#!/usr/bin/env bash EXECUTION_PATH="$PWD" PISTON_PATH="$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" cd "$PISTON_PATH" PISTON_ENV=$(cat .piston_env 2> /dev/null || echo dev) docker_compose(){ if [ -f "docker-compose.$PISTON_ENV.yaml" ]; then docker-compose -f "docker-compose.$PISTON_ENV.yaml" "$@" else docker-compose "$@" fi } init_precommit() { if [ $PISTON_ENV == "dev" ]; then rm -f .git/hooks/pre-commit ln -s "$PISTON_PATH/pre-commit" "$PISTON_PATH/.git/hooks/pre-commit" fi } case $1 in help) echo "=== Piston Management ===" echo "Current Environment: $PISTON_ENV" echo echo "Commands:" echo " select Select the environment" echo " docker_compose Interact directly with the docker-compose for the selected environment" echo " logs Show docker-compose logs" echo echo " start Starts piston" echo " stop Stops piston" echo " restart Restarts piston" echo " bash Opens a bash shell for the piston_api container" echo echo " update Fetches and applies latest updates" echo echo " Passthrough to piston cli tool" echo echo "Development Commands:" if [ "$PISTON_ENV" == dev ]; then echo " clean-pkgs Clean any package build artifacts on disk" echo " clean-repo Remove all packages from local repo" echo " list-pkgs Lists all packages that can be built" echo " build-pkg [builder] Build a package [with desired builder image]" echo " rebuild Build and restart the docker container" echo " lint Lint the codebase using prettier" else echo " Switch to developement environment for more info" echo " > piston select dev" fi ;; select) echo "$2" > .piston_env ;; docker_compose) shift; docker_compose "$@";; logs) docker_compose logs -f ;; restart) docker_compose restart ;; start) init_precommit docker_compose up -d ;; stop) docker_compose down ;; bash) docker_compose exec api /bin/bash ;; rebuild) init_precommit docker_compose build && docker_compose up -d ;; update) git pull cd cli && npm i > /dev/null && cd - docker_compose pull docker_compose up -d ;; clean-pkgs) git clean -fqXd packages ;; clean-repo) git clean -fqXd repo ;; list-pkgs) find packages -depth 2 | awk -F/ '$2 && $3{ print $2 "-" $3 }' | column ;; build-pkg) PKGSLUG="$2-$3" BUILDER="${4:-piston-repo-builder}" echo "Building $PKGSLUG" echo "Ensuring latest builder image" docker build repo -t "$BUILDER" docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/piston" "$BUILDER" --no-server "$PKGSLUG" ;; lint) npm install npx prettier --ignore-unknown --write . ;; *) [ -d ./cli/node_modules ] || npm i > /dev/null cd "$EXECUTION_PATH" node "${PISTON_PATH}/cli/index.js" "$@" ;; esac