const chalk = require('chalk'); const fs = require('fs/promises'); const minimatch = require("minimatch"); const semver = require('semver'); exports.command = ['spec ']; exports.aliases = ['s']; exports.describe = 'Install the packages described in the spec file, uninstalling packages which aren\'t in the list' function does_match(package, rule){ const nameMatch = minimatch(package.language, rule.package_selector); const versionMatch = semver.satisfies(package.language_version, rule.version_selector) return nameMatch && versionMatch; } exports.handler = async ({axios, specfile}) => { const spec_contents = await fs.readFile(specfile); const spec_lines = spec_contents.toString().split("\n"); const rules = []; for(const line of spec_lines){ const rule = { _raw: line.trim(), comment: false, package_selector: null, version_selector: null, negate: false }; if(line.starts_with("#")){ rule.comment = true; }else { let l = line.trim(); if(line.starts_with("!")){ rule.negate = true; l = line.slice(1).trim(); } const [pkg, ver] = l.split(" ", 2); rule.package_selector = pkg; rule.version_selector = ver; } if(rule._raw.length != 0) rules.push(rule); } const packages_req = await axios.get('/api/v2/packages'); const packages =; const installed = packages.filter(pkg => pkg.installed); const ensure_packages = []; for(const rule of rules){ if(rule.comment) continue; const matches = []; if(!rule.negate){ for(const package of packages){ if(does_match(package, rule)) matches.push(package) } const latest_matches = matches.filter( pkg => { const versions = matches .filter(x=>x.language == pkg.language) .map(x=>x.language_version).sort(semver.rcompare); return versions[0] == pkg.language_version } ); for(const match of latest_matches){ if(!ensure_packages.find(pkg => pkg.language == match.language && pkg.language_version == match.language_version)) ensure_packages.push(match) } }else{ for(const package of ensure_packages){ if(does_match(package, rule)) ensure_packages.splice(ensure_packages.indexOf(package)) } } } const operations = []; for(const package of ensure_packages){ if(!package.installed) operations.push({ type: "install", package: package.language, version: package.language_version }); } for(const installed_package of installed){ if(!ensure_packages.find( pkg => pkg.language == installed_package.language && pkg.language_version == installed_package.language_version )) operations.push({ type: "uninstall", package: installed_package.language, version: installed_package.language_version }) } console.log(chalk.bold.yellow("Actions")) for(const op of operations){ console.log((op.type == "install" ?"Install") :"Uninstall")) + ` ${op.package} ${op.version}`) } if(operations.length == 0){ console.log(chalk.gray("None")) } for(const op of operations){ if(op.type == "install"){ try{ const install = await`/api/v2/packages`, { language: op.package, version: op.version }); if(! throw new Error(; // Go to exception handler console.log("Installed"), op.package, op.version) }catch(e){ console.log("Failed to install") + ` ${op.package} ${op.version}:`, e.message) } } else if(op.type == "uninstall"){ try{ const install = await axios.delete(`/api/v2/packages`, { data: { language: op.package, version: op.version } }); if(! throw new Error(; // Go to exception handler console.log("Uninstalled"), op.package, op.version) }catch(e){ console.log("Failed to uninstall") + ` ${op.package} ${op.version}:`, e.message) } } } }