_controller ( $computed_url [ 'controller' ]);
if ( ! $controller )
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throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterInvocationError ( 'Try to call controller ' . $computed_url [ 'controller' ] . ' that did not exists.' );
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$method = static :: compute_method ( $controller , $computed_url [ 'method' ]);
if ( ! $method )
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throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterInvocationError ( 'Try to call the method ' . $computed_url [ 'method' ] . ' that did not exists from controller ' . $controller . '.' );
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$compute_params_result = static :: compute_params ( $controller , $method , $params );
if ( ! $compute_params_result [ 'success' ])
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throw new \descartes\exceptions\DescartesExceptionRouterInvocationError ( $compute_params_result [ 'message' ]);
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$method_arguments = $compute_params_result [ 'method_arguments' ];
$controller = new $controller ( ... $args );
call_user_func_array ([ $controller , $method ], $method_arguments );