const logger = require('logplease').create('package'); const semver = require('semver'); const config = require('./config'); const globals = require('./globals'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs/promises'); const fss = require('fs'); const cp = require('child_process'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const runtime = require('./runtime'); class Package { constructor({ language, version, download, checksum }){ this.language = language; this.version = semver.parse(version); this.checksum = checksum; = download; } get installed() { return fss.exists_sync(path.join(this.install_path, globals.pkg_installed_file)); } get install_path() { return path.join( config.data_directory, globals.data_directories.packages, this.language, this.version.raw ); } async install() { if (this.installed) { throw new Error('Already installed'); }`Installing ${this.language}-${this.version.raw}`); if (fss.exists_sync(this.install_path)) { logger.warn(`${this.language}-${this.version.raw} has residual files. Removing them.`); await fs.rm(this.install_path, { recursive: true, force: true }); } logger.debug(`Making directory ${this.install_path}`); await fs.mkdir(this.install_path, {recursive: true}); logger.debug(`Downloading package from ${} in to ${this.install_path}`); const pkgpath = path.join(this.install_path, 'pkg.tar.gz'); const download = await fetch(; const file_stream = fss.create_write_stream(pkgpath); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { download.body.pipe(file_stream); download.body.on('error', reject); file_stream.on('finish', resolve); }); logger.debug('Validating checksums'); logger.debug(`Assert sha256(pkg.tar.gz) == ${this.checksum}`); const cs = crypto.create_hash("sha256") .update(fss.readFileSync(pkgpath)) .digest('hex'); if (cs !== this.checksum) { throw new Error(`Checksum miss-match want: ${val} got: ${cs}`); } logger.debug(`Extracting package files from archive ${pkgpath} in to ${this.install_path}`); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const proc = cp.exec(`bash -c 'cd "${this.install_path}" && tar xzf ${pkgpath}'`); proc.once('exit', (code, _) => { code === 0 ? resolve() : reject(); }); proc.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); proc.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); proc.once('error', reject); }); logger.debug('Registering runtime'); runtime.load_package(this.install_path); logger.debug('Caching environment'); const get_env_command = `cd ${this.install_path}; source environment; env`; const envout = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let stdout = ''; const proc = cp .spawn( 'env', ['-i','bash','-c',`${get_env_command}`], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'] } ); proc.once('exit', (code, _) => { code === 0 ? resolve(stdout) : reject(); }); proc.stdout.on('data', data => { stdout += data; }); proc.once('error', reject); }); const filtered_env = envout .split('\n') .filter(l => !['PWD','OLDPWD','_', 'SHLVL'].includes(l.split('=',2)[0])) .join('\n'); await fs.write_file(path.join(this.install_path, '.env'), filtered_env); logger.debug('Writing installed state to disk'); await fs.write_file(path.join(this.install_path, globals.pkg_installed_file),;`Installed ${this.language}-${this.version.raw}`); return { language: this.language, version: this.version.raw }; } async uninstall(){`Uninstalling ${this.language}-${this.version.raw}`); logger.debug("Finding runtime") const found_runtime = runtime.get_runtime_by_name_and_version(this.language, this.version.raw); if(!found_runtime){ logger.error(`Uninstalling ${this.language}-${this.version.raw} failed: Not installed`) throw new Error(`${this.language}-${this.version.raw} is not installed`) } logger.debug("Unregistering runtime") found_runtime.unregister(); logger.debug("Cleaning files from disk") await fs.rmdir(this.install_path, {recursive: true})`Uninstalled ${this.language}-${this.version.raw}`) return { language: this.language, version: this.version.raw }; } static async get_package_list() { const repo_content = await fetch(config.repo_url).then(x => x.text()); const entries = repo_content .split('\n') .filter(x => x.length > 0); return => { const [ language, version, checksum, download ] = line.split(',', 4); return new Package({ language, version, checksum, download }); }); } static async get_package (lang, version) { const packages = await Package.get_package_list(); const candidates = packages .filter(pkg => { return pkg.language == lang && semver.satisfies(pkg.version, version) }); candidates.sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a.version, b.version)); return candidates[0] || null; } } module.exports = Package;