const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const WebSocket = require('ws'); const SIGNALS = ["SIGABRT","SIGALRM","SIGBUS","SIGCHLD","SIGCLD","SIGCONT","SIGEMT","SIGFPE","SIGHUP","SIGILL","SIGINFO","SIGINT","SIGIO","SIGIOT","SIGLOST","SIGPIPE","SIGPOLL","SIGPROF","SIGPWR","SIGQUIT","SIGSEGV","SIGSTKFLT","SIGTSTP","SIGSYS","SIGTERM","SIGTRAP","SIGTTIN","SIGTTOU","SIGUNUSED","SIGURG","SIGUSR1","SIGUSR2","SIGVTALRM","SIGXCPU","SIGXFSZ","SIGWINCH"] exports.command = ['execute [args..]']; exports.aliases = ['run']; exports.describe = 'Executes file with the specified runner'; exports.builder = { language_version: { string: true, desc: 'Set the version of the language to use', alias: ['l'], default: '*' }, stdin: { boolean: true, desc: 'Read input from stdin and pass to executor', alias: ['i'] }, run_timeout: { alias: ['rt', 'r'], number: true, desc: 'Milliseconds before killing run process', default: 3000 }, compile_timeout: { alias: ['ct', 'c'], number: true, desc: 'Milliseconds before killing compile process', default: 10000, }, files: { alias: ['f'], array: true, desc: 'Additional files to add', }, interactive: { boolean: true, alias: ['t'], desc: 'Run interactively using WebSocket transport' }, status: { boolean: true, alias: ['s'], desc: 'Output additional status to stderr' } }; async function handle_interactive(files, argv){ const ws = new WebSocket(argv.pistonUrl.replace("http", "ws") + "/api/v2/connect") const log_message = (process.stderr.isTTY && argv.status) ? console.error : ()=>{}; process.on("exit", ()=>{ ws.close(); process.stdin.end(); process.stdin.destroy(); process.exit(); }) for(const signal of SIGNALS){ process.on(signal, ()=>{ ws.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'signal', signal})) }) } ws.on('open', ()=>{ const request = { type: "init", language: argv.language, version: argv['language_version'], files: files, args: argv.args, compile_timeout: argv.ct, run_timeout: argv.rt } ws.send(JSON.stringify(request)) log_message(chalk.white.bold("Connected")) process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.on("data", (data) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "data", stream: "stdin", data: data.toString() })) }) }) ws.on("close", (code, reason)=>{ log_message( chalk.white.bold("Disconnected: "), chalk.white.bold("Reason: "), chalk.yellow(`"${reason}"`), chalk.white.bold("Code: "), chalk.yellow(`"${code}"`), ) process.stdin.pause() }) ws.on('message', function(data){ const msg = JSON.parse(data); switch(msg.type){ case "runtime": log_message(chalk.bold.white("Runtime:"), chalk.yellow(`${msg.language} ${msg.version}`)) break; case "stage": log_message(chalk.bold.white("Stage:"), chalk.yellow(msg.stage)) break; case "data": if( == "stdout") process.stdout.write( else if( == "stderr") process.stderr.write( else log_message(`(${}) `), break; case "exit": if(msg.signal === null) log_message( chalk.white.bold("Stage"), chalk.yellow(msg.stage), chalk.white.bold("exited with code"), chalk.yellow(msg.code) ) else log_message( chalk.white.bold("Stage"), chalk.yellow(msg.stage), chalk.white.bold("exited with signal"), chalk.yellow(msg.signal) ) break; default: log_message("Unknown message:"), msg) } }) } async function run_non_interactively(files, argv) { const stdin = (argv.stdin && await new Promise((resolve, _) => { let data = ''; process.stdin.on('data', d => data += d); process.stdin.on('end', _ => resolve(data)); })) || ''; const request = { language: argv.language, version: argv['language_version'], files: files, args: argv.args, stdin, compile_timeout: argv.ct, run_timeout: argv.rt }; let { data: response } = await'/api/v2/execute', request); const step = (name, ctx) => { console.log(chalk.bold(`== ${name} ==`)); if (ctx.stdout) { console.log(chalk.bold(`STDOUT`)) console.log(ctx.stdout.replace(/\n/g,'\n ')) } if (ctx.stderr) { console.log(chalk.bold(`STDERR`)) console.log(ctx.stderr.replace(/\n/g,'\n ')) } if (ctx.code) { console.log( chalk.bold(`Exit Code:`), chalk.bold[ctx.code > 0 ? 'red' : 'green'](ctx.code) ); } if (ctx.signal) { console.log( chalk.bold(`Signal:`), chalk.bold.yellow(ctx.signal) ); } } if (response.compile) { step('Compile', response.compile); } step('Run',; } exports.handler = async (argv) => { const files = [...(argv.files || []),argv.file] .map(file_path => { return { name: path.basename(file_path), content: fs.readFileSync(file_path).toString() }; }); if(argv.interactive) await handle_interactive(files, argv); else await run_non_interactively(files, argv); }