
243 lines
5.9 KiB

import datetime
import json
import re
import yaml
from django import template
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.humanize.templatetags.humanize import naturalday, naturaltime
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from markdown import markdown
from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension
from netbox.config import get_config
from utilities.html import clean_html, foreground_color
from utilities.markdown import StrikethroughExtension
from utilities.string import title
__all__ = (
register = template.Library()
# General
def linkify(instance, attr=None):
Render a hyperlink for an object with a `get_absolute_url()` method, optionally specifying the name of an
attribute to use for the link text. If no attribute is given, the object's string representation will be
If the object has no `get_absolute_url()` method, return the text without a hyperlink element.
if instance is None:
return ''
text = getattr(instance, attr) if attr is not None else str(instance)
url = instance.get_absolute_url()
return mark_safe(f'<a href="{url}">{escape(text)}</a>')
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return text
def bettertitle(value):
Alternative to the builtin title(). Ensures that the first letter of each word is uppercase but retains the
original case of all others.
return title(value)
def fgcolor(value, dark='000000', light='ffffff'):
Return black (#000000) or white (#ffffff) given an arbitrary background color in RRGGBB format. The foreground
color with the better contrast is returned.
value: The background color
dark: The foreground color to use for light backgrounds
light: The foreground color to use for dark backgrounds
value = value.lower().strip('#')
if not re.match('^[0-9a-f]{6}$', value):
return ''
return f'#{foreground_color(value, dark, light)}'
def meta(model, attr):
Return the specified Meta attribute of a model. This is needed because Django does not permit templates
to access attributes which begin with an underscore (e.g. _meta).
model: A Django model class or instance
attr: The attribute name
return getattr(model._meta, attr, '')
def placeholder(value):
Render a muted placeholder if the value equates to False.
if value not in ('', None):
return value
return mark_safe('<span class="text-muted">&mdash;</span>')
def split(value, separator=','):
Wrapper for Python's `split()` string method.
value: A string
separator: String on which the value will be split
return value.split(separator)
def tzoffset(value):
Returns the hour offset of a given time zone using the current time.
# Content types
def content_type(model):
Return the ContentType for the given object.
return ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
def content_type_id(model):
Return the ContentType ID for the given object.
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(model)
if content_type:
return None
# Rendering
@register.filter('markdown', is_safe=True)
def render_markdown(value):
Render a string as Markdown. This filter is invoked as "markdown":
{{ md_source_text|markdown }}
if not value:
return ''
# Render Markdown
html = markdown(value, extensions=[
# If the string is not empty wrap it in rendered-markdown to style tables
if html:
html = f'<div class="rendered-markdown">{html}</div>'
schemes = get_config().ALLOWED_URL_SCHEMES
# Sanitize HTML
html = clean_html(html, schemes)
return mark_safe(html)
def render_json(value):
Render a dictionary as formatted JSON. This filter is invoked as "json":
{{ data_dict|json }}
return json.dumps(value, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
def render_yaml(value):
Render a dictionary as formatted YAML. This filter is invoked as "yaml":
{{ data_dict|yaml }}
return yaml.dump(json.loads(json.dumps(value)))
# Time & date
def isodate(value):
if type(value) is
text = value.isoformat()
return mark_safe(f'<span title="{naturalday(value)}">{text}</span>')
elif type(value) is datetime.datetime:
text =
return mark_safe(f'<span title="{naturaltime(value)}">{text}</span>')
return ''
def isotime(value, spec='seconds'):
if type(value) is datetime.time:
return value.isoformat(timespec=spec)
if type(value) is datetime.datetime:
return value.time().isoformat(timespec=spec)
return ''
def isodatetime(value, spec='seconds'):
if type(value) is datetime.datetime:
text = f'{isodate(value)} {isotime(value, spec=spec)}'
return ''
return mark_safe(f'<span title="{naturaltime(value)}">{text}</span>')