
68 lines
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{pkgs, piston, ...}:
# Put your package here, preferibly from nixpkgs.
pkg = pkgs.%RUNTIME%; # this may be incorrect - it is guessed
in piston.mkRuntime {
# Name of the language implemented by this runtime
language = "%LANGUAGE%";
# The version of the language
# Usually this is specified on the package
version = pkg.version;
# Name of the runtime
# This line should be kept if the runtime differs from the language
runtime = "%RUNTIME%";
aliases = [
# Put extensions in here, and other common names
# Example:
# "js"
# "node-javascript"
# This is the lines of a shell script to compile source code.
# Arguments passed to this script are all the provided source files
# The CWD of this script is a temp directory for a job
# If the language only supports JIT compiling, simply remove this line
# See ./python3.nix and ./node-javascript.nix for examples
# No shebang needs to be added to this - that is done automatically.
compile = ''
${pkg}/bin/%RUNTIME% --compile "$@"
# This is the lines of a shell script to evaluate a file at $1
# The remaining arguments are the arguments to launch the application with
# The CWD of this script is a temp directory for a job
# If the compile stage is used, $1 still contains the name of the source file.
# It is up to your script to determine the filename of the emitted binary
# No shebang needs to be added to this - that is done automatically.
run = ''
${pkg}/bin/%RUNTIME% "$@"
# Specify a list of tests.
# These should output "OK" to STDOUT if everything looks good
# Run the following command to test the package:
# $ ./piston test %NAME%
tests = [
(piston.mkTest {
files = {
"test.js" = ''
args = [];
stdin = "";
packages = [];
main = "test.js";