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# install
2018-10-22 23:53:55 +02:00
yum install lxc lxc-templates debootstrap libvirt
# create container
lxc-create -t download -n piston
select ubuntu, bionic, amd64
# start container
lxc-start -n piston -d
# shell in and install stuff
lxc-attach -n piston
export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
sed -i 's/http:\/\/archive.ubuntu.com\/ubuntu/http:\/\/mirror.math.princeton.edu\/pub\/ubuntu/' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
2018-10-31 04:51:00 +01:00
apt-get -y install ubuntu-make
apt-get -y install git tzdata nano dpkg-dev build-essential python python3 ruby nodejs golang php7.2 r-base mono-complete nasm openjdk-8-jdk
umake swift
2018-11-02 01:44:25 +01:00
set dir to /opt
ln -s /opt/swift/usr/bin/swift /usr/bin/swift
2018-10-31 04:51:00 +01:00
2018-10-24 07:34:33 +02:00
# create users and apply limits
for i in {1..150}; do
#userdel runner$i
useradd -M runner$i
usermod -d /tmp runner$i
echo "runner$i soft nproc 64" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "runner$i hard nproc 64" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "runner$i soft nofile 2048" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "runner$i hard nofile 2048" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
# remove home dir
rm -rf /home/ubuntu
# set tmp
chmod 755 /tmp