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== Piston API == [ Piston ]
When we speak of piston, what we actually talk about is the Piston API.
This API provides unrestricted, unlimited access to managing piston and
thus shouldn't be publicly exposed. This API is comparable to one of the
docker engine, where everything regarding control of docker goes directly
through the api.
The API is responsible for managing the execution lifecycle of any given
job, as well as managing the different languages which it can execute a
job in.
== Job Execution ==
Piston v3 exposes an endpoint per package `/execute`, which when called takes
in both a string of code, and an array of arguments to pass into the program
as well as data to write to STDIN. The stdout and stderr from the process are
then both returned seperately, along with the error code returned.
All of this is has no rate-limiting built in making it lightning fast as a call
will directly start the runner process and get under way instantly.
The 2 stages of this process - compile and run are both run in sequence, with
different timeouts configurable in the runners config file located in the
data directory.
Requests to this endpoint can have caching enabled at 3 different levels.
The first option is to have no caching, which is the default for all
interpreted language. The second option is for the compiled binaries to be
cached, which is the default for all compiled languages. The final option is
for output to be cached, which isn't used by default but can be enabled per
package or per request. This is done for the reason that code may choose to
source data from /dev/(u)random or similar sources and as such may not be as
reliable when their outputs are cached. Caching is per package and is used as
an acceleration method to help boost performance of Piston. Cache entries are
automatically purged after the set time, or can be manually purged through the
API on a per package basis.
== Package Manager ==
Piston v3 has an inbuilt package manager which is responsible for
(un)installing different packages. Piston v3 by default has access to a single
offical repository hosting various versions of various common languages. These
packages and repositories conform to the specifications set out in ppman.txt
The Piston API service downloads the repository index whenever a `/packages`
request is issued to a repository with the `sync` flag is set. This will cause
the service to download the latest repostiory index off the mirror.
In piston there is no concept of a package being "outdated" as each package is
a specific version of a language, and different languages can be installed in
paralleland function without any issues. Each package should be considered the
final version of that language. If there is a new version of a language
available (i.e. Python 3.9.1 -> 3.9.2), a new package should be created for
Invidual languages can be queried from the repo using the
`/repos/{repo}/packages/{package}/{package-version}` endpoint. This endpoint
allows for the metadata of the package to be accessed, such as the author,
size, checksums, dependencies, build file git url and download url.
To install packages, a request to `/install` can be made to the package
endpoint and it will download and install it, making it available on the
`/packages/{package}/{version}` endpoint.
There is a meta-repository name `all` which can be used to access all
Internally the install process involved downloading and unpacking the package,
ensuring any dependencies are also downloaded and installed, mounting the
squashfs filesystem to a folder, then overlaying it with all its dependencies
in another folder.